# 语言包文件只能以utf-8编码格式保存 # 登录页 用户登录 = User Login 扫码登录 = QR Code Login 记住密码 = Remember me 账号密码登录 = Account pwd login 扫码登录更便捷 = Login by QR code 用户名 = Username 密码 = Password 登录 = Login 中文 = CHS 数据库连接 = DB Link 注册 = Register 找回密码 = Forgot Password 登录中... = Please wait... 登录中 = Please wait... 登录确认 = Login confirmation 提示 = Tips 注:有可能是您上次没有正式退出 = Note: It seems that you didn't logout properly last time 打开手机二维码扫一扫登录 = Scan and Log in 您所登录的账号已经在线,您确认替代登录吗? = This account has already logged in. Are you sure you want to re-login again? 注:如需登录不同账号,请先注销原有登录账号 = Note: Please logout the previous account before logging in a different account 键盘大写锁定已开启 = Caps lock on 产品编号: = Product No.: 注册向导 = The registration wizard 请输入密码!= Please enter your password! 您的账号在其他地方登录,请重新登录!= Your account has logged in on other device! 密码不能为汉字!请重输! = The password cannot be Chinese characters! 登录成功 = Login successful! 登录中... = Please wait... # 数据库连接 指定以下设置以连接到SQL = SQL connection setting 数据库服务器: = Database server 连接方式: = Connection SQL Server身份验证: = SQL Server authentication Windows身份验证: = Windows authentication 数据库名称: = Database name 用户名: = Username: 密码: = Password: 自定义数据库连接字符串 = User-defined DB connection 忘记密码 = Forgot Pwd 请输入您的用户名 = Username 邮箱 = Email 请输入您的邮箱 = Email 警告!邮箱和用户名不能为空。= Warning! The Email and Username are required! 警告!邮箱格式不合法。= Warning! Invalid email format! 警告!= Warning! #注册向导 以下将进行软件使用许可注册向导 = We will start a software license registration wizard in below. 如果您还不是合法用户,请使用本向导注册成为正式或试用用户。= You can get a license by this wizard. 如果您已经获得注册信息,请选择“输入注册信息”项。= If you have already got a license, please choose "Enter registration information" option. 注册方式: = Method: 软注册 = Soft registration 加密狗注册 = Dongle registration 开始注册向导 = Start 输入注册信息 = Enter registration information 为了能正确的获取注册信息,请详细填写以下内容 = Please enter the below information correctly for registration. 公司名称:= Company: 联系人: = Contacts: 电话: = Telephone: 所在城市:= City: 北京市 = Beijing 天津市 = Tianjin 上海市 = Shanghai 重庆市 = Chongqing 河北省 = Hebei Province 山西省 = Shanxi Province 内蒙古自治区 = Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region 黑龙江省 = Heilongjiang Province 吉林省 = Jilin Province 辽宁省 = Liaoning Province 江苏省 = Jiangsu Province 浙江省 = Zhejiang Province 安徽省 = Anhui Province 福建省 = Fujian Province 江西省 = Jiangxi Province 山东省 = Shandong Province 河南省 = Henan Province 湖南省 = Hunan Province 湖北省 = Hubei Province 广东省 = Guangdong Province 广西壮族自治区 = Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region 海南省 = Hainan Province 四川省 = Sichuan Province 贵州省 = Guizhou Province 云南省 = Yunnan Province 西藏自治区 = Tibet Autonomous Region 陕西省 = Shanxi Province 甘肃省 = Gansu Province 青海省 = Qinghai Province 宁夏回族自治区 = Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region 新疆维吾尔族自治区 = Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region 台湾省 = Taiwan Province 香港特别行政区 = Hong Kong S.A.R 澳门特别行政区 = Macau S.A.R 邮政编码: = Zip code: 地址: = Address: 供应商: = Supplier 请输入注册信息代码,并按【下一步】注册 = Please enter the license code and go to next step 登录 = Login 请填写全部信息! = All fields are required! #首次登录修改密码 首次登录修改密码 = Change password before logining in first time 修改密码 = Change Password 请输入您的旧密码 = Enter old password 请输入您的新密码 = Enter new password 确认密码 = Confirm password 请再次输入您的密码 = Confirm password 提交 = Sumbit 提交中... = Please wait... 提交中 = Please wait... 如果忘记旧密码,请联系系统管理员 = If you forgot your password, please contact administrator for help *为必填项,请填写 = * indicates required 新密码不能与旧密码一致 = The new password cannot be the same as the old password 为了您的账号安全,首次登录请先修改密码! = Please change password before logining in first time for security! #ABOUT US 崇尚"专业,高效,与客户合作共赢"的经营理念:提倡协作、创新、关注客户的成功;以最优质的软件,为您提供高质量的人力资源服务! = Advocate the business philosophy of "professional, efficient, win-win cooperation with customers": advocate cooperation, innovation, focus on the success of customers; with the best quality software, provide you with high-quality human resources services! sTalent系统授权信息 = sTalent system authorization information 授权模板及使用人数:= Authorized modules and maximum number of users: 版本:= Version: 数据库升级时间: = DB upgrade date: 数据库脚本日期: = DB script date: 程序升级日期:= Program upgrade date: 【地址】 = [Address] 【邮编】= [Zip code] 【电话】 = [Tel] 【传真】= [Fax] 【网址】= [Website] 【地址】= [Address] #ChangePassword.js 如果忘记密码,请联系系统管理员! = If you forget your password,please contact your administrator! 旧密码 = Old Password 新密码 = New Password 再次输入新密码 = Confirm password 大写锁定已开启 = Caps lock on (点击图片上传) = (Click & Upload) 版权所有 = Copyright 版权所有(C) = Copyright(C) # 首页 个人桌面 = Personal Desktop 桌面 = Desktop 换肤 = Skin 更换皮肤 = Change skins 人员容器 = Container 待办事项 = Todo Items 消息提醒 = Msg Reminder 审批消息 = Approval msg 自动提醒 = Autoreminders 帮助文档 = Help Documentation 设置临时密码 = Set Tmp Pwd 修改密码 = Change pwd 修改照片 = Change photo 清理缓存并退出 = Logout & Clear cache 登出 = Logout 语言 = Language 页签操作 = Tab Operations 刷新当前 = Refresh 关闭当前 = Close 全部关闭 = Close All 除此之外全部关闭 = Close all but this one 欢迎首页 = Home Page 可用应用 = Avariable Apps 不可用应用 = Unavariable Apps 查询方案 = Query scheme 部门 = Department 人员 = Staff 人员标签 = Staff Tag 员工入职流程 = Entry process 员工调转流程 = Transfer process 员工离职流程 = Resignation process HR宝典 = HR Toolkit 以下业务尚未购买,或购买后未开通使用权限。如需使用,请联系 = The below module(s) are didn't by yet or you have not the corresponding permission. If need, please contact #HomeEss 模块比例设置 = Module scale settings 首页模块设置 = Home module settings 普通用户桌面 = Normal user desktop 系统管理员桌面 = Administrator desktop 默认 = Default 酷炫黑 = Black 青蓝色 = Cyan 蜜柑色 = Orange 丁子色 = Brown 若绿色 = Green 亮天蓝 = Bright blue 孔雀蓝 = Peacock 蔷薇色 = Rose 玻璃绀 = Purple 踯躅色 = Pink 正红色 = Red 员工通讯录 = Contacts 通讯录 = Contacts #NewStaffEntry.html 读取二代证 = ID Card 头像 = Head portrait # 系统中的按钮操作 最新 = Latest 刷新 = Refresh 刷新了 = Refreshed 下一页 = Next 上一页 = Previous 第一页 = First page 最后一页 = Last page 查看我的人员容器 = View Container 查看 = View 删除 = Delete 恢复 = Restore 排序 = Sort 子集维护 = Maintain subset 批量替换 = Batch replace 批量导入 = Batch import 导出 = Export 导入 = Import 导入导出 = Import & Export 导入Excel = Import Excel 历史 = History 设置 = Setting 导出PNG = Export(.png) 新增 = Add 参保 = Insured 搁置变动 = Shelve 提交变动 = Submit 恢复搁置 = Resume 新增参保 = New insured 删除参保 = Delete 信息变更 = Info changes 详细变动信息 = Change details 返回 = Back 导入补缴 = Import 进行补缴 = Supplementary payment 导入 = Import 保存数据 = Save 进行计算 = Calculate 提交数据 = Submit 新增项目 = Add 编辑项目 = Edit 删除项目 = Delete 引入设置 = Introduce setting 重命名 = Rename 加入 = Join 增员 = Recruiting 减员 = Downsize staff 调配 = Deploy 参加保险 = Insured 删除保险 = Delete 停缴保险 = Suspend 恢复保险 = Resume 查询 = Query 编辑 = Edit 刷新数据 = Refresh 生成数据 = Generate data 删除所有人 = Delete all 反提交数据 = Anti-submit 反提交 = Anti-submit 缴费计算 = Payment calc 缴费确认 = Confirm 批量编辑 = Bulk Edit 提交审批 = Submit 设置固定项 = Set fixed 数据导入 = Import 条件设置 = Condition setting 根据险种设置条件 = Set conditions by types of insurance 对应设置 = Corresponding setting 取消 = Cancel 上一步 = Back 下一步 = Next 设置 = Settintg 增加人员 = Add 批量调整 = Batch adjust 年度工资计算 = calc annual wage 缴费基数计算 = Calc payment base 测评组分数 = Evaluation group score 测评项分数 = Evaluation item score 测评组票数 = Evaluation group votes 计算 = Calculate 下载 = Download 上移 = Up 下移 = Down 开始 = Start 添加 = Add 下载二维码 = Download qr code 下载全部二维码 = Download all 下载增补前二维码 = Download those before newly add 下载增补二维码 = Download newly add 已选人员 = Selected 未选人员 = Unselected 复制 = Copy 修改 = Edit 作废 = Cancel 全部 = All 新闻 = News 通知 = Notice 我的收藏 = My collection 新闻栏目 = News columns 通知分类 = Notice classification 回复 = Reply 业务处理 = Business Process 打印 = Print 转移 = Transfer 已发布 = Published 已终止 = Terminated 已归档 = Archived 待执行 = Wait for processing 待点评 = Wait for evaluating 添加活动 = Add 点评 = Evaluate 申请 = Apply 未读 = Unread 已读 = Read 全部已读 = Mark all as read 标记已读 = Mark as read 标记未读 = Mark as unread 新建 = New #K_Shift_Org_Input.html 编码: = Code: 名称: = Name: 名称*: = Name*: 父编码: = Parent Code: #ESS/KQBQSK/BQSK.html 显示所有 = Show all 撤回审批 = Withdraw the arrpoval 流程查看 = View process 返回考勤首页 = Back to attendance page 全部公差数据 = All tolerance data 考勤确认 = Attendance confirmation 数据升降序 = Lift sequence 升序 = Sort 入职 = Entry 离职 = Resignation 调转 = Transfer 置末 = Bottom 考勤记录 = Attendance records 考勤结果 = Attendance results 考勤排班 = Attendance scheduling 离职申请 = Resignation application 转岗申请 = Resignation application 打卡记录 = Time punch record 打卡 = Punch time card 查看详情 = Detail 分派 = Assign 打分 = Scoring 矩阵打分 = Matrix Scoring 单位意见 = Unit Opinions 上报 = Report 划档 = Divide grade 退档 = Return files 查看更多 = More 报名 = Sign up 一次性活动 = One-off activity 每天 = Daily 每周 = Weekly 每月 = Monthly 每年 = Annually 发布 = Publish 更多日程 = More 创建 = Create 创建日程 = Create schedule 创建日报 = Create daily report 日 = Day 周 = Week 月 = Month 四象限 = Four-quadrant 批量提交审批 = Bulk submit 编辑数据 = Edit 预览 = Preview 测试 = Test 指定课程 = Designated courses 指定学员 = Designated students 学员资格审查 = Qualification examination 学员列表 = Student List 复制培训班 = Copy training class 培训结束 = End of training 邮件消息发送 = Send 发送内容模板设置 = Set template 导出培训签到表 = Export registration form 问卷发布 = Publish questionnaire 选班 = Choose class 合格 = Qualified 不合格 = Unqualified 计划汇总 = Plan summary 保存为方案 = Save 快速建班 = Quick create 查看子计划 = View sub-plans 计划申请 = Apply for plan 计划编辑 = Edit plan 计划删除 = Delete plan 计划变更 = Change plan 计划完成 = Complete plan 交卷 = Hand in exam paper 查看附件 = View attachments 需求汇总 = Requirements gathering 提交计划 = Submit plan 查看子需求 = View sub-requirement 需求申请 = Apply for requirement 需求编辑 = Edit requirement 需求删除 = Delete requirement 需求变更 = Change requirement 指定计划实施人 = Designate officer of plan 培训项目 = Training programs 培训类别 = Training categories 开始任务 = Start task 新建任务 = New task 新增需求 = New requirement 社招 = Social recruitment 校招 = School recruitment 提交录用审批 = Submit for approval 面试评价 = Interview evaluation 简历原件 = Original resume 简历下载 = Download resume 招聘处理 = Recruitment processing 人事处理 = Personnel processing 发录用邮件 = Send offer email 发内部邮件 = Send internal email 转入职 = Transfer to entry 放弃入职 = Abandon job 转入职进行中 = Transfer to entry is ongoin 转储备人才库 = Transfer into talent pool 转入公共人才库 = Transfer into public talent pool 删除简历 = Delete resume 退回简历 = Send resume back 转黑名单 = Move to blacklist 新增简历 = New resume 编辑简历 = Edit resume Word|PDF导入 = Import(Word|Pdf) 数据导入(.eml) = Import(.eml) 职位收藏 = Job collection 添加评价 = Add evaluation 职位查询 = Job inquiries 我要申请 = Apply 我要推荐 = Recommend 我要收藏 = Collect 同意面试 = Agree with interview 不同意面试 = Disagree with interview 详细信息 = More 操作记录 = Operation records 删除收藏 = Cancel collection 我的基本信息 = My basic info 我的附表信息 = My attached table info 我的业务信息 = My business info 我的能力 = My ability 我的履历 = My resume 我的汇报关系 = My reporting relationship 一键审批 = One-click approval 更多待办 = More 查看明细 = View details 邀请面试 = Interview invitation 评价 = Evaluate 全部评价 = Full reviews 好评 = Positive 中评 = Neutral 差评 = Negative 待提交需求 = Pending requirements 简历筛选 = Filter resume Offer审批 = Offer approval 入职审批 = Entry approval 审批意见: = Options: 同意 = Agree 不同意 = Disagree 手工录入 = Input manually 简历导入 = Import resume 关注 =Follow 取消关注 = Unfollow 需求导入 = Import requirement 全选 = Select all 上移选中菜单调整首页菜单显示顺序 = Up 下移选中菜单调整首页菜单显示顺序 = Down 催办 = Remind 更多代办 = More todo 更多代理 = More agents 审批通过 = Approved 审批 = Approval 驳回申请 = Reject 系统自动处理 = System auto processing 清除全部数据设置 = Clear all data settings 清除当前工作表中自定义的数据设置 = Clear custom data settings from the current worksheet 设置行高 = Set row height 设置列宽 = Set column width 扣减 = Cut 停止发放 = Suspend paying 恢复发放 = Restore paying 生成台帐 = Generate standing book 生成工资表 = Generate payroll 同步方案人员 = Sync staff by salary plan 添加方案外人员 = Add staff from those who not in salary plan 添加人员 = Add staff 删除人员 = Delete staff 停发人员 = Salary operation 薪资停发 = Suspend the payment 停发恢复 = Restore the payment 引入 = Introduce 替换 = Replace 薪资调整 = Adjust salary 薪资计算 = Calculate salary 薪资确认 = Confirm salary 确认 = Confirm 取消确认 = Cancel 确认(全部) = Confirm(all) 取消确认(全部) = Cancel(all) 薪资过账 = Posting 薪资发放 = Paying 取消发放 = Cancel 发送通知 = Send notification 添加方案 = Add plan 退出 = Exit 人 = people 当前列表人员 = Person of the list 当前选中人员 = Person of the selected 当前体系人员 = Person of current system 单击更换头像 = Click to change 选择替换表 = Select replacing table 选择替换字段 = Select replacing field 替换为 = Replace with 所有数据 = All data 最新数据 = Latest data 执行替换 = Batch replace 启用 = Enable 开启 = Enable 禁用 = Disable 停用 = Disable 允许 = Allow 不校验 = Not check 可以 = OK 1,签到签退 = 1, Sign in/out 签到签退 = Sign in/out 考勤周期 = Attendance period 2,考勤周期 = 2, Attendance period 通知,规章制度 = Notice, Regulations 通知,新闻,规章制度 = Notice, News,Regulations 通知,新闻 = Notice, News 新闻,规章制度 = News,Regulations 历史间对比 = Analysis history data 当前对比历史 = Compare temporary table data and history data 对比数据表 = Comparison data sheet 源数据: = Source data: 目标数据: = Target data: 对比内容 = Contrast content 比例对比 = Proportion comparison 执行对比 = Perform comparison 保存对比方案 = Save the comparison plan 自定义设置 = Custom settings 按人员 = By staff 推送ERP = Push to ERP 取消过账 = Cancel posting 锁定 = Lock 新增表 = New table 编辑表 = Edit table 删除表 = Delete table 设置需要审批 = Set approval as required 公式设置 = Formula setting 生成本月数据 = Build data(this month) 校验数据 = Check 导出导入 = Export & import 导出Excel = Export as excel 导入Excel = Import excel 发送 = Send 取消锁定 = Unlock 锁定(全部) = Lock(All) 取消锁定(全部) = Unlock(All) 未处理变动 = Pending change 删除变动 = Delete 校验确定 = Verify 新增分类 = New category 编辑分类 = Edit category 删除分类 = Delete category 设置工资项目 = Set salary items 校验 = Check 引入上月总额 = Introduce last month total amount 取消发布 = Unpublish 图表配色 = Chart color 图表模块 = Chart module 简单发布 = Publish to desktop 发布到菜单 = Publish to menu 删除方案 = Delete 刷新方案 = Refresh HRDesign = HRDesigns 取消作废 = Restore 附件上传 = Upload 查阅合同 = View contract 历史记录 = History 保存并提交 = Save & Submit 变更 = Change 更新导入 = Import 违约 = Break contract 解除 = Terminate 续签 = Renew 中止 = Abort 解除中止 = Restore 终止 = END 合同详情 = Contract details 新签 = Sign new 导入导出Excel = Import & Export excel 表单详情 = Form details 催办历史 = Reminder history 未完成 = Incompleted 已完成 = Completed 撤回 = Withdraw 合同编号设置 = Set contract No. 基本信息 = Basic Info 能力素质要求 = Capability and quality demand 入选条件 = Eligibility 培养方式 = Training way 胜任力要求 = Competency demand 考核方式 = Evaluation method 新增条件 = Add condition 删除条件 = Delete condition 查看结果 = View result 保存方案 = Save scheme 新增能力项 = New capability item 引入模板 = Introduce template 引入岗位模型 = Introduce post model 引入岗位课程 = Introduce post courses 选择培训课程 = Select post course 设置象限 = Set quadrants 更新数据 = Update data 更新 = Update 安排课程 = Arrange course 导出VISIO = Export as visio 启动 = Start 结束 = End 生成考核表 = Generate evaluation table 按组织选人 = Selecte by organization 按能力素质 = Select by capability and quality 优先推荐 = Recommend 甄选条件 = Select condition 添加候选人 = Add candidate 删除候选人 = Delete candidate 录入评估分 = Enter evaluation score 引入梯队方案 = Introduce echelon of scheme 引入绩效 = Introduce performance 导入评估分 = Import evaluation score 置顶 = Top 置底 = Bottom 添加指标 = Add indicator 系统计算 = System calculation 批量输入 = Bulk input 考核人 = Examiner 添加考核人 = Add examiner 填写权重 = Fill in weight 删除考核人 = Delete examiner 生成审批节点 = Generate approval node 流程图 = Flow chart 新增方式 = New method 修改方式 = Edit method 删除方式 = Delete method 新增子集表 = New subset table 新增子集 = New subset 删除子集表 = Delete subset table 删除子集 = Delete subset 修改子集 = Modify subset 彻底删除 = Physically delete 函数向导 = Function wizard 函数设置 = Function set 高级设置 = Advanced set 公式校验 = Formula check 条件 = Conditions 并且 = And 或 = Or 启动判断 = Judge 如果 = If 那么 = So 其他情况 = Others 结束判断 = End judge 新增考核对象 = Add examinee 删除考核对象 = Delete examinee 计算(分数区间) = Calculate(score range) 计算(强制分布) = Calculate(force distribution) 纵向对比(时间) = Vertical comparison(time) 横向对比(部门) = Horizontal comparison(department) 生成等级(区间分数) = Generate grade(score range) 生成等级(强制分布) = Generate grade(force distribution) 调整等级 = Adjust grade 发布成绩 = Release score 导入等级 = Import grade 开始部门负责人自评 = Start department head self-evaluation 开始评分 = Start scoring 评分结束 = End scoring 计算成绩 = Calculate 归档 = Archive 添加考核对象 = Add examinee 引入指标库 = Introduce indicator library 引入目标 = Introduce goals 添加考核方式 = Add examining method 考核流程节点 = Node of examining flow 子集表 = Subset table 表单设计 = Form design Excel表单设计 = Excel form design Excel表单打印设计 = Excel form design for printing 标准按钮选择 = Select standard button 约束设定 = Set constraint 子集设定 = Set subset 流水号设置 = Set serial NO. 上阶段数据源设置 = Set datasource for previous phase 列表查询汇总行设置 = Set summary row 设置排序 = Set sorting 版本复制 = Copy version 业务周期维护 = Maintain business cycle 虚拟组织版本 = Virtual organization version 虚拟组织基础数据 = Basic data of virtual organization 虚拟组织 = Virtual org 新建 = New 新建方案 = New scheme 设计按钮模板 = Design button template 设置搜索条件 = Set search condition 降序 = Desc 对比 = Compare 按考核表 =By Form 按容器 = By Container 横向对比(人员) = Horizontal comparison(staff) 开始自评 = Start self-evaluation Excel表单查看 =View Excel Form 自定义 = Custom 指标库 = Indicator library 标记无效卡 = Mark the card as invalid 取消标记无效卡 = Unmark 销假管理 = Report back from leave management 销公出管理 = Report back from business trip management 全部确认 = Confirm all 全部取消确认 = All cancel confirmation 调休 = Set shift leave 转入调休 = Transfer to shift leave 撤销转入 = Cancel 全部转入调休 = Transfer all to shift leave 全部撤销转入 = Cancel all 清零 = Reset 选中清零 = Reset selected 全部清零 = Reset all 结余 = Balance 选中结余 = Check Balance 全部结余 = Total balance 去年剩余清零 = Reset last year's balance 假期设定 = Holiday settings 查看排班 = View scheduling 选择复制源 = Copy source by select 选择复制目标 = Copy goal by select 选择复制排班人员 = Copy scheduling by select 全部调休转计薪 = Pay for all shift leave 部分调休转计薪 = Pay for partial shift leave 抵扣明细 = Deduction details 新增人员 = New staff 交换 = Exchange 查看修改记录 = View amendant record 排班说明 = Scheduling description 排班 = Scheduling 取消计薪 = Cancel payroll 清空 = Empty 后台计算 = Background calculate 今天 = Today 明天 = Tomorrow 昨天 = yesterday 今天是 = Today is 出勤 = Attendance 打卡成功 = Punch time card successfully 不考勤 = No attendance 不打卡 = No time punch 考勤不打卡 = Check on work attendance but no time punch 异常 = Exception 批注 = Comments 取消确认异常 = Cancel exception confirmation 确认异常 = Confirm exception 新增班组 = New scheduling team 换班 = Shift 调整班次 = Adjust work shift 复制排班(按年月) = Copy scheduling(by year & month) 复制排班(按人员) = Copy scheduling(by staff) 常规导入 = Import 快速导入 = Quick import 选择人员 = Select staff 进入调整班次 = Goto work shift adjusting page 收回卡号 = Reclamation card NO. 换卡历史 = Card change history 重新执行 = Re-execute 同步设备时间 = Sync device time 删除2个月前离职的人员 = Delete those who resigned over two months 导出餐厅模板 = Export restaurant templates 添加网段 = Add network segment 日记录 = Daily records 月记录 = Monthly records 添加时段 = Add time-interval 班次导入 = Import work shift 查看 = View 添加条件 = Add condition +添加条件 = +Add condition 复制模板 = Copy template 模板设计 = Design template 工时类别 = Man hour category 工时填报 = Fill in man hour 取消选择 = Unselect #MB/Target/AddMB.html 移除 = Remove 年度 = Annual 半年度 = Semi-annual 季度 = Quarter 月度 = Monthly 撤销 = Withdraw 分解 = Break down 导出模板 = Export template 导出当前列表 = Export list 完成 = Complete 无规章制度数据!= No Data! #Mobile 提交材料 = Submit 通过 = Pass 驳回 = Rejected 回退 = Rollback #NLSZ/JCPZ/AbilityToStudy.html 设计等级表 = Design 根据组织机构 = Base on the org 生成等级表 = Generate grade table 复制岗位 = Copy post 继承上级/取消继承 = Inherit/Cancel inheriting 匹配度分析 = Matching degree ayalysis 匹配度 = Matching degree 生成建议 = Generate recommendation 重复 = Duplicate 所有评估活动 = All activities 新建评估活动 = New activities 同步最新人员 = Sync the latest staff 录入业绩分 = Enter performance score 导入业绩分 = Import performance score 引入绩效方案 = Introduce performance scheme 导出评估分 = Export evaluation score #ORG/ORGBB/VRORGMainPage.html 编辑版本 = Edit version 删除版本 = Delete version 所有版本 = All versions 新建版本 = New version 设立 = Build 撤销部门 = Abolish dept 恢复部门 = Restore dept 合并 = Merge 迁移 = Migrate 列表 = List 树图 = Tree 人员离职 = Resignation 人员离职业务 = Resignation business 人员异动 = Staff changes 设置人员岗位 = Set post 设为默认 = Set default 设为公开 = Set as public 请选择人员类别.. = Please select the staff category.. 岗位 = Post 机构图 = Organization diagram 人员查看 = View staff 在岗人员 = Staff on the job 字段设定 = Field setting 岗位模板设计 = Design post template 所有岗位计划 = All posts plan 新建岗位计划 = New post plan 岗位申请 = Post application 批量申请 = Batch application 超缺编申请 = Overstaffed/understaffed application 恢复岗位 = Restire post 撤销职务 = Abolish post 级数设置 = Set job level 彻底恢复 = Restore completely 岗位新增 = New posts 确认撤销该部门吗? = Are you sure you want to abolish the department? 姓名 := Name: 岗位 := Post: 部门 : = Dept: #PS/BasicSetting/AdvanceSetting.html 冻结用户 = Freeze user 解冻用户 = Unfreeze user 选择评审项目 = Select review item 设计 = Design 设置子集表 = Set subset table 调整组别 = Adjust group 导入录入成绩 = Import/entry score 保存录入答辩成绩 = Save score 导入答辩成绩 = Import score 导入评审结果 = Import review result 导出成绩 = Export score 打印当前表页 = Print current sheet 打印所有表页 = Print all sheets 设置组长 = Set group leader #PS 暂不开启 = Cancel 去设置 = Setting 签约 = Sign a contract 已签到 = Signed in 保存条件 = Save 开始分析 = Start analysis 发起签约 = Launch a contract signing 签订 = Signed 颁发证书 = Issue a cert 发布问卷 = Publish questionnaire 催办通知 = Reminder 重设时间 = Reset time 停止评估 = Stop evaluating 结果分析 = Results Analysis 发布考卷 = Publish paper 停止考试 = Stop exam 导入附件 = Import 人工阅卷 = Manual marking 生成二维码 = Generate QR code 添加签到地点 = Add time punch location 导入签到 = Import sign in record 制定计划 = Make plan 关联需求 = Link to requirement 新建培训班 = New training course 培训班 = New training class 配置 = Training class 新增选项题 = New choice question 新增问答题 = New essay question 系统组卷 = Generate papers randomly 手工添加 = Add manually 更换 = Repalce 统计 = Statistics 终止调查 = Termination of investigation 调查归档 = Investigation archive 发布结果 = Publish results 题库引入= Introduce question bank 放入题库 = Add to question bank 邮件通知 = Mailnotify 等级定义 = Define grade 新增查询方案 = New query scheme 共享 = Share 取消共享 = Unshare 推送 = Push 选择 = Select 全部选择 = Select all 全部取消 = Unselect all 恢复删除 = Restore 移动至 = Move to 合并部门 = Merge Departments 部门详细信息 = Dept details info 部门子集 = Subset of deps 部门历史信息 = Dept history info 重新同步 = Resynchronize 同步结果: = Sync result: 同步日期:= Sync date: 联系方式 = Contact 扩展页签 = Extend tab 升降序 = Sort 新增分组规则 = New grouping rules 明细详情 = Details 忽略 = Ignore 圆形 = Circular 新员工入职 = Entry 实习生转正 = Transfer intern into regular staff 离职重聘 = Rehire 试用转正 = Transfer probationary into regular staff 转正 = Transfer into regular staff 返聘申请 = Rehire application 数据应用所有人 = Apply data to all 新增模块 = New module 编辑模块 = Edit module 删除模块 = Delete module 照片 = Photo 照片墙 = Photo Wall 平铺 = Tile 滑动 = Slide 节点方案设置 = Set scheme for node 导出主附表 = Export primary and attached table 导入主附表 = Import primary and attached table 兼职岗位 = Part-time post 全不选 = Unselect all 等值关联 = Equal 左 关 联 = Left Join 列入黑名单 = Place on blacklist 移除黑名单 = Remove from blacklist 新增实习人员 = New intern 编辑实习人员 = Edit intern 删除实习人员 = Delete intern 导入实习人员 = Import intern 结束实习 = End internship 新增试用人员 = New probationary staff 编辑试用人员 = Edit probationary staff 删除试用人员 = Delete probationary staff 导入试用人员 = Import probationary staff 结束试用 = End probationary period 临时密码: = Tmp Pwd: 密码长度不大于18位 = The length of pwd cannot more than 18 characters 开始时间: = Begin date: 结束时间: = End date: 存在处于有效期内的临时密码,有效期如下:= There exist unexpired temporary password, the expiration date is: 临时密码不能为空!= The temporary password cannot be empty! #SS0/SSOTEST.html 生成企业编码加密串 = Generate the encrypted string of enterprise-coded 提交SSO请求到主页 = Submit a sso request to the home page 提交SSO请求到员工个人信息页面 = Submit a sso request to personal information page 申请access_code,并生成初始化各种请求实例 = Apply for an access_code and generate request instances #Statistics/Edit.html 求记录数 = records 求和 = Sum 求平均值 = Avg 求最大值 = Max 求最小值 = Min 上移顶部 = Top 下移底部 = Bottom 添加列 = Add column 添加子列 = Add subcolumn 编辑当前项 = Edit current item 删除当前项 = Delete current item 向上 = Up 向下 = Down 添加行 = Add line 条件待定 = Set condition 发布菜单 = Publish menu 取消菜单发布 = Cancel menu publishing 批量保存 = Bulk save 设为主表 = Set as primary table 设为副表 = Set as sub table 已选结果列表 = The selected list 新增关联 = New Association 删除关联 = Delete association 删除主表 = Delete primary table 删除副表 = Delete sub-table 页面框架 = Page frame 向导页面 = Wizard page 表单布局 = Form layout 自定义控件 = Custom control web安全色 = Web safe color 项目图标 = Project icon 获取布局HTML = Get layout HTML 左浮动 = Float left 右浮动 = Float right 外边距 = Margin 外上边距 = Margin top 导出标准模板 = Export template 维护自定义模板 = Maintain template 导出系统数据 = Export as excel 数据校验 = Validate data 导入 = Import 导出报错列表 = Export the excel data, which contain invalid data 设为全局方案 = Set as global scheme 取消全局方案 = Cancel global scheme setting 新增方案 = New scheme 复制方案 = Copy scheme 改名 = Rename 公式设置保存 = Save formula 禁用 = Disable 知会 = Inform 已经知会 = Informed 明细 = Details 全部人员 = All staff 已勾选确认 = Confirm by check 退回 = Back 列头设置效果预览 = Preview column head style 勾选移除 = Remove checked item 全部移除 = Remove all 应用 = Application 全选(针对高级搜索下的所有人员) = All(for employee under advanced search) 全选(针对选中的部门下的所有人员) = All (for all employee in selected dept) 全不(针对选中的部门下的所有人员) = None (for all employee in selected dept) 表单 = Form 新增查询列 = Add query column 新增当前表 = Add field from selected table 新增全部列 = Add all fields 删除查询列 = Remove 删除当前表 = Remove field that belong to selected table 新增主表查询列 = Add query column of primary table 新增副表查询列 = Add query column of subset table 查询全部列 = Query by all columns 业务基本信息 = Basic info 主表显示字段 = Displayed field of primary table 主表变更字段 = Changed field of primary table 限定人员类别 = Restrict category 是否需要提醒到薪资 = Whether salary module accepts the prompt or not 是否在桌面显示 = Whether display on the desktop or not 是否需要审批 = Whether need approval or not 需要审批 = Need approval 是否校验黑名单 = Whether check blacklist or not 清理Redis缓存 = Clear redis cache 清理应用缓存 = Clear application cache 清理服务端所有缓存 = Clear server side cache 清理本地缓存 = Clear browser cache 查看缓存 = View cache 清除日志 = Clear log 下载&查询 = Download & Search 新增编辑列 = New editing column 删除编辑列 = Delete editing column 生活照 = Life photos 签名 = Signature 上传 = Upload 授权 = Authorized 设置规则 = Set rules 清空错误信息 = Empty error msg 附件 = Attachment 附件 := Attachment: 属性 = Property 功能权限 = Functional permission 人员权限 = User permission 字段权限 = Field permission 报表权限 = Report permission 桌面权限 = Desktop permission 角色人员 = User-role 角色权限管理 = Manage role permission 考勤权限管理 = Manage attendance permission 保密设置 = Set security 解锁 = Unlock 分配修改权限 = Assign edit permission 分配查看权限 = Assign view permission 回收 = Recall 保存公式 = Save 请选择有效的操作节点! = Please select a valid operating node! 显示未配置控件 = Show undeployed control 删除已配置控件 = Remove deployed control 设置保密 = Set as security field 取消保密 = Cancel security setting 例:view_a01.a0188 in (select a0188 from view_a01 where ...) = FOR EXAMPLE: view_a01.a0188 in (select a0188 from view_a01 where ...) 新增角色 = Add staff to role 新增角色人员 = New role 删除角色人员 = Delete staff from role 修改有效期 = Change the expiration date 新增角色组织 = Add role to org 删除角色组织 = Delete role from org 新增角色岗位 = Add role to post 删除角色岗位 = Delete role from post 删除角色职位 = Delete role from job 角色名称不能为空! = The role name is required! 角色名称包含非法字符! = The role name contains illegal characters! 无 = Null 同步服务器设置 = Sync server settings 新增同步表 = New sync table 修改同步表 = Edit sync table 删除同步表 = Delete sync table 新增同步字段 = New sync field 修改同步字段 = Edit sync field 删除同步字段 = Delete sync field 流程分类 = Process classification 分类 = classify 启用流程 = Enable process 禁用流程 = Disable process 设计流程 = Design process 子流程 = Sub-process 子流程维护 = Maintain sub process 禁用成功 = Disable successfully! 启用成功 = Enable successfully! 任务创建发送审批人邮件模板 = Create approver email template for task creating 任务创建发送制单人邮件模板 = Create creator email template for task creating 任务完成发送制单人邮件模板 = Create creator email template for task complete 催办邮件模板 = Email template for reminder 流程结束邮件模板 = Email template for process complete 设置条件 = Set conditions 字段关联 = Field association 子流程创建者 = Sub-process creator 主表字段关联 = Field association of primary table 主流程当前审批人 = Current approver of the main process 主流程创建人 = Main process creator 取申请单人员 = Get staff from application form 主流程发起人 = Main process initiator 可多选活动或者连线 = Add activity or line 新增活动 = Add activity 保存活动数据 = Save workflow 删除选中的对象 = Delete selected object 导出图片 = Export as pic 导出XML = Export as XML file 导入XML = Import(.xml) 动作名称个性化 = Personalize action name 活动策略 = Activity strategy 完成策略:= Completion strategy: 退回策略:= Backward strategy: 跳过策略 = Skip strategy 待处理人是提交人 = The processor is the same with submitter 待处理人是业务本人 = The processor is the same with applicant 未找到待处理人 = processor not found 待处理人 = The person to be processed 按人员设置 = Set by personnel 按职务设置 = Set by job 角色: = Role: 本人: = Oneself: 过滤部门 = Dept filtering 取申请单部门 = Get dept from application form 取申请单人员部门 = Application form personnel dept 取第 = Take the 级节点处理者 = level node processor 级节点处理者部门 = level node processor's department 直接上级:= Immediate superior: 关联人员 = Associated personnel 取组织部门 = Organization 指定人员: = Designated person: 高级配置:= Advanced configuration: 同其他节点: = Same with other nodes: 没有其他活动节点 = No any other active node 任务创建消息提醒 = Message reminding of creating task 待处理人接收邮件通知 = To be processed receives email notification 制单人接收邮件通知 = Document maker receives email notification 完成消息提醒 = Message reminding of completion 意见回写 = Feedback 审批人: = Approver: 审批人: = Approver: 审批意见:= Opinions: 审批时间:= Approval time: 请选择... = Please select... 天未处理自动跳过 = day(s) untreated, skip automatically 待处理人是提交人时跳过 = Skipping when the person to be processed is the author 未找到待处理人时跳过 = Skip when no pending person is found 待处理人是当前处理人时跳过 = Skip when the person in the processing is the current processor 概要模板维护 = Maintain profile template APP概要模板维护 = Maintain profile template of APP 解绑设备 = Unbind device 密码修改 = Change password 密码策略设置 = Set password policy 工资密码修改 = Change salary password 参数维护 = Maintain parameter 调用代码 = Code calling 卡片 = Card 基础配置 = Basic configuration 开启任务 = Start task 暂停任务 = Pause task 立即执行 = Execute immediately 修改任务 = Edit task 生成招聘Key = Generate recruitment key 方案配置 = Config scheme 自定义配置 = Custom configuration 计算时根据权限过滤受影响记录 = Filter the affected records by permission when calculating 每隔 = Every 只有当有数据内容时才提示 = Prompt only if there has data 只显示本人数据 = Only show my own data 系统短信提示 = System SMS prompt 自动邮件提示 = Automatic email prompt 手机短信提示 = SMS prompt 表格格式 = Table format 附加数据内容(sql查询语句,where所在行的前后必须有空格,可使用[A0188]代替提示对象A0188) = Append data(in sql statement, the line where the "where" keyword in need space in both end. You can use [A0188] placeholder instead the A0188 object) 删除表单 = Delete form 跟踪 = Trace 流程跟踪 = Trace 问卷预览 = Preview 高级审批 = Advanced approval 查看任务耗时情况 = View time-consuming of the task 取消催办 = Cancel reminding 审批处理 = Approval 发布广告 = publish ad 暂停 = Suspend 取消暂停 = De-suspend 不重复 = Unrepeatable 确认重复 = Mark as repetition 工具栏 = Toolbar 本轮通过 = Pass in this round 安排面试 = Schedule interview 转入 = Transfer to 本轮淘汰 = Weed out this round 通知应聘者 = Notify the candidate 笔试通知 = Notice to written exams 面试通知 = Notice to interview Offer通知 = Send offer 邀请应聘 = Invite to interview 邀请更新简历 = Invite to update resume 发送Offer = Send offer 背景调查 = Background check 薪资评定 = Salary evaluation 发送用人部门 = Send to employing dept 内部通知 = Internal notifications 推荐 = Recommend 转入人才库 = Transfer to the talent pool 入职表提交审批 = Submit entry form Offer提交审批 = Submit offer 填写入职表 = Fill out the entry form 导入简历 = Import resume 胜任力评估 = Competency evaluation 入职同步人员表 = Sync to staff table 下载简历 = Download resume 首页 = First page 末页 = Last page 新增招聘职位 = New job offering 更改面试安排 = Change arrangement 发送面试通知 = Send notification 催促 = Urging 催促应聘者答复 = Urge candidate to send a reply 催促面试官评价 = Urge the interviewer to give evaluation 导入评价表 = Import evaluation form 导出面试安排 = Export interview arrangement 导出职位 = Export job info 转入储备库 = Transfer to talent pool 拖入黑名单 = Move to blacklist 移出黑名单 = Remove from blacklist 移出 = Remove 简历归类 = Resume classfication 精选简历 = Selected resumes 简历批注 = Resume Comments 发送简历 = Send resume 纳入应聘 = Incorporate into interview 转入职管理 = Transfer to entry management 转人才库 = Transfer to the talent pool 数据导入(.xls) = Import(.xls) 初筛简历 = Prescreen resume 非重复简历导入数据 = Non-repeating resume 删除重复简历 = Delete repeated resume 子集新增 = New subset 子集编辑 = Edit subset 调整项目 = Adjust item 新建表 = New table 清除缓存 = Clear cache 修改表 = Edit table 字段维护 = Maintain field 子集同步人员设置 = Sync staff setting for subset 手动同步 = Sync manually 搁置 = Shelve 未处理 = suspending 薪资差异对比 = Salary difference contrast 工资调整 = Adjust salary 设置计算异常提醒 = Set exception remind for calc 导出数据 = Export data 导入数据 = Import data 新增兼职 = New part-time 删除兼职 = Delete part-time 修改兼职 = Edit part-time 兼职导入 = Import part-time info 添加时限 = Add time limit 时限明细 = Time limit detail 新建人才评估计划 = New talent evaluation plan 所有人才评估计划 = New talent evaluation plan 编辑人才计划 = Edit talent plan 归档人才计划 = Archive talent plan 启用人才计划 = Enable talent plan 删除人才计划 = Delete talent plan 发布职位 = Publish job info 维护人才库公共标签权限 = Maintain permission info of talent pool label 通知模板 = Notification template 设置默认 = Set as default 过程跟踪 = Process tracking 收回 = Withdraw 修改审批人 = Edit approver 修改节点审批人 = Modify node approver 岗位新增 = New post 岗位详情 = Manage Org 编辑计划 = Edit plan 删除计划 = Delete plan 党组织 = Party 组织管理 = Organization 组织管理历史信息 = History info of org management 业务查询 = Business query 审批业务维护 = Approval business maintenance 编辑Web模板 = Edit web template 编辑App模板 = Edit app template 预览Web模板 = Preview web template 预览App模板 = Preview app template 我的信息修改 = Edit my info 我的信息提交 = Submit my info 岗位说明书 = Job description 我的保险 = My insurance 补签卡页签 = Supplement punch card record tab 补签卡 = Supplement punch card 公出页签 = Business trip tab 代理假单 = Make leave application form by agent 代理假单页签 = Agent tab 加班页签 = Overtime tab 请假页签 = Leave tab 刷卡页签 = Swipe tab 销假页签 = Report back from leave tab 销公出页签 = Report back from business trip tab 填报 = Fill out 申请退回 = Request a return 退回材料 = Return material 筛选 = Sift 代理 = Agent # 编码 男 = Male 女 = Female 开 = Open 关 = Close 是 = Yes 否 = No 周一 = Mon 周二 = Tues 周三 = Wed 周四 = Thur 周五 = Fri 周六 = Sat 周天 = Sun 未提交 = Draft 审核中 = Under review 通过 = Pass # commctl.js 控件中需要翻译的信息 选择人员[多选] = Multiple select 选择人员[单选] = Signle select 包含子部门人员 = Include staff of sub dept 显示方案 = Show scheme 任务周期设置 = Task cycle setting 请选择 = Please select 请选择人员类别.... = Please select staff category... 请输入部门名称... = Please input dept name... 人员查询 = Staff Query 人员编号/姓名查询 = Staff No./name query 人员编号/姓名/拼音码/身份证 = Staff No./name/pinyin code/ID card 请输入人员编号/姓名/拼音码/身份证进行快速查询 = Staff No./name/pinyin code/ID card 输入人员编号、姓名快速定位 = Staff No./name 人员编号 = Staff No. 项目/名称查询 = Project/name search 请输入项目/名称进行快速查询 = Please input project/name for quick search 项目/名称 = Project/Name 请输入部门编码/部门名称进行快速查询 = Please input dept code/name for quick search 部门编码/部门名称 = Dept code/name 请输入编码名称/编码号进行快速查询 = Please input code/name for quick earch 编码/编码名称 = Code/name 证件类型查询 = ID type search 确定清空当前头像?= Are you sure you want to clear the Head portrait? 确定清空当前图片? = Are you sure you want to clear the picture? 确定清空当前签名? = Are you sure you want to clear the signature? 确定清空当前生活照? = Are you sure you want to clear the life photo? 头像清空成功! = Clear successfully! 图片清空成功! = Clear successfully! 签名清空成功! = Clear successfully! 生活照清空成功! = Clear successfully! 头像清空失败!= Clear failed! 图片清空失败! = Clear failed! 签名清空失败!= Clear failed! 生活照清空失败! = Clear failed! 头像保存失败! = Save failed! 签名保存失败! = Save failed! 生活照保存失败! = Save failed! 头像保存成功! = Save successfully! 图片保存成功! = Save successfully! 签名保存成功! = Save successfully! 生活照保存成功!= Save successfully! 未选择图标! = No icon! 按角色设置 = Set by role 请输入姓名/编号/拼音码进行快速查询 = Please input name/No./pinyin code for quick search 姓名/编号/拼音码 = Name/No./pinyin code 新闻通知查询 = News & notification search 请输入新闻标题 = News title 新闻标题 = New title 规章制度查询 = Rules&Regulations Query 请输入规章制度标题 = Rules&Regulations title 规章制度标题 = Rules&Regulations title 请输入组织目标名称 = Organization Name 组织目标名称 = Organization Name 按年月 = By year & month 按日期 = By date 最近加入的人员 = The staff added recently 暂无数据 = No Data 无数据.png = NoData.png 设备未连接! = The device was not connected! 读取文件失败! = Failed to read file! 打开描述文件失败! = Failed to open the description file! 未(正确)放置卡或读卡失败! = The ID card was not placed correctly or card read failed! 读卡失败! = Failed to read card! 点击选择.... = Select... 输入关键字搜索 = Searching with keyword 最新简历备注: = The latest comment of resume 此应聘者现在还没有备注,去 = The candidate has not any comment yet, please go to 添加备注 = to add a comment 内部推荐(导入简历) = Internal recommendations(Import resume) 筛选-筛选中 = Sift-Sifting 图片 = Picture 包含 = Contains 等于 = Is equal to 不等于 = Is not equal to 大于等于 = Is not less than 小于等于 = Is not more than 大于 = Is greater than 小于 = Is less than 开头为 = Starts with 结尾为 = Ends with 不包含 = Does not contain 空值 = Is null 不为空值 = Is not null 下拉控件{0}未赋表名,请联系管理员! = Cannot find the table name of dropdown control {0}! 下拉控件{0}数据加载异常,请联系管理员! = Cannot load the datasource of dropdown control {0}! 请输入姓名编号拼音码进行快速查询 = Please enter the name, No., pinyin code for quick search 姓名/编号/拼音码 = Name/No./pinyin code 请输入名称快速查询 = Name 请选择部门编码名称进行快速查询 = Please select dept code/name for quick search 请输入测评任务名称进行快速查询 = Please enter the task name for quick search 请输入活动名称或人名进行搜索 = Please enter the activity name or staff name for quick search 请输入目标名称或人名搜索目标 = Please enter the goal name or staff name 本界面无法应用人员容器!= The staff container cannot be apply to current page! 请先往人员容器中添加人员! = Please add staff info to staff container first! 本界面列表的数据非人员相关,无法过滤!!= The data list of the page is irrelevant to staff info!! 选择图标 = Select icon # alert.js 取消 = Cancel 确定 = OK # Attachment.js Excel模板维护 = Excel template maintain 附件信息 = Attachment info 文件名不能为空! = The file name is required! XHR对象创建失败,请重试! = The XHR object create failed, please try again! 请选择单条数据进行操作! = Please select a signle record! 请选择要下载的文件! = Please select file first! 文件下载失败! = File download failed! 确定删除当前选中文件? = Are you sure you want to delete the selected file? 请选择要删除的文件! = Please select file first! 不能为空 = Required 不能为空! = Required! 值不能为空! = Required! 无法删除! = Delete fialed! 删除成功! = Delete successfully! 保存成功! = Save Successfully! 保存条件失败! = Save condition failed! 保存失败! = Save failed! 请选择要预览的文件! = Please select file for preview! 允许上传的附件个数最多不能超过{0}个 = Can upload not more than {0} file(s)! 此浏览器不支持HTML 5,请升级至最新版本! = The browser does not support HTML 5! 上传文件格式不被支持! = The file format does not supported! 只允许上传{0}格式的文件 = Only files with these extensions are allowed: {0} 您确认要删除{0}吗? = Are you sure you want to delete the {0}? 操作成功,请在系统配置中为{0}授权! = Please give authentication to {0} in system configuration page! 上传成功! = Upload successfully! 上传失败,请重试! = Upload failed. Please try again! 移除 = Remove 单个文件不能小于1kb = The single file size cannot less than 1 KB 单个文件上传最大限制{0}KB = The single file size cannot greater than {0} KB 单个文件上传最大限制{0}KB。= The single file size cannot greater than {0} KB. 单个文件上传最大限制 = The single file size cannot greater than 请选中一个节点 = Please select node 单个文件不能超过{0}M = The single file size cannot greater than {0} M 单个文件不能超过{0}KB! = The single file size cannot greater than {0} KB! 该文件类型不允许上传 = The file format does not supported! 成功上传{0}个文件,失败{1}个! = {0} success, {1} failure! 删除成功,总共{0}条数据! = Delete successfully, {0} items total! 正在上传,请稍候... = Uploading... 序 = SN 自由表单 = Free form 文件名 = File name 文件大小(KB) = KB 校验自定过滤条件出现异常,请重试 = There is an exception when verifying the self defined filter condition, please try again 自定义过滤条件校验不通过 = Verify self defined filter condition failed 首次加载过滤条件校验不通过 = Verify filter condition that load initially failed 校验首次加载过滤条件出现异常,请重试 = There is an exception when verifying filter condition that load initially, please try again 自由表单的名字重复! = The free form name has existed! 版本维护 = Version maintain 新增规则 = New rules 未找到对应人员ID,无法上传其照片! = Cannot get the staff ID, upload failed! 文档编辑控件状态更新失败! = The document editing control's state update failed! #Version.js 请选择需要配置版本的菜单 = Please select the menu that need to configure version 请选择一个自由表单! = Please select a free form 请先配置该表单的按钮 = Please configure the botton frist 请先选择一个模块 = Please select a module first 未获取到模块ID = Cannot get the module ID 该方法目前不开放 = The function was not open # ChangePassword.js 请设置大于等于{0}位的新密码! = Use {0} or more characters for new password! 新密码必须包含大写字母和数字! = The new password needs to contain a mix of uppercase letter and number! 新密码必须包含大写字母和小写字母! = The new password needs to contain a mix of lowercase letter and uppercase number! 新密码必须包含数字! = The new password needs to contain number! #SYS/XTSZ/Passwordset.html 用户: = Username: 新密码: = New password: 确认密码: = Confirm password: 注:密码长度为6位数字 = Note: new password needs 6 digits 用户名不能为空! = The username is required! 新密码不能为空!= The new password is required! 确认密码不能为空! = The confirm password is required! 两次密码不一致! = Those two passwords didn't match! 两次输入密码不一致!= Those two passwords didn't match! 两次填写的密码不一致 = Those two passwords didn't match! 新密码不能和旧密码相同! = The new password cannot be the same as the old password! 包含以上选中类密码中的几类, = types count, 密码有效期, = password expiration date, 密码过期前提醒, = a prompt before password expiration, 密码最小长度, = The minimum length of the password, {0}的值输入有误!= The value of {0} is wrong! 新密码必须包含大写字母! = The new password needs to contain uppercase letter! 新密码必须包含小写字母! = The new password needs to contain lowercase letter! 新密码至少包含大写字母,数字中的{0}类!= The new password needs to contain at least {0} type(s) character listed below: uppercase letter, number! 新密码至少包含大写字母,小写字母中的{0}类 = The new password needs to contain at least {0} type(s) character listed below: uppercase letter, lowercase letter 新密码至少包含大写字母,数字中的{0}类 = The new password needs to contain at least {0} type(s) character listed below: uppercase letter, number 新密码至少包含小写字母,数字中的{0}类 = The new password needs to contain at least {0} type(s) character listed below: lowercase letter, number 新密码至少包含小写字母,数字中的{0}类!= The new password needs to contain at least {0} type(s) character listed below: lowercase letter, number! 新密码至少包含大写字母,小写字母,数字中的{0}类 = The new password needs to contain at least {0} type(s) character listed below: uppercase letter, lowercase letter, number 新密码至少包含大写字母,小写字母,数字中的{0}类! = The new password needs to contain at least {0} type(s) character listed below: uppercase letter, lowercase letter, number! 新密码必须包含小写字母和数字! = The new password must contain lowercase letters and numbers! 新密码至少包含大写字母,小写字母,数字中{0}类 = The new password contains at least {0} of capital letters, lowercase letters, and numbers 新密码必须包含大写字母,小写字母,数字!= The new password must contain capital letters, lowercase letters, numbers! 工资密码必须是6位纯数字! = The new password needs to contain a mix of lowercase letter and number! 工资密码修改成功! = Change successfully! 工资密码修改失败,= Change failed, 密码修改成功! = Change successfully! 密码修改失败, = Change fialed, # commDialog.js 打开的时候得调用下 translateOne 子流程: = Sub process 节点{0}指定审批人: = Assign approver for {0} node 节点 = Node 指定审批人 = Designated approver 确定 = OK 确认 = OK 关闭 = Close 保存 = Save 未关闭 = Unclosed # form.js 其他 = Others 四级部门 = Level 4 dept 操作 = Operation 格式错误 = Format error 关联对应列名[{0}]不能为空! = The associated field [{0}] is required! # grid.js 查看详情 = View details 导入数据 = Data importing 多表头设置 = Multi header settings 导出Excel(当前页) = Export as excel(current page) 导出Excel(选中) = Export as excel(selected) 导出Excel(所有) = Export as excel(all) 导出Pdf = Export as pdf 导出Excel(当前页,导入用) = Export for importing(current page) 导出Excel(选中,导入用) = Export for importing(selected) 导出Excel(所有,导入用) = Export for importing(all) 打印 = Print 字段设定 = Field setting 字段设定(如有设置多表头则字段顺序以多表头设置为准) = Field setting(by multi-head if exist) 排序设置 = Sort setting 自定义查询 = Custom search 数据分析 = Data analysis 加入人员容器 = Add to container 设置人员标签 = Set staff tag 设置人才标签 = Set talent tag 标记 = Mark 工资条 = pay slip 新增工资条 = Add 重命名工资条 = Rename 复制工资条 = Copy 删除工资条 = Delete 取消标记 = Unmark 人员常用报表 = Common report 作废 = Cancel 班次 = Work shift 合计 = Total 条 = Records 报表打印 = Print report 报表打印模板 = Print report template # util.js 您当前的登录信息已过期,请重新登录! = Your account has expired, please login again! 类别 = Category 名称 = Name 提示 = Prompt 警告 = Warning 系统提示 = System prompt 复制成功 = Copied 正整数型数字出错(格式出错或超出范围) = The positive integer is required(invalid format or overflow) 需填入小于14位的正数 = The length positive integer cannot exceed 14 digits 日期出错 = Invalid date 年前 = year(s) ago 月前 = month(s) ago 周前 = week(s) ago 天前 = day(s) ago 小时前 = hour(s) ago 分钟前 = minute(s) ago 刚刚 = just now 服务器拒绝了您的请求 = The server has rejected your request. 找不到请求的页面 = The page was not found. 服务器内部错误 = An internal server error has occurred. 服务不可用请稍后再试 = The server is unavailable. 网关超时 = The gateway timeout. 以下字段[{0}]为可编辑字段,请确认是否编辑?点[确定]为继续提交! = The following fields [{0}] are editable, please confirm whether you need to edit them or not. Click [OK] to submit! 到 = To 文档编辑 = Documents editing 不能装载文档控件。请联系系统管理员。 = The document ocx activeX control load failed. 无法获取宏变量 = Cannot get the macro variable 请输入 = Please input 选择 = Select 多选 = Multiple 单选 = Single 清空 = Empty 模板 = template 的信息 = info 基本摘要 = Basic Summary # ExcelImport2.html 文档上传 = File upload 数据检验 = Data validation 数据校验 = Validate data 导入完成 = Completed 文件类型 = File type 表类型 = Table type 目标表 = Target table 导入 = Import 导入导出模板 = Export & import template 导出Excel数据 = Export excel 请点击退出 = Click & Exit 上一步 = Back 导出报错列表 = Export error list 退出 = Exit #EchartStat.js 反选 = Inverse 半径模式 = Radius mode # formDesign.js 字段属性 = Field attribute 附表属性 = Attached table attribute 确认删除该字段吗? = Are you sure you want to delete the field? 字段信息 = Field Info 附表信息 = Attached table info # GridSheet.js 总 = Total 请检查表格红色出错标记[{0}行,{1}列] = Please check the value that in cell with red mark[{0}th row, {1}th column] 公式无法识别 = Unrecognized formula 员工编号 = Staff No. # loading.js 资源加载中... = loading... 系统正在初始化... = initializing... 业务加载中... = loading... 您的浏览器已经登录了 = The account 账号,不能登录! = has logged in! 部门加载中... = loading... # lookup.js 请先维护字段【{0}】的数据! = Please maintain the data of field {0} first. 请先输入字段【{0}】的数据! = Please input the data of field {0} first! # LookupEditFormat.js 编辑类型 = Edit type 数据过滤 = Data filter 字段校验设置 = Field verification setting |1为末级,|0为非末级 = 1 represents leaf node, 0 represents non-leaf node 1为末级 = 1 represents leaf node 0为非末级 = 0 represents non-leaf node 是否选择非末级 = If non-leaf node can be selected 用于单级编码 = for single level code 是否多选 = Mutiple 用于树勾选是否联动 = Whether linkage when checking checkbox of the tree or not 是否取消联动 = Whether cancel linkage or not 水平显示 = Horizontal display 普通文本 = Plain text 复选框 = Check box 编码 = Code 关联数据 = Associate data(single select) 附件上传 = File upload 树型编码 = Tree coding 备注 = Comment 时钟 = Clock 签名 = Signature 工作照 = Work photo 生活照 = Life photo 多关联数据 = Associate data(multi select) # LookupTree2.js 移除 = Remove 部门名称 = Dept name 部门全称 = Dept full name # lsDialogSelectPosition.js 搜索 = Search 查找 = Query 岗位名称 = Post name 岗位选择 = Post select # lsDialogSelectQuery.js 请输入搜索关键词 = Enter the keyword for search # lsDialogSelectUsers.js # lsDropdownCbx.js 全部 = All 没有找到授权的业务 = Cannot find authorized business #Tile.js 收起 = Fold 展开 = Unfold 更多 = More # Upload.js 选择文件 = Select file # Valuation.js 分 = Cent #MyAgent.js 业务申请信息 = Business application info #GridMuiltColumns.html 表头集合 = Header set 增加表头 = Add Header 删除表头 = Delete Header 列头设置效果预览 = Preview 请设置表头名称 = Header name setting # rySelector.html - 人员选择控件 自定义条件 = Custom condition 全不选(针对选中的部门下的所有人员) = Unselect all(for the selected department) 已选人员 = Selected # RYDetailMSG.html 我的档案 = My dossier 我的业务 = My business 我的能力 = My ability 人员基本信息视图 = Staff basic info view 全部显示 = Show all 导出档案 = Export dossier #ImportSetWin.html 匹配规则 = Match rule 附件属性 = Attachment property #EditFormatForm.js 普通文本(TEXT)= TEXT 复选框(CHECK) = CHECK 编码(CODE/CHECKBOXLIST) = CODE 关联数据(LOOK) = Associate data(LOOK) 附件上传(FILE) = UPLOAD(FILE) 树型编码(CODETREE/CODETREEMUILT) = Tree structure(CODETREE/CODETREEMUILT) 备注(MEMO) = MEMO 时钟(DATETIMEPICKER) = DATETIMEPICKER 签名(SIGNATURE) = SIGNATURE 工作照(PHOTO) = PHOTO 生活照(LIFEPHOTO) = LIFEPHOTO 多关联数据(LOOKMORE) = Associate data(LOOKMORE) 网页(HTML) = HTML 单选框(RADIO) = RADIO 颜色(COLOR) = COLOR 图标(ICON) = ICON 高级编码(CODESELECTOR) = Checkbox(CODESELECTOR) 在线文档编辑(ONLINEEDIT) = ONLINEEDIT 超链接(LINK) = LINK 证件照 = HEADPHOTO 快速搜索(REFTO) = Quick search(REFTO) #DeskTopModule.js 没有设置链接地址! = There is not link address in it! 没有该界面的权限!= You have not the permission to access the link! #formatCheck.html 复选框标签文本 = The label text of the checkbox #formatCode.js 英文名/中文名 = English name/Chinese name 请输入表英文名/中文名进行快速查询 = Please enter the English name/Chinese name of table for search #BX/BXBD 险种类别 = Insurance category 新增参保 = New insurance record 删除参保 = Delete insurance record 信息变更 = Edit 开始日期 = Start date 开始日期:= Start date: 结束日期:= End date: 结束日期 = End date 详细变动信息 = View change log 参保列表 = Insured list 补缴列表 = Supplementary payment list 生成补缴数据 = Generate supplementary payment data 补缴编辑 = Edit 补缴计算 = Calculate #BX/BXBJ 已补缴信息 = Supplementary payment info 保险补缴 = Supplementary payment 险种类别:= Insurance category: 导入补缴 = Import 年月从: = From: 到 = To 进行补缴 = Make a supplementary payment 保险公式:= Insurance formula: #BX/BXBuJaoSC.html 基数调整 = Base adjustment 总额均摊 = Total share #BX/BXSJ 保险方案 = Insurance scheme 险种设置 = Insurance setting 启用险种 = Enable insurance 险种体系 = Insurance system 保险项目 = Insurance items 公式设置 = Formula setting 适用人员 = Set filter condition 省市 = Municipality or province 年份 = Year 险种 = Insurance type 选择表 = Select table 选择字段 = Select field 操作符 = Operator 已设置字段列表 = Field list that has set 逻辑表达式: = Logical Expressions: 说明:在逻辑表达式中,[+]表示并且,[,]表示或者,[|]表示相反条件,同时支持()运算 = Description: In the logical expressions, [+] means AND, [,] means OR, [|] means opposite condition. It also support () operation at the same time 调整对象 : = Adjust object 调整算法 : = Adjust algorithm 公式套 = Formula set 计算项目列表 = Calc item list 计算范围: = Calc range: 发放险种: = Insurance type: 保险年月: = Insurance date: 保险年月 = Insurance date 缴纳年月 = Payment year and month 审批总人数: = Total number: 附件: = Attachment: 年月 = Date 至 = To 按部门: = By dept: 保险名册 = Insurance roster 缴费计算 = Payment calculation 保险上报 = Insurance report 提交归档 = Archive 上次发放:= Last payment date: 上次发放 = Last payment date 保险月份:= Month of insurance: 年 = Year 月 = Month 独立部门维护查询 = Independent dept search 查看保险补缴数据 = View insurance supplementary payment data 同步险种 = Sync insurance type 加上 = Plus 乘法 = Multiplication 除法 = Division 替换表 = Original table 替换字段 = Original field 所有字段 = All fields 最新字段 = Latest field 发放险种 = Insurance type 保险年月 = Insurance date 审批人 = Approver 制表人 = Tabulator 制表人: = Tabulator: 制表时间: = Datetime: 制表时间 = Datetime 设置生成新台帐保留上月数据的项目 = Keep last month data when generating new standing book 生成保险台帐 = Generate standing book 保险方案外人员参险 = Add staff from those who not in insurance scheme 上报审批 = Report for approval 保险调整 = Adjust insurance 保险计算 = Calculate 历史查询 = Query for historical data 保险报表 = Insurance report 0 = Zero 1 = One 2 = Two 3 = Three 4 = Four 5 = Five 6 = Six 7 = Seven 8 = Eight 9 = Nine 10 = Ten 11 = Eleven 12 = Twelve 全部请假数据 = All leave data 销假相关信息 = Info about report back from leave 请假被销历史信息 = Leave history 全部加班数据 = All overtime data 请输入字段名称 = Please enter field name 字段名称 = Field name 字段名 = Field name #BX/BSYW/BX_IOInsurance.html 未参保 = Uninsured 已参保 = Insured 已停保 = Insurance stopped 未参保人员 = Uninsured 已参保人员 = Insured 已停保人员 = Insurance stopped 未获取方案编码 = Cannot get the scheme number 发放年月 = The month of insurance granting 编辑补缴 = Edit 取消补缴 = Cancel 补缴月份: = The month of insurance: 补缴方案 = Supplementary payment scheme 补缴保险基数: = The cardinality of supplementary payment : 补缴保险基数 = The cardinality of supplementary payment 个人补缴总额:= Total amount of personal supplementary payment: 单位补缴总额: = Total amount of work unit supplementary payment : 单位补缴总额 = Total amount of work unit supplementary payment 每月个人补差: = Make up the difference monthly of personal : 每月个人补差 = Make up the difference monthly of personal 每月单位补差: = Make up the difference monthly of work unit 每月单位补差 = Make up the difference monthly of work unit 每月补差 = Make up the difference monthly 公式计算 = Formula calculation 增员(各险种) = Recruiting(all insurance types) 减员(各险种) = Downsize staff(all insurance types) 调配(各险种) = Redeploy(all insurance types) 未停缴人员 = The staff with insurance in normal state 已停缴人员 = The staff with insurance in stop state 保险年份 = Year of insurance 调整状态 = Adjust status 计算全部 = Calculate(All) 计算个人 = Calculate(individuals) 调整 = Adjust 未调整 = Unadjusted 常规公式 = General formula 请选择公式: = Please select the formula: 参保图项目设置 = Item setting for insurance chart 保险显示内容设置 = Set display content of insurance 状态 = State 状态:= State: 公式名称 = Formula name 没有记录可显示 = No Data 参考项目名称 = Reference item name 条件设置 = Condition settings 函数向导 = Function wizard 函数设置 = Function setting 高级设置 = Advanced setting 新增公式 = New formula 独立部门名称 = Independent dept name 险种条件设置 = Condition setting of insurance type 全部函数 = All functions 公用函数 = Public functions 专用函数 = Dedicated functions 选择函数 = Select functions 设置参数 = Set params 返回函数公式 = Function formula 说明: = Description: 返回结果:= Results: 等级公式 = The external data that referenced by formula 参数名称 = Param name 对应配置项目 = Data type 配置项目 = Project configuration 引自字段 = Item from 引入表项目 = Introduce item 直接取值 = Get value 求和 = Sum 求平均 = Average 求最大值 = Maximum 求最小值 = Minimum 固定项目 = Fixed items 选择替换字段: = Select field: 生成保险数据 = Generate insurance data 独立部门外人员参险 = The staff who outside the independent dept participate in insurance 设置新建保险数据保持不变的字段 = Set field remind unchanged for new insurance 变化字段 = Changed field 显示撤销部门 = Show abolished dept 假期类别 = Holiday category 保险方案排序 = Insurance scheme ranking 删除[{0}]项目,对应所有险种将一并删除,确定删除? = Delete [{0}] item,corresponding to all insurance types will be deleted together,are you sure to delete? #CP/Analysis/ResultAnalysis.html 测评任务 = Task 投票统计 = Poll statistics 测评分析 = Analyse 下载原始票 = Download ticket 下载意见表 = Download suggestion form 预演 = Rehearse 正式 = Formal 测评表 = Evaluation form 测评项票数 = Votes of evaluation item 姓名: = Name: 部门: = Dept: 总分 = Score 排名 = Ranking 方案计算 = Scheme calculation 测评任务名称 = Evaluation task name 新增课程 = New course #CP/Comm/CalTotalScoring.html 当前测评表 = Evaluation Form(current) 指标设置 = Set indicator 测评身份设置 = Identity setting 指标授权 = Authorize 指标分类 = Classify 指标 = Indicator 指标说明 = Indicator description 选项 = Option 后台录入 = Background input 必填 = Required 选项查看 = View option 选项名称 = Option name 选项模板 = Option template 字数 = Words 分数 = Score 主职 = Main job 主职:= Main job: 测评人数 = The num of person who participate in evaluation 实名 = Real name 人数 = Number 分组 = Grouping 匿名 = Anonymous 指导语 = Instruction 测评设置 = Evaluation settings 设置测评表 = Set evaluation table 未选择测评表 = Umselected 已选择测评表 = Selected 共用相同二维码 = Share the same QR code 快速查询 = Quick search 评价方式 = Evaluate method 编码查询 = Code search 编码名称 = Code name 部门编码,名称 = Department code, name 清空预演数据 = Clear data 已完成 = Completed 查看所有测评表 = View evaluation forms(All) 新增测评任务 = New evaluation task 编辑测评任务 = Edit evaluation task 姓名 = Name 剩余倒休 = Remainder of the shift leave 未通过的倒休假时数 = Remainder non-pass hourage of the shift leave 平时加班可调 = Whether overtime of working day can be taken in lieu or not 周末加班可调 = Whether overtime of weekend day can be taken in lieu or not 法定加班可调 = Whether mandatory overtime can be taken in lieu or not 平时计薪时数 = Billable hours of working day 周末计薪时数 = Billable hours of weekend day 法定计薪时数 = Mandatory billable hours 岗位:= Post: 负责人: = Principal: 测评历时 = Evaluating duration 签到情况 = Sign in situation 测评进展 = Evaluation progress 未评价 = Unevaluated 已评价 = Evaluated 票数 = Votes 总体分析 = Analyse overall 新增指标 = New indicator 新增多行指标 = New indicators 删除指标 = Delete indicator 测评身份 = Grouping info 整数位数 = Integer word length 测评组 = Group 请选择测评组 = Please select evaluation group 人员类别:= Staff category: 兼职类别: = Part-time category: 高级筛查 = Advanced search 值 = Value 已设置条件 = Condition that has been set 已设置条件: = Condition that has been set: 逻辑表达式 = Logical Expressions 匹配 = Match 左匹配 = Left match 右匹配 = Right match #CP/Setting/EvaluateOptions.html 单选项 = Single 多选项 = Multiselect 输入值 = Text 评分标准 = Scoring criteria 选项数 = Number of options 选项数: = Number of options: 新增{0}模板 = New {0} template 修改{0}模板 = Edit {0} template 输入值类型: = Value type: 模板名称:= Template name: 模板名称(英):= Template name(En): 已被引用,无法新增 = Cannot add new because it has been referred 已被引用,无法修改 = Cannot edit because it has been referred 已被引用,无法删除 = Cannot delete because it has been referred 字数* = words* 整数位数* = Integer word length* 小数位数* = Precision* 评审分类 = Review classification _公式套 = _formula set #CP/Setting/EvaluateTable.html 请输入测评表名称进行快速查询 = Please enter the table name for quick search 测评表名称 = Table name of evaluation 作废 = Cancel 新增测评表 = New evaluation table 编辑测评表 = Edit evaluation table #CustomQuery.html #ESS/BusinessRequest/ReportForm.html 报表生成 = Generate report 报表查询条件 = Query condition of report 早上好 = Good morning 下午好 = Good afternoon 晚上好 = Good evening 上次登录时间: = Last login date: 已阅读 = Read 组织 = Organization 合同 = Contract 考勤 = Attendance 保险 = Insurance 薪资 = Salary 薪资管理流程 = Salary management process 公告 = Announcement 问卷 = Questionnaire 报告 = Report 审批 = Approve 招聘 = Recruit 目标 = Goal 绩效 = Performance 人才管理 = Talent management 民主测评 = democratic evaluation 测评对象 = Evaluatee 维度 = Dimensions 指标名称 = Indicator name 评价项 = Evaluation item 创建人: = Creator: 收藏 = Collect 取消收藏 = Cancel 通知内容 = Inform content 新闻内容 = News content 标题: = Title: 发布日期:= Release date: 内容摘要: = Content Summary: 系统消息 = System msg 点击查看详情 = More 已被 = has been 于 = at 节点:= The node: 处理结果 = Result 节点知会:= Notification : 新建活动 = New activity 流程进行中 = In progress 消息明细 = Msg details 发件人 = Sender 发件人:= Sender: 发送时间 = Send time 标题 = Title 内容 = Content 绩效评价 = Performance evaluation 空 = Empty 附件预览 = Preview 下载附件 = Download attachment 发送 = Send 回复 = Reply 收件人 = Recipient 劳动合同表 = Table of labor contract 劳动合同 = Labor contract 合同续签 = Renewal 人员:= Staff: 新增请假单 = New leave application form 新增公出单 = New business trip form 新增公差单 = New business trip form 新增出差单 = New business trip form 新增加班单 = New overtime form 新增补卡单 = New supplemental punch card form 新增培训单 = New Training form 新增加班类别 = New overtime category 审批人信息 = Approver info 加班类别 = Overtime category 考勤方案:= Attendance scheme: 审批详情 = Approval details 上周总结 = Last week's summary 本周计划 = This week's plan 上月总结 = Last month's summary 本月计划 = This month's plan 文件名称:= File name: 的申请 = application 该申请 = The application 您 = Your 您的申请未被{0}审批处理 = Your application has not been approved by {0} 您已经提交申请单 = You has submitted the application form 未被审批处理 = Unapproved 未被 = have not been 已经被 = has been 已经被审批 = Has been approved 您的申请已经被{0}审批同意 = Your application been approved by {0} 您的申请已经被{0}审批提交 = Your application been submitted by {0} 您的申请已经被{0}审批{1} = Your application been [{1}] by {0} 您的申请已经被{0}{1} =Your application been {0} {1} 您的申请已经知会{0} = Your application has informed {0} 该申请未被您审批处理 = You havn't approved the application yet 该申请已经被您审批提交 = You have submitted the application 该申请已经被您审批驳回 = You have rejected the application 该申请已经被您审批退回 = You have rejected the application 该申请已经被您审批不同意 = You have not approved the application 该申请已经被您审批同意 = You have approved the application 流程正常结束 = Process ends normally 手机一键审批驳回 = One click reject by phone 工作内容 = Job content 说明 = Description 下载查看 = Download & view 开始答卷 = Start to answer the questionnaire 记名调查 = Real-name survey 不记名调查 = Anonymous survey 已催办 = Reminded 摘要:= Summary: 附件:= Attachment: 上次登录:= Last login date: 工作 = Work 我发起的 = Initiated by me 我执行的 = In my hand 我点评的 = Wait for comment 我收藏的 = My collection 我评论的 = Commented by me 分享给我的 = Shared with me 我的任务培养 = My task training 我的任职培养 = My officeholding training 我的辅导培养 = My tutorship training 最新动态 = Latest information 评论 = Comments 评论内容:= Comment: 删除评论内容 = Delete comments 导师辅导 = Tutorship 无数据 = No data 获得学分 = Earn credits 发起 = Initiate 完成 = Complete 执行人 = Executor 辅导老师 = Tutor 分享给 = Share it with 时间 = Time 描述 = Description 效果 = Effect 详情 = Details 评论数= Number of comments 来自sTalent网页版 = From web version sTalent 获得学分 : = Earn credits: 发起人 = Initiator 全部状态 = All status 全部时间 = All times 星期一 = Monday 星期二 = Tuesday 星期三 = Wednesday 星期四 = Thursday 星期五 = Friday 星期六 = Saturday 星期日 = Sunday 顺序: = SN: #ESS/JRFZ/SelfRecom.html 审批状态 = Approval status 审批状态:= Approval status: 日期范围 = Date range 自荐申请 = Application of self-promotion 人才梯队 = Talent echelon 人才推荐申请 = Application of referral 候选人 = Candidate 我的考核表 = My evaluation form 周期:= Cycle: 员工考核 = Staff evaluation 部门考核 = Dept evaluation 周期 = Cycle 自定义指标期限 = Custom indicator time limit 绩效自评期限 = Performance self-evaluation time limit 绩效评价期限 = Performance evaluation time limit 已修改 = Modified 修改率 = Modification rate 提交人 = Submitter 已评分 = Scored 完成率 = Completion rate 成绩确认状态 = The results confirmation status 成绩 = Results 点击加载更多评论 = More 自定义指标 = Custom indicator 自评 = self-evaluation 成绩确认 = The results confirmation 来自 = From 属性 = Property 绩效自评 = Self-evaluation 等级评定 = Rating 成绩发布 = Score released 已归档 = Archived 员工 = Staff 私密 = Private 公开 = Public 同部门 = Same department 其他同事 = Other staff 待填写指标 = Indicator that need to be filled in 填写指标 = Fill in indicator 确认成绩 = Confirm results 待提交指标 = Indicator that need to be submitted 待考核自评 = The self-evaluation that need to be filled in 待提交自评 = The self-evaluation that need to be submitted 待考核评分 = The self-evaluation that need to be scored 考核评分 = Score 待审核考核 = The self-evaluation that need to be reviewed 待审核 = To be reviewed 我的倒休时长 = Shift leave hourage 我的请假 = My application for leave 待成绩确认 = The results that need to be confirmed 部门考核表 = Dept review form 自评考核表 = Self-evaluation form 我填写的考核表 = The form that I filled out 我评分的考核表 = The form that I scored 我审核的考核表 = The form that I reviewed 我收藏的考核表 = The form that I collected 全部类型 = All types 全部周期 = All cycles 全部年度 = All years 容器内等级 = Grade within the container 方案内等级 = Grade within the scheme 方案详情 = Scheme details 指标详情 = Indicator details 展开 = Expand 收缩 = Fold 星期 = Week 周 = Week 编辑绩效 = Edit performance 绩效评分 = Evaluate performance 高级审批 = Advanced approval 员工自评 = Staff self-evaluation 排行榜 = Rank list 团队成员 = Team members 团队考核表 = Team review form 统计图表 = Statistical charts 姓名:= Name: 岗位:= Post: {0}的考核表 = Assessment form of {0} 半年 = Semi-annual 打卡时间 = Time of punch in/out 数据来源 = Data from 常规记录 = General records 请假申请 = Leave application 加班申请 = Overtime application 打卡记录 = Punch in/out record 公出申请 = Business trip application 补卡申请 = Supplemental punch card application 上班刷卡:= Punch in: 下班刷卡:= Punch out: 假期区间 = Holiday range 去年剩余年假 = Remaining annual leave(Last year) 本年分配年假 = Annual leave(This year) 本年有效年假 = Valid annual leave(This year) 本年已休年假 = Annual leave taken(This year) 本年剩余年假 = Remaining annual leave(This year) 年假休假记录查询 = Annual leave record search 去年剩余 = The balance of last year 本年分配 = Annual allocation of this year 本年有效 = Annual validation of this year 本年已休 = Annual taken of this year 本年剩余 = The balance of this year 休假记录查询 = Annual leave record search 天 = days 有效 = Valid 无效 = Invalid 组成分析 = Components analysis 休假分析 = Annual leave ayalysis #ESS/KQ/Index.html 按日期 = By Date 签到照片 = Photo of sign in 查看考勤结果 = View attendance results 编辑请假单 = Edit leave form 打印请假单 = Print leave form 编辑公差单 = Edit business trip form 公差申请 = Business trip application 编辑出差单 = Edit business trip form 出差申请 = Business trip application 编辑加班单 = Edit overtime form 编辑补卡 = Edit supplemental punch card info 编辑哺乳假 = Edit breastfeeding leave info 销假单 = Form of report back from leave 销假 = Report back from leave 销公出单 = Report back from business trip application form 审批查看 = View approval 日期范围:= Date range: 全部数据 = All data 正常 = Normal 异常 = Abnormal 迟到 = Late 早退 = Leave early 旷工 = Absenteeism 请假 = Ask for leave 公差 = Business trip 出差 = Business trip 异常转正常 = Back to normal 1月 = JAN 2月 = FEB 3月 = MAR 4月 = APR 5月 = MAY 6月 = JUN 7月 = JUL 8月 = AUG 9月 = SEPT 10月 = OCT 11月 = NOV 12月 = DEC 01月 = JAN 02月 = FEB 03月 = MAR 04月 = APR 05月 = MAY 06月 = JUN 07月 = JUL 08月 = AUG 09月 = SEPT 添加目标 = Add goal 签到图片查看 = View photo of sign in 应出勤工时 = Theoretical working hours 实际出勤工时 = Actual working hours 请假 (次) = Leave(times) 公出(次) = Business trip(times) 迟到(次) = Late(times) 早退(次) = Leave early(times) 补卡 = Supplemental punch card 刷卡 = Punch card 0(小时) = 0(hour) (小时) = (hours) 0(天) = 0(day) (天) = (days) 0(分钟) = 0(minute) 0(次) = 0(time) 今日 = Today #ESS/KQ/Shift.html 休息 = Rest 个人月排班信息 = Personal monthly scheduling info 元旦 = New year's Day #ESS/KQBQSK/BQSK.html 按年月: = Year & Month: 按年月:= Year & Month: 全部补卡数据 = All supplemental punch card data 我的考勤 = My attendance 字段 = Field 今年新建 = Create new(this year) 今年执行中 = Executing(this year) 今年已撤销 = Withdrawn(this year) 今年已完成 = Completed(this year) 我的目标 = My goal 组织目标 = Organizational goals 我创建的目标 = Goal that I created 我参与的目标 = Goal that I participated in 我收藏的目标 = Goal that I collected 我评论的目标 = Goal that I commented 分享给我的目标 = Goal that shared with me 本周 = Week 员工目标 = Staff goal 权重 := Weight: 负责人 = Principal 参与人 = Participants 目标值 = Goal value 单位 = Unit 实际值 = Actual value 评论 = Comments 任务 = Tasks 添加任务 = Add task 已逾期 = Overdue 执行中 = Executing 未开始 = Not started 已取消 = Cancelled 预计时间 = Estimated time 重要 = Important 不重要 = Not emergency 紧急 = Emergency 不紧急 = Not urgent 已推送日程表 = Pushed schedule 未推送日程表 = Schedule needs to be pushed 实际时间 = Actual time 预计剩余时间(小时)= Estimated remaining time(hour) 剩余 = Remaining 已消耗(小时) = Consumed(hour) 不通过 = Failed 已撤销 = Already withdrawn 全部审批状态 = All approval status 全部执行状态 = All execution status 查看员工目标详情 = View details of staff goal 查看组织目标详情 = View details of org goal 查看任务详情 = View task details 完成目标 = Complete the goal 添加员工目标 = Add staff goal 编辑员工目标 = Edit staff goal 编辑组织目标 = Edit org goal #ESS/MyTeam/MB/TeamTarget.html 团队目标 = Team goal 上级目标 = Parent's goal 任务数 = Number of tasks 查看详情 = More 复制任务 = Copy #ESS/MyTeam/WorkReport/Daily.html 请输入日报关键字 = Please enter the keyword of daily report 团队日报 = Team Daily 分享 = Share 日报 = Daily 点评 = Comment 今日工作总结 = Today's work summary 明日工作计划 = Tomorrow's work plan 工作心得体会 = Work experience #ESS/MyTeam/WorkReport/Monthly.html 2018年月历表 = 2018 monthly calendar 请输入月报名称或人名搜索 = Monthly calendar name/satff name 团队月报 = Monthly report of team 本月月报填写情况 = The situation of monthly report 本月 = Current month 个人 = Individual 个人- = Individual - 部门- = Department - 填报人 = Written by 协作人 = Cooperator 提交时间 = Submit time 完成数 = Quantity performed 上月完成数 = Quantity performed(last month) 上月完成率 = Quantity rate(last month) 本月任务数 = Number of task(this month) 上月遗留 = Left over(last month) 上月遗留数 = Number of left over(last month) 年月历表 = monthly calendar 我的保险显示字段 = Field displayed 填写月报 = Fill in monthly report 全部月份 = All months 一月 = January 二月 = February 三月 = March 四月 = April 五月 = May 六月 = June 七月 = July 八月 = August 九月= September 十月 = October 十一月 = November 十二月 = December 月报详情 = Monthly report detail 编辑月报 = Edit monthly report #ESS/MyTeam/WorkReport/Weekly.html 2018年周历表 = 2018 weekly calendar 请输入周报名称或人名搜索 = Weekly calendar name/satff name 团队周报 = Weekly report of team 上周任务数 = Quantity performed(last week) 上周完成数 = Completions(last week) 上周完成率 = Completion rate(last week) 本周任务数 = Number of task(this week) 上周遗留 = Left over(last week) 上周遗留数 = Number of left over(last week) 年周历 = Weekly calendar 填写周报 = Fill out the weekly report 周报详情 = Weekly report detail 编辑周报 = Edit weekly report #ESS/MyTeam/DetailMSG.html 性别:= Sex: 年龄:= Age: 出生日期:= Birthday: 出生日期:无 = Birthday: null 入职日期:= Entry date: 入职日期:无 = Entry date: null 个性签名 = Signature {0}信息分类列表 = List of {0} info classification 我的司龄 = Service year in the company 我的工龄 = Working age 手机号码:= Mobile phone number: 家庭住址:= Home address: 家庭地址:= Home address: 部门职位查询 = Job search 查看岗位说明书 = View job description 考勤查询 = Attendance search 我的团队 = My team #ESS/MyTeam/RYChildMessage.html 业务申请 = Business application 编辑详情 = Edit detail #ESS/MyTeam/Team.html 业务办理 = Business 考勤查看 = View attendance 系统提示 = System tips 系统 = System 成员列表 = Member list 签到 = Sign in 签退 = Sign out 考勤周期 = Attendance period {0}的考勤记录 = Attendance record of {0} {0}的考勤结果 = Attendance results of {0} {0}的考勤排班 = Attendance scheduling of {0} #ESS/PS/ArrangeApplicant.html 请输入人员编号/姓名/拼音码进行快速查询 = Staff Code/Name/PinYin Code 人员编号/姓名/拼音码 = Staff Code/Name/PinYin Code 新增申报人 = New applicant 复制添加申报人 = Copy applicant #ESS/PS/ArrangeMajorExpert.html 查看填报信息 = View application info #ESS/PS/AttendScoring.html 打分成绩 = Score 排序号 = SN. 未打分 = Unscored 查看成绩 = View results 查看划档 = View grade 业务成绩详情 = Business accomplishment detail #ESS/PS/MaterialAudit.html 未审核 = Unapproved 已审核 = Approved 申报人 = Applicant 上次职称类别 = Last job title category 任职时间 = Officeholding date #ESS/PS/OnlineReport.html 评审系列分类:= Review series category: 评审组别:= Review group: 填写填报信息 = Fill out the info 首次填写 = Fill out at first time 上报 = Report #ESS/PS/ReviewResult.html 专家打分率 = Scoring rate of expert 查看专家打分情况 = View scoring result of expert #ESS/PS/ReviewScoring.html 申报人:= Applicant: #ESS/PX/ApplyRecord.html 培训日历 = Training calendar 审批中 = Approvaling #ESS/PX/MyEvaluate.html 进行中 = In progress 已评估 = Evaluated count 培训班= Training class 问卷名称 = Name 请输入问卷名称 = Please enter the name of questionnaire 请选择评估问卷... = Please select the evaluating questionnaire... 评估 = Evaluation 已全部评估完!= All evaluated! 培训人数 = Number of trainees 需评估 = Need to be assessed 剩余人数 = Left evaluating count 查看培训班 = View the training class #ESS/PX/MyTrain.html 最近发布 = Recently released 教室培训 = Offline training 在线培训 = Online training 【班】= Class 课程 = Course 讲师 = Lecturer 必修课程 = Compulsory course 培训申请 = Training application 培训任务 = Training task 资料库 = Library 培训学习/培训课程 = Training/Training course 课程详情—— = Course detail - 培训学习 / 申请记录 = Training / Application record 培训学习/申请记录 = Training / Application record 签约 = Signing up 答题 = Write an exam 培训学习/培训班 = Training/Training class 培训报名一一一一 = Sing up for training ---- 培训签约-- = Sign for training 填写考卷 = Fill out the exam paper 评估自评一一一一 = Self-evaluation---- 评估问卷一一一一 = Questionnaire---- #ESS/PX/TrainCourse.html 未修课程 = The optional course that havn't taken yet 已修课程 = The optional course that has taken 未修课程1 = Not Taken 已修课程1 = Taken 非必修 = Opotional 必修 = Compulsory 课程名称 = Course name 近期培训班 = Recent training class 参与培训班 = Participate in training class #ESS/RIC/CreateOrEdit.html 日程 = Schedule 工作日报 = Working daily report 分享* = Share* 时间* = Time* 全天日程 = All-day schedule 重复 = Repeat 结束重复 = End repetition 紧急度 = Urgency 提醒 = Remind 日期 = Date 查看历史 = View history 查看历史 >> = View history >> 历史日报 = Daily report of history 回执 = Receipt 仅删除此日程 = Only delete this schedule 仅针对此日程发布 = Only publish for this schedule 删除所有将来日程 = Delete all future schedules 针对将来日程发布 = Release for future schedules 重要性 = Importance #ESS/RIC/CreateOrEditTask.html 今天 =Today 我的日程 = My schedule 团队日程 = Team schedule 新建日程 = New schedule 四象限 = Four quadrants 出错了 = Something went wrong. #ESS/RulesAndRegulation/RulesAndRe.html 规章文本 = Regulations text 制度查阅记录 = Records of consulting rules and regulations 制度 = Institution 公布日期: = Disclosure date: 发布状态: = Release status: 有效日期: = Valid date: 类型: = Type: 附件: = Attachment: #ESS/StartSPItemList/StartSP.html 业务名称:= Business name: 状态: = Status: 近一天 = The last 24 hours 近三天 = The last three days 近一周 = The last week 近两周 = The last two weeks 近一月 = The last month 近两月 = The last two months 近半年 = The last six months 近一年 = The last year 近两年 = The last two years #ESS/UserProfile/BX/MyInsurance.html 基本养老保险 = Basic old-age insurance 基本医疗保险 = Basic medical insurance 生育保险 = Maternity insurance 失业保险 = Unemployment insurance 工伤保险 = Work-related injury 参保情况 = Insurance situation 医疗保险 = Health insurance #ESS/UserProfile/BX/MyInsurance2.html 未授权 = Unauthorized 当前参保情况 = Current insurance situation #ESS/UserProfile/PX/PxClassManage.html 我的班级 = My class 计划管理 = Manage plan 培训班管理 = Manage training class 结果考评 = Evaluate result 问卷作答 = Fill out the questionnaire 培训课程 = Training course 培训开始日期 = Training start date 新增数据 = New data 新增班级 = New class 编辑班级 = Edit class 删除班级 = Delete class 指定课程 = Designate course 学员资格审查 = Trainee qualification check 学员列表 = Trainee list 培训通知 = Training notification #ESS/UserProfile/PX/PxClassSelect.html 我要选班 = Select class 合格 = Qualified 不合格 = Unqualified #ESS/UserProfile/PX/PxJiHuaHuiZong.html 培训计划管理 = Training plan management 培训计划建班 = Create new class for training plan 新增计划 = New plan #ESS/UserProfile/PX/PxPaperTest.html 试卷名称: = Course name: 课程名称: = Course name : 试题数: = Number of questions: 总分: = Score: 单项选择题 = Signle select 多项选择题 = Multi select 判断题 = True and false question 填空题 = fill-in-the-blank questions 问答题 = Essay question 答题时间: = Quiz time: #ESS/UserProfile/PX/PxSelfKeJianZiLiao.html 查看课件 = View courseware 未找到课程分类数据 = No course classification data found 课程类别 = Course categories #ESS/UserProfile/PX/SelfPxXuQiu.html 培训需求管理 = Training needs management 培训需求计划建班 = Create new class for training needs 需求汇总 = Requirement gathering 子需求 = Sub requirement 编辑需求 = Edit requirement 删除需求 = Delete requirement 提交需求 = Submit requirement #ESS/UserProfile/PX/WenJuanTest.html 各位同事 = Dear colleagues 我们致力于为您提供高品质的培训课程.为了能够向你持续提供最佳的服务,请你对本次培训进行评估.你对我们培训项目的意见不会影响到您的培训成绩.谢谢你的支持!= We aim to provide you high-quality training courses. In order to continue providing your the best service, please evaluate this training. The evaluation will not affect your training score. Thanks for your support! 版本号: = Version NO.: 编号: = Number: 课程时间: = Course time: 授课讲师: = Lecturer: 非常差 = Very bad 差 = Bad 一般 = Mediocre 好 = Good 非常好 = Very good 培训试题 = Training questions 备注:= Comment: #ESS/UserProfile/RW/MyTask.html 我的任务 = My task 我发起的任务 = Initiated by me 我负责的任务 = In my hand 我参与的任务 = I participated in 我评论的任务 = Commented by me 分享给我的任务 = Shared with me 我收藏的任务 = My collection 任务 - 已逾期 = Task - Overdue 任务 - 未开始 = Task - Not Started 任务 - 执行中 = Task - Executing 任务 - 已完成 = Task - Completed 任务 - 已取消 = Task - Cancelled 推送到日程 = Pushed to schedule 未推送到日程 = Have not pushed to schedule yet 来自{0}的目标:{1} = The target {1} that comes from {0} 来自{0}的日程:{1} = The schedule {1} that comes from {0} 最近一天 = The last 24 hours 最近一周 = The last week 最近一月 = The last month 最近一年 = The last year 自定义时间 = Custom time 我关注的任务 = The task that I focus on 任务详情 = Task detail 点赞成功 = Liked #ESS/UserProfile/RW/TaskEnd.html 实际完成:= Actual finish time: 已消耗(小时) = Consumed(hours) 实际开始:= Actual start time: 预计剩余(小时) = Estimated remaining time(hour) #ESS/UserProfile/RW/TeamTask.html 请输入任务名称或人名搜索 =Task name/Staff name 团队任务 = Team tasks 任务完成统计 = The completion situation statistics of the task 删除评论内容 = Delete comment 任务详情 = Task detail 本月已填日报 = Daily report of this month 本周已填日报 = Daily report of this week 我的日报 = My daily report 我创建的日报 = My creation 我收藏的日报 = My collection 我评论的日报 = My evaluation 分享给我的日报 = Shared with me 写日报 = Add 创建人 = Creator 全部月度 = All months 日报详情 = Daily report detail 编辑日报 = Edit 填写日报 = Fill in daily report 我的月报 = My monthly report 我创建的月报 = My creation 我参与的月报 = My participation 我收藏的月报 = My collection 我评论的月报 = My evaluation 分享给我的月报 = Shared with me 写月报 = Add 我的周报 = My weekly report 我创建的周报 = My creation 我参与的周报 = My participation 我收藏的周报 = My collection 我评论的周报 = My evaluation 分享给我的周报 = Shared with me 写周报 = Add 年周历表 = weekly calendar #ESS/UserProfile/ZP/DemandApply.html 需求状态: = Requirement status: 年份: = Year: 初始状态 = Initial status 任务指派 = Assignment status 任务启动 = Startup status 任务暂停 = Paused status 任务完成 = Completed status 需求关闭 = Closed status #ESS/UserProfile/ZP/EmployApprove.html 审批状态: = Approval status: 已批准 = Approved 面试评价列表 = Evaluation list of interview 入职管理 = Entry management #ESS/UserProfile/ZP/EntryManage.html 人员进行中 = Ongoing 已放弃入职 = Given up 转删除简历库 = Transfer to recycling resume database 人事处理 = Personnel handling 接收人: = Receiver: 内部人才库 = Internal talent pool 新增简历 = New resume 编辑简历 = Edit resume 导入Eml = Import(.eml) 导入Word|Pdf = Import(word|pdf) #ESS/UserProfile/ZP/IViewEvaluation.html 评价状态: = Evaluation status: 招聘类型: = Recruitment type: 修改评价 = Edit evaluation 下载成功 = Download successfully #ESS/UserProfile/ZP/MyAdvertise.html 已发布的职位 = Published job 发布职位 = Publish job 内部推荐 = Internal recommendations 推荐 = Recommended 筛选简历 = Screen resume 简历跟踪 = Track resume 提交录用审批 = Submit for approval 职位需求说明 = Job requirement description 新增申请简历 = New resume 新增推荐简历 = New resume from recommendation #ESS/UserProfile/ZP/ScreenResume.html #ESS/UserProfile/ZP/TrackResume.html 简历追踪列表 = Resume tracking list 修改简历 = Edit resume #ESS/UserProfile/ZP/HT.html 概要信息 = Summary Info 合同文本 = Contract text 合同填写项目 = Item 合同填写值 = Value 模板显示控制: = Template: 否 = No 是 = Yes 合同编号:= No.: 合同签订日期:= Signing date: 合同起始日期:= Start date: 合同期限: = Contract period: 合同状态: = Status: 合同标志:= Flag: #ESS/UserProfile/ZP/MSG.html 雷达图 = Radar map 岗位匹配度 = Position matching 评估分数 = Evaluating score 行动建议 = Recommendation for action 显示方案 = Show scheme 显示多组织 = Show multi-org 履历 = Resume #ESS/UserProfile/ZP/MyAgent.html 流程名称 = Process name 请输入流程名称 = Please enter the process name 处理状态 = Status 待办 = Todo 已办未结 = Processing 办结 = Process end 流程查看 = View process 处理中 = Processing 已处理 = Processed 办结时间:= Process end time: 业务申请概要: = Business application summary: 业务申请概要 = Business application summary 所有审批模块列表 = Approvaling module list 流程详情 = Details 催办提醒 = Reminder 业务名称 = Business name 提交人: = Submitter: 申请人: = Applicant: 流程催办历史 = Reminder history #ESS/UserProfile/ZP/MyApplication.html 个人申请 = Application 业务表单ID = Business form ID 业务表单ID:= Business form ID: 业务名称:= Business name: 解绑原因:= Unbindling reason: 其他:= Other: #ESS/UserProfile/ZP/MyTodo.html 提交时间:= Submit time: 修改周报 = Edit weekly report 周报预览 = Preview weekly report 修改月报 = Edit monthly report 月报预览 = Preview monthly report #ESS/UserProfile/ZP/SetAgent.html 新增代理 = New agent 编辑代理 = Edit agent 删除代理 = Remove agent #ESS/ZP/InternalReferal.html 已发布职位 = The position that has posted 推荐应聘者 = Recommended candidates 招聘负责人 = Principal of Recruitment 请输入职位名称进行快速查询 = Please enter position name for quick search 招聘职位名称 = Job title 手工录入 = Entry manually 导入简历 = Import resume 需求人数 = Demand NO. 已到岗人数 = Number of report for duty 推荐人数 = Recommended number 推荐奖励 = Recommended rewards 招聘职位详细 = Job detail 最高学历 = Highest degree 毕业学校 = School 专业名称 = Major 工作年限 = Working age 推荐状态 = Recommended status 阶段-状态 = Stage-status 入职时间 = Entry time #ESS/ZP/InterviewAppraisal.html 申请信息 = Application information 教育经历 = Educational experience 工作经历 = Work experience 评价信息 = Evaluation information 其他面试官评价 = Other interviewer's comments 好评度 = Favorable rating 平均分 = Average score 最高分 = Highest score 最低分 = Lowest score 应聘者 = Candidates 未婚 = Unmarried 已婚 = Married 期望从事职业: = Expecting occupation: 目前状态: = Current status: 就职于: = Working at: 毕业于:= Graduated from: 未填 = Unfilled 应聘职 = Job application 面试评价表: = Interview evaluation form: 系统默认模板 = System default template 面试评分 = Interview score 面试结果 = Interview result 评价说明 = Evaluation note 评价时间: = Evaluation time: 面试阶段: = Interview stage: 面试时间: = Interview time: 面试模板: = Interview template: 面试地点: = Interview location: 淘汰 = Eliminated 待定 = Undetermined 申请人 = Applicant 申请职位 = Applied position 申请时间 = Applied time 电话:= Phone: 邮件: = Mail: 至今 = Now 个月 = Months 评价结果 = Evaluation result 评价模板 = Evaluation template 邀请人 = Invitee 列表 = List 卡片 = Card 请输入应聘者名称进行快速查询 = Please enter candidate name for quick search 应聘者姓名 = Candidate's name 评价附件 = Evaluating attachment 无附件 = No data 邀请面试官名单——应聘者 = Interviewers - Candidates 邀请面试官 = Inviting interviewer 面试官设置 = Interviewer Setting #ESS/ZP/InterviewerComment.html 拒绝 = Reject #ESS/ZP/InviteInterviewer.html 通知面试官 = Notify the interviewer 面试时长 = Interview duration 面试官 = Interviewer 常用面试官 = Common Interviewers 面试评价表 = Interview Evaluation Form 面试说明 = Interview description 添加面试地点 = Add interview location #ESS/ZP/MYZP.html 招聘任务 = Recruitment task 招聘职位 = Job 今年招聘人数趋势图 = Tendency chart of recruiting number this year 招聘需求情况 = Recruitment needs 面试日历 = Interview calendar 我负责的面试 = The interview that I responsible for 我邀请的面试 = The interview taht I invited 我关注的应聘者 = The candidate who I'm focus on 到岗 = Report for duty 同意/不同意 = Agree/Disagree 面试时间: = Interview time: 评价 = Evaluation 笔试成绩 = Written test score 入职申请表 = Position application form 校园 = Campus 实习 = Inernship 新增应聘者 = New candidate 招聘人数 = Number of recruiting 应聘 = Apply 与我有关 = Concern me 公司招聘/筛选简历 = Company recruitment / screen resume 公司招聘/招聘需求 = Company recruitment / recruitment needs 公司招聘/面试评价 = Company Recruitment / interview review 我的工作/我的待办 = My work / my todo 我的工作 / 我的待办 = My work / my todo 我的待办 = My todo 确认 = Confirm 面试 = Interview 面试官评价 = Interviewer evaluation 应聘者详细信息 = Candidate detail 电话 = Phone 期望从事职业 = Expecting occupation 发送通知记录 = Send notification record 职位申请记录 = Position application record 重复投递记录 = Repeated delivery record 批注 = Comments 批注内容 = Comments 筛选结果 = Filter results 新添备注 = New comment 备注记录 = Comment record 操作人 = Operator #ESS/ZP/ZPDEMAND.html 申请年份:= Year of application 请选择部门,初始化表单 = Please select a department to initialize the form 请选择一条编辑数据 = Please select a item first 招聘需求申请 = Apply for recruitment needs 招聘需求编辑 = Edit recruitment needs 需求审批 = Demand approving 待办审批 = Todo approving 审批提醒 = Approval remind 条 = item(s) 页 = page 公共信息/新闻通知 = Public Info / News notifications 公共信息/规章制度 = Public Info / Regulations 规章制度内容预览 = Preview rules®ulations 规章制度内容 = Rules®ulations #ESS/Home/审批中.js 输入文档名称 = Document name 大小 = Size 类型 = Type 上传时间 = Upload time 加载中...= Loading... 考勤申请 = Attendance application 设置快速申请业务 = Set quick application business 快速申请 = Quick application 全部申请 = All application 常用链接设置 = Set popular link 常用链接 = Popular link #1DailyLinkSetting.html 网址: = URL: 网址 = URL 显示名称:= Display name: 展示方式: = Display mode: 系统内切换 = Open in system 弹窗方式 = Popup window #ESS/Home/index.js 朗新人力资源系统 = Longshine Hrsoft 分组类别 = Group categories 我的信息 = My message 桌面 = Desktop 系统设置 = System settings 菜单设置 = Menu settings 今日工作总结 (合计工时:小时) = Work summary(total: hour) 计划导入 = Plan import 明日工作计划 (合计工时:小时) = Tomorrow plan(total: hour) 关于 = About 新增补卡 = New supplemental punch card 单据申请 = Application 休息中 = Rest 暂不参与 = Not participation 我参与的事项 = My participation 代办事项 = Agent business 我的代办 = My todo 我的申请 = Application 业务 = Business 发起时间 = Launch time 当前状态 = Current status 我的代理 = My agent 我的工作/我的代理 = My job / my agent 设置 = Settings #exportSysFreeFormExcel/exportExcelDetail.html 表单设计器 = Form designer 宽度: = Width: 高度 = Height #GZ/FXJ/RiskInfo.html 风险金发放明细 = Risk fund payment detail 风险金扣减 = Risk fund deduction 风险金实时查询 = Risk fund search 风险金明细 = Risk fund detail 变动日期 = Change date 变动明细 = Change details 薪资体系 = Salary system 薪资查询 = Salary search 次数 = Times #招聘 渠道列表 = Channel list 附加信息 = Additional info 运行状态 = Running status 胜任力设置 = Competency setting 对应岗位 = Corresponding positions 简历模板 = Resume template 关联招聘职位 = Related recruitment positions 渠道名称 = Channel name 阶段 = Stage Excel文件名 = Excel file name 通知模板 = Notification template 通知模板:= Notification template: 邮件标题 = Message title 邮件标题:= Message title: 门户 = Portal 猎头推荐 = Headhunter recommendation 扫码投递 = Send resume by scaning QR code 招聘职位详情 = Details 导入支持 HTML HTM PDF DOC DOCX MHT XLS XLSX JPG PNG 格式的文档。 = Support HTML/HTM/PDF/DOC/DOCX/MHT/XLSX/XLSX/JPG/PNG file format. 同时支持上述格式压缩的zip rar包的导入 = And support the above file format's compressed file(zip/rar) at the same time. 简历导入 = Import resume 简历文件 = Resume file 关联职位 = Associated position 推荐人 = Recommender 推荐 = Recommend 所有应聘者 = All candidates 招聘职位详情 = Detail 招聘职位广告 = Job ads 广告 = Ad 动态 = Dynamic 请点击以下渠道进行职位发布(注意:渠道必须事先登录) = Please publish job by the below channels(Note: You need to log in the channel in advance) 前程无忧 = 51job 智联招聘 = zhaopin.com 58同城 = 58.com 猎聘网 = liepin.com BOOS直聘 = zhipin.com 拉钩网 = lagou.com 实习僧 = shixiseng.com 应届生求职网 = yingjiesheng.com 中华英才网 = chinahr.com LinkedIn领英 = linkedin.com 大街网 = dajie.com 赶集网 = ganji.com 是否推送 = Whether to push or not 最新简历备注 = Latest resume comment 已储存至 = Stored to 个人才库 = Talent pool 简历 = Resume 评价 = Evaluate 投递 = Delivery 应聘者职位 = Position name Offer审批 = Approving status Offer发送 = Sending status 应聘者情况 = Candidate status 应聘者职位:= Position name: Offer审批:= Approving status: Offer发送: = Sending status: 应聘者情况:= Candidate status: 应聘身份调查 = Candidate identity survey 目前在岗状态: = Current status 教育经历调查 = Education experience survey 工作经历调查 = Work experience survey 基本工资(¥) = Basic salary(¥) 职级 = Grade 其他说明 = Other instructions 体检资料 = Medical examination info 证书 = Certificate 其他说明: = Other instructions: 转入信息 = Transferred-in information 通知筛选负责人 = Notify the sifter 简历筛选负责人 = Sifter 常用筛选人 = Common sifter 面试安排后将应聘者转入到 = After arranging the interview, transfer the candidate to 安排信息 = Arrange info 通知应聘者 = Notify candidate 公司办公地址 = Company office address 抄送 = Cc 抄送: = Cc: (选中节点才能发送) = (only checked node can be sent) 需要应聘者答复 = Need response from candidate 不需要应聘者答复 = Not need response from candidate 短信通知 = SMS notification 发送简历后将应聘者转入到 = After sending the resume, transfer the candidate to 评价人 = Evaluator 测评模板 = Evaluation template 测评项设置 = Evaluation item setting 测评预览 = Preview 评价计分 = Evaluation score 调查结果 = Survey result 真实 = Matched 不符 = Not matched 补充说明 = Additional info 人才标签 = Talent labels 应聘职位 = Position 一键发布广告 = One-click ads 发布广告状态 = Post ad status 广告名称 = Ad name 发布渠道 = Publishing channel 上一次发布时间 = Last publish time 失败原因 = Reason for failure 入职表模板 = Entry form 证书资料 = Certificate info 官网社招 = Official site of social recruitment 官网校招 = Official site of campus recruitment 猎头邮箱 = Headhunter's mailbox 暂停原因: = Reason of suspension: 职位发布 = Publishing job 猎头申请 = Headhunter application 渠道正常 = Channel normal 渠道暂停 = Channel pause 渠道恢复 = Channel recovery 覆盖 = Covered 指定邮箱 = Specify mailbox 编辑招聘渠道 = Edit recruitment channel 保存按钮 = Save button 新增招聘职务 = New job 编辑招聘职务 = Edit job 职位职级 = Job grade 编辑招聘职位 = Edit job 新增招聘职位 = New job 新增招聘渠道 = New recruitment channel 发布招聘职位 = Publishing job 上传简历 = Upload resume 新建简历 = New resume 提交按钮 = Submit button 拒绝理由 = Reason of refuse 答复时间 = Response time 此处不显示 = Not shown here 原始简历 = Original resume 标准简历 = Standard resume 期望工资:= Expected salary: 目前年薪: = Current annual salary: 职级:= Grade: 职等:= Rank: 工作经验:= Work experience: 薪资:= Salary: 薪资评定者: = Salary evaluator: 审批驳回 = Rejected 转等级工资多维基表 = Convert to salary multidimensional table 转计分划档多维基表 = Convert to divided grade multidimensional table 未审批 = Unapproved 已发送 = Sent 未发送 = Unsent 已发送Offer通知 = The offer has been sent 邮件_面试时间 = Email_interview time 邮件_面试时长 = Email_interview duration 邮件_面试地点 = Email_interview address 邮件_面试部门 = Email_interview department 邮件_面试官姓名 = Email_interviewer 面试者 = Interviewee 面试完成操作Err: = Error occurred: 转发面试安排 = Forward an interview schedule 转发面试安排邮件 = Forward an interview schedule email 发送短信 = Send SMS 应聘者名称 = Candidate name 按职位查看 = View by job 按流程查看 = View by process 按全部应聘者 = By all candidates 按需求部门 = By department 未分类 = Unclassified 待处理应聘者 = Candidate who to be processed 未设置查询字段 = Query field not set 胜任力分析 = Competency analysis 需求岗位: = Position: 职位名称 = Job title 广告数量 = Number of ads 招聘类型 = Types of recruitment 选择岗位 = Select position 转入成功 = Move successfully 下载简历 = Download resume 发送Offer = Send offer 职位暂停 = Suspend position 快速搜索 = Quick search 背景调查 = Background survey 已完成评价 = Completed the evaluation 我安排的面试 = Interview that I arranged 进入黑名单时间 = Time of being in the blacklist 人才储备时间 = Time of being reserve talent 邀请反馈 = Feedback of invitation 面试官名称 = Interviewer name 招聘职位详细 = Detail 发送邮件通知 = Send email 发送短信通知 = Send SMS 阶段名称 = Stage name 招聘阶段类别 = Recruitment phase category 操作功能 = Operating function 设置列表字段 = Set field list 主表设置 = Primary table setting 投递人才库 = Delivery to talent pool 简历基本信息 = Basic information 简历预览下载 = Resume preview & download 首页标题 = Home page title 有效时间 = Effective time 按钮颜色 = Button colour 归档岗位 = Archive position 满足条件 = Conditions 新增职位角色 = New role #GZ/XZB/CalculationIssue.html 类别: = Category: 公式套名称: = Formula set: 薪资造册 = Salary book 薪资上报 = Submit the salary 台账增员人数 = Newly recruited number of standing book 台账减员人数 = Downsize staff number of standing book 增员名单 = Newly recruited list 减员名单 = Downsize staff list 生成薪资表 = Generate salary table 同步人员 = Sync staff 发薪对象 = Payee 方案发放 = Pay by scheme 取消发放 = Cancel paying 跳转薪资过账 = Jump to salary posting 薪资条Email发送 = Send pay slips by email 短信发送 = Send SMS 批量引入 = Batch introduction 薪资调整 = Salary adjust 差异对比 = Difference contrast 薪资报表 = Salary report 人员排序 = Sort (数据开启按部门顺序显示,排序只对同部门数据排序有效,不同部门的数据按部门顺序优先排序) = (The data will be ordered by department first) 方案计算异常提醒 = Exception alert of Scheme calculation 请选择异常项查看 = Please select an exception item to view 薪资计算异常设置 = Salary calculation exception settings 查询历史数据报错 = Error occurred when querying historical data :未提交 = :Draft :审批中 = :Approvaling :审批通过 = :Approved :已发放 = :Paid :已驳回 = :Rejected #GZ/XZB/Gz_AddRy.html 设置信息 = Setting 人员编辑 = Edit #GZ/XZB/Gz_AdJust.html 调整算法 = Adjust algorithm 替换字段列表 = Replacing field list #GZ/XZB/Gz_BatchLeadin.html 引入月份 = Introduced month 次 = Times #GZ/XZB/Gz_Calculate.html #GZ/XZB/Gz_Different.html 源数据 = Source data 目标数据 = Target data 或者 = Or 并且 = And 工资管理 = Salary management 源 = Source 差额 = difference 差额比例 = difference ratio #GZ/XZB/Gz_ExpConditionSet.html 名称* = Name* 是否使用待处理变动 = Whether to use pending changes #GZ/XZB/GZ_FFSP.html 薪资方案: = Salary scheme: 工资年月: = Salary month: 发放次数: = Payment count: #GZ/XZB/GZ_GRANTOP.html 停发人数 = Number of suspension 发放总人数: = Total number: 次序: = SN: 制表: = Tabulator: #GZ/XZB/GZ_NewTable.html 发放标志 = Paying flag 发薪月份 = Paying date 已发放 = Paid 未发放 = Unpaid 已经发放 = Paid #GZ/XZB/GZ_Posting.html 薪资过账 = Salary posting 薪资过程表 = Salary process table 请选择薪资过程表 = Please select salary process table 过程表列表 = Process table list 未锁定 = Unlocked 项目列表 = Item list 已选择项目 = Selected items 选择项目:= Select items: 已选择项目:= Selected items: 选择项目 = Select items 选择引入表 = Select introduction table 选择引入项目 = Select introduction item 引入条件 = Introduction conditions 设置 = Settings 引入方式 = introduction method 选择关联表 = Select association table 选择关联项目 = Select association item 项目名称 = Item name 变动记录 = Change record #GZ/XZSJ/MoreSetting.html 来源表单 = Source form 横向取值 = Horizontal value 纵向取值 = Longitudinal value 取值项 = Item of value 多维设置 = Multidimensional settings 邮件模板体系 = Mail template system 收件人: = Recipient: 发件人: = Sender: 主题 = Theme 主题:= Theme: 固定字段 = Fixed fields 系统表字段 = System table field 发送人(SENDER) = Sender 发送人部门(CORPORATION) = Department of the sender 收信人(RECEIVER) = Recipient 收信人部门(RECCORPORATION) = Department of the recipient 操作: = Operation: #GZ/XZSJ/PatItemImportSet.html 项目引自表 = Table that the item quote from 计算方式 = Calculation method 条件表达式 = Conditional expression 选择模板项目 = Select template item 取平均值 = Average 方案项目 = Scheme item 完成排序 = Sorted #GZ/XZSJ/PayBillSet.html 工资单设置 = Payroll settings 工资查询设置 = Salary search settings 工资条名称 = Pay slip name 工资条备注 = Pay slip comment 应收项目 = Receivables 应扣项目 = Item should be deducted 工资条名称: = Pay slip name: 工资条英文名称: = Pay slip English name: 工资条备注:= Comment: 编辑排序 = Edit 新增分类 = New category 编辑分类 = Edit category #GZ/XZSJ/PaySetItem.html 分类名 = Category 饼图显示 = Pie chart 显示小计项 = Show subtotal 使用行数 = rows 方案模板 = Scheme template 方案模板:= Scheme template: 薪资表 = Salary table 币种设置 = Currency settings 使用货币: = Currency: 方案模板排序 = Scheme template sorting 模板 = Template 编辑险种 = Edit #GZ/XZSJ/SalaryGrade1.html 一维等级 = Unidimensional grade 多维等级 = Multidimensional grade 纵向纬度项目 = Longitudinal item 横向纬度项目 = Horizontal item 悬浮面板 = Floating panel 薪资方案排序 = Salary scheme sorting #GZ/XZSJ/SetCondtion_AddProj.html 工资表字段 = Payroll fields 人员信息视图字段 = Staff information view fields #GZ/XZSJ/SetDimensionCondition.html 纵向项设置 = Longitudinal item settings 横向项设置 = Horizontal item settings 月度工资总额 = Monthly total salary 提交审批项目 = Submit for approval #GZ/XZSJ/NoticeModel.js 新增邮件模板 = New email template 重命名邮件模板 = Rename email template 复制邮件模板 = Copy email template 删除邮件模板 = Delete email template 新增短信模板 = New SMS template 重命名短信模板 = Rename SMS template 复制短信模板 = Copy SMS template 删除短信模板 = Delete SMS template #GZ/ZEKZ/GZAmountManageQuarter.html 第一季度 = First quarter 第二季度 = Second quarter 第三季度 = Third quarter 第四季度 = Fourth quarter 季度工资总额 = Quarterly total salary 格式: = Format: 年度工资总额 = Annual total salary #HRCounter/BlockSetting.html 模块栏目 = Function 展示名称 = Display name 控件类型 = Control type 编辑方式 = Editing mode 保存并继续 = Save & Continue #HRCounter/HRAddNew.lhtml 内容编辑 = Content editing 对象设置 = Object settings 方案设置 = Scheme settings 字段列表 = Field list 查询方案 = Scheme 自定义查询方案 = Custom query scheme #HRCounter/HRNewMain.html 新闻栏目 = News program 发布状态 = Release status 新增新闻类型 = New news type 修改新闻类型 = Edit news type 全部新闻 = All news 新闻内容预览 = News content preview 新增新闻 = New news 编辑新闻 = Edit news 编辑 = Edit #HRCounter/HRNoticeMaint.html 通知类别 = Notification category 新增制度类型 = New institution type 修改制度类型 = Edit institution type 内容预览 = Content preview 新增规章制度 = New regulations 查看内容 = View 编辑规章制度 = Edit regulations 查看对象 = Target staff 发布成功 = Published successfully 规章制度 = Regulations #DefinedDesktop.html 默认桌面比例 = Default proportion 默认板块布局 = Default layout 我的加班 = My overtime 请至少选择一个看板!= Please select at least one kanban! #HT/HTFile/HTFile.html 显示历史合同 = Show historical contracts 合同变更次数 = Number of contract changes 首次签订日期 = First signed date 最后签订日期 = Last signed date 协议 = Agreement 协议查看 = View agreement 合同附件上传 = Contract attachment upload 合同查阅 = View contract 合同历史信息 = Contract history information 合同终止日期 = Contract termination date >履约日期 = >Performance date #HT/HTFile/HTFileLinkView.html 合同编号 = Contract No. 合同签订日期 = Signing date 事件: = Event: #HT/HTFile/HTView.html 合同起始日期 = Contract start date 合同期限 = Contract period #HT/HTYW/HTADD.html 未生成变动记录 = No changing record generated 账户:= Account: 违约合同 = Break contract 合同违约 = Break contract 中止合同 = Suspend 合同中止 = contract suspension 终止合同 = Terminate 合同解除 = Rescind contract 续签合同 = Renew contract 有效 = Effective 新签合同 = New sign 新签 = New sign 员工{0}需先签定劳动合同 = The staff {0} need to sign labor contact first #HT/HTYW/HTChange.html 合同主表信息 = Contract primary table info 合同变更记录 = Contract change records 变更合同 = Chang contract 变更内容类型 = Change type 变更日期 = Change date 合同变更 = Contract changes 保存并提交 = Save & Submit 合同未发生任何变更! = No changes to the contract! #HT/HTYW/HTDefault.html 合同违约记录 = Break contract records #HT/HTYW/HTRelieve.html 合同解除记录 = Rescind contract records 解除合同 = Rescind contract #HT/HTYW/HTRenew.html 将要到期月份 = Expiration date 过期合同 = Expired contract 续签信息 = Renew info 组合搜索 = Combinatorial search 一个月 = One month 二个月 = Two months 三个月 = Three months 四个月 = Four months 五个月 = Five months 六个月 = Six months 续签提交 = Submit 补卡单 = Supplemental punch card form 申请业务 = business apply 1,审核中 = 1, Under review 3,驳回 = 3, Rejected 0,未提交 = 0, Uncommitted #HT/LXWH/Htlxwh.html 合同类型 = Contract type 新增合同类型 = New contract type 编辑合同类型 = Edit contract type #HT/LXWH/HTMode.html Web模板设计器 = Web template designer Web模板预览 = Web template preview #HT/LXWH/Htsetid.html 生成方式 = Generation method 取人员编号 = Use staff NO. 前缀: = Prefix: 无前缀 = Unprefixed 存储过程 = Stored procedures 纯手动输入 = Manual input #HT/LXWH/NewType.html 设置合同编号 = Set contract No. 设置过滤条件 = Set filter condition 固定值: = Fixed value: 过滤条件 = Filter condition 过滤条件: = Filter condition : #JRFZ/Common/AddGuide.html 方案名称 = Scheme 方案名称:= Scheme: 考核周期 = Review cycle 指标填写周期 = Date range 生成 = Generate 生成中 = Generating 生成失败: = Generate failed: 上半年 = First half of the year 下半年 = Second half of the year 上级节点 = Parent node 分组名称 = Group name 梯队名称 = Echelon name 梯队 = Echelon 层级1 = level 1 层级2 = level 2 层级3 = level 3 新增人才梯队 = New talent echelon 编辑人才梯队 = Edit talent echelon 启用交流平台 = Enable communication platform 点评人 = Reviewer 评分形式 = Scoring form 五星评分 = Five-star rating 自由打分 = Free scoring 范围 = Range 标题字段 = Title field 面板展示字段 = Show fields 表 = Table 已选定条目 = Selected items 同行排列 = Show in the same row 完成页面字段 = Completion page field 基础参数设置 = Basic param settings 已选字段 = Selected fields 已选字段: = Selected fields: #JRFZ/JCSZ/FmuConditionSet.html 优先推荐设置 = Priority recommendation settings 推荐方案 = Recommended plan 相关表 = Related table 条件关联 = Condition 逻辑表达式: = Logical expression: 自定义方案 = Custom plan 排除 = Exclude 非 = Non- 工资单备注: = Comment: 标签名:= Label: 配置值: = Configuration value: 绩效考核 = performance appraisal 考核方案 = Appraisal scheme 胜任力考核 = Competency assessment 综合评价 = Comprehensive evaluation 胜任力等级 = Competency Level 绩效等级 = Performance level 编辑胜任力等级 = Edit competency level 编辑绩效等级 = Edit Performance level 引入能力模板 = Introduce capability template #JRFZ/JCSZ/PxSettings.html 关联培训模块 = Associated with training module 选择课程 = Select course 设置象限 = Set quadrants 人才梯队 = Talent echelon 胜任力分析 = Competency analysis 潜能 = Potential 潜能:= Potential: 绩效:= Performance: 能力分析 = Capability analysis #JRFZ/PYGZ/AutoUpdate.html 业绩考核方案 = Performance appraisal scheme 胜任力考核方案 = Competency appraisal scheme 综合评价方案 = Integrated evaluation program 培训数据 = Training data #JRFZ/PYGZ/EchelonAdjust.html 变更对象: = The target staff: 变更梯队: = The target echelon: #JRFZ/PYGZ/ExitEchelon.html 退出对象: = The target staff: 退出日期: = Exit date: 退出原因: = Exit reason #JRFZ/PYGZ/RzSettings.html 新增任职汇报 = New officeholding report 修改任职汇报 = Edit officeholding report 节点设置 = Node settings 现任:= Current: #JRFZ/PYGZ/TalentTrack.html 梯队变更 = Change 退出梯队 = Exit 储能调整 = Adjust talent reserve capacity 自动更新 = Auto update 导入绩效 = Import performance 导入胜任力 = Import Competency 导入综合评分 = Import comprehensive score 导入学分 = Import credits 录入胜任力 = Enter competency 九宫格 = 9-Box grid 录入评估分 = Enter evaluation score 人员维护 = Maintain staff 胜任力 = Competency 维护版本 = Maintain version 授权按钮 = Authorize #JRFZ/SCCB/Candidate.html 绩效评估 = Performance evaluation 录入绩效评估分 = Enter performance evaluation score 引入绩效-绩效评估 = Introduce performance-performance evaluation 引入绩效-胜任力评估 =Introduce performance-competency evaluation 录入评估分 = Enter the evaluation score #JRFZ/SCCB/CandidateView.html 添加候选人 = Add candidates 删除候选人 = Delete candidates 绩效 = Performance 权重 = Weight 要求分值 = Required score 标准分值 = Standard score 需求等级: = Grade: #JRFZ/SCCB/FdSettings.html 后备人才 = Reserve talent 辅导人 = Tutor 辅导人排序 = Sort 人员一览 = Overview 选择人员 = Select #JRFZ/SCCB/RzSettings.html 兼职情况 = Part-time 兼职岗位 = Part-time post: 兼职类型:= Part-time type: 兼职需求:= Part-time demand: 兼职导入 = Import part-time info 新增兼职 = New part-time 修改兼职 = Edit part-time 删除兼职 = Delete part-time 人才推荐申请 = Talent recommendation application 新增标准 = New standards 复制标准 = Copy standard 等级方案 = Grade scheme 新增等级 = New grade #JX/AddNewPage/JxAddChildTables.html 指标列表 = Indicator list 填写权重 = Fill in the weight 考核流程节点 = Evaluation process node 未填写 = null 评价标准 = Evaluation criterion 评分范围 = Scoring range 指标排序 = Sort 排名 : = Ranking: 评分 = Score #JX/AddNewPage/JxTimeSet.html 开始时间 = Start time 结束时间 = End time 公式表达式 = Formula expression 独立于模板 = Independent of template 是否带条件 = If any conditions attached or not 运算符号 = Operator 【条件】= [Condition] 【并且】= [And] 【或】= [Or] 【否】= [Not] 【分情况】= [When] 【分支条件】= [Case] 【就】= [Then] 【剩余】= [Else] 【结束】= [End] 绩效模板体系 = Performance template system 邮件模板 = Mail template 短信模板 = SMS template 短信模板体系 = SMS template system 新增模板 = New template 编辑模板 = Edit templates 最小值* = Minimum value* 最大值* = Maximum value* 考核对象维护 = Examinee maintenance 新增考核对象 = New examinee 容器中对象数 = Number of examinee in container 设置考核对象 = Set up examinee 编辑容器 = Edit container 查看考核对象 = View examinee 新增容器 = New container #JX/DeptKh/JxDeptContainerJs.html 选择考核周期 = Select the evaluation cycle 选择容器 = Select container 计算(强制分布) = Calculate(forced distribution) 考核对象 = Examinee 计算(分数区间) = Calculate(score range) 计算中 = Calculating 自定义指标数 = Number of custom indicators 自定义指标详情- = Custom indicator details - 横向对比(部门) = Horizontal comparison(department) 年部门绩效考核 = Annual department performance evaluation 纵向对比(时间)= Longitudinal comparison(time) #JX/DeptKh/JxDeptHxDb.html 高亮不同项 = Highlight different items 隐藏相同项 = Hide the same item 部门全称 : = Department full name: 部门 = Dept 等级 : = Grade: 自评评价 = Self-evaluation # 下面这种翻译是有问题的 提交的附件 = Attached 相关报表 = Related reports 相关链接 = RELATED LINKS 考核得分 = Assessment Score 考核评价 = Assessment and evaluation 相关附件 = Related accessories 方案类型 = Scenario type 总 = Total _考核对象总数 = Total number of subjects _自定义指标填写周期 = Custom norm fill-in cycle _自评周期 = Self-assessment cycle _评分周期 = Scoring Cycle _打分完成率 = Score completion rate _自评完成率 = Self-assessment completion rate _自定义指标完成率 = Custom norm completion rate 调整考核表 = Adjust the assessment form 考核对象总数 = Total number of subjects 自定义指标填写周期 =Custom norm filling cycles 自评周期 = Self-assessment cycle 评分周期 = Scoring cycle 打分完成率 = Score completion rate 自定义指标完成率 = Custom norm completion rate 自评完成率 = Self-assessment completion rate 查看方案 = View scenarios 查看考核结果 = View the results of the assessment 周期设置 = Cycle settings 添加考核人指标 = Add appraiser norm 系统计算权重 = System calculation weight #JX/DeptKh/JxDeptPrjView.html 设置基本信息 = Set basic info 设置考核方式 = Set appraisal method 设置考核指标 = Set appraisal norm 设置考核方案公式 = Set formula 其他设置 = Other settings 关联报表 = Related reports 定制考核表 = Customized assessment form 添加考核方式 = Add appraisal method 方式名称 = Mode name #JX/DeptKh/JxDeptTempAddPrj.html 设置考核人/对象 = Set up an appraiser/object 添加考核方式 = Add assessment method 考核关系 = Appraisal relationship #JX/DeptKh/JxDeptTempObjView.html 编辑方案 = Edit 对比 = Contrast 考核明细对比 = Assessment details comparison 审核评分 = Review ratings #JX/PersonKh/JxPerScoreAll.html 考核表 = Assessment form 评分范围:= Rating range : 评分标准:= Rating criteria : 考核明细 Assessment details #JX/PersonKh/JxPerScoreAllFF.html 姓名 = Name 得分 = Score 未评分 = Not rated #JX/PersonKh/JxPersonContainerJs.html 计算条件 = Calculating conditions 计算结果 = Calculated results #JX/PersonKh/JxPersonHistory.html 横向对比(人员) 一一 = Horizontal contrast (person) one by one 年员工绩效考核 = Annual Employee Performance Review 暂无岗位 = No jobs 纵向对比(时间) 一一 = Vertical comparison (time) one by one #JX/PersonKh/JxPersonHxDb.html 方案内排名 = In-plan rankings 容器内排名 = In-container rankings 等级 = Grade _自评周期 = Self-assessment cycle 周期设置 = Cycle Settings #JX/PersonKh/JxPersonPrjAdjust.html 系统计算 = System calculations 批量输入 = Bulk input 删除考核人 = Remove the appraiser 对比项目 = Comparing projects 合计 = Total 总体评价 = Overall evaluation #JX/SF/ColRightSet.html 考核人身份 = Assessor identity 考核节点 = Assessment node 指定考核人 = Designate appraiser 新增考核对象 = New Subjects 哺乳假申请 = Lactation Leave Application 销假小时 = Cancellation of leave hours 销假天数: =Cancellation of leave days: #KQ/APPLY/NewBqskInput.html 申请人列表 = List of applicants 班次补卡 = Shift additional card 自定义补卡 = Custom replacement cards 打卡类型 = Type of punching 补卡原因** = additional card(Reason) 补卡原因 = additional card (Reason) 上班卡 = Work card 下班卡 = Off-duty card 上下班卡 = Commuter Card 页面新增 = New page #KQ/APPLY/NewBreastFeedingLeaveMain.html 考勤方案 = Attendance program 正常补卡 = Normal additional card 忘打卡 = Forget to clock in 月排班 = Monthly shift 复制到 = Copy to 复制到: = Copy to : 人员倒休数据 = Personnel retreat data 工号 = Work No. 工号:= Work No : 组别 = Group 调休转计薪 = Transfer pay transfer 抵扣明细 = Deduction details 倒休详细 = Retreat details 换班日期 = Shift date 与 = And 交换结果 = Exchange results 换班信息 = Shift info 互换 = Swap 班次 = Shift 职等 = Grade 区间名称: = Section: 请假类别:= Leave Category: 请假类别 = Leave Category 区间开始时间:= Start time: 区间结束时间: = End time: 假期区间类别:= Holiday category: 启用:= Enable: 月剩余可排时数 = Hours remaining in the month 月排休天数 = Number of days off in the month 历史杯数 = Number of History Cups 今日排班人数(含非全日制) = Number of shifts today (including part-time) >每日实际排班总时数 = Total number of actual scheduled hours per day 点击查看线性排班 = Click to see linear scheduling 本周合计时数 = Total hours of the week 周 = Week 月= Month 排班变更记录 = Schedule change record 排班说明 = Shift Description 时段人数 = Number of time periods 当日时数 = Hours of the day 应排人数 = Number of people in line 实际人数 = Actual number of people 实际-应排时数差异 = Actual-should-schedule time difference 编辑日结果 = Edit Day Results 考勤批注 = Attendance comments 刷卡明细 = Swipe details 编辑月汇总 = Edit monthly summary 月汇总 = Summary(Monthly) 月考勤计算 = calc(Monthly attend) 考勤结果 = Attendance results 打卡明细 = Punch details 请假明细 = Leave details 公出明细 = Business trip details 加班明细 = Overtime details 自助月结果汇总 = Self-service monthly results summary 已休 = Retired (分钟) = (Minutes) (次) = (times) 自助日结果汇总 = Summary of Self-Help Day Results 分钟 = Minutes 小时 = Hours 加班 = Overtime 哺乳假 = Lactation Leave 未授权查看 = Unauthorized view 离职 = Leaving 取消选择 = Unselect 人员排班详细 = Details of staff schedule 调整班次 = Adjust ingresss shifts 选择班次 = Select shift 班次排班信息 = Shift scheduling info 上班详情 = Work details 矩阵排班新 = Matrix scheduling new 总数: = Total: 总工时 = Total work 工时 = Hours 用餐时间 = Meal time 班组信息 = Team info 排班 = Schedule 时段排班(月) = Time schedul(Months) 新增班组 = New team 编辑班组 = Edit team 导出排班 = Export 班组名称: = Team : 排班管理 = Shift management 查看人员 = View people 个人倒休信息 = Personal retreat information 班次详细信息 = Shift details 人员排班信息按月 = Personnel scheduling info by month 按月 = by month 第一周 = First 第二周 = Second 第三周 = Third 第四周 = Four 第五周 = Five 第六周 = Six 申请换班 = Change shifts 换班记录 = Shift records 人员排班详细 = Staff scheduling details 今天未排班 = No schedules today 未排 = No set 已排 = Scheduled 班组名称 = Group Name 排班人员 = Shift staff 排班人员: = Shift staff : 班组所有人员 = All team members 按日期: = Date: 按人员: = Employee : 按部门 = Depts 计算对象: = Objects : 计算项目:= Items : 已审批的加班 = Approved overtime 计算正常班 = Calc normal classes >计算结果 = calculated results 出勤工时 = Attendance hours 公出 (次) =Business trip (times) 迟到 (次) = Late (times) 早退 (次) = Early exit (times) 补卡 (次) = additional card (times) 班组名称 = Group Name 所属部门 = Depts 班组成员 = Team members 已选择 = Selected 全部部门人员 = All depts staff 排班类型 = Types of scheduling 循环排班 = Cycle scheduling 根据节假日自动生成排班 = Auto generation of schedules based on holidays 请输入人员编号姓名进行快速查询 = Staff code/Name 生成排班 = Build schedule 后台自动排班 = Backoffice auto-schedule 自动排班 = Auto-schedule 按天 = By Day 按周 = By Week 轮班名称: = Name 轮班方式: = Type 新增轮班套 = Add 修改轮班套 = Edit 请选择需要编辑的轮班套 = Please select Rotation 请选择需要删除的轮班套 = Please select Rotation 请选择需要保存的轮班套 = Please select Rotation 请选择班次进行添加 = Please select shift 请设置每周对应的班次 = Please set up shift weekly 请设置轮流班次 = Please set up Rotation 请先维护轮班套 = Please maintain Rotation first 请维护轮班套信息 = Please maintain Rotation first 轮班套名称不能为空 = Rotation name cannot be empty 名称太长,不能超过50个字符 = Name is too long,and must less 50 bits! 可选班次 = Optional shifts 轮流班次 = Rotation 排班方式 = schedule method 日期排班 = Date schedule 时段排班 = Time schedule 时段 = Session 线性排班 = Linear schedule 排班设置 = Schedule settings 年龄 = Age 人员姓名: = Name of staff: 旧卡号: = Old card number: 新卡号 = New card no. 使用日期 = Date of use 入职日期 = Date of entry 性别 = Gender 人员卡号 = Person card number 打卡设备 = Clock-out device 编码 = Code 名称 = Name IP地址网段 = IP address segment 从 = From 至 = To 示例: = Example: 示例: = Example: 父编码 = Parent code 节假日分类 = Holiday Classification 请选择具体的考勤方案 =Select specific attendance plan 基本设置 = Basic settings 考勤对象 = Attend object 可调休设置 = Adjustable rest setting 公出是否打卡: = Whether to check in on business 可倒休小时下限: = Lower limit of reversible hours 考勤类别设置 = Attend category settings 添加考勤类别 = Add Attend category 考勤方式 = Attend mode 考勤方式:= Attend mode : 适用班次: = Applicable Shifts : 班次:= Shifts: 适用节假日: = Applicable holidays : 打卡方式 = Punch method 打卡方式:= Punch method : GPS打卡 = GPS punching WIFI打卡 = WIFI punching PC电脑 = PC 考勤机 = Attend machine 考勤地点 = Attend location : 添加考勤地点 = Add attend places WIFI网络 = WIFI 添加wifi = Add wifi IP网段 = IP segment 打卡必须上传照片 = Upload photos 每月考勤开始日期: = Monthly attend start date : 考勤月开始标识(0:本月,-1:上月): = Attend Month Sign (0: This Month, -1: Last Month): 允许管理员查看考勤 = Allow administrators to view attendance 允许员工查看考勤 = Allow employees to view attendance 简单筛查 = Simple screen 部门类别 = Dept category 人员类别 = Employee category 兼职类型 = Part-time type 员工可见 = Employees visible 班次名称 = Shift name 晚走晚到 = Late late 下班晚走,第二天可晚到(针对当天最后一个班段,第二天第一个班段) = Leave late after get off work and arrive late the next day(for the last shift of the day,the first shift of the next day) 弹性时间(分钟) = Flexible shift(mins) 班次时段 = Shift time 时段1 = Session 1 上班时间 = Working hours 是否跨零点 = Zero Crossing 下班时间 = Off-hours 开始刷卡 = Start swipe 结束刷卡 = End swipe 迟到:超过 = Late: Over 分钟起算 = Mins from 早退:超过 = Early: over 超过 = More than 分钟起算旷工 = Absent 班段工时 = Shift hours 作为加班 = As overtime 下段要刷上班卡 = Brush card 班次分类 = Shift classification 公出 =Business trip 计算规则 = Calculating rules 计算规则: = Calculating rules : 预设规则 = Preset rules 自定义规则 = Custom rules 自定义 = Custom 存储过程名称: = Stored procedure name: 年假 = Annual leave 年假基数: = Annual leave base: 入职年假计算方式 = calculation method of the annual leave 入职时间折算 = Onboarding time conversion 年假递增方式: = Annual leave increments: 年<=工龄 = Years -Years of service 年<=工龄< = Years -Years of service 逐年递增 = Increasing year by year 递增天数 = Increased days 假期上限 = Holiday cap 年假计算规则: = Annual leave calculation rules: 入职 = Onboarding 月享有带薪假 = Monthly paid leave 享有 = enjoy 天假期 = Days holiday 当年入职折算方式 = Entry converson method of the current year 规则说明 = Rule description 规则说明: = Rule description : 逐年递增 递增天数 = Increase dying days per year 假期基数 = Holiday Base 休息日套名称: = Name: 是否共享: = Share : 是否共享 = Share 是否节假日 = Holiday 是否更新排班: = Update schedule: 班次模板 = Shift template 运营模板名称 = Operation template name 预估TC = TC 预估直接工时 = direct work 预估间接工时 = indirect work 预估排定工时 = scheduled work WIFI名称 = WIFI name 请输入1-20个字符 = Please enter 1-20 characters MAC地址 = MAC address 示例:02:10:02:40:8a:93 = Example: 02:10:02:40:8a:93 新增餐厅模板 = New restaurant template 编辑餐厅模板 = Edit restaurant templates 新增节假日 = New holidays 新增休息日套 = New rest day set 修改休息日套 = Edit rest day set 修改节假日 = Edit holidays 删除休息日套 = Remove rest day set 修改考勤方案 = Edit attendance plans 新增考勤地点 = New attendance locations 新增WIFI网络 = New WIFI network 添加IP网段 = Add an IP segment 编辑考勤地点 = Edit attendance locations 编辑请假参数 = Edit leave parameters 编辑公出参数 = Edit Business trip parameters 编辑加班参数 = Edit overtime parameters 有效范围: 米 = Effective range: meters 考勤方案信息 = Attendance program information 新增班次 = New shifts 班次明细 = Shift Details 修改班次 = Edit shift 查看班次 = View shifts 新增请假类别 = New Leave Category 新增公出类别 = New Business trip category 删除考勤类别 = Remove attend category 公出类别 = Business trip category 基数:= Base: 递增方式 = Incremental 工时类别管理 = Work category management 新增模板组织 = New template org 修改模板组织 = Edit template org 新卡号:= new card No : 使用日期: = Used date : 出勤卡号:= Card No: 运营模板名称: = Template : 异常处理 = Exception handling #KQ/BUSINESS/NewShiftGroupInput.js 班组保存成功 = The team is saved successfully 班组名称不能重复 = Team name cannot be repeated 班组保存失败 = Failed to save the team #MB/Target/AddJx.html 父目标 = Parent goal #MB/Target/Orzgoal.html 目标名称 = Target name 目标类型 = Target type 负责单位 = Responsible unit 执行状态 = Execution status 组织目标表.xlsx = Org Target Table.xlsx 目标名称.xlsx = Target name.xlsx 新增组织目标 = New org goals 引入绩效指标 = Introducing performance norm 目标排序 = Target sorting 组织目标导出 = Organization target export 负责人: = Head : 时间: = Time : 目标值 = Target value 上级目标: = Parent goals : 任务 = Task 未开始 = Not started 新增员工目标 = New employee goals 员工目标导出 = Employee Target Export 查看上级目标详情 = View parent goal details 调休假信息 = Transfer leave information 上一年度 = Previous year 本年 = Year 下一年度 = Next year 本年剩余{0} 小时 = {0} Hours remaining in the year 本年调整{0}小时 = {0} Adjustment hours for the current year 本年有效 {0}小时 = {0} Valid hours for the current year 本年分配 {0}小时 = {0} Assigned hours for the current year 去年剩余 {0}小时 = {0} hours remaining Last year 区间开始时间:= Interval start time : 区间结束时间: = End time : 本年剩余 {0}天 = 0} days remaining this year 已休{0}天 = {0} days off 本年有效{0}天 = {0} Valid days of the year 本年分配{0}天 = {0} Allocation days for the year 去年剩余 {0}天 = {0} days remaining last year >申请 = Application 查看表单详情 = View form details 表单编辑 = Edit 证件预警设置表 = Warning setting table 上个月 = Last month 下个月 = Next month 考勤结果明细 = Details of attendance results 打卡信息 = Clock-out info 刷卡记录 = Swipe record 入职资料 = Onboarding info 班组 = Team 代理请假 = Agent leave 今日人数 = Today's Number 今日时数 = Today's Hours 月剩时数 = Number of hours left in the month 月排天数 = Number of days in the monthrow 非全日制 = Part-time 应排 = Should be lined up 实际 = Actual 差异 = Difference 业务表单 = Business forms 天霁移动HR = Sky Mobile HR 我的合同 = My contract 合同内容 = Contract content 发布时间 = Release time 暂无设置 = No settings 暂无内容 = No content 无 = No data 历史数据 = Historical data 绩效查询 = Performance inquiries 本人 = Myself 下属 = Subordinates 成绩明细 = Score details 门店排班信息 = Store scheduling info 排班信息 = Shift info 弹 = Play 开 = Open 闭 = Closed 福利假信息 = Welfare leave information 本年福利假调整小时 = Benefit leave adjustment hours for this year 本年剩余福利假小时 = The remaining benefit leave hours of the year 本年有效福利假 = Active welfare leave for the current year 本年分配福利假 = Distribution of welfare leave for the current year 去年剩余福利假 = Last year's remaining welfare leave 区间开始时间 = Interval Start Time 区间结束时间: = End time: 申请信息 = Application info 审批意见 = Approval comments 自定义审批人 = Custom approver 请假申请详情 = Details of leave applications 补卡申请详情 = Details of additional card application 公出申请详情 = Details of the Business trip application 加班申请详情 = Details of overtime applications 已办 = Done 提交人姓名 = Submitter 回退再处理 = Fallback reprocessing 申请单 = Application form 工资明细 = Salary details 请假类型: = Leave Type : 请假类型 = Leave Type 公出类型 = Business trip Type 加班类型 = Overtime Type 扫码填写简历 = Scan & Fill 手机号码 = Phone number 滑块验证 = Slider verification 短信验证 = SMS verification 验证码 = Code 获取验证码 = Get Code 简历信息 = Resume Info 职位详情 = Job details 需求部门 = Demand sector 招聘岗位名称 = Job title 岗位职责 = Job responsibilities 专业要求 = Professional requirements 其他招聘要求 = Other recruitment requirements 投递简历 = Post your resume 投递 = Delivery 应聘新职位 = Applying for a new position 职位详细 = Job details 已应聘职位 = Positions applied 简历预览 = Resume Preview 投递时间:= Delivery time: #NLSZ/JCPZ/AbilityToStudy.html 能力类型 = Types of competencies 能力项等级 = Competence level 2,启用 = 2, Enable #ESS/UserProfile/GZ/MyPayment2.html 员工工资 = Employee wages 备注 = Comment 个税说明及其他 = Individual income tax and others 工资历史数据查询 = Salary history data query 总计:= Total : 工资单 = Payroll 工资单未配置工资项目,请检查。 = Payroll item is not configured, please check. 工资结构分析 = Wage structure analysis 访问来源 = Access source 请输入查看工资密码: = Please enter the password to view salary: 密码不能相同, 请设置不同密码 = The password cannot be the same. Please set a different password 我的工资查看密码设置 = My salary view password settings 单个文件不能超过1024kb = Single file cannot exceed 1024KB 无授权查看 = No authority 选择 = Choice 我的工资 = My salary 请输入6位数字密码 = Please enter a 6-digit password 请设置六位数字密码 = Please set a six digit password 工资查看密码验证不通过,请重新输入密码。 = Salary check password verification failed. Please re-enter the password. 查看我的工资 = View my salary 请输入查看工资密码 = Please enter the password to view salary 应发 = Should be issued 实发 = Actual payment 固发 = fixed payment 应发工资 = Wages payable 不能查询未来的日期!= Can't query future date! 上月 = Last month 下月 = Next month 新密码确认 = New password confirmation 本月是最新发放月份 = This month is the lasted release month! 新密码请设置6位数字! = Please set 6 digits for new password! 如果忘记旧密码,请联系系统管理员,新密码为6位数字! = Contact administrator to retrieve the pwd,and the new pwd is 6 digits! 请输入旧密码 = Please enter the old password 请输入新密码 = Please enter new password 请输入确认密码 = Please enter confirmation password 确认密码与新密码不一致 =Confirmation password is inconsistent with new password 请设置6位数字的新密码 = Please set new 6-digit password 旧密码输入错误 = Old password input error 密码修改失败 = Password modification failed 密码修改成功,即时生效 = Modify successfully and takes effect immediately 密码修改出现异常 = Exception in password modification 我的工资查看密码修改 = Password change IE8以上 = IE8 or above 其他 = Other #DBTables.js 数据表字段维护 = Field maintenance 直接引用 = Reference 数据校验格式设置 = Verification format 关联数据筛选 = Data filter 表单字段关联 = Field Association 表单字段自动计算 = Auto calc 编辑模式 = Edit mode 一致性检测结果 = Consistency test results 一致性检测 = Consistency 复制到剪贴板 = Copy to clipboard 信息已复制到剪贴板! = Info copied to clipboard #EditReportForm.html 关联模块 = Related module 关联参数 = Related parameters 编辑模式维护 = Edit mode maintenance #NLSZ/JCPZ/AbilityToTemplate.html 能力模板 = Competence template #HT/HTYW/HTSuspend.html 合同中止记录 = Contract suspension record 请选择新签或者续签的数据!= Please select the data of new or renewal! 合同编号{0}已存在未审批或者审批中的中止记录,请过滤数据!= The contract number {0} already has an unapproved or pending termination record. Please filter the data! 请选择被中止的数据!= Please select aborted data! #HT/HTYW/Ywwh.html 请先加载列表数据! = Please load list data first! 每次只能编辑一条数据! = Only one item can be edited! 请先初始化列表数据! = Please init list data first! 所选择的数据无权限删除! = No permission to delete! 已经被"您 "审批" = Approved by you 第{0}行,多字段同行排列,= Row {0}, multi field row by row, 选择该岗位,将会使该岗位超编。
是否继续? = Choosing this position will overwrite the position.
Whether to continue? 已经 = Already #KQ/APPLY/OutResumption.html 销公出 = Cancellation of Business trip 销公出小时 = Cancellation of Business trip hours 销公出天数 = Cancellation of Business trip days *注意*销公出通过后不允许删除 = *Note * it is not allowed to delete after Cancellation of Business trip is approved 销公出小时数不能为0 = Cancellation of Business trip hours cannot be 0 销公出的开始时间不能小于公出的开始时间 = The start time of Cancellation of Business trip cannot be less than the start time 销公出的结束时间不能大于公出的结束时间 = The end time of Cancellation of Business trip cannot be greater than the end time 销假申请 = Cancellation of leave application 请假开始时间 = Leave start time 请假结束时间 = Leave end time 销假开始时间 = Start time of cancellation of leave 销假结束时间 = End time of leave 销假天数 = Cancellation of leave Days 销假开始时间不能大于销假结束时间 = The start time of cancellation of leave cannot be greater than end time 销假开始时间必须在请假时间范围内 = The start time of cancellation of leave must be within the time range of asking for leave 销假结束时间必须在请假时间范围内。= The end time of ancellation of leave must be within the leave time range. 销假不能销中间。= Cancellation of leave cannot be cancelled in the middle. 请假类型: = Types of leave : 是否已销假:否 = Whether the leave has been cancelled: no 是否已销假:是 = Whether the leave has been cancelled: yes 销假审批状态 = Cancellation of leave approval status 销公差申请 = Cancel tolerance application 销出差申请 = Cancel tolerance application 公差开始时间 = Tolerance start time 公差结束时间 = Tolerance end time 销公差开始时间:= Cancel tolerance start time : 销公差结束时间:= Cancel tolerance end time : 销公差原因 = Reason for cancellation of tolerance 销公差小时 = Cancel tolerance hours 销公差天数 =Cancel tolerance days 原因不能为空 = Reason can not be empty 销公差开始时间不能大于销公差结束时间。= Cancel tolerance start time cannot be greater than Cancel tolerance end time 销公差开始时间必须在公差时间范围内。= The start time of Cancel tolerance must be within the tolerance time range. 销假结束时间必须在公差时间范围内。= The end time of ancellation of leave must be within the tolerance time range. 销公差不能销中间。 = Cancel tolerance cannot be in the middle of the Cancel 保存失败,请联系管理员! = Failed to save. Please contact the administrator! 销公差管理 = Cancel tolerance management 公差类型:= Tolerance type: 是否已销公差:否 = Whether the leave has been cancelled: no 是否已销公差:是 = Whether the leave has been cancelled: yes 销公差审批状态 = Cancel tolerance approval status 个人信息 = Personal information 控制下面申请的显示请修改表attendanceData 的showable字段。 = To control the display of the application below, modify the showable field of the table, the meter, the showable field. 控制下面申请的显示请修改表ySysAPP_APPLYTYPE 的showable字段 = Control the display of the following applicationpleases please modify the showable field of the table ySysAPP_APPLYTYPE 申请记录 = Application record 控制ysysapprecord的showable字段来显示。 = Control ysysapprecord's showable field to display. 假期查询 = Holiday inquiry 加班小时数不能为0或者为空!= Overtime hours cannot be 0 or empty! 结束日期时间不能小于开始日期时间!= The end date time cannot be less than the start date time! 不能填写过期加班单! = Expiration overtime form cannot be filled out! 开始结束必须勾选刷卡! = You must check the swipe card at the beginning! 最晚刷卡时间不能小于最早加班时间! = The latest swipe time cannot be less than the earliest overtime time! 最早刷卡时间有误!= The earliest swipe time is wrong! 最晚刷卡时间有误! = The latest swipe time is wrong! 加班备注不能为空! = Overtime comment cannot be empty! 公出地点不能为空! = The Business trip address cannot be empty! 公出原因不能为空! = The Business trip reason cannot be empty! 审批编码不能为空! = Approval code cannot be empty! 请选择“请假类别" = Please select Leave category 可倒休时长剩余 = The rest of the break time 本年分配假期天数 = Assigned vacation days for the current year 本年调整假期天数 = Adjusted vacation days for the current year 本年剩余假期天数 = Number of vacation days remaining in the year 去年剩余假期天数 = Number of vacation days remaining last year 本年已休假期天数 = Number of days off in this year 选择的区间无效 = The selected interval is not valid. 该时间段内没有排班! = There are no schedules during this time period! #NLSZ/JCPZ/AdvancedSetting.html 未确认 = Unconfirmed 已确认 =Confirmed 升序 = Ascending 仅限 = Only 级层级 = Level 层级 = Level 无规则(手工填写)= No rules( Fill in manually) 根据部门岗位 = According to depts position 根据职位体系 = According to the job system 优先使用此等级表 = Prioritize this ranking #NLSZ/JCPZ/LevelConfiguration.html 宫格等级 = Palace level #NLSZ/NLMX/PostCapacityModel.html 导入职务体系能力模型 = Importing the competency model of the job system 引入模板 = Introduce templates 人数: = Number : 在岗人员 = On-the-job staff 职务体系 = Job system 取消继承 = Uninheriting 继承上级 = Inheriting superiors 匹配度 = Match 要求等级 = Requirements level 员工达到等级 = Employees reach the level 评估分值 = Assessing score 匹配程度 = Matching 匹配程度颜色 = Match color 能力值分析 = Capability value analysis 匹配度分析 = Matching Analysis 胜任比分析 = Competence Ratio Analysis 共{0}人 = Total people {0} #NLSZ/RCPD/NineGongGe.html 能力分析 - = Capability Analysis - 图例标题 = Legend title 背景颜色 = Background color 胜任能力 = Competence 共{0}项 = Total {0} items 共{0}项,总分:{1}分 = Total {0} items, score is {1} NLSZ/RCPG/ActionAdvices.html 要求等级:= Require level : 达到等级:= Reach level : 行动建议:= Recommendations for action : 建议:= Suggest: 培训课程: = Training courses : 建议课程: = Recommendate courses: #NLSZ/RCPG/TalentEvaluation.html 业绩评估 = Performance assessment 能力评估 = Competence assessment 所有评估活动 = All assessment activities 录入业绩分 - = Enter performance points - 考核分数 = Assessment score 引入绩效方案 = Introducing performance scenarios 录入评估分 - = Enter assessment points - 引入绩效考核分数 Introducing performance appraisal scores #ORG/ORGBB/AddZW.html 部门名称 = Depts name 部门编码 = Depts code 部门类型 = Depts type 部门全称 = Full name of the Depts 成立时间 = Founded time 新增部门 = New Depts 子部门 = Sub-Depts 新增版本 = New version 删除版本 = Remove version 编辑版本 = Edit version 所有组织机构版本 = All Org Versions 部门排序 = Depts sorting 恢复部门 = Recovery Depts 编辑部门 = Edit Depts 删除部门 = Delete Depts 撤销部门 = Cancel Depts 合并部门-- = Merge Dept-- 迁移部门-- = Migrate Dept-- #ORG/ORGGH/DeptHistoryWin.html 职务体系 << 新增职务体系 = Job system << New Job system 管理序列 -- 修改职务体系 = Manage sequence -- Edit Job system 显示子部门 = Show Depts 删除恢复 = Delete recovery 彻底删除 = Completely delete 从{0}变更为{1} = Change from{0} to {1} 已有方案 = Exitsing schemes 边框粗细 = Border weight 节点宽度 = Node width 节点高度 = Node height 展现层级 = Show hierarchy 字体 = Font 配色方案(背景,边框,线,字体) = Color scheme (background, border, line, font) 字号 = Size 显示负责人照片 = Show a photo of the owner 加粗 = Bold 矩形 = Rectangular 水平圆角 = Horizontal fillet 垂直圆角 = Vertical fillet 末层节点垂直显示 = Last node vertical display 垂直显示 = Vertical display 线条粗细 = Line weight 设为默认方案 = Set as the default scenario 设置为公开 = Set to public 宋体 = Song 微软雅黑 = Microsoft Yahe 楷体 = Regular script #ORG/ORGGH/ORGDataRestoreForm.html 部门子集 = Subset of Depts #ORG/RLZZ/BMDeptInfo.html 部门人员 = Depts staff 部门历史 = Depts history 文档信息 = Document information 上级部门:= Superior : 下属部门数:0 = Num of sub depts:0 下属部门数:= Num of sub depts: 下属人员数:0 = Num of subordinates :0 下属人员数: = Num of subordinates : 部门附件信息 = Depts attachment info 部门子集查询 = Depts Subset Query 部门子集更新保存 = Dept Subset Update Save 的信息 = Info 操作类型:新增 = Type : New 操作人:= Operator : 操作类型:撤销 =Typ e: Undo 操作类型:恢复 = Type : Recovery 操作类型:删除 = Type : Delete 操作类型:修改 = Type : Edit 部门全称:= Full name of Dept : 部门编码:= Dept code : 成立时间:= Founded : 部门类型:= Dept type : 变更为 = Change to #ORG/RLZZ/BMHistoryInfo.html 下属部门数 :0 = Number of sub-Depts : 0 下属人员数: = Number of subordinates : 部门负责人: = Leader : 负责人: = Leader: 系统字段查询定位 = System field query position 定位 = position #ORG/RLZZ/ORGActionWin.html 合并信息 = Merge info 业务信息 = Business info 选择合并部门 = Select merge Depts 显示多组织 = Show multi-organization 部门详细信息 = Dept details 树图 = Tree map 部门人数 = Number of staff 公司分级 = Company ratings 部门主表.xlsx = Dept Master Table.xlsx 移动至{0}部门 = Move to Department{0} 部门导出 = Dept Export 部门导入导出 = Dept import export 批量撤销 = Batch revoke 复制部门-- = Copy Dept -- 部门子集维护 = Dept Subset Maintenance 组织排序 = Organization sorting 功能选择 = Feature selection #ORG/VRORG/VirtualORGZWTX.html 职务名称 = Title 职务编码 = Job code 职务父编码 = Title Parent Code 在岗人数 = Number of people on duty #ORG/ZWJH/GWChildrenInfo.html 岗位子集 = Subset of posts 岗位编号: = Job Number : 对应职务: = Corresponding positions : 上级岗位: = Superior position : 所属部门: = Dept : 部门:= Dept : 编制人数: = Number of staff : 在岗人数: = Number of people on duty : 岗位描述: = Job Description : 描述:= Meno : 描述 = Meno 导出组织机构版本 = Export Org version #ORG/ZWJH/GWManager.html 归档 = Archive 岗位模板设计 = Job template design 所有岗位计划 = All job plan 新建岗位计划 = New Job Plan 岗位新增 = New job 岗位管理 = Job management 超缺编管理 = Over-missing management 撤销岗位 = Cancel job 岗位详情 = Job details 岗位子集维护 = Job Subset Maintenance 新增超缺编申请 = New Over-missing application 岗位申请 = Job application 批量申请 = Bulk application 编辑岗位 = Editorial post 逻辑删除 = Tombstone 岗位排序 = Job sorting 岗位图部门职位查询 = Job map Dept job inquiry 岗位架构图 = Job architecture diagram 导出岗位说明书 = Export job description 选定岗位计划中存在审核中或者驳回数据! = There are data under review or rejected in the selected job plan! #ORG/ZWJH/GWxxInfo.html 历任者 = Past 历史记录 = History 超编申请记录 = Over-staffed application records 对应职务:= Corresponding job title: 账号:= Account : #ORG/ZWTX/ORGZWTX.html 分布的岗位 = Distributed positions 建立时间 = Build time 职务名称.xlsx = Job title.xlsx 级数设置 = Seine settings 职务体系部门职位查询 = Job System Dept Job Inquiry 岗位编码:= Job code : 恢复职务 = Reinstatement 职位排序 = Position sorting 职务导出 = Job Export 来源表单 Source form 未设置项目取值 = Item value sitnoted not set #PS/BasicSetting/Experts.html 专家分类 = Expert classification 部门列表: = List of Depts 兼职类别 = Part-time category 请选择专家分类 = Please select expert category 是否冻结 = Whether to freeze #PS/BasicSetting/Scoring.html 评审项权重 = Review item weights 分档弹性记分 = Split elastic score 划档标准 = Standard of divide grade 量化计分 = Quantitative scoring 一维计分 = One-dimensional scoring 多维计分 = Multidimensional scoring 分类名称 = Category name 分类名称:= Category name : 评审系列分类 =Review Series Classification 权重分值 = Weight score 划档区间 = Grade range 模板: = Template : 未启用 = Disabled 子集表设置 = Subset table settings App模板设计器 = App Template Designer App模板预览 =App template preview 职称评审 =Title Review #PS/Business/AddReviewProject.html 设置专业组 = Set professional group 设置申报模板 = Set reporting template 设置方案公式 = Set scheme formula 模板名称 = Template name 表单页签 = Form tab 是否使用 = Whether to use #ReviewResult.html 请选择部门.... = Select depts... #PS/Business/Project.html 新增评审方案 = New review scheme 编辑评审方案 = Edit review scheme 复制评审方案 = Copy review scheme 专业组 = Professional Group 申报模板表 = Report template form 查看专业组 = View Professional Groups 查看申报模板 = View reporting template 申报动态 = Reporting dynamics 单位意见 = Unit Opinions 的申报信息等待 = The declaration info waiting for 审批处理 = Approval processing 申请退回原因:= Reason for requesting return : 原因:= Reason: 审核意见:= Review opinion : 申报人列表 = List of filers #PS/Comm/FillInForm.html 填报表列表 = Fill in the list of forms 评审任职资格:= Qualifications for appointment: 呈报单位:= Reporting by : 评审组别 = Review Group #PS/Comm/MarkStandard.html 评审任职资格 =Qualifications for appointment 评审系列 = Review Series 职称系列分类 = Title Series Classification 基层单位 = Grass-roots units 呈报单位 = Reporting unit 科研成就 = Scientific achievements 获奖成果 = Awards 在研项目 = In the research project 系统总分(量化得分):= System score (quantitative score): 系统划档 = System demarcation 转移资料 = Transfer of information #PS/Comm/NormalScore.html 评审人任职资格 = Judge's qualifications 专家打分 = Expert rating 专业工作量成绩 = Professional workload achievements 考核要素 = Assessment elements 量化分数 = Quantify ingress 区间 = Interval 专业组参考分 = Professional Group Reference Points 计分 = Scoring 量化/参考 = Quantification/Reference 量化 = Quantization 参考 = Reference #px 消息提示 = Message tips 培训签到 = Training check-in 培训登录 = Training login 培训方案 = Training programmes 培训计划 = Training plan 培训学员 = Training trainees 培训签到 = Training check-in 培训协议 = Training agreements 培训考试 = Training exams 培训评估 = Training assessment 培训证书 = Training certificate 二维码 = QR code 考试进行中,无法关闭! = Cannot close while the test is in progress! 确定提交考卷? = Make sure to submit the test paper? 倒计时: = CountDown: 班 = Class 期 = Period 考试时间: = The test time: 培训管理-培训班 = Training Management - Training Course 问卷评估 = Questionnaire assessment 授权状态:= Authorization status: 位置 = Position 培训报名 = Training registration 面授班 = Face-to-face classes 教师团队 = Teachers' team 李金萍 = Li Jinping 授课老师 = Instructors 课程介绍 = Introduction to the course 积分{0}分 = Points {0} 学分{0}分 = Credits {0} Points 课程目的 = Purpose of the course 课程大纲 = The syllabus 表单 = Forms 已报名 = Registered 培训评估 = Training assessment 评估对象 = Assesse the object 培训考试 = Training exams 软件工程初级测试 = Initial testing of software engineering 题 = Problem 已结束 = Closed 查看协议 = View the agreement 查看问卷 = View the questionnaire 查看考卷 = View the exam papers 新增培训班 = New training courses 编辑培训班 = Editing course 查看培训人员 = View trainers 培训班名称 = Name of the course 总分曲线分析 = Total score curve analysis 设置通过条件 = Set pass condition 开始计算 = Start calculation 分数段分析 = Score segment analysis 设置评价人 = Set reviewer 邮件里附带二维码 = The message comes with a QR code. 全部学员 = All participants 业务类型 = Type of business 菜单名称 = Menu name 过滤权限 = Filter permissions 业务基本信息 = Basic business info 主表显示字段 = Main table display field 主表变更字段 = Main table change field 对应业务表 = Corresponding business tables 是否需要提醒到薪资 = Need to remind you of salary 是否校验黑名单 = Check the blacklist 签订 = Signed 登陆人身份验证方式 = Landing person authentication method HR系统账号、密码 = HR system account number, password 其他方式 = Other ways 身份证(后6位) = ID card (back 6 digits) 身份证 = ID card 手机号 = Cell phone number 培训过程 = Training process 培训报名 = Training registration 培训人员表 = Training personnel table *红色字体为必填项 = The red font is required 已选定字段 = Field selected 签到地点 = Check-in location 必须上传照片 = You must upload a photo 启用签退签到 = Enable Check-back 启用请假 = Enabling Leave 报名二维码 = Sign up for two-dimensional code 签到二维码 = Check in to QR code 考试二维码 = Exam QR Code 评估二维码 = Assessing QR codes 总分: = Score: 设置通过条件 = Set pass condition 催办情况 = Reminders 邮件催办 = Mail reminder 短信催办 = SMS reminder 消息催办 = Message reminder 一期 = Phase 1 二期 = Phase II 三期 = Phase 3 四期 = Phase 4 五期 = Phase 5 六期 = Phase 6 七期 = Seven issues 八期 = Eight issues 上级 = Superior 平级 = Lateral 受训学员 = Trainees 评估人 = Evaluator 选择短信发送方案: = Select a Text messaging scheme: 选择短信发送对象 = Select the sms sending object 培训学习 = Training and learning 培训业务模板维护-保存业务模板:= Training business template maintenance - save business template: 主表字段列表 = Main table field list 业务表字段列表 = Business table field list 参考答案 = Reference answer 学员答案 = Student answers 未签 = Not signed 已签 = Signed 发起签约 = Launch a contract 签订协议 = Sign an agreement 签约开始时间 = Signing start time 签约截止时间 = Signing deadline 协议开始时间 = Protocol start time 协议截止时间 = Agreement deadline 未颁发 = Not issued 已颁发 = Issued 颁发证书 = Issue certificates 发布问卷 = Release Email发送 = Email send 重设时间 = Reset time 结果分析 = Results Analysis 截止时间 = Deadline 答卷 = Answer 评估人部门 = valuator Dept 评估人岗位 = Evaluator position 受训人部门 = Trainee Dept 受训人岗位 = Trainee position 人工阅卷 = Manual reading 试卷 = Paper 考卷 = Papers 新增签到地点 = New check-in location 编辑签到地点 = Edit check-in location 未选字段 = Field Unselected 请选择子集表... = Subset table... 有效范围:{0}米 = Valid range :{0} meters 未签到 = Unchecked 已签到 = Checked in 已请假 = Leave 满分{0}分 = Full score {0} points 学员答案:= Learner's answers : 按时间 = By Time 按方案 = By Plan 按计划 = As planned 需求标题 = Demand title 关联计划 = Association plan 计划数: = Plans : 培训类型: = Types of training: 培训类型 = Types of training 计划时间 = Planning time 培训人数(计) = Number of participants (in account) 培训费用(万元) = Training costs (10,000 yuan) 审批状态 = Approval status 培训履历 = Training resume 计划名称 = Plan name 计划详情 = Details of the plan 新增培训需求 = New training needs 制定计划 = Plan 新增需求 = New demand 新增培训计划 = New training plan 编辑培训计划 = Edit training plan 关联需求 = Associated requirements 关联培训班 = Related training courses 查看需求 = View requirements 课程模板 = Course templates 未选择课程 = No course selected 已选择课程 = Course selected 未发布 = Unpublished 复制岗位课程 = Copy job courses 课程列表 = List of courses 模板分类 = Template classification 评估分类 = Assessing classification 评估选项 = Evaluation options 名称: = Name : 卷首语: = Foreword : 卷末语: = Epilogue : 调查选项 = Survey options 页面不可修改 = Pages cannot be Edited --修改 = -- Edit 讲师信息 = Instructor info 讲师姓名 = Instructor's name 讲师资质 = Instructor qualifications 资料名称 = Name of the material 培训方案名称 = Name of training program 试题库分类 = Question Library Classification 试题选项 = Question options 设置选项 = Set options 试卷分类 = Paper classification 请选择具体的培训试卷 = Please select a specific training paper 试题组卷 = Question Group Volume 试卷预览 = Paper preview 答题时间:= Answer time : 分钟 = Minutes 设置组卷规则 = Set up group volume rules 生成结果 = Build results 题型 = Questions 数量 = Number 分值 = Score 难易程度 = Difficulty Level 机构类别 = Institutions types 默认值 = Default 格式:表名,字段名 = Format:Table,Field 字段对应关系 = Field correspondence 修改模板 = Edit template 新增培训课程 = New training courses 编辑培训课程 = Edit training courses 新增类别 = New categories <<新增 = << New 评估项标题 = Evaluation item title 新增选项题 = New option questions 新增问答题 = New questions and answers 评估项排序 = Evaluation item sorting 评估项导出 = Evaluation item export 新增培训讲师 = New trainers 编辑培训讲师 = Editing training instructor 资质名称 = Qualification name 资质等级 = Qualification level 资质有效期(月) = Qualification validity period (months) 资质到期时间 = Qualification Expiration Time 资质获取时间 = Qualification time 培训课时 = Hours 课时安排 = Arrange 所有人可见 = Visible(all) 取消所有人可见 = Invisible 培训地址 = Training address 新增资料库 = New libraries 编辑资料库 = Editing a library 没有培训表 = No training form 培训签约 = Training contract 新增培训方案 = New training programmes 编辑培训方案 = Editing training programmes 试题库类别 = Question Gallery Category 题目标题 = Title 暂无试题 = No date 试题选项 = Question options 新增问答题 = New question-and-answer questions 编辑选项题 = Edit Options Questions 编辑问答题 = Edit questions 试题库导出 = Question Library Export 请选择题型 = Please select the question type 新增问卷模板 = New questionnaire template 修改问卷模板 = Edit questionnaire template 点击选择 = Click to select 系统组卷 = System group volumes 手工添加 = Add by hand 更换试题 = Replace questions 试题选项排序 = Question option sorts 总数 = Total 查看题目明细 = View topic details 机构名称 = Name of the institution 新增培训机构 = New training institutions 编辑培训机构 = Editing training institutions 查看试题选项 = View question options 入职阶段 已录用状态 = Onboarding Phase Hired Status 入职表审批通过 = Onboarding form approval passed 培训历史 = Training history 人员信息表 = Staff info sheet #QA/InvestigateItem/QAInvestigate_Index.html 调查项分类 = Survey item classification 选项数: = Options: 调查项导出 = Survey item export #QA/QuestionnaireTrack/QuesetionAnewer.html *最少选项 = The minimum option 最多选项 = Maximum options #QA/QuestionnaireTrack/QuestionnaireTracking.html 答卷详情 = Answer details 3、答题情况 = 3, answer situation 调查等级 = Survey level 已答 = Answered #QA/TemplateItems/AddQAInvestigate.html 引入题库 = Introducing question libraries #QA/TemplateItems/AddQATemplate.html 自建 = Self-built 调查项设置 = Survey item settings 短信模板:= SMS template : 发布问卷模板: = Post questionnaire templates : 邮件催办模板:= Mail reminder template : 公布结果模板:= Publish results template : 公布结果模板:= Publish results template : 调查项排序 = Sort ingested survey items #QA/TemplateItemsInstance/AddQuestionnaire.html 设置调查对象 = Set up respondents 问卷模板 = Questionnaire template 调查人数 = Number of surveys 卷首语 = Volume First 卷末语 = End of volume 调查人员一览 = Investigators at a glance 新增问卷 = New questionnaire 编辑问卷 = Edit questionnaire 编辑等级 = Edit level 分数段 = Score segment 基本信息设置 = Basic info settings 所属模块 = Module 所属模块* = Module* 方案备注 = Comment 可选条目 = Optional entry 可选条目:= Optional entry 关联函数 = Association functions 可选表格 = Optional form 连接类型 = Connection type 关系运算符 = Relationship operators 固定值选择 = Fixed value selection 值: = Value: 条件待定 = Conditions to be determined 新增查询方案 = New query scheme 查询列信息设置 = Query column info settings 表关联信息设置 = Table association info settings #Report/display.html 朗新智能报表 = Langxin Smart Report 报表 = Report #Report/displayOldReport.html 朗新软件 = Langxin Software #Report/displayOldReportTemp.html 朗新天霁-Hr.Net =Long XinTianyu-Hr.Net 填充方式 = FillStyle 向下填充 = Fill down 向右填充 = Fill right 向上填充 = Fill up 向左填充 = Fill left 重复填充 = Repeat Filling 等差填充 =equal difference fill 等比填充 = Equivalent ratio fill 日期类型 = Date type 时间类型 = Type of time 报表生成时间: = Report generation time : 重新生成报表 = Rebuilding the report 常用报表 = Common reports 系统报表 = System reports 人力资源部 = Human Resources #QATemplate_Index.html #RL/Org/index.html 集团 = Group 分公司 = Branch 测试 = Test #RY/CodeEntry/ParamSetting.js 首页手机短信验证 = Homepage SMS Verification 签署电子协议 = Sign an electronic agreement 页面标题 = Page title 提示语内容 = Prompt content App下载二维码 = App download QR code 是否从简历表回写数据 = Whether to write back data from the resume form 首页同意授权协议 = Homepage agree to license agreement 身份活体校验 = In vivo verification 提交后提示语 = Prompt after submission 提示语标题 = Prompt title 入职成功提示语 = Tips for successful entry 二维码提示语 = QR code prompt 顶部提示语 = Tips at the top #RY 服务端同步字段设置 = Service-side sync field settings 人员信息 = Employee info 个性标签 = Personality label 个人签名 = Personal signature 已配置项目 = Project configured 业务历史记录 = Business history (为了更好的显示效果,建议一行最多显示4个,且字段值非文本值) = (For better display, it is recommended that a line display up to 4 and that the field value is not a text value) 字段排序 = Field sorting 岗位信息 = Job info 格式 = Format 公司名+部门+岗位 = Company Name, Dept, Position 部门+岗位 = Depts and positions 兼职 = Part-time 职位信息 = Position info 统计项目 = Statistics (为了更好的显示效果,统计项目不超过3个) = No more than three items (为了更好的显示效果,统计项目不超过4个) = No more than 4 items (为了更好的显示效果,统计项目不超过三个) = No more than three items #PersonService.html 业务类型: = Business : 菜单名称: = Menu name : 过滤权限: = Filter right : 仅供打印: = Print only : 我的汇报 = My report 展示格式 = Show format 默认查询条件 = Default query criteria 信息维护页面是否需要保存按钮 = Whether the info maintenance page needs to save the button 人员主表、子表同页面显示 = Person main table, sub-table and same page display 人员主表、子表分页面显示 = Person main table, sub-table page display 同步结果 = Sync results 同步日期 = Sync date 选择自动计算项目: = Select auto-calc items 设定计算规则: = Set calc rules 是否定时计算 = time calculation 日计算 = Day calculation 小时计算 = Hour calc 分计算 = Sub-calc 测评方案 = Evaluation plan 测评类型 = Types of assessments 人员兼任 = Staff 信息完整度 = Info integrity 可选字段 = Optional fields 图标 = Icon 显示字段设定 = Show field settings 测评明细详情 = Details of the assessment 评价项目 = Evaluation of the project 人员总数控制 = Total personnel control 主表设置 = Main table settings 子表设置 = Sub-table settings 二维码生成 = QR code generation 需要登录 = Login 框架颜色 = Frame Logo图标 = Logo 首页背景 = Home Background 点击修改 = Edit 分组排序 = Sort 文字标题排列 = Title 横向 = Transverse 纵向 = Portrait 首页提示语 = Tip 首页字段 = Field 人员基本信息表 = Basic info of staff 标签名 = Label name 分组查询 = Group queries 快速定位 = Quick positioning 待入职人员:= People on the job : 人才库: = Talent Pool : 移除待入职人员 = Remove candidates 部门及人员类别 = Dept&Employee category 仅供打印 = Print only 表单模板 = Form templates 模块信息 = Module info 统计摘要 = Statistical Summary 关联统计方案 = Associated statistical scenarios tab桌面模块配置表 = tab desktop module configuration table pnl桌面模块配置表 = pnl desktop module configuration table 模块编码 = Module code 模块名称 = Module name 请输入模块名称进行快速查询 = Module name 统计方案 = Statistical programme 图表类型 = Chart type 列作为图例展示 = Columns are shown as legends 显示百分数 = Show percentages 小数点位数 = Decimal places 显示图例 = Show legend 下级模块编码 = Sub-module coding 审批业务 = Approval of business 按性别查询 = Sex 按学历查询 = Education 全部人员 = All 人员标签 = Label 人员基本表 = Basic table 人员基本信息视图 = Basic staff info View 人员附表 = Schedule 查询条目 = Query 筛选条件 = Filter 分享及推送 = Share & push 创建完成 = Complete 方案类别 = Types 方案类别*= Types* 方案描述 = Describe 已选条目 = Selected entry 已选条目:= Selected entry 导出档案 = Export archives 扩展信息表 = Extended info table 是否反馈 = feedback 锁定任务 = Lock task 待同步任务 = Tasks to be synchronized 同步成功任务 = Sync successful tasks 员工离职 = Employee departures 待入职人员名称 = Name of person to be hired 录入下一个 = Enter next 以 = With 全身照 = Full-body photos 人员列表 = Staff list 柱形图 = Column chart 折线图 = Line chart 饼图 = Pie chart 仪表盘 = Dashboard 圆环图 = Doughnut chart 编辑总裁桌面模块 = Editor President Desktop Module 所在部门: = Dept: 人员关系图 = Staff Graph 新增标签 = Add 修改标签 = Edit 删除标签 = Delete 恢复人员列表 = List of restored employee 人员历史信息 = Staff history info 新建查询方案 = New query scheme 编辑查询方案 = Edit query scheme 员工汇报关系 = Employee Reporting Relationships 无效 = Invalid 按人员上下级 = By Person 按岗位上下级 = By post 人员架构图 = staff architecture diagram 人员基本视图 = Basic view of staff 人员关系图 = People map 创建一个新的查询方案 = Create query scheme 查询条件 = Query conditions 兼职数:= Number of part-time: 模块 = Module 兼职需求 = Part-time demand 的和 = The sum of 的平均值 = Average of 的最大值 = Maximum value of 的最小值 = Minimum value 集合 = Collection 处于区间 = Interval 出生日期 = Birth 兼职: = Part-time : 单击更换个性签名 = Change personality signature 单击更换全身照 = Change full body photo 黑名单 = Blacklist 白名单 = White List 拉黑原因 = Reason for pulling black 替换范围 = Replace range #contextMenu 增加指标行 = Add norm line 增加指标明细行 = Add norm line detail 增加多行指标明细 = Add multi-line norm detail 设置考核人 =Set appraiser 合同名称 = contract 新建文档 = New document 新增人员姓名 = New person name 上传附件 = Upload attachments #SS0/SSOSPRouter.html 单点登录到系统主页说明 = Single sign-in to the system home page description 非法链接 = Illegal links SSO企业编码和生成加密串 = SSO Enterprise Coding and Generation Encryption Strings 企业编码 := Enterprise Coding: 企业编码加密串 := Enterprise coding encryption string: 一般用于第三方SSO到朗新stalent的规范 = Generally used in third-party SSO to Langxin stalent specifications 测试参数 := Test parameters : #SS0/ZJCastleLogin.html.html 北京朗新天霁软件技术有限公司 = Beijing Langxin Tianyi Software Technology Co., Ltd. #Home/HomePage-HRBook 发起合同流程 = Process 工资表添加人员 = Payroll add people 发起新员工流程 = Staff process 审批新员工业务 = Staff business 补缴保费 = Supplement 应用待处理变动 = Changes 审批新签合同 = Approve 配置考勤方案 = Configure attendance scheme 安排班次 = Arrange shifts 续约合同 = Renewal 审批合同业务 = Approve 参保停保 = Insurance suspension 调整考勤方案 = Adjust attendance scheme 审批考勤业务 = Approve attendance business 排班调班 = Shift arrangement 审批保险业务 = Insurance 调岗申请 = Post transfer 部门调动申请 = Dept transfer 编辑人员信息 = Edit 批量导入更新 = Import update 审批人员调转 = Approval 发起调转流程 = Initiate 工资表增减人员 = Add/Delete 工资表新增人员 = New staff 审批薪资业务 = Approve 发起合同业务 = Initiate 移除考勤方案 = Remove attendance scheme 调整排班 = Shift adjustment 退保离职人员 = Retired employees 工资表删除人员 = Delete staff 审批离职业务 = Approve 发起离职业务 = Initiate #formatLook.html 关联表 = Related table 关联字段 = Related field #Statistics/Edit.html 方案名称* = Programme Name* 查询方案描述 = Query schemeeeees description 共享 = Share 可选条目: = Optional entry: 已选择条目 = Entry selected 列设计: = Column design: 行设计: = Line design: 表类型: = Table type: 关系操作符 = Relationship operator 条件列表 = List of conditions 设计节点 = Design nodes 请选择值:= Please select a value: 选择比较值 = Select a comparison value 全匹配 = Full match 属于集合 = Belonging to a collection [条件待定] = (Conditions to be determined) #Statistics/StatisticsMain.html 统计 = Statistics 选择发布模块 = Select a publishing module 取消菜单发布 = Cancel menu publishing #SYS/basicParam/DefinedDeskTop.html 桌面模板 = Desktop templates 板块选择 = Plate selection 个人统计 = Personal statistics 默认布局 = Default layout 左栏 = Left column 中栏 = Middle column 右栏 = Right column 参数设置 = Parameter settings #SYS/chart/ORGIndex.html 机构编辑界面 = Agency editing interface 优先级 = Priority 增加 = Increase #SYS/COMM/AutoCalculate.html 选择自动计算项目:= Select auto-calculate items: 分钟计算 = Minute symculation 1日 = 1st 2日 = 2nd 3日 = 3rd 4日 = 4th 5日 = 5th 6日 = 6th 7日 = 7th 8日 = 8th 9日 = 9th 10日 = 10th 11日 = 11th 12日 = 12th 13日 = 13th 14日 = 14th 15日 = 15th 16日 = 16th 17日 = 17th 18日 = 18th 19日 = 19th 20日 = 20th 21日 = 21st 22日 = 22nd 23日 = 23rd 24日 = 24th 25日 = 25th 26日 = 26th 27日 = 27th 28日 = 28th 29日 = 29th 30日 = 30th 31日 = 31st 周一 = Monday 周二 = Tuesday 周三 = Wednesday 周四 = Thursday 周五 = Friday 周六 = Saturday 周日 = Sunday #SYS/COMM/codeSelector.html 国内 = Domestic 国外 = Foreign 已选 = Selected 清除 = Clear #SYS/COMM/CoditionSet.html 相关表与字段 = Related tables & fields 条件操作符 = Conditional operator #SYS/COMM/CustomQuery.html 数据库数据 = DB data 当前数据 = Current 逻辑表达式:= Logical expression: 查询结果 = Query results 大于等于 = Greater than or equal to #SYS/COMM/deleteBuildForm.html 设置表关联 = Set associate table SQL生成 = Build SQL 主表: = Main table : 主表 = Main table 附表 = Attch table 关联表 = Associated table 附表: = Attch table : 关联: = Association : 且 = And 条件: = Conditions: #SYS/COMM/deleteBuildFormNew.html 生成SQL语句 = Build SQL statements 设置关联条件 = Set Related conditions 关联条件 = Related conditions #formatFile.html 最多上传附件个数 = Max number of uploaded Annex 单个上传附件大小(M) = Size of single uploaded Annex(M) 待选择文件类型 = File Type(SELECT) 文件类型 = File Type 文本框长度 = LENGTH 文本框高度 = HEIGHT 报表名称 = Report name 请输入报表名称进行快速查询 = Report name #SYS/COMM/Dome.html 向导设置 = Wizard settings 向导ID = Wizard ID 向导步骤 = Wizard steps 生成步骤向导布局 = Build wizard layout 是否隐藏悬浮面板标签 = Hide suspension panel label 表单布局-标准一列 = Form Layout - Standard One Column 表单布局-标准两列 = Form Layout - Standard Two Column 按钮-预定义样式 = Buttons - Predefined Styles 居左居中居右-预定义样式 = Center left - predefined style 居左(class="text-left") = Left(class="text-left") 居中(class="text-center") = Center(class="text-center") 居右(class="text-right") = Right(class="text-right") 左浮动(class="fl") = Float Left(class="fl") 右浮动(class="fr") = Float Right(class="fr") 外边距9px(class="m-1") = Margin:9px(class="m-1") 外上边距9px(class="mt-1") = Margin-top:9px(class="mt-1") 外上边距18px(class="mt-2") = Margin-top:18px(class="mt-2") 外上边距27px(class="mt-3") = Margin-top:27px(class="mt-3") 居左 = Left 居中 =Center 居右 = Right 浮动-预定义样式 = Floating - Predefined Styles 定位-预定义样式 = Positioning - Predefined Styles 代码视图 = Code view #SYS/COMM/lookViewData.html 目标字段 =Target field 公  式 = Public #SYS/COMM/ExcelImport.html 选择表类型 = Select table type 目标表 = Target table 身份证号码 = ID number 匹配字段 = Match field 部门信息 = Dept info 合同新签 = New contract signed 招聘需求 = Recruitment needs 招聘应聘者 = Recruiting candidates 主键: = Primary key 更新键: = Update key 可根据实际需要对更新键进行调整 = Adjust the Update key according to the actual situation #SYS/COMM/FieldSetting.html 取消全局方案 = Cancel global scenarios 包含 = Contains 不包含= not contain 开头为 = Start with 结尾为 = End with 条件字段 = Conditional field #SYS/COMM/FmuSetting.html 公式套名称 = Formula set name 公式列表 = List of formulas 分情况 = By circumstances 分支条件 = Branch conditions 展示类型 = Show type 展示类型: = Show type: 表名:= Table name: #SYS/COMM/FormSPWin.html 审批进度 = Approval progress 已知 = Known 本月计划 = Plan of the Month 高级 = Advanced 高级查询 = Advanced Query 保存高级查询 = Save Advanced Query 已提交审批 = Approval submitted 勾选确认 = Check confirmation #SYS/COMM/FormSPWindow.html 审批信息 = Approval info 审批操作 = Approval action #SYS/COMM/freeFormDesignDesktop.html 设置数据 = Set data 设置行高 = Set row height 行高 = Line height 列宽 = Column width 设置列宽 = Set column width #SYS/COMM/procBuildForm.html 选择过程 = Selection process 过程函数: = Procedure functions : 参数 = Parameters 存储过程名称 = Stored procedure name #SYS/COMM/procBuildFormNew.html 选择过程函数 = Select procedure function 未生成SQL语句 = SQL statement not generated #SYS/COMM/ryTransForm.html 文件名称 = File name #SYS/COMM/RYTransTemplateManager.html 人员业务维护 = Personnel business maintenance 业务表单维护 = Business form maintenance #SYS/COMM/selectBuildForm.html 显示字段 = Show field 未显示字段 = Field not shown 未排序字段 = Field not order 排序字段 = Order field 选择时显示字段 = Show field on selection 显示 = Show 主表 = Main table 显示列 = Show columns 显示全部列 = Show all columns #SYS/COMM/selectBuildFormNew.html 设置查询列 = Set query column 主表字段 = Main table field 表名 = Table name 副表字段 = Sub-table fields 查询全部 = Query All #SYS/COMM/SeniorSearch.html 加入 = Join 操作类型 = Type of action 当前操作 = Current action #SYS/COMM/TransTemplate.html 人员业务模板维护-保存业务模板: = People business template maintenance - save business templates: #SYS/COMM/ToolKit.html 日志相关: = Log related: 缓冲区日志写入文件 = Buffer log write file 错误代码 = Error code 下载查询 = Download & query 日志类型 = Log type 缓存查询 = Cache queries 缓存类型 = Cache type 时间从 = Time from 文件名 = Filename 记录总条数 = Total number of records 修改日期 = Change date 文件大小 = File size Redis缓存 = Redis Cache 应用程序缓存 = Application cache 日志比例 = Log scale #SYS/COMM/updateBuildForm.html 编辑字段 = Edit field 新增关联 = New Association 删除关联 = Delete associations 编辑列: = Edit column : 修改为: = Change is : 关联 = Association #SYS/COMM/updateBuildFormNew.html 设置编辑列 = Set edit-columns 销毁 = Destroyed 选择年月 = Select year & month 选择时间 = Select time 菜单中用来查询的时间控件 = Time controls used in the menu to query 时间查询分三种 = Time query is divided into three kinds 按年月查询、按日期查询、按年月/日期组合查询(通过单选框控制) = Query by year, date query, combined query by year/month/date (controlled by radio box) 按年月查询,时间格式为 yyyy-MM = Query by year, time format yyyy-MM 按日期查询,时间格式为 yyyy-MM-dd = Query by date, time format yyyyy-MM-dd 日期查询 = Date query 参数option = Parameter option LsDropDownList 下拉框多选 = LsDropDownList Drop Box Multi-Choice #SYS/DM/MultilevelCode.html 常用 = Common 备选 = Options #SYS/DM/Single.html 工资等级多维基表 = Salary Grade 计分划档多维基表 = Score file #SYS/impExpBatchTool/ExportMainPage.html 表: = Table: 附件字段: = Annex field : 附件名: = Annex name : 合同信息 = Contract info #SYS/impExpBatchool/HelpdocManage.html 文档类别 = Document categories 全部类别 = All categories #SYS/impExpBatchTool/ImportMainPage.html 选择... = Choose... 错误信息:= Error message : 规则设置 = Rule settings #SYS/ImpExpBatchTool/ImportSetWin.html 业务实体:= Entity : 规则字段:= Field : #Sys/QX/XtPeopleList.html 表权限 = Table rights 字段权限 = Field rights 部门权限 = Dept rights 授权 = Authorized #Sys/QX/tabDatasManageOr.html 编辑权限 = Edit rights 查看权限 = View rights #Sys/QX/tabDatasManage.html 按表授权 = Authorize by Table 按字段授权 = Authorize by Field 交集数据授权 = Intersection data 并集数据授权 = Combined data #SYS/QX/ryworkManage.html #sys/QX/ryQXList.html 查看角色人员权限 = View role staff rights #sys/QX/ryeachManage.html 人员子集 = Subset of staff 自定义SQL语句 = Custom SQL 授权结果 = Authorize results #sys/QX/reportManage.html 报表结果只读 = Report results read-only [只读] = (Read-only) # SYS/QX/kqManager.html 班次类别 = Shift category #SYS/QX/DatasManage.html 保密数据 = Confidential data #SYS/QX/colDataManage.html 字段设置 = Field settings 数据设置 = Data settings 通过配置保密的字段和需要保密的数据,来实现某些数据的某几个字段值保密不显示 = Configure confidential fields and data , some field values of certain data are not displayed #SYS/QX/assignAuthority.html 选择桌面模板 = Desktop template 默认桌面 = Default 永不过期 = Never Expire #SYS/QX/ActorRYManage.html 角色人员 = Role staff 角色组织 =Role organization 角色岗位 = Role positions 角色职位 = Role post 修改人员权限登入有效期 = Edit entry period of staff rights 角色名称 = Role name 角色名称:= Role name : 角色描述 = Role Description 所属角色组 = Role group 是否角色组 = IS Role group 与组权保持一致 = Consistent with grouping 分模块授权 = Sub-module authorization 权限列表 = Permission list #SYS/RY/LsRyMulSel.html 人员定 = Staff positioning : 待选择列表 = List to be selected 已选择列表 = Selected list 修改: = Edit : 新增流程 = New process 编辑流程 = Edit process 流程设计 = Process design #SYS/WF/MailingsWin.html 字段关联 = Field Association #SYS/WF/WFFieldSet.html 主流程字段列表 = List of main process fields 点击选择... = Click to select... #SYS/WF/WFWindow.html 配置/策略 = Configuration/Policy 固定审批人 = Fixed approvers 自由审批人 = Free approver 权限控制 = Permission control 提醒/回写 = Reminder/Write Back 自由表单sheet页签可见控制 = Free form sheet tab visible control 活动名称: = Name of the event : 审批表单:= Approval form : 知会节点 = Informed Node 分流节点 = Shunt node 协同节点 = Synergy nodes 控制节点 = Control node 默认不选则所有页签都可看 = By default all tabs are available 只读 = Read-only 不可见 = Invisible 可见 = visible 受保护 = protected 默认 = Default 全部同第一个字段 = All with the first field 动作名称 = Action name 动作描述 = Action Description 动作名称个性化 = Action name personalization 请选中一个活动或者起点 = Please check an activity or starting point 流程启动者 = Promoter 部门负责人 = Dept head 上级岗位 = Higher position 直接上级 = Direct superior 是前一节点处理 = Previous node process 是已审批过的节点处理者 = Is approved node processor 没有其他活动节点 = No other active nodes 任意一个完成 = Complete on any one 必须所有完成 = Must be all completed 是前一节点处理者 = Previous node processor 是之前节点处理者 = Former node processor 起点 = Starting point 指定节点 = Designated node #SYS/WF/WFWindow1.html 活动名称: = Name of the event : 评审打分 = Review 待分配 = Assigned 名称 = name 审批表单: = Approval form: 完成策略: = Complete strategy : 退回策略 = Return Policy 参与者 = Participants 参与 = Participate 指定参与者 = Designate a participant 岗位: = Post : 角色 = Role 同其他节点 = With other nodes 指定人员 = Designated person 审批时间 = Approval time 配置 = Configuration 对象 = Object #SYS/XTSZ/accountInfo.html 特定账号 = Specific accounts #SYS/XTSZ/AppDevicesBinding.html 用户绑定信息 = User binding info 绑定明细 = Binding details 待开发 = To be developed #YS/XTSZ/cron.HTML cron表达式详解 = Cron Expression Details Cron表达式是一个字符串,字符串以5或6个空格隔开,分为6或个域,每一个域代表一个含义,Cron有如下两种语法格式:= A Cron expression is a string separated by 5 or 6 spaces, divided into 6 or domains, each representing a meaning, and Cron has the following two syntax formats: 一、结构 corn从左到右(用空格隔开):秒 分 小时 月份中的日期 月份 星期中的日期 年份 = I. Structure corn from left to right (separated by spaces): seconds minutes in the month of the day in the month of the date of the month year 二、各字段的含义 = The meaning of each field 允许值 = Allowed values 允许的特殊字符 = Special characters allowed 秒(Seconds) = Seconds 0~59的整数 = Integers from 0 to 59 四个字符 = Four characters 0~23的整数 = Whole numbers of 0 to 23 1~31的整数(但是你需要考虑你月的天数) = Whole numbers of 1 to 31 (but you need to consider the number of days of your month) 八个字符 = Eight characters 月份 = Month 1~12的整数或者 JAN-DEC = 1 to 12 integers or JAN-DEC 星期 = Week 1~7的整数或者 SUN-SAT (1=SUN) = 1 to 7 integers or SUN-SAT (1-SUN) 年(可选,留空) = Year (optional, left empty) 1970~2099 = 1970-2099 每一个域都使用数字,但还可以出现如下特殊字符,它们的含义是:= Each field uses numbers, but special characters can also appear, meaning: 注意事项:= Note: (1)*:表示匹配该域的任意值。假如在Minutes域使用*, 即表示每分钟都会触发事件。= (1) s: represents any value that matches the domain. If you use the Minutes domain, you indicate that an event is triggered every minute. (2)?:只能用在DayofMonth和DayofWeek两个域。它也匹配域的任意值,但实际不会。因为DayofMonth和DayofWeek会相互影响。例如想在每月的20日触发调度,不管20日到底是星期几,则只能使用如下写法: 13 13 15 20 * ?, 其中最后一位只能用?,而不能使用*,如果使用*表示不管星期几都会触发,实际上并不是这样。= (2)?: Can only be used in both DayofMonth and DayofWeek domains. It also matches any value of the domain, but does not. Because DayofMonth and DayofWeek interact. For example, if you want to trigger a dispatch on the 20th of each month, regardless of whether the 20th day of the week is the day of the week, you can only use the following writing: 13 13 15 20 ? and cannot be used, if you use it, it means that it will be triggered regardless of the day of the week, which is not actually the case. (3)-:表示范围。例如在Minutes域使用5-20,表示从5分到20分钟每分钟触发一次 = (3)-: Represents the range. For example, using 5-20 in the Minutes domain means that every minute from 5 minutes to 20 minutes is triggered (4)/:表示起始时间开始触发,然后每隔固定时间触发一次。例如在Minutes域使用5/20,则意味着5分钟触发一次,而25,45等分别触发一次. = (4)/: Indicates that the start time starts to trigger, and then triggers it at a fixed time. For example, using 5/20 in the Minutes domain means that it is triggered once in 5 minutes, and 25, 45, etc. are triggered once, respectively. (5),:表示列出枚举值。例如:在Minutes域使用5,20,则意味着在5和20分每分钟触发一次。= (5): indicates that the enumerated values are listed. For example, using 5,20 in the Minutes domain means triggering every minute at 5 and 20 minutes. (6)L:表示最后,只能出现在DayofWeek和DayofMonth域。如果在DayofWeek域使用5L,意味着在最后的一个星期四触发。= (6) L: Means last, can only appear in the DayofWeek and DayofMonth domains. If 5L is used in the DayofWeek domain, it means triggering on the last Thursday. (7)W:表示有效工作日(周一到周五),只能出现在DayofMonth域,系统将在离指定日期的最近的有效工作日触发事件。例如:在 DayofMonth使用5W,如果5日是星期六,则将在最近的工作日:星期五,即4日触发。如果5日是星期天,则在6日(周一)触发;如果5日在星期一到星期五中的一天,则就在5日触发。另外一点,W的最近寻找不会跨过月份 。= (7)W: Represents a valid working day (Monday to Friday) that can only appear in the DayofMonth domain, and the system will trigger an event on the nearest active business day to the specified date. for example: 5W at DayofMonth, if 5 is Saturday, it will be triggered on the most recent weekday: Friday, i.e. 4. If 5 is Sunday, it is triggered on the 6th (Monday), and if the 5th is a day from Monday to Friday, it is triggered on the 5th. On the other hand, W's recent search won't cross the month (8)LW:这两个字符可以连用,表示在某个月最后一个工作日,即最后一个星期五。 = (8) LW: These two characters can be used together to represent the last working day of a month, the last Friday. (9)#:用于确定每个月第几个星期几,只能出现在DayofMonth域。例如在4#2,表示某月的第二个星期三。 = (9) : Used to determine the number of weeks of each month, can only appear in the DayofMonth domain. For example, the second Wednesday of a month is represented by the second Wednesday of the month. 三、常用表达式例子 = Examples of common expressions 表示每20秒 调整任务 = indicates that the task is adjusted every 20 seconds 表示在每月的1日的凌晨2点调整任务 = Indicates a 2 a.m. adjustment task on the 1st of each month 表示周一到周五每天上午10:15执行作业 = Indicates that the job is performed at 10:15 a.m. every day from Monday to Friday 表示2002-2006年的每个月的最后一个星期五上午10:15执行作 = Indicates the execution of the last Friday of each month 2002-2006 at 10:15 a.m. 每天上午10点,下午2点,4点 = Daily 10 a.m., 2 p.m., 4 p.m. 朝九晚五工作时间内每半小时 = Every half hour of nine to five working hours 表示每个星期三中午12点 = Represents every Wednesday at 12 noon 每天中午12点触发 = Triggered at 12 noon every day 每天上午10:15触发 = Triggered daily at 10:15 a.m. 2005年的每天上午10:15触发 = Triggered every day of 2005 at 10:15 a.m. 在每天下午2点到下午2:59期间的每1分钟触发 = Triggered every minute from 2 pm to 2:59 pm daily 在每天下午2点到下午2:55期间的每5分钟触发 = Triggerevery day every 5 minutes from 2 pm to 2:55 pm 在每天下午2点到2:55期间和下午6点到6:55期间的每5分钟触发 = Trigger every day every 5 minutes from 2pm to 2:55pm and 6pm to 6:55pm daily 在每天下午2点到下午2:05期间的每1分钟触发 = Triggered every 1 minute daily from 2 pm to 2:05 pm 每年三月的星期三的下午2:10和2:44触发 = Triggered at 2:10 and 2:44 p.m. on Wednesdays in March 周一至周五的上午10:15触发 = Monday to Friday at 10:15 a.m. 每月15日上午10:15触发 = Triggered at 10:15 a.m. on the 15th of each month 每月的最后一个星期五上午10:15触发 = Triggerat at 10:15 a.m. on the last Friday of every month 2002年至2005年的每月的最后一个星期五上午10:15触发 = Triggered at 10:15 a.m. on the last Friday of every month from 2002 to 2005 注:= Note: (1)有些子表达式能包含一些范围或列表 = (1) Some subexpressions can contain some ranges or lists 例如:子表达式(天(星期))可以为 “MON-FRI”,“MON,WED,FRI”,“MON-WED,SAT” = For example: subexpressions (days (weeks) can be "MON-FRI," "MON, WED, FRI," "MON-WED, SAT" “*”字符代表所有可能的值 " ""*"" = Characters represent all possible values 因此,“*”在子表达式(月)里表示每个月的含义,“*”在子表达式(天(星期))表示星期的每一天 = Therefore, the meaning of each month is represented in the subexpression (month), and the subexpression in the subexpression (day (week) represents the day of the week “/”字符用来指定数值的增量 = The "/" character is used to specify the increment of the value 例如:在子表达式(分钟)里的“0/15”表示从第0分钟开始,每15分钟 = For example, "0/15" in a subexpression (minute) means every 15 minutes starting at 0minute 在子表达式(分钟)里的“3/20”表示从第3分钟开始,每20分钟(它和“3,23,43”)的含义一样 = 3/20 in the subexpression (minutes) means every 20 minutes (it means the same as "3,23,43") “?”字符仅被用于天(月)和天(星期)两个子表达式,表示不指定值 = ? The character is only used for two subexpressions, day (month) and day (week), meaning that no value is specified 当2个子表达式其中之一被指定了值以后,为了避免冲突,需要将另一个子表达式的值设为“?” = When one of the 2 subexpressions has been assigned a value, to avoid conflict, you need to set the value of the other subexpression to "?? " “L” 字符仅被用于天(月)和天(星期)两个子表达式,它是单词“last”的缩写 = The "L" character is used only for two subexpressions, day (month) and day (week), which is an abbreviation for the word "last" 但是它在两个子表达式里的含义是不同的。 = But it has different meanings in two subexpressions. 在天(月)子表达式中,“L”表示一个月的最后一天 = In a day (month) subexpression, "L" represents the last day of the month 注意:在使用“L”参数时,不要指定列表或范围,因为这会导致问题 = Note: Do not specify a list or range when using the "L" parameter, as this can cause problems 如果在“L”前有具体的内容,它就具有其他的含义了 = If there's something specific before "L," it has other meanings. 例如:“6L”表示这个月的倒数第6天,“FRIL”表示这个月的最一个星期五 = For example: "6L" means the penultimate day of the month, and "FRIL" means the last Friday of the month 注意:在使用“L”参数时,不要指定列表或范围,因为这会导致问题  = Note: Do not specify a list or range when using the "L" parameter, as this can cause problems #SYS/XTSZ/ProcFunManage.html 参数信息维护 = Parameter info maintenance Html代码: = Html code: s脚本: = s script: 调用代码 = Calling code #SYS/XTSZ/TaskSetting.html 作业名称: = Job name : 作业分组 : = Job grouping : 作业描述 : = Job Description : 任务状态 : = Task status : 服务序号 : = Service serial number : 动态类 : = Dynamic classes : 入口动态方法 : = Entrance dynamic method : 运行周期 : = Run cycle : #SYS/XTSZ/WebConfigManage.html 系统配置节 = System Configuration Section #SYS/XTSZ/WSManager.html 任务设置 = Task settings 状态修改失败,非法请求 = Status edit failed, illegal request 作业名称 = Job name 作业分组 = Job grouping 最后执行时间 = Last execution time 间隔(Cron) = Interval (Cron) 任务状态 = Task status 最后执行结果 = Final execution results 执行类库 = Execution Class Library 执行方法 = execute method 点击生成招聘Key值,并将Key值配置到下方--招聘简历解析Key值中 = Click to generate the recruiting Key value and configure the Key value below -- recruitment resume parsing key value #SYS/XTSZ/XTSZAutoCalculate.html 自动计算名称: = Auto-calc name: 表达式配置方式:= expression configured method : 计算表达式: = Evaluate expression : 权限控制方式: = Authority control mode : SQL配置 = SQL configure SQL语句配置 = SQL statement configuration #SYS/XTSZ/XTSZAutoPrompt.html 提示对象: = Tip object : 按角色绑定 = Binding by role 按人员条件绑定 = Binding by person condition 提示间隔: = Tip interval : 提示条件: = Tip conditions : 显示方式: = Display mode : 提示方式: = Tips : 内容格式: = Content format : 表格格式 = Table format 表格表头字段逗号隔开 = Table header field comma separated 提示名称: = Tip name: 提示内容: = Tips: 指定人员(sql查询语句,返回A0188) = Designated person (sql query statement, return A0188) 业务处理:= Business processing: 选择业务 = Select a business 5分钟 = 5 minutes 10分钟 = 10 minutes 15分钟 = 15 minutes 20分钟 = 20 minutes 25分钟 = 25 min 30分钟 = 30 minutes 35分钟 = 35 min 40分钟 = 40 minutes 45分钟 = 45 min 50分钟 = 50 minutes 55分钟 = 55 min #TEMPLATE 已完成 = Completed 负责人 = Head 实际时间 = Actual time 已推送 = Pushed 未推送 = Not pushed 日程表 = Schedule 事件 = Event 高级点评 = Premium Reviews #WF/WFCenter/Agents.html 查看流程实例 = View process instances 查看流程 = Process 流程实例信息 = Process instance info 队列提交中 = In queue submission 挂起 = Pending #WF/WFCenter/MyAgent.html 所有模块 = All modules 业务状态 = Business status 代办 = Agent 已结 = Closed 办结时间 = Closing time #WF/WFCenter/TaskQuery.html 流程任务信息 = Process task info 任务名称 = Task name 耗时(分钟) = Time-consuming (minutes) 耗时 = Take 平均值 = Average #WF/WFCenter/WorkflowMonitoring.html 运行中 = Operating #WF/ReferNotice.html 已查阅 = Consulted 未查阅 = Not consulted #WF/StartSPItemList.html 时间过滤 = Time filtering #WF/WFUtil.js 北京 = Beijing 天津 = Tianjin 河北 = Hebei 山西 = Shanxi 内蒙古 = Inner mongolia 辽宁 = Liaoning 吉林 = Jilin 黑龙江 = Heilongjiang 上海 = Shanghai 浙江 = Zhejiang 江苏 = Jiangsu 安徽 = Anhui 福建 = Fujian 江西 = Jiangxi 山东 = Shandong 湖南 = Hunan 湖北 = Hubei 广东 = Guangdong 广西 = Guangxi 海南 = Hainan 四川 = Sichuan 重庆 = Chongqing 贵州 = Guizhou 云南 = Yunnan 西藏 = Tibet 陕西 = Shaanxi 甘肃 = Gansu 青海 = Qinghai 宁夏 = Ningxia 新疆 = Xinjiang 台湾 = Taiwan 香港 = Hong kong 澳门 = Macao #WRPT/AddWeeklyOrMonthly.html 无相关数据 = No relevant data #WRPT/editdailyreport 2019/8/20 #WRPT/edittemplate.html 模版名称 = Template name 是否启用 = Whether to enable #WRPT/HighValuation.html 原文 = Original 添加点评。。 = Add reviews. 张三的历史日报 = Zhang San's History Daily 的日报原文 = Original newspaper 的历史日报 = History Daily 收起历史 << = Close history 历史 >> = History #WRPT/template.html 周报模版 = Weekly press template 适用部门 = The applicable dept 月报总结项目 = Monthly report summary project 月报计划项目 = Monthly report planning project 周报 = Weekly 月报模版 = Monthly press template 月报 = Monthly 周报总结项目 = Weekly Summary Project 周报计划项目 = Weekly Report Project 新增模版 = New templates 周报计划表 = Weekly Schedule 月报计划表 = Monthly schedule #zp 邀请投递职位 = Invitation post 【操作人】发送Offer通知 = Operator SendS Offer Notification 【操作人】邀请应聘通知 = Operator: Invitation to apply notice 【操作人】邀请更新简历通知 = Operator: Invite updated resume notification 【操作人】发送简历通知 = Operator sends resume notification 面试安排 = Interview schedule 【操作人】发送面试安排 = Operator sends interview schedule 【操作人"】发送笔试通知 = Operator send stod notification 【操作人】发送面试通知 = Operator sends interview notification 未设置 = Not set 渠道LOGO = Channel LOGO 会员名 = Member's name 账号别名 = Account alias 状态信息 = Status info 邮箱名称 = Mailbox 邮箱地址 = Email address 协议类型 = Protocol type 安全 = Safety 需要SSL安全连接 = SSL secure connection required 服务器地址 = Server address 服务器端口 = Server port 测试邮箱 = Test mailbox 只收取 = Only charge 之后的邮件 = after the emain 服务器上中保留邮件备份 = Keep mail backups on the server 并 且 = And 相同简历设置 = Same settings(resume) 设置状态 = Set status 设置 = setting 接收邮件 = Receive mail 上一次成功接收邮件时间 = Last successful mail reception 邮箱测试 = Mailbox testing 检查配置 = Check config 新增账号 = New account 编辑账号 = Edit account 主题 : = theme : 导入计划 = Import plan 恢复缴纳 = Resume pay 退保 = Return insurance 停保 = Stop insurance #BorrowGrade.html 借用明细 = Borrowing details 归还单 = Return doc 未还 = Unreturn 已还 = Returned 新增归还单 = New return doc 编辑归还单 = Edit return doc 归还 = Return #ZJFile.js 已存在该人员的该类型的证件号码,请不要重复添加! = The ID number of this type of person already exists, please do not add it again! 请选择对应的部门 = Please select the corresponding dept #HRNoticeMaint.js 新增通知类型 = New notification type 新增通知 = New notification 修改通知类型 = Edit notification type 全部通知 = All notices 通知标题 = Notification type 请输入通知标题 = Notification type #VarifyExpr.html 验证类型:= Verification Type : 长度限制: = Lenght limit : 最小值: = Minimum : 最大值: = Maximum : 小数位数:= Decimal digit : 允许的特殊字符:= Special characters allowed: 表达式:= Expression : 起始字段:= Start field : 错误提示:= Error : 表名称:= Table name : 不能删除主键和固定项!= Cannot delete primary key and fixed item! 该项目已被公式引用,请先取消引用再来删除项目!= The project has been referenced by the formule, please cancel first! #ResultSearch.js 部门组织 = Dept 考勤颜色设置 = Color setting 颜色设置 = Color setting 月结果明细 = Detail(Monthly) 考勤结果查询 = Result inqury # 提示信息 通过 $.util.info/error这种显示出来的信息统一在这里翻译 导入前先选中部门,初始化数据! = Please initialize the data list before importing data! 请选择需要操作的数据 = Select data ! 操作失败 != Operation failed ! 操作成功!= Operation successful! 保险数据已提交,不能应用变动!= Insurance data has been submitted, cannot apply change! 请选择部门 = Select department 请选择独立部门 = Please select independent departments 请选择险种类别 = Please select the type of insurance category 请选择一条数据进行操作 = Please select data 请先初始化数据 = Please initialize the data first 请选择需补缴保险信息的人员! = Please select the person! 请输入正确时间! = Please enter the correct time! 补缴的开始时间不得大于补缴的结束时间! = The start time of the replenishment must not be greater than the end time of the replenishment! 请选择计算方案后进行计算! = Select the calculation scheme and calculate it! 已补缴 = Repaid 当前险种已完成补缴,不能再次计算!= The current insurance has been repaid and cannot be calculated again! 没有找到表数据 = Table data not found 生成补缴数据失败 = Failure to generate replenishment data 无法获取有权限的历史险种数据 = Unable to obtain access to historical insurance data 请选择查询时间范围 = Please select the query time range 请选择保险方案 = Please select an insurance scheme 请输入调整值!= Please enter the adjustment value! 没有选中部门条件! = No department conditions selected! 当前列表为空!= The current list is empty! 调整成功!= Adjust successfully! 调整失败!= Adjust failed 无法获取当前部门人员!= Unable to get current department staff! 当前未选中人员! = Currently no people are selected! 请添加替换数据!= Please add replacement data! 请选择替换范围!= Please select the replacement range! 请设置替换人员!= Please set up a replacement! 替换成功!= Replace was successful! 您还没有设置替换条件!= You haven't set a replacement condition yet! 没有初始化相应设定字段!= The corresponding setting field is not initialized! 没有初始化相应表单!= The form was not initialized! 该字段不允许替换!= This field is not allowed to be replaced! 请设置替换值!= Please set the replacement value! 请选择需要操作的数据!= Please select data! 请选择公式套!= Please select the formula sleeve! 请选择公式套公式!= Please select the formula set formula! 当前未选中人员! = Currently no people are selected! 计算失败! = Calculation failed! 计算成功!= Calculated successfully! 请选择人员! = Please select staff! 请选择部门! = Please select department! 请选择保险方案! = Please select an insurance scheme! 请选择险种类别! = Please select the risk category! 请选择险种!= Please select the risk type! 请选择方案险种!= Please select a scheme risk type! 请初始化数据!= Please initialize the data! 数据已提交归档,不能操作!= Data has been submitted to archive, can not operate! 数据已提交审批,不能操作!= Data has been submitted for approval, can not operate! 请过滤已确认人员!= Please filter confirmed staff! 是否继续提交? = Continue submitting? 提交审批失败!= Failed to submit approval! 没有参险人员数据可以查看! = No risk participant data can be viewed! 查询历史数据报错!= Check for historical data errors! 没有历史数据可以查看! = No historical data can be viewed! 未加载数据! = Data not loaded! 确定参加险种 = Determining the type of insurance you're taking 确认退保? = Confirm withdrawal? 确认停保? = Confirm the suspension? 确认恢复缴纳? = Confirm a resumption of payment? 年月选择不正确,请重新选择!= Year and month selection is incorrect, please choose again! 生成失败!= Build failed! 是否跨月生成数据 = Whether to generate data across months 已提交 = Submitted 请选择提交数据!= Please choose to submit data! 请点击列表编辑生成日期 = Please click on the list to edit the build date 请输入正确年月!= Please enter the correct year and month! 是否要跨月生成 = Build across months 请选择补缴开始结束月份!= Please select the start month of the replenishment! 开始月份不能大于结束月份! = The start month cannot be greater than the end month! 请输入保险基数!= Please enter insurance base! 请输入个人总额!= Please enter personal sum! 请输入单位总额!= Please enter the total amount of units! 请输入个人补差!= Please enter personal compensation! 请输入单位补差!= Please enter unit compensation! 请选择补缴人员!= Please select a replacement! 生成补缴数据失败!= Failed to generate replenishment data! 生成补缴数据成功! = The replenishment data was generated successfully! 确定删除该数据? = Are you sure you deleted the data? 保险数据审批中,不能应用变动! = Changes cannot be applied in insurance data approval! 保险数据已审批通过,不能应用变动! = Insurance data has been approved and cannot be changed! 输入的年份有误! = The year entered was incorrect! 有效起始日期必须小于有效截至日期! = The valid start date must be less than the valid end date! 基数下限必须小于基数上限! = The base lower limit must be less than the cardinality upper limit! 请选择年份! = Please select the year! 请输入差值! = Please enter the difference! 字符串格式不正确!= The string is not formatted correctly! 请选择需要调整的数据!= Please select the data that needs to be adjusted! 请选择人员类别 = Please select employee category 参数名称不能为纯数字!= The parameter name cannot be a pure number! 字段宽度不能小于0!= Field width cannot be less than 0! 请选择保险项目! = Please select insurance item! 对不起,选择的项目不是引入项目!= Sorry, the selected item is not an introduction project! 请设置公式套名称 = Set name 操作失败,或名称重复! = The operation failed, or the name was repeated! 确认删除所选数据? = Confirm deleting the selected data? 请选择一条要删除的数据! = Please select data to delete! 请重命名公式套名称 = Rename formula set 请重命名公式名称 = Please rename formula 校验失败!= Check failed! 校验成功!= Check success! 没有找到公式套!= No formula set found! 请设置条件! = Please set the conditions! 保存方案失败!= Saved failed! 保存方案成功!= Saved successful! 请选择一条数据进行操作!= Please select data! 请设置独立部门名称 = Please set the name of the independent dept 请输入独立部门名称! = Please enter the name of the independent dept! 新增成功,请先分配好独立部门权限! = New success, please assign independent dept permissions first! 确定删除所选的独立部门吗? = Delete selected stand-alone department? 请输入险种名称 = Please enter the name of the risk 险种名称 = risk name 请输入险种名称!= Please enter the name of the risk type! 操作成功,请在系统配置中为{0}授权! The operation is successful, please in the system configuration for the {0} authorization! 请选择一条要操作的数据!= Please select data ! 该模板已不存在!= The template no longer exists! 该模板已不存在 = The template no longer exists 暂无文本内容!= No text content! 请选择参考项目名称!= Please select reference project! 请先选择函数!= Please select function first! 请选择函数类别下的具体函数!= Please select the specific function under the function category! 请选择等级公式表!= Please select the level formula table! 请选择全部参数!= Please select all parameters! 请选择需要配置的数据!= Please select data! 请设置引入字段!= Please set the introduction field! 引入设置失败!= Failed to import settings! 引入设置成功!= Successfully! 未设置关联条件!= No association criteria set! 请选择需要替换的数据!= Please select data ! 请选择需要替换的字段!= Please select the field that needs to be replaced! 设置的替换值为非法字符,请重新设置!= The replacement value set is illegal character, please reset it! 没有找到表数据!= No table data found! 请在列表中双击编辑生成年月 = Double-click edit generation year in list 您没有做任何更改,是否继续提交变动? = Did you make any changes, continue submitting the changes? 保险项目编辑保存成功!= Insurance item editing saved successfully! 是否继续提交 = Whether to continue submitting 数据已提交或未生成数据,不能进行编辑!= Data has been submitted or has not been generated and cannot be edited! 您确认要将当前选中的信息进行提交审核?= Submit the currently selected info for review? 数据已提交! = Data submitted! 数据提交成功!= Data submission was successful! 请先初始化数据!= Please initialize the data first! 未加险种类别!= Unenriskcategory category! 数据未生成,请生成数据!= Data is not generated, please generate data! 数据已生成!= Data has been generated! 数据审批中! = Data approval! 数据已审批!= Data approved! 数据已驳回!= Data has been rejected! 请先选择部门!= Please select dept first! 请先选择独立部门!= Please select independent dept first! 无法获取有权限的险种数据!= Unable to obtain accessto the risk data! 请选择人员类别!= Please select employee category! 已经处于最右侧!= Already on the far right! 已经处于最左侧!= Already on the far left! 请选择测评表!= Please select the evaluation form! 请选择要操作的数据! = Please select data! 请选择公式套 = Please select formula set 请选择公式套公式 = Please select formula set formula 请选择列表数据!= Please select list data! 请名称进行快速查询 = Please make a quick query with the name 设置有误! = Setting is wrong! 获取图片出错!= Error getting the picture! 温馨提示:您的身份是 = Tips: Your identity is 感谢您的投票!= Thank you for your vote! 数据已提交无法修改!= Data submitted cannot be modified! 系统异常!= System abnormal! 请填写完整信息!= Please fill in the full info! 指标的数据有误!= The data is wrong! 指标的数据的整数位数不能大于{0} = The data cannot have an integer number greater than {0} 指标的数据的小数位数不能大于{0} = The number of decimal places in the norm cannot be greater than {0} 指标的数据不能大于{0} = The data for the norm cannot be greater than {0} 请填写完整的信息!= Please fill in the complete info! 结束时间必须大于开始时间! = The end time must be greater than the start time! 选择的测评表的测评身份不相同,不能共用相同二维码!= The evaluation status of the selected evaluation form is not the same, can not share the same QR code! 确定删除所选数据?= Delete the selected data? 选择人员 = Select staff 获取人员信息异常!= Get staff info abnormal! 的人数最多不能超过{0} = The maximum number of staff can not exceed {0} 请选择 = Please select 请选择评价方式!= Please choose the way to rate! 测评对象不能为空!= The evaluation object cannot be empty! 的测评人人数不能为空!= The number of evaluators cannot be empty! 的权重不能为0!= The weight cannot be 0! 的权重之和不为100!= The sum of the weights is not 100! 不能编辑!= Can't edit! 不能删除!= Cannot be deleted! 创建中的数据无法结束!= The data created does not end! 预演已结束! = The rehearsal is over! 测评已结束! = The assessment is over! 确认结束此测评任务? = Confirm the end of this evaluation? 只有预演结束时才能清空预演数据!= Preview data can only be emptied at the end of the rehearsal! 确认清空预演数据? = Make sure you empty the preview data? 暂无已完成的测评表!= No completed evaluation form! 预演中无法重新开始!= There's no way to start over in the rehearsal! 预演中无法正式启动!= There's no official launch in the rehearsal! 正式测评中无法启动预演!= Previews cannot be started in the official assessment! 正式测评中无法重新开始!= Can't start over in the official assessment! 测评已结束无法预演!= The evaluation has ended and cannot be previewed! 测评已结束无法重新开始!= The evaluation has ended and cannot be restarted! 请选择测评任务 = Please select evaluation task 指标[{0}]的补充数据不能大于{1} = 指标[{0}]的补充数据不能大于{1} 指标的补充数据有误!= The supplementary data for the norm is incorrect! 指标[{0}]的补充数据的整数位数不能大于 =The norm [{0}]the integer digit of the supplemental data cannot be greater than the number of digits of the 指标[{0}]的补充数据的小数位数不能大于 = The number of decimal places in the supplementary data of the norm [{0}] cannot be greater than 暂无可保存的数据! = No saveable data! 实到人数不能小于0 = Real-to-person number smaller than 0 系统异常 = Exception 数据无变化! = No change in the data! 请选择一条操作数据!= Please select data! 任务已结束,无法添加! =The task has ended and cannot be added! 匿名组无法添加! = Anonymous groups cannot be added! 请选择人员 = Please select satff 任务已结束无法下载!= The task has ended and cannot be downloaded! 身份组:未设置实到人数,确定继续下载二维码? = Identity group: No real number of people set, determine to continue downloading QR code? 错误行数 = Number of error rows 请输入整数 = Please enter the integer 请选择一行数据!= Please select a row of data! 适用测评对象不能为空!= The applicable evaluation object cannot be empty! 权重值只能在0-100之间 = Weight values can only be between 0-100 序号值只能在0-9999999之间 = The ordinal value can only be between 0-9999999 指标分类长度介于1到100 = Norm classification lengths from 1 to 100 指标选项不能为空 = Norm option cannot be empty 是否后台录入 = Whether background entry 是否后台录入不能为空 = Whether background entry cannot be empty 是否必填 = Is it required? 是否必填不能为空 = Whether required cannot be empty 指标项不能为空! = The norm cannot be empty! 提示 = Tips 第 = 请输入长度介于{0}到{1}的字符串 = Please enter a string of lengths from the {0} to {1} 第{0}行的{1}存在特殊字符或标签!= There are special characters or tags on the line{0} of the line{1}! 身份设置不能为空!= Identity settings cannot be empty! 测评人身份(勾选表示测评时显示)= Evaluator's identity (check to indicate display when the assessment is conducted) 测评表名称长度不能大于100!= The evaluation table name length cannot be greater than 100! 测评人身份总权重必须为100!= The total weight of the evaluator's identity must be 100! 所有指标总权重必须为100! = The total weight of all norm must be 100! 请选择分组数据! = Please select grouped data! 请选择末级节点数据!= Please select the last level node data! 已存在该测评身份!= The assessment status already exists! 请输入测评组名称 = Please enter the name of the evaluation group 测评组名称过长!= Name of the evaluation group is too long! 请输入专家组名称 = Name of expert group 请输入专家组名称!= Please enter the name of the expert group! 专家组名称过长! = Name of the expert group is too long! 确认要删除吗 = Delete it? 没有找到列数据!= No column data found! 请先选择专家组!= Please select the expert group first! 确认要进行删除吗? = Delete it? 条件不能重复!= Condition cannot be repeated! 请设置查询部门!= Please set up the query department! 请设置查询人员类别!= Please set up the query employee category! 请设置查询兼职类型!= Please set up the query part-time type! 逻辑表达式错误,请修改!= Logical expression error, please modify! 逻辑表达式错误,请修改 = Logical expression error, please modify 请选择选项模板 = Please select option template 模板名不能为空! = Template name cannot be empty! 模板名称过长!= Template name is too long! 请选择选项模板! = Please select option template! 整数位数不能为空!= Integer digits cannot be empty! 小数位数不能为空!= Scales cannot be empty! 整数位数不能小于1!= The number of integers cannot be less than 1! 小数位数不能小于1!= Scales cannot be less than 1! 字数不能为空!= The number of words cannot be empty! 字数不能小于1!= The number of words cannot be less than 1! 无法设置公式套!= Can't set formula sleeve! 确认作废该测评表?= Confirm invalidating the evaluation form? 确认恢复该测评表?= Confirm the recovery of the evaluation form? 请输入参数!= Please enter the parameters! 不能为空! = Can't be empty! 当前账号没有该功能对应的权限! = The current account does not have the corresponding permissions for this feature! 指标{0}的数据有误! = norm {0}’s data is wrong! 指标{0}的数据的整数位数不能大于{1} = The norm {0}'s data cannot have an integer number greater than{1} 指标{0}的数据不能大于{1} = The data for the norm {0} cannot be greater than{1} 指标{0}的数据的小数位数不能大于{1} = The number of decimal places in the norm {0}'s data cannot be greater than{1} 请先阅读指导语并勾选已阅读!= Please read the guide first and check Read it! 测评数据未填写完,无法提交!= The evaluation data is not completed and cannot be submitted! 无法提交!= Can't submit! 收藏成功!= Collect success! 取消收藏成功!= Cancel success! 已经是第一页!= It's the first page! 已经是最后一页!= It's the last page! 同意(知会) = Agree(Inform) 发布日期: = Publish time: 处理结果: = Results: (节点) = (Node) 节点:新建活动已被 = Node: new activity has been Results: 流程正常结束,已全部审批完毕。 = Results: the process is completed normally and has been fully approved 流程正常结束,已全部审批完毕 = Completed normally and has been fully approved 流程正常结束,已全部审批完毕。 = Completed normally and has been fully approved 处理结果:流程正常结束,已全部审批完毕 = Results: the process is completed normally and has been fully approved 处理结果:流程正常结束,已全部审批完毕。= Results: the process is completed normally and has been fully approved (Node)新建活动 = (Node) New (节点)新建活动 = (Node) New 流程数据已被删除!= Process data has been deleted! 附件不存在! = Attachment does not exist! 文件下载失败!= File download failed! 标题不能为空!= Title cannot be empty! 内容不能为空!= Content cannot be empty! 找不到指定的考核表,可能已经作废或删除! = The specified appraisal form cannot be found! 发送成功!= Send successfully! 请检查SQL配置是否正确,SQL中涉及人员信息请用A01表 = Please check that the SQL configuration is correct, SQL involved in staff info please use A01 table 已办理完!= It's done! 试用结束日期不能早于试用开始日期! = The trial end date cannot be earlier than the trial start date! 合同终止日期不能早于合同起始日期! = The contract termination date cannot be earlier than the contract start date! 请填写完整的信息 = Please fill in the complete info 员工{0}先签定劳动合同 = Employees{0} sign a labor contract first 存在新签或续签合同,不能新签合同!= There is a new signing or renewal of the contract, can not sign a new contract! 人员{0}:未设置考勤方案,请先设置考勤方案! = Employee { 0 }: No attendance program set up, please set up attendance program first! 请选择考勤方案 = Please select the attendance plan 已处理过此业务! = This business has been processed! 未设置具体的业务类型!= No specific business type set up! 请选择考勤方案!= Please select the attendance plan! 没有找到相关信息表! = No info sheet found! 数据选中后事件,目前无返回值,后期返回更新后数据!= Data after the check event, currently no return value, later return after the updated data! 附表信息操作成功! = Schedule info operation was successful! 没有数据显示 = No data 请输入文件名称 = Please enter the file name 文件名称不能为空!=File name cannot be empty! 流程正常结束,已经全部审批完毕 = The process is complete normal and has been fully approved 获取模版错误 = Get template errors 该问卷已结束,不允许答卷! = The questionnaire has been closed and no answers are allowed! 调查项{0}:为必填项,请进行答题后再保存!= Survey items{0}: For required items, please answer the questions before saving! 调查项{0}:,选项数不在设置范围内! = Survey items{0}: The number of options is not within the set range! 调查项{0}:,选项数小于最少选项数! = Survey items{0}: The number of options is less than the minimum number of options! 调查项{0}:,选项数大于最多选项数! = Survey items{0}: The number of options is greater than the maximum number of options! 调查项{0}:当前字段长度,字数不在设置范围内!= Survey items{0}: the current field length, the number of words is not within the set range! 调查项{0}:当前字段长度,字数小于最少字数!= Survey items{0}: the current field length, the number of words is less than the minimum number of words! 调查项{0}:当前字段长度,字数大于最多字数!= Survey items{0}: the current field length, the number of words is greater than the maximum number of words! 请进行答题后再保存!= Please answer the question before you save it! 确认保存所填数据?= Make sure you keep the data you filled in? 确认提交所填数据?= Confirm the data submitted? 成功 = Success 问卷调查 = Questionnaire 请选择具体的问卷调查 = Please select a specific questionnarie 问卷调查项标题 = Questionnaire item title 请输入问卷调查项标题 = Questionnaire item title 请选择问卷! = Please select the questionnaire! 请继续完成以下调查项 = Please continue with the following survey items 选择选项 = Select option 请完成成以下调查项 = Please complete the following survey items 正在加载数据,请稍候...= Loading data, please wait... 加载培养方式表失败!= Loading the culture table failed! 请刷新重试! = Please refresh and try again! 确定要发起吗?= Launch? 发起成功!= Launch Successfully! 发起失败!= Launch Failed ! 确定要撤销吗? = Cancel it? 撤销成功!= Revocation was successful! 确定要删除吗?= Delete it? 完成活动 = Complete the activity 培养方式未设置评分形式!= The culture method is not set in scoring form! 添加成功! = Add success! 已经过该目标!= That's already the goal! 点赞成功!= Like success! 取消点赞成功!= Cancel likes! 请填写评论内容!= Please fill in the comments! 字数超过500个字符!= More than 500 characters! 点评成功!= Successful reviews! 点评失败!= Reviews fail! 请选择单条数据进行编辑!= Please select a single piece of data for editing! 已提交审批的数据无法编!= Data submitted for approval cannot be compiled! 请选择要编辑的数据! = Please select data! 已提交审批的数据无法删除!= Data submitted for approval cannot be deleted! 请选择要删除的数据!= Please select data! 请选择单条数据!= Please select a single piece of data! 已提交审批的数据无法重复提交!= Data submitted for approval cannot be submitted repeated! 请选择要提交的数据!= Please select the data to submit! 无法选择梯队分组!= Ladder grouping cannot be selected! 该梯队未启用,无法选择!= This ladder is not enabled and cannot be selected! 当前不在梯队推荐期限内,无法自荐!= Currently not within the recommended period of the ladder, can not recommend themselves! 请先选择人才梯队!= Please select the talent echelon first! 已提交审批的数据无法编辑!=Data submitted for approval cannot be edited! 候选人数量为0,无法提交! = The number of candidates is 0 and cannot be submitted! 请选择人才梯队! = Please choose a talent ladder! 请输入考核表名 = Please enter the assessment form name 暂无数据!= No data! 请输入考核表名!= Please enter the assessment form name! 已经是第一页了!= It's the first page! 已经是最后一页了!= It's the last page! 评论成功!= Reviews succeeded! 评论失败!= Comment failed! 回复成功!= Reply successfully! 回复失败!= Reply failed! 提交成功!= Submit successfully! 提交失败!= Submit failed! 没有更多数据了 = No more data 确认提交所选数据?= Confirm submitting the selected data? 已经取消收藏过该方案!= The collection has been cancelled! 当前日期不在自定义指标期限内,不能填写!= The current date is not within the custom norm period and cannot be filled in! 确定成绩确认? = Determining achievement confirmation? 确定成功!= Make sure it succeeds! 确定失败,请联系管理员!= Confirm failure, please contact your administrator! 考核表已经发布成绩,无法进行此操作! = The result of appraisal form has been published ,unable to operate! 存在未评分的考核对象,请先评完分再提交!= There are unscored subjects, please first grade and submit! 提交之后不能修改,确定提交?= Can't be modified after submission to determine the commit? 提醒失败,请联系管理员!= Reminder sits failed, please contact your administrator! 提交失败,请联系管理员!= Failed submission, please contact your administrator! 请先填写指标! =Please fill in the norm first! 该数据已提交!= This data has been submitted! 确定提交审批? = Determining submission approval? 提交审批成功!= Submitted for approval successfully! 取消点赞 = Cancel likes 点赞 = Likes 成功!= Success! 失败!= Failed! 失败 = Fail 确认删除该评论吗? = Comfirm deleting the comment? 考核对象{0}人 = Subject to assessment{0} 成绩{0}分 = Score Points{0} 方案内排名 第{0}名 = Ranked No{0}. 收藏成功 = Collection success 已经收藏过该方案 =The program has been collected 共有{0}条打卡记录 = there are {0} punch records in total 请先设置该人员的考勤方案 = Please set up the attendance plan for this staff first 请先配置假期区间 = Please configure the holiday interval first 是否直接删除数据?= Delete the data directly? 删除成功 = Removal successful 提交审批成功 = Submitted for approval successfully 正常出勤不需要补 = Normal attendance does not need to be replenished 无审批流程信息! = No approval process info! 请在左侧列表中选中一个字段!= Please select a field in the list on the left! 请在右侧列表中选中一个字段!= Please select a field in the list on the right! 该字段已处于最顶部!= This field is already at the top! 该字段已处于最底部!= This field is already at the bottom! 请输入目标名称或人名搜索目标!= Please enter the target name or staff name to search for the target! 确认开始此任务? = Confirm starting this task? 确认结束此任务? = Confirm the end of this task? 任务成功!= Mission success! 任务失败!= Mission failed! 确定要退出系统? = Exit the system ? 确认撤销所选数据? = Confirm the selected data is revoked? 撤销失败!= Failed to undo! 确认恢复所选数据?= Confirm the selected data is recovered? 恢复成功!= Recovery is successful! 恢复失败!= Recovery failed! 取消点赞! =Cancel likes! 收藏成功!= Collect success! 取消收藏成功 = Cancel success 已经收藏过该目标!= The target has been collected! 编辑任务 = Editing tasks 完成任务 = Complete the task 任务已完成 = Task completed 数据错误!= Data error! 开始任务 = Start task 任务已开始 = Task started 取消任务 = Cancel the task 取消任务备注长度过长 = The length of the comment exceeds the maximum length 任务已取消 = Task canceled 无法打开评论,报告可能已被删除! = The comment could not be opened and the report may have been deleted! 取消收藏!= Cancel collecting! 该人员还没有岗位信息!= The staff has no job info yet! 参数不能为空 = Argument cannot be empty 参数FormColName不能为空 = Parameter FormColName cannot be empty 参数FormID不能为空 = Parameter FormID cannot be empty 参数IsGetFValue设置有误 = Parameter IsGetFValue setting is wrong 该表单为空表单 = The form is empty 没有找到相关信息表 = No related info table found 身份证重复!= ID card repeat! 请选择员工子集!= Please select subset of employees! 请选择一条数据 = Please select data 系统参数没有配置,请联系管理员进行配置! = System parameters are not configured, please contact the administrator for configuration! 未能找到有权限的业务 = Failed to find a privileged business 成员列表暂无数据 = No data for member lists {0}的刷卡记录,本月截止到今天您共打卡 {1}次。= {0}'s Swipe card records, this month to today you a total of card numbers {1} {0}的刷卡记录,本月截止到今天暂无打卡 = {0}'s swipe card record, this month to today no card 本月刷卡记录数据加载出现错误。错误信息: = This month there was an error loading of the swipe record data. Error message: 未能加载您的个人数据!= Failed to load your personal data! 没有该业务权限或找不到该业务,请联系管理员!= Do not have the business permission or cannot find it, please contact your administrator! 您对选择的人员没有编辑权限,请重新选择!= You don't have editing rights for the staff you selected, please choose again! 您对选择的人员没有编辑权限,请重新选择!姓名:{0},工号:{1} = You don't have editing rights for the staff you selected, please choose again! Name:{0} 该人员已经存在处理审批中的业务数据,不能提交业务!= This staff already has business data in processing approval and cannot submit business! 该人员已经存在处理审批中的业务数据,继续提交业务?= Does the staff already have business data in processing approval to continue submitting the business? 暂不支持自定义! = Customization is not supported at this time! 此员工为未满18岁的未成年工!= This employee is a minor worker under the age of 18! 请选择部门操作!= Please select a department action! 超过人数控制总数!= More than the total number of people controlled! 未加载数据 = Data not loaded 请选择模板... = Please select template... 请选择模板 = Please select template 请选择一条操作记录!= Please select data! 该人员已经提交申报材料,无法编辑!= This staff has submitted the declaration and cannot edit it! 该人员已经提交申报材料,无法删除!= This staff has submitted the declaration materials and cannot be deleted! 未设置二级单位,请先进行设置!= There are no secondary units set up, please set it first! 暂无申报动态!= No reporting dynamics! 请选择相同评审组的数据!= Please select the data for the same review group! 该数据已划档,无法分派主评专家!= This data is slotted and cannot be assigned to the main review expert! 请选择专家 = Please select expert 请选择评审任职资格 = Review qualification 未打分无法查看!= Unscored can not be viewed! 还未划档无法查看!= Can't view yet to draw! 请选择评审组别 = Review group 数据已经流转!= Data is already flowing! 申请退回中的数据无法进行上报! = Data returned for request cannot be escalated! 确认上报所选的数据? = Confirm the data selected for escalation? 提交成功 = Submitted successfully 申报人{0} 的数据已经处理过 = The filer{0}'s data has been processed. 申报人{0}的数据处于申请退回状态无法审核 = The filer{0}'s data cannot be reviewed in the application return status 填写单位意见 = Fill in the unit opinion 请先设置业务模板!= Please set up the business template first! 数据已经流转,您没有权限退回材料! = The data has flowed and you do not have right to return the material! 只有提交中和申请退回中的数据才可以进行退回材料操作!= Only the data in the submission and the return of the application can proceed with the return of the material! {0}状态下无法填报!= Cannot be filled in in the state {0}! 请选择评审组别和评审系列分类!= Please select the review group and review series classification! 状态下无法上报!= Cannot be escalated in the state! 确认上报职称评审材料?= Confirm the reporting title review materials? 数据未提交无法查看!= Data not submitted cannot be viewed! 恭喜您通过此次评审!= Congratulations on passing this review! 很遗憾,您未通过此次评审! = Unfortunately, you didn't pass this review! 不能打分!= Can't rate! 确定要对此数据进行退档吗? = Backtrack this data? 请选择审批状态... = Please select the approval status... 不能重复提交审批!= Approval cannot be submitted again and again! 请选择评估状态... = Please select the evaluation status... 请输入培训班名称进行快速查询= name of the course 确定要报名此培训班?= Sign up for this course? 未发起签约! = No signing! 试卷已提交! = The paper has been submitted! 考试已停止! = The exam has stopped! 试卷未发布! = Unpublished papers! 问卷已提交! = The questionnaire has been submitted! 问卷已停止!= The questionnaire has stopped! 请选择是否必修 = Please select whether it is required 请输入课程名称进行快速查询 = Course name 近期暂无此课程的培训班!= There are no training courses for this course in the near future! 请填写内容... = Please fill in the content... 没有该表单操作权限,请核查! = Do not have permission to operate this form, please check! 内容超过字符的最大限制!= Content exceeds the maximum limit of characters! 开始时间必须小于结束时间! = The start time must be less than the end time! 请选择要分享的用户!= Please select the staff! 结束重复日期不能小于开始日期! = End repeat date cannot be less than the start date! 此为重复日程,请选择要进行的操作! = This is a recurring schedule, select the action you want to do! 发布成功!= Release success! 发布失败!= Failed to publish! 确认删除所选数据吗? = DeletE the selected data? 请选择开始时间(必填) = Please select start time (required) 请选择结束时间(必填) = Please select end time (required) 请选择结束重复时间 = Please select end repeat time 请选择要分享的用户 = Please select the staff 请填写今日工作总结 = Please fill in today's work summary 长度过长!= Length is too long! 请填写明日工作计划 = Please fill in the work plan for tomorrow 请填写工作心得体会 = Please fill in the experience of the work 请选择日期!= Please choose a date! 今天日报已填写 = Today's Daily Has Been Filled out 请查看往日日报 = Please check out the Past Daily 任务名称长度过长!= The task name is long! 任务描述长度过长!= The task description is long! 保存失败,获取日程出错!= Saved failed, get schedule error! 未找到该日程,可能已被删除!= The schedule was not found and may have been deleted! 无规章制度数据! = No rules and regulations! 未能找到业务模板 = The business template could not be found 您不符合业务模板的人员类别限定,请重新选择!姓名:{0}工号:{1}" = You do not meet the employee category qualification of the business template, please re-select! Name:{0} Work No.:{1} " 未显示任何信息,无法保存!= No info is displayed and cannot be saved! 请先加载数据!= Please load the data first! 请选择要操作的数据 = Please select data 该业务没有设计打印表单 = The business does not have a print form designed 未选择业务数据 = No business data selected 数据不存在 = Data does not exist 您还未参加任何保险 = You haven't taken any insurance 当前保险未配置保险种类信息表 = Current insurance unconfigured insurance type info table 当前未配置统计项,请在管理平台[我的保险基本配置]页面配置险种统计项 = Currently no statistics are configured, please configure the insurance statistics on the management platform (My Insurance Basic Configuration) page 请选择指定学员 = Please select a specific learner 保存成功 = Saved successfully 请选择数据 = Please select data 选择抄送人及附件 = Select a cc to a person and an attachment 邮件和消息发送成功!= Mail and messages sent successfully! 未完待续... = Unfinished to be continued... 课程问卷发布成功!= The course questionnaire was published successfully! 未搜索到页面Url地址 = Page URL address not found 请选择多条数据 = Please select more than one piece of data 所包含的数据有需求提交过来的 = The included data is required to be submitted 未审批通过的不能汇总 = Unapproved approval cannot be summarized 不能保存为方案,该记录没有审批通过 = Cannot be saved as a scenario, the record is not approved 您确认要将计划提交为方案? = Submit your plan as a plan? 请输入方案名称 = Scheme name 您确认要将需求提交为培训班? =Submit your needs as a training course? 该计划已经提交为培训班!不能变更 = The program has been submitted as a training course! Cannot be changed 该计划已经被汇总!不能变更 = The plan has been summarized! Cannot be changed 您确认要将需求提交为计划?= Submit your requirements as a plan? 该需求已经提交过!不能重复提交 = This requirement has been submitted! Cannot be submitted repeatedly 该需求不能提交!只有审批通过的才能提交 = This requirement cannot be submitted! Only approval can be submitted 该需求已经提交为计划!不能变更 = This requirement has been submitted as a plan! Cannot be changed 该需求已经提交为培训班!不能变更 = This requirement has been submitted as a training course! Cannot be changed 请选择开始时间 = Please select the start time 请选择结束时间 = Please select the end time 结束时间不能小于开始时间!= The end time must not be less than the start time! 已经是第一页了 = It's the first page. 已经是最后一页了 = It's the last page. 无法打开评论,任务可能已被删除! = The comment could not be opened and the task may have been deleted! 任务已被删除! = The task has been deleted! 请选择实际完成时间 = Please select the actual finish time 实际完成时间不能小于实际开始时间 = Actual finish time cannot be less than the actual start time 已消耗小时数不能小于0!= The number of consumed hours must not be less than 0! 请选择实际时间 = Please select the actual time 剩余小时数不能小于0! = The remaining hours must not be less than 0! 无法打开点评,报告可能已被删除! = The comment could not be opened and the report may have been deleted! 日报已被删除! = Daily report has been deleted! 今天,请赶快填写月报吧!= Today, please fill in the monthly report! ,请赶快填写月报吧!= , please fill in the monthly report! 今年已填月报 = This year has been filled in the monthly report 请输入月报名称或人名搜索目标 = Mmonthly report name/Staff name 今天,请赶快填写周报吧!= Today, please fill in the weekly report! ,请赶快填写周报吧! = , please fill in the weekly report! 今年已填周报 = Filled in(this year) 请输入周报名称或人名搜索目标 = Please enter Weekly report name/Staff name 请先选中部门,初始化表格 = Please select the dept first, initialize table 请选择需要编辑的数据!= Please select data! 请选择需要删除的数据!= Please select data! 确定删除当前选中的需求?= Comfirm deleting the currently selected requirements? 需求删除成功!= Demand removal successfully! 需求删除时系统发生错误,请联系管理员!= If there is an error in the system when the requirements are removed, please contact the administrator! 请选择需要关闭的数据!= Please select data! 确定关闭当前选中的需求?= Determine the currently selected requirements? 需求关闭成功!= Demand close successful! 需求关闭时系统发生错误,请联系管理员!= If there is an error in the system when the requirements are down, please contact your administrator! 请选中部门初始化数据 = Please select department 请选择记录 = Please select record 提交录用审批失败!= Failed to submit an offer approval! 提交录用审批 = Submit for approval 请选中部门初始化数据!= Check department initialization data! 请选择记录! = Please select record! 简历录入子系统的简历无附件!= Resume entry subsystem resume no attachment! 简历URL不存在!= Resume URL does not exist! 简历原件预览 = Original resume preview 简历预览失败,请直接打开下载的简历进行查看!= Resume preview failed, please open the downloaded resume to view! 请初始化数据 = Please initialize data 数据加载前事件 = Events before data load 表单修改前事件 = Pre-form events 的简历中无Email信息,邮件无法发送 = There is no email in your resume and the email cannot be sent 无法发送邮件,请检查员工邮箱是否有设置 = Unable to send mail, check employee mailbox for settings 发送邮件成功 = Sending successful 选择抄送人 = Select Cc 添加抄送人员 = Add CC 未选中人员 = Unselected people 选择接收人 = Select the recipient 邮件接收人不能为空! = The recipient of the message cannot be empty! 发送内部邮件 = Send internal message 添加接收人员 = Add recipient 请选入职数据 = Please select the onboarding data 请选退回简历数据 = Please choose to return resume data 请选简历数据 = Please select resume data 请先进行招聘处理操作! = Please proceed with the recruitment process first! 请先进行人事处理操作!= Please do the personnel operation first! 岗位超编,请到岗位计划中提交超编申请,申请通过后再办理入职 = Post over-staffed, please submit the over-staff application to the post plan, apply for approval and then apply for the entry 找不到招聘需求!= Can't find the recruitment needs! 请先选择需求!= Please select the requirements first! 请选择需要编辑的简历数据! = Please select resume data! 请选择需要删除的简历数据! = Please select the resume data that needs to be deleted! 确定删除当前选中的简历? = Delete your currently selected resume? 简历删除成功!= Resume removal successfully! 简历删除时系统发生错误,请联系管理员! = If there is an error in the system when your resume is deleted, please contact your administrator! 请先选择要提交的简历!= Please select resume! 确定提交当前选中的简历? = Submit your currently selected resume? 简历提交成功!= The resume was submitted successfully! 职位已收藏!= The position is in the collection! 此浏览器不支持HTML 5,上传失败!= This browser does not support HTML 5, upload failed! 只允许上传后缀为{0}的文件!= Only files with suffix {0} are allowed to be uploaded! 获取部门信息失败! = Failed to get dept info! 请选择需要添加评价的数据!= Please select data! 未获取到职位ID = Job ID not obtained 职位已收藏 = Positions are in favorite 无岗位需求说明 = No job requirements statement 未查找到收藏的职位 = Don't find favorite's job 目前暂无收藏的职位 = Currently no collection positions 当前职位没有需求说明 = There is no need description for the current position 请选择需要编辑简历的数据! = Please select data! 未能加载简历分类!= Failed to load resume classification! 请选择职务!= Please choose position! 查询员工入职日期失败 = Failed to query employee onboarding date 请选择需要删除收藏的职位! = Please select a position where you need to delete your favorites! 确定删除该职位收藏? = Are you sure you want to delete the job collection? 已删除收藏职位! = Favorite sitposts have been deleted! 请选择需要推荐的职位!= Please select a position you need to recommend! 请选择一个职位推荐!= Please choose job recommendation! 该职位属于未启动状态,无法推荐!= This position is not started and cannot be recommended! 未获取到职位ID! = Job ID not obtained! 简历推荐成功!= Resume recommendation is successful! 请输入合同名称 = please enter the contract name 该合同类型没有字段权限无法显示!= The contract type does not have field permissions to display! 该表目前没有合同模板! = No current contract template for this table! 您目前没有合同信息!= You do not have contract info at this time! 您修改的数据于{0}提交审批,状态为审批中,审批通过后才能再次修改! = Data has been submitted for approval {0}, status is in approval, and can not be modified again after approval! 详细内容如下: = details are as follows: 您修改的数据于{0}提交审批,现被驳回,请重新修改之后再次提交审批! = Data has been submitted for approval {0},status is reject, please revise and submit! 您{0}修改了数据还未提交!= Data {0} has been modified and not yet submitted! 数据保存成功 = Saved success 格式错误!=Format is wrong! 请选择一条需要操作的数据! = Please select data! 获取当前数据失败,请刷新后重试!= Get the current data failed, please refresh and try again! 确定同意所选数据? = Agree to the selected data? 确定不同意所选数据?= Don't agree with the selected data? 退回再处理 = Return and reprocess 确定回退所选数据?= Are you sure you're going back to the selected data? 无跟踪信息!= No tracking info! 该人员没有流程权限,请配置权限!= This staff does not have process permissions, please configure permissions! 提交了部分属于知会节点的数据 = Submitted data that is partly part of the incoming node 提交了部分不属于知会节点的数据 = Some of the data that is not part of the incoming node was submitted 未被您审批处理 = Not approved for processing by you 已经被您审批处理 = Has been approved for processing by you 请选择数据!= Please select data! 确定提交审批所选数据?= Submitting approval for the selected data? 确定删除所选数据?= Delete the selected data? 请选择一条数据!= Please select data! 无流程查看! = No process view! 请选择需要催办数据!= Please select data! 请录入催办原因 = Please enter the reason for the reminder 无该流程,无法催办!= Without this process, can not be urged! 未找到对应的流程信息!= No corresponding process info found! 确定撤回所选数据?= Withdrawing the selected data? 成功撤回!= Successful withdrawal! 月结果已确认,不能销假!= Monthly results have been confirmed, can not be cancel! 日结果已确认,不能销假!= Day results have been confirmed, can not be cancel! 未选择业务数据!= No business data selected! 提交了部分属于知会节点的数据! = Submitted data that is part of the incoming node! 提交了部分不属于知会节点的数据!= Submitted some data that is not part of the incoming node! 您的账号已在{0}设备绑定,是否解绑? Your account is already tied to {0} device, is it untied? 无法审批通过此单据:= Unable to approve the approval of this document: 性别未填 = No data about sex 年龄未填 = No data about age 岁 = age(s) 居住地址未填 = No data about residential address 学历未填 = No data about education 工作年限未填 = No data about working age 婚姻状况未填 = No data about marital status 公司未填 = No data about company info 职位未填 = Unfilled position 工作经历未填 = Work experience not filled in 选择需求部门 = Select the department 暂无邀请的面试官!= No invited interviewer! 只能选择一条数据!= Only one piece of data can be selected! 数据不在! = The data is not here! 已评价不能再邀请面试官! = The interviewer can no longer be invited! 应聘者当前流程阶段为空,无法固定状态统计评价,不能发送 = Candidate's current process stage is empty, cannot be fixed status statistical evaluation, can not be sent 无应聘者面试数据,不能操作 = No candidate interview data, can not operate 请填写面试时间 = Please fill in the interview time 请填写面试地点 = Please fill in the interview location 请填写面试官 = Please fill in the interviewer 未选择面试官,不能操作 = No interviewer selected, can't operate 请确认面试官【{0}】手机号不为空 = Please confirm that the interviewer【{0}】's cell phone number is not empty. 请确认面试官【{0}】邮箱不为空 = Please confirm that the interviewer【{0}】's mailbox is not empty. 面试官信息不能为空 = Interviewer info cannot be empty 操作成功 = Operation was successful 设置常用面试官 = Set up common interviewer 确认取消关注吗? = Canceling attention? 未找到要审批的数据! = No data to approve is found! 教育经历未填写 = Educational experience not completed 工作经历未填写 = No data about work experience 未获取到应聘者简历编码 = The candidate's resume code was not obtained 请填写备注信息 = Please fill in the comment info 请选择部门,初始化表单 = Please select dept to initialize the form 请选择一条编辑数据 = Please select data 保存失败!请刷新后重试! = Failed to save! Please refresh and try again! 若要展示数据,请选择末级节点! = To present the data, select the end node! 您没有权限操作! = You don't have right! 暂无过滤条件!= No filters! 您没有权限登录员工自助平台!=Login without right! 未找到相关业务模板! = No related business template found! 请选择业务模板! = Please select business template! 选择业务模板 = Select a business template 未找到当前模板! = Current template was not found! 模板存储数据为空,请核查是否有业务权限!= The template storedata is empty, please check for business permissions! 模板存储数据为空,无法获取模板信息!= The template store data is empty and the template info cannot be obtained! 列创建前事件,可以修改列的显示等属性!= Column before the event was created, you can modify properties such as the display of the column! 数据加载前事件,可以修改数据! = Data before loading events, you can modify the data! 数据加载后事件! = Post-load event for data loading! 打卡失败!= Failed to clock! 您的账号已在{0}设备绑定,是否解绑? = Your account is already tied to the device{0}, is it untied? 解除APP绑定 = Unbinding app 暂未绑定数据!= Unbound data! 请在要驳回的申请单前打勾! = Please tick the box before the application to be rejected! 确定要审批通过由{0}发起的 = Determine stois to approve through initiated by{0} 确定要驳回所选ID号为:{0}的申请 = Determine to reject the application with the selected ID number: {0} 我的职业生涯轨迹 = My career trajectory 累计{0}人已报名参加,去参与 = Cumulative {0} people have signed up to participate 近期暂无培训计划 = No training plan in the near future 近期暂无问卷调查 = No survey sits in the near future 选择要显示的模块 = select module to display 选择要显示的模块 = select module to display 请选择要显示的模块 = Please select module 请选择要显示的比例 = Please select scale 请选择侧边栏要显示的菜单 = Select menu 我的待办数据加载错误。错误信息: = My to-do data is loading incorrectly. Error message: 没有找到模板! = No template found! 您还未设计表单!= You haven't designed the form yet! 没有查到明细数据!= No details have been found! 只有薪资和保险模块数据才能查看明细!= Only payroll and insurance module data can be viewed in detail! 选择数据有误!= The wrong selection data! 请选择单条数据进行查看!= Please select data! 驳回成功 = Rejection success 驳回失败 = Rejection failure 请输入查询的字段内容 = Please enter the field contents of the query 已发放过不能删除!= Issued cannot be deleted! 已提期数大于总期数,不能保存! = The number of raised periods is greater than the total number of periods and cannot be saved! 削减金额大于余额,不能保存!= The reduction amount is greater than the balance and cannot be saved! 请输入扣减金额!= Please enter the deduction amount! 请输入数值! = Please enter the number! 扣减金额不能大于余额!= The amount of deduction cannot be greater than the balance! 所选数据都是停发状态!= The selected data is suspended! 所选数据都不是停发状态!= The selected data is not a stop-off state! 请输入发放年月 = Please enter the year of release 名称不能重复,请重新添加! = The name cannot be repeated, please add it again! 请选择年月! = Please choose year and month! 请选择薪资方案 = Please select salary scheme 请选择薪资方案... = Please select salary scheme 加载方案分组列表error: = Loading scenario grouping list error: 请选择薪资方案. = Please select salary scheme. 该方案设置自定义发薪对象,请生成新表 = This scenario sets up custom pay objects, generate a new table 该方案未生成新表 = The scenario does not generate a new table 该方案未设置发薪对象 = The program does not have a payroll object set 该方案已设置发薪对象,请将人员添加到方案 = The program has a payroll object set up, add people to the scenario 该方案未发放 = The programme was not issued 请选择方案 = Please choose scenario 请注意同步方案人员将移除不符合方案设置条件的人员,是否继续? = Notice that the sync program staff will remove people who do not meet the program settings, continue? 同步人员成功 = Synchronizer success 添加人员成功 = Add people successfully 薪资已发放,不能操作 = Salary paid and cannot be operated 删除失败!请重试。= Failed to delete! Try again. 设置新生成方案数据保持不变的字段 = Set fields where the new build scenario data remains unchanged 该方案存在未确认的薪资数据!已删除部门员工无法确认,请及时处理变动后确认 = There is unacknowledged salary data for this program! Deleted department employees can not confirm, please promptly process changes after confirmation 该方案存在未确认的薪资数据 = There is unrecognized salary data in the programme 该方案未上报 = The program is not reported 薪资已经发放不能设置停发 = Salary has been paid can not be set to stop the issue 请过滤已确认人员 = Please filter confirmed people 薪资已经发放不能设置恢复 = Salary has been paid cannot be set for recovery 方案没有发放,不能进行薪资条email发送 = The scheme is not issued and cannot be emailed by salary bar 方案没有发放,不能进行薪资条短信发送 = The scheme is not issued and cannot be sent by pay bar text message 薪资数据已有修改,需要重新计算,是否继续提交? = Salary data has been modified and needs to be recalculated, continue submitting? 薪资数据已有修改,需要重新计算,不能提交 = Salary data has been modified and needs to be recalculated and cannot be submitted 薪资公式未全部计算成功,是否继续提交? = The salary formula was not all calculated successfully,continue submitting? 薪资公式未全部计算成功,不能提交 = The salary formula was not all calculated successfully and cannot be submitted 薪资方案还有未确认人员,不能提交,请查看所有部门的其他未确认人员 = There are unconfirmed staff in the pay plan that cannot be submitted, please see other unconfirmed persons in all departments 是否继续上报审批?= Continue escalation approval? 非逻辑操作!= Non-logical operation! 无法提交发放审批!= Unable to submit release approval! 数据已提交 = Data submitted 请去方案维护中设置方案对应关系 = Please set up scenario correspondence in scenario maintenance 没有历史数据可以引入 = No historical data can be introduced 已设置无需确认,请核查 = Set up without confirmation, please check 薪资公式未全部计算成功,是否继续确认? = The salary formula was not all calculated successfully, continue to confirm? 薪资公式未全部计算成功,不能确认 = The salary formula was not all calculated successfully and cannot be confirmed 操作完成 = Operation completed 存在计算异常的数据不能确认!= Data with a calculated exception cannot be confirmed! 方案已发放,不能计算 = The programme has been issued and cannot be calculated 没有历史薪资数据,无法对比! = No historical salary data, no comparison! 请选择一条编辑 = Please select data 请设置薪资发放部门 = Please set up a payroll department 请设置是否参与计算 = Please set whether to participate in the calculation 请设置增加类型 = Please set the increase type 错误 = Error 请输入调整值 = Please enter the adjustment value 没有选中部门条件 = No department conditions selected 当前列表为空 = Current list is empty 调整失败!= Adjust failed! 评审职称任职资格:= Review qualification : 无法获取当前部门人员 = Unable to get current department staff 当前未选中人员 = Currently Unselected People 请选择引入月份 = Please select the introduction month 请选择引入项目 = Please select the introduction project 请选择引入对象 = Please select the introduction object 请输入方案名称! = Please enter the scheme name! 方案名称不能重复!= The scheme name cannot be repeated! 请选择一个方案! = Please choose scenario! 新增方案未保存,无需删除! = New plan is not saved and does not need to be deleted! 确定删除当前选中方案? = Are you sure to delete the current selected scenario? 请先新增方案!= Please add a new plan first! 没有选中年月条件 = No year-month conditions selected 没有选中次数条件 = No selection criteria 没有引入项,不能引入!= No items are introduced, cannot be introduced! 引入成功 = Introduction success 引入失败 = Introduction failure 方案没有设置对应关系,无法计算 = The scenario does not have a corresponding relationship set to be calculated 存在未应用的待处理变动,是否继续计算? = There are unapplied pending changes, continue calculating? 计算成功,存在异常数据,请查看!= The calculation was successful, there is abnormal data, please check out! 未获取到方案,请检查方案是否存在 = No scenario stake, check for scenario existence 未获取到条件id = No conditional id was obtained 请选择要操作的记录 = Please select record 请选择要操作的记录! = Please select record! 请选择方案 = Please choose scenario 请新建方案或选择已有方案 = Please create a new plan or select an existing scenario 方案名称不能为空!= The scheme name cannot be empty! 非有效方案,不能保存! = Non-valid scheme, can not be saved! 保存成功 = Saved successfully 请选择不同时间或次数的薪资数据对比 = Please select a pay comparison at different times or times 未获取到方案,将不能保存 = If the scenario is not obtained, it will not be saved 请填写异常定义名称 = Please fill in the exception definition name 未获取到方案,不能保存 = No scenario not available, cannot be saved 异常提醒方案保存成功 = Exception reminder scenario saved successfully 异常提醒项保存失败 = Exception reminder failed to save 异常提醒方案保存失败 = Exception reminder scenario saved failed 提交审批失败 = Failed to submit approval 发放成功!= The distribution was successful! 发送邮件失败!= Failed to send the message! 发放失败!= Failed to issue! 该方案存在未确认的薪资数据!= There is unacknowledged salary data for this program! 取消成功 = Cancellation success 取消失败 = Cancellation failed 结束日期必须大于开始日期 = The end date must be greater than the start date 请先选中部门,初始化数据! = Please select the department first, initialize the data! 请选择当前月份 = Please select current month 所选数据不可编辑!= Selected data is not editable! 所选数据不可删除!= Selected data is not deletable! 请先选中部门,初始化表格!= Please select the department first, initialize the form! 所选数据无法推送!= The selected data cannot be pushed! 是否推送所选数据? = Push the selected data? 所选数据无法取消发放!= Selected data cannot be cancelled! 是否取消所选数据? = Cancel the selected data? 校验失败,请核准导入部门是否选中部门 = Check failed, please approve whether the import department selects the department" 校验失败,请核准数据 = Check failed, please approve the data 新增成功,请先到字段权限中给表授权 = New success, please authorize the table in field permissions first 编辑成功 = Editing success 汇总表不能删除 = Summary tables cannot be deleted 确认删除所选过程表: = Confirm that the selected process table is deleted: 设置过程表审批流程成功,请到流程设计中进行配置! = The setup process table approval process was successful, please configure it in the process design! 重新生成将清空列表数据,是否继续 = Rebuilding will empty the list data and continue 已生成本月临时数据,请修改后手动保存 = This month's temporary data has been generated, please modify it and save it manually 未找到数据 = No data found 数据校验通过。= The data is verified. 请先锁定当前部门数据,再提交审批 = Please lock the current department data before submitting approval 当前部门数据已经提交审批 = Current department data has been submitted for approval 不存在未提交的数据! = There is no uncommitted data! 提交审批失败,请联系管理员! = Submitting approval failed, please contact your administrator! 锁定后该月份数据不能编辑,是否继续锁定? = The data for the month cannot be edited after the lock, continue locking? 表中文名重复 = Table Chinese name duplicate 未获取锁定解锁操作类别或者方案不存在 = No lock unlock action category or scenario does not exist 注:确认以下人员薪资解锁么? = Note: Do you confirm that the following staff are paid to unlock? 注:确认以下人员薪资锁定么? = Note: Confirm the salary lock of the following personnel? 选择Email发送方案 = Select an email delivery scheme 选择Email发送对象 = Select an email send object 工资发放月份 = Month of wage payment 未获取到方案编码 = No scenario code is obtained 选择Email发送方案: = Select an email delivery scheme: 选择短信发送方案 = Select a SMS sending scheme 手机发送未设置方案,请在薪资方案页面设置 = Phone send sending not set up plan, please set up on the pay scheme page 请选择邮件发送方案 = Please select a mail delivery scheme 请选择手机发送方案 = Please select your phone to send a plan 请选择薪资年月和次数 = Please select salary year, month and number 未选择部门,无法获取当前列表人员 = No department selected, the current list staff could not be obtained 未选择人员,请先选择人员 = No people selected, please select people first 查询固定字段报错!= Query fixed field error! 不能保存,请核查表名主键排序字段是否存在 = Cannot save, please verify the existence of the table name primary key sort field 未发现更改排序!= No changes found sorting! 完成排序!= Finish sorting! 未获取停发操作类别或者方案不存在 = No stop action category or scenario does not exist 注:确认以下人员恢复发放薪资吗? = Note: Do you confirm that the following staff are back on payroll? 注:确认以下人员停发薪资吗? = Note: Do you confirm that the following staff are suspended? 恢复成功 = Recovery success 停发成功 = Successful suspension 请选择公式套 = Please select formula set. 加载过程表列表error = Load process table list error 校验失败,请核准导入部门是否选中部门 = Check failed, please approve whether the import department selects the department 确认删除所选过程表 = Confirm delete the selected process table 本月数据已经提交! = This month's data has been submitted! 本月数据已经提交! = This month's data has been submitted! 不存在可提交审批的数据! = There is no data to submit for approval! 存在未锁定的数据! = There is unlocked data! 操作完成!= The operation is complete! 未找到可取消锁定的数据!= No data found to unlock! 请选择未提交审批的人员!= Please select someone who has not submitted approval! 方案已发放,不能应用变动,请新建薪资表!= The plan has been issued, can not apply changes, please create a new salary scale! 该方案不使用待处理变动,不能提交变动 = The programme does not use pending changes and cannot submit changes 该方案已上报审批,不能提交变动 = The program has been reported for approval and cannot be submitted for change 该方案处于审批中,不能提交变动!= The program is in the process of approval and cannot submit changes! 该方案已审批通过,不能提交变动!= The program has been approved and cannot be submitted for change! 请选择一条数据审批 = Please select a data approval 编辑薪资项目 = Edit payroll items 搁置变动成功 = Shelving changes successfully 搁置变动失败 = Shelving changes failed 删除变动成功 = Removal of changes successfully 删除变动失败 = Failed to delete change 恢复变动成功 = Successful recovery of change 恢复变动失败 = Failed to restore change 彻底删除变动成功 = Complete removal of changes successfully 彻底删除变动失败 = Failed to delete changes completely 请选中单笔数据 = Please check single-pen data 变动数据已提交,请留意变动是否审批通过 = Change data has been submitted, please note whether the change is approved 变动数据已提交 = Change data submitted 没有找到薪资子集 = No salary subset found 没有找到方案列表 = No list of scenarios found 请选择字段 = Please select field 字段已存在 = Field already exists 保存失败 = Saved failed 未获取方案模板 = No scenario template stake 请选择项目 = Please select project 没有加载引入表数据 = No intake table data is loaded 没有加载关联表数据 = Associated table data is not loaded 设置引入条件 = Set introduction criteria 选择引入项目不能为空! = Selecting an in-in-the-time item cannot be empty! 请检查引入或关联列是否为空 = Check that the iningsin or associated columns are empty 新增成功 = New success 请选择一条数据编辑 = Please select data 本位币,不能删除!= This bit currency, can not be deleted! 请选择要删除的币种!= Please select the currency you want to delete! 未获取方案 = No scenarios 新建模板 = New template 未设置项目取值 = Item value sitnoted not set 请选择需要配置的数据 = Please select data 请选择等级公式表 = Please select level formula table 确认删除该字段吗? = Delete the field? 确认删除该条数据? = Are you sure to delete this piece of data? 确认清空所有数据? = Are you sure to clear all data? 请选择模板 = Please select template 请填写主题和模板内容 = Please fill in the topic and template content 请输入模板名称 = Please enter the name of the template 模板名称重复! = The template name is repeated! 模板成功创建!= The template was created successfully! 确认要重命名模板吗 = Rename the template? 模板重命名 = Template rename 请选中模板! = Please check template! 确认要复制模板吗 = Copy the template? 复制模板 = Copy template 模板复制成功 = Template replication success 模板复制失败 = Template replication failed 没有找到薪资子集 = No salary subset found 模板删除成功 = Template removal successful 删除失败 = Failed to delete SQL顺序返回【A0188,DEPT_ID】 = 例如 SQL order returns the A0188, DEPT_ID, e.g. SQL验证失败,请检查SQL格式是否正确!= SQL validation failed, please check that the SQL format is correct! 请正确输入日期(格式:yyyy-MM) = Please enter the date correctly (format: yyyy-MM) 年月不能为空 = Year sand cannot be empty 请设置初始年月 = Please set the initial year and month 初始年月 = Initial year and month 请选择要操作的项目 = Please select item 该项已禁用 = This item is disabled 该项已启用 = This item is enabled 引入设置失败 = Failed to import settings 引入设置成功 = Successfully 请选择引自字段!= Please select reference field! 校验成功 = Check success 校验失败 = Check failed 没有记录可显示 = No records to display 没有加载引入项目数据 = The in-sin project data was not loaded 没有加载计算方式 = No calculation method is loaded 注:工资单可配置最大行数6行,最多可配置项目数42个 = Note: Payrolls can be configured with a maximum of 6 rows, up to 42 items 请输入工资条名称 = Please enter the name of the payslip 工资条新增成功! = New success in payroll! 工资条新增出错,请重新新增 = There is an error in the new payslip, please add it again 工资条名称不允许重复 = The payslip name is not allowed to be repeated 请选择树节点 = Please select tree node 工资条编辑成功! = The payroll was edited successfully! 工资条编辑出错,请输入正确数据 = There was an error in the payslip editing, please enter the correct data 确认要复制工资条吗 = Copy the payslip? 工资条复制成功! = The payslip was copied successfully! 工资条复制失败! = Payslip copied failed! 确认要删除工资条吗? = Delete the payroll? 工资条删除成功! = Payslip removal successfully! 工资条删除失败! = Payslip removal failed! 确认要删除所选数据吗? = Delete the selected data? 备注存在非法字符!= Comment have illegal characters! 工资条名称不为空 = The name of the Payslip is not empty 请选择一笔数据 = Please select data 已是第一笔数据 = Is the first data 已是最后一笔数据 = It's the last amount of datas 请选择有操作权限的数据! = Please select data with operational permissions! 设置工资项目 = Set up salary items 该项目已存在 = The project already exists 可配置项目为{0}个 = Configurable items are {0} 请选择删除的数据 = Please select deleted data 请选择删除的数据!= Please select deleted data! 请输入分类名称 = Please enter the category name 请输入方案模板名称 = scheme template name 名称不能以[模板]结尾 = Name cannot end with [template] 创建模板成功,请先分配好模板权限和模板编辑权限 = Template created successfully. Please assign template permission and template editing permission first 确认要重命名 = Rename ? 方案模板重命名吗 = Rename scheme template 方案模板改名成功 = Scheme template successfully renamed 请选中方案模 = Please select the scheme template 确认要复制吗 =Copy 模板复制成功!请先分配好方案模板权限和模板编辑权限 = Template copied successfully! Please assign scheme template permission and template editing permission first 模板名称重复 = Duplicate template name 方案模板删除成功 = Scheme template deleted successfully 删除失败,请核查方案模板是否已有方案历史数据 = Failed to delete. Please check whether the scheme template has the scheme history data 方案模板项目同步保存数据结构成功 = The data structure of the scheme template project is saved synchronously 方案模板项目同步保存数据结构失败 = Scheme template project failed to save data structure synchronousl 请选择一条要操作的项目 = Please select item 此操作同步删除方案项目,确认删除模板项目吗? =Delete the program item synchronously and confirm that the template item is deleted? 对不起,你选择的项目不是引入项目 = Sorry, the project you selected is not an introduction project 请选择币种.. = Please select currency 未获取到横纵向对应表单,请联系管理员 = No vertical and horizontal corresponding forms were obtained, please contact the administrator 无法生成二维表单,请在单级编码页面检查横纵项目表是否有数据 = Unable to generate 2D form, please check whether there is data in horizontal and vertical item table on single level coding page 无法生成多维表单,请在单级编码页面检查横纵项目表是否有数据 = Unable to generate multi dimension form, please check whether there is data in horizontal and vertical item table on single level coding page 生成中,请稍候. = Please wait while we build 请选中多维表并生成多维表单 = Please select multidimensional table and generate multidimensional form 请填写数据 = Please fill in the data 共" {0}"个薪资栏,已填写" {1} "个,剩余" {2} "个 = There are "{0}" salary columns in total, with "{1}" filled in and "{2}" remaining 请选中二维表单 = Please select 2D form 确认要重新生成等级表吗? = Regenerate the hierarchy? 请选择重命名表单 = Please choose to rename the form 多维表单重命名 = Multi dimension form rename 确认要重命名表单吗 = Rename the form 请输入多维表单名称!= please enter multi dimension form name! 请输入多维表单名称 = please enter multi dimension form name 表单改名成功!= Successfully renamed the form! 请选择删除表单 = Please select Delete form 确认要删除表单吗 = Delete the form 表单删除成功!= Form deleted successfully! 删除失败,请检查表单是否已被使用 = Deleted failed! 未获取到横纵向对应表单,请联系管理员 = If you don't get the horizontal portrait form, please contact your administrator. 缺少项目基本表,无法生成二维表单 = Missing project base table, 2D form could not be generated 横纵向请选择不同项目 = Cross portrait please select a different project 请选择模板进行排序 = Please select template to sort 方案创建成功,请先分配好方案临时表权限和方案编辑权限 = Scheme creation succeeded. Please assign scheme temporary table permission and scheme editing permission first 请选中薪资模板来增加方案 = Please select salary template to add scheme 确认要重命名方案吗 = Rename the scheme 方案重命名 = Scheme rename 方案修改成功 = Scheme modified successfully 请选择复制后方案模板!= Please select scheme template after copying! 方案复制成功!= 请先分配好临时表权限和模板编辑权限!Scheme copied successfully! Please assign temporary table permission and template editing permission first! 插入重复键 = Insert repeat key 方案名称重复!= Duplicate scheme name! 删除失败,该方案已存在历史数据 = Deletion failed. The scheme already has historical data 删除失败,该方案已生成方案数据 = Deletion failed, the scheme has generated scheme data 该方案有变动数据,将同步删除,是否确认删除方案? = The scheme has changed data, which will be deleted synchronously. Delete the scheme? 方案删除成功 = Scheme deleted successfully 删除失败,请核查方案是否存在历史数据 = Failed to delete. Please check whether there is historical data in the scheme 确认要删除方案吗 = Delete the scheme 方案删除成功 = Scheme deleted successfully 此设置生效后,生成的薪资方案数据将不受待处理变动影响 = After this setting takes effect, the generated salary scheme data will not be affected by pending changes 没有找到相关字段 = No related fields found 方案条件变更,请先保存方案条件 = If the scheme condition changes, please save the scheme condition first 存在使用薪资卡片的项目,先改成不使用再做删除 = If there are items using salary cards, change them to not used before deleting them 确认删除薪资项目吗? = Are you sure to delete salary item? 请选择薪资项目 = Please select salary item 未获取引入条件 = No entry conditions obtained 未获取项目表 = Project table not obtained 当前部门未授权,请联系管理员!= The current dept is not authorized, please contact administrator! 导入前先选中部门,初始化数据!= Select the Dept before importing, and initialize the data! 数据被引用,无法删除!= Data is referenced and cannot be deleted! 请选择操作数据!= Please select data! 确定要发布? = Publish? 确定要取消发布? = Cancel publishing? SQl语句"{0}"穿透列表数据源 = SQL statement '{0}' penetrates list data source 数据已发布!Data published! 请输入桌面模块名称 = Please enter the name of desktop module 名称不能为空 = The name cannot be empty 模块名称长度不能大于50! = Module name length cannot be greater than 50! 设置待定参数 = Set pending parameters 选择待定参数对应的筛选控件 = Select filter control for pending parameters 待定参数:的展示名称不能为空!= Pending parameter: display name of cannot be empty! 待定参数:的编辑方式未进行设置!= Undetermined parameter: the editing method of is not set! 待定参数:的编辑方式设置格式有误!= Undetermined parameter: incorrect format of editing method setting! 设置成功!= Set successfully! 未选择分组的数据最多只能设置一个待定参数! = Only one pending parameter can be set for unselected data! 存在待定参数未进行设置 = There are pending parameters not set 说明:在逻辑表达式中,[+]表示并且,[,]表示或者,[!]表示相反条件,同时支持()运算 = Note: in logical expressions, [+] represents and, [,] represents or, [!] represents opposite conditions, and () operation is supported 请选择角色...= Please select role... 保存对象失败!= Save failed! 方案设置不能为空!= Scheme setting cannot be empty! 请输入字段条件! = Please enter field conditions! 输入查询方案名称 = Enter query scheme name 请输入查询方案名称 = Please enter query scheme name 保存查询方案成功 = Saved successfully 删除查询方案成功! = Delete query scheme succeeded! 删除查询方案失败!= Delete query scheme failed! 请选择对象设置的角色!= Please select the role set by the object! 未找到对应的表单 = No corresponding form found 存在相同类型名称,请重新填写 = The same type name exists, please fill in again 请选择一个节点 = Please select node 根节点不允许修改 = Root node cannot be modified 根节点不允许删除 = Root node cannot be deleted 根节点不允许删除!= Root node cannot be deleted! 该类型包含数据,请先删除! = This type contains data, please delete it first! 信息已经提交审批,不允许编辑! = Info has been submitted for approval and editing is not allowed! 请选择需要审批的数据!= Please select data! 请选择要审批的数据!= Please select data to be approved! 包含有审批通过的数据!= Contains approved data! 包含有审批中的数据! = Contains data approved! 已作废的数据无法提交审批! = Invalidated data cannot be submitted for approval! 未通过审批无法发布!= Unapproved cannot be published! 发布过的不能重复发布!= Unpublished cannot be published repeatedly! 确认发布所选数据?= Confirm publishing the selected data? 无法取消发布!= Unable to cancel the publication! 确认取消发布所选数据?= Confirm unpublishing selected data? 取消发布 = Unpublish 取消发布成功!= Unpublished successfully! 记录审核中不允许作废!= Invalidates in the record review! 确认作废所选数据? = Confirm the invalidated selected data? 作废成功!= Void success! 确认取消作废所选数据?= Confirm cancellation of the selected data? 取消作废成功! = Cancellation of voiding success! 此类型下无法再新增分类 = No more categories can be added under this type 类型名称不能为空,请重新填写 = Type name cannot be empty, please refill 该类型包含子节点或数据,请先删除 = This type contains child nodes or data, please remove 该类型包含子节点或数据,请先删除! = This type contains child nodes or data, please delete it first! 请先选择一个节点 = Please select node first 该规章制度无内容!=No data! 请输入合法颜色值!= Please enter the legal color value! 序号:颜色值不能为空!= Ordinal number: Color value cannot be empty! 序号:{0},请输入合法的颜色值! Ordinal number {0}: Please enter the legal color value! 该合同没有关联变更 = There are no associated changes to the contract 该合同没有关联协议 = There is no association agreement for the contract 没有选中的数据,上传的附件将要丢失!= No selected data, uploaded attachments will be lost! 没有相关协议!= No agreement! 该人员还没有岗位信息! = The staff has no job info yet! 合同到期日期必须晚于合同起始日期! = The contract expiration date must be later than the contract start date! 合同起始日期必须晚于上次签订的合同到期日期!= The contract must start later than the last contract expiration date! 还没有选中人员!= No one has been selected yet! 试用期结束时间必须晚于开始时间!= The trial period must end later than the start time! 劳动合同期限三个月以上不满一年的,试用期不得超过一个月!= If the term of the labor contract is more than three months or less than one year, the probationary period shall not exceed one month! 劳动合同期限一年以上不满三年的,试用期不得超过二个月!= If the term of the labor contract is more than one year or less than three years, the probationary period shall not exceed two months! " 三年以上固定期限和无固定期限的劳动合同,试用期不得超过六个月!= For a fixed-term and no fixed-term labor contract of more than three years, the probationary period shall not exceed six months! 试用结束日期必须晚于试用开始日期!= The trial end date must be later than the trial start date! 合同编号已存在,请重新输入!= The contract number already exists, please re-enter! 找不到流程类别 =Process category could not be found 请选择有效数据! = Please select valid data! 试用结束日期必须晚于试用开始日期!= The trial end date must be later than the trial start date! 已存在{0}业务数据,不能重复提交! = There is already a business data {0}, cannot be submitted repeatedly! 当前合同类型设置纯手工输入,请选择单笔续签! = The current contract type setting can only be entered manually. Please select a single renewal! 数据保存前事件,可以修改数据 = Event triggered before saving data. You can modify the data 合同编号已存在,请重新输入!= Contract No. already exists, please re-enter! 请选择时间 = Please select time 请选择正确时间范围 = Please select the correct time range 确认解除所选数据? = Confirm that the selected data is released? 解除中止 = Remove 未中止 = Not Suspend 已中止 = Suspended 变更未生成变动记录 = Change sedation ungenerated change record 解除中止成功!= suspension was lifted successfully! 合同终止记录 = Contract termination records 人员基本信息 = Basic info of staff 数据提交前事件,可以判断数据是否符合 = Data before submission of events, you can determine whether the data is in line with the 请选择人员姓名/员工编号,即可快速查找人员 = Staff Name/Staff Code 找不到指定的考核方案! = The specified appraisal scheme cannot be found! 月结果已确认,不能销假 = The monthly result has been confirmed and cannot be cancelled 日结果已确认,不能销假 = The daily result has been confirmed and cannot be cancelled 有找到授权的业务 = No authorized business found 请选择业务数据! = Please select business data! 请选择审批业务!= Please select approval business! 未加载数据! = Data not loaded! 工资发放审批数据不能删除!= Salary payment approval data cannot be deleted! 五险一金审批数据不能删除! = Approval data of five insurances and one fund cannot be deleted! 招聘Offer审批数据不能删除!= Recruitment offer approval data cannot be deleted! 无流程图!= No flow chart! 无跟踪信息!= No tracking info! 提交日期 = Submission date 提交日期开始时间不能为空 = Submission date start time cannot be empty 审批中的数据不能编辑!= Data in approval cannot be edited! 审批通过的数据不能编辑!= Approved data cannot be edited! 流程数据异常,未找到相关流程数据! = Process data is abnormal, no relevant process data found! 请录入催办原因!= Please enter the reason for urging! 主表信息操作成功!= Main table info operation succeeded! 不允许删除! = Delete is not allowed! 修改存储过程UP_GETHTID已获得合同编号 = Modify UP_GETHTID has been given the contract No. 手动输入(取末四位自动增长,不足五位或无法转换直接做为前缀) = Manual input (take the last four auto growth, less than five bits or cannot convert directly as a prefix) 需要被劳动合同限定的合同类型请以C41为英文名前缀!= The type of contract that needs to be qualified by the labor contract please prefix c41 as the English name! 过滤条件格式(A0188 IN () OR A0188 NOT IN ()),注意使用英文括号!=Filter format (A0188 IN() OR A0188 NOT IN(),) note using English brackets! 【英文名】错误,请以C4为开头! = English name: error, please start with C4! 【英文名】错误,请输入英文!= English name: error, please enter English! 【中文名】错误,请输入中文!= Chinese name: error, please enter the Chinese! 梯队培养方式,未设置任何字段!= Ladder training mode, no fields set! 注:方案生成后,考核对象就可以在【桌面】填写自定义指标。= Note: After the scheme is generated, the appraiser can fill in the custom norm in the Desktop. 请输入课程名称进行快速查询 = Please enter the course name for quick query 当前用户没有该表单的操作权限!= The current user does not have permission to operate this form! 共 {0}项,总分{1} = A total of {0} items and a total of {1} points 不能在根节点上创建梯队,请选择一个梯队分组!= Cannot create echelon on root node, please select a echelon group! 请填写{0}名称!= Please fill in the {0} name! 操作失败:= Operation failed: 梯队启用后,请设置完整!= When the ladder is enabled, set up complete! 起始日期不能大于结束时间!= The start date cannot be greater than the end time! 请选择一个节点! = Please select node! 请通过右侧【基本信息】修改!= Please modify it via basic info on the right! 确定复制节点吗? = Are you sure about the replication node? 复制成功!= Replication was successful! 请先删除子节点!= Please delete the child node first! 确定删除节点吗? = Delete the node? 请选择人才梯队 = Select talent echelon 请选择培养方式 = Please choose training method 数据保存成功!= Data saved successfully! 请填写完整的打分范围!= Please fill in the full score range! 打分范围填写错误:开始分数不能高于结束分数!= Score range fill in error: start score can not be higher than the end score! 完成页面字段保存成功!= saved successfully! 加载培养方式信息失败!= Failed to load! 请选择左侧字段 = Please select field on the left 左侧没有字段可进行操作!= There are no fields on the left to operate! 请选择右侧条目! = Please select entry on the right! 右侧没有条目可进行操作!= There is no entry on the right to operate! 请先选择右侧条目!= Please select the entry on the right first! 请先选择单个条目进行操作! = Please select a single entry for operation first! 请选择左侧字段! = Please select left field! 参数错误!找不到指定的梯队信息!= Wrong argument! The specified ladder info could not be found! 请先添加条件!= Please add the condition first! 填写方案名称", "请填写方案名称" Fill in the program name, "Please fill in the scheme name" 确定要删除方案吗?= Delete the scenario? 表达式验证失败,包含非法字符!= Expression validation failed to contain illegal characters! 表达式验证失败,找不到编号为 {0}的条件! = Expression validation failed, and no condition can be found with the number of the label No{0}. 绩效业务尚未购买,或购买后未开通使用权限 = The performance business has not been purchased, or the use right has not been opened after purchase 请选择考核方案!= Please select appraisal scheme! 加载考核方案失败!= Failed to load appraisal scheme! 请选择考核方案 = Please select appraisal scheme 同步成功!= Synchronization succeeded! 同步失败: = Synchronization failed: 没有检测到数据更改,无需保存!= No data changes detected, no need to save! 权重不能小于0! = Weight cannot be less than 0! 权重之和必须为100现权重之和为{0}请调整后再保存! = The sum of weights must be 100 and the sum of weights must be {0}. Please adjust and save again! 未配置岗位能力模板,无法引入! = Position competency template is not configured, unable to import! 数据已引入,请手动保存数据! = data has been imported, please save the data manually! 开始时间不能大于结束时间! = The start time cannot be greater than the end time! 请先保存数据! = Save the data first! 请选中象限设置!= Check quadrant settings! 当前用户没有该表单的操作权限! = The current user does not have the operation rights to the form! 加载人才梯队树失败! = Loading talent ladder tree failed! 当前不在梯队推荐期限内!= Currently not within the recommended deadline of the ladder! 当前用户没有梯队推荐权限! = Current users do not have ladder referral permissions! 当前用户没有梯队{0}的管理权限!= The current user does not have the management rights of the ladder{0}! 读取梯队权限信息出错!= There was an error reading the ladder permission information! 当前用户没有梯队成员{0}的管理权限! =The current user does not have the management rights of the echelon members{0}! 选择部门 = Select dept 系统没有任何已归档/结束评估活动,无法按照能力素质选择人员! = The system does not have any archived/closed assessment activities, can not select people according to competency quality! 添加人员数量超出梯队人才池剩余规模 = The number of people added exceeds the remaining size of the pool of talent 请至少选择一项进行更新! = Please select at least one item to update! 请选择 = Please select 自动更新成功! = Automatic updates are successful! 加载梯队基本信息失败!= Failed to load ladder basic info! 变更对象【{0}】当前处于梯队中,无法选择! = The satff [{0}] are currently in the echelon, cannot be selected! 请选择变更日期! = Please select the date of change! 请选择变更梯队! = Please select the change ladder! 变更对象【{0}】已存在于变更梯队,请调整! = The staff [{0}] already exists in the change echelon, please adjust! 梯队调整成功!= The ladder adjustment was successful! 梯队调整失败!= Ladder adjustment failed! 变更梯队人员数量超出人才池剩余规模 = The number of change echelon staff exceeds the remaining size of the talent pool 请选择退出日期! = Please choose an exit date! 请选择单条数据!= Please select a single piece of data! 请选择要编辑的数据!= Please select data! 未购买或授权培训模块,无法关联数据! = No or authorized training modules can't associate data! 控件未加载完成 = Control not loaded complete 数据未发生变化,无需保存! = The data has not changed and does not need to be saved! 加载梯队培养方式失败!= Loading ladder training method failed! 梯队未启用任何培养方式/考核方式! = The echelon does not enable any training/assessment method! 请先选择人才梯队!= Please select the talent echelon first! 未加载图例!= Legend not loaded! 加载继任者数据失败! = Failed to load successor data! 加载人才梯队树失败! = Failed to load talent echelon tree! 选择人才梯队 = Select talent echelon 请选择人才梯队! = Please select talent echelon! 请选择人才梯队或后备人才!= Please choose a talent ladder or reserve talent! 数据未发生变更,无需保存!= Data has not changed and does not need to be saved! 评估分不能为空! = Assessment points cannot be empty! 评估分取值范围为0-100!= The evaluation score range is 0-100! 九宫格视图下,请选择人才梯队! = Nine palace view, please select the talent ladder! 查看人才类型为{0}的所有人员 = See all staff with talent types 储能调整成功!= Successful energy storage adjustment! " 储能调整失败!= Failed to store energy! 不是当前梯队成员,无法退出!= Not a member of the current ladder, cannot exit! 退出梯队成功!= Exit ladder success! 退出梯队失败!= Exiting the ladder failed! 梯队人才池规模已达上限,无法添加人员! = Ladder talent pool size has reached the upper limit, can not add staff! 确认删除所选后备人才? = Confirm the removal of selected back-up talent? 请选择后备人才!= Please choose a backup talent! 当前用户没有表单的操作权限!= The current user does not have the operation rights to the form! 添加人员数量超出梯队人才池剩余规模{0} = The number of added staff exceeds the remaining size of the echelon talent pool{0}. 候选人没有发生变化,无需保存! = The candidates have not changed and do not need to save! 已选人员发生变化,请先保存! = Selected staff changed, save first! 当前用户没有此表单的操作权限 = The current user does not have the operation rights to this form. 已选人员数量为0,无法提交! = The number of selected staff is 0 and cannot be submitted! 请选择要添加的候选人!= Please select the candidate you want to add! 加载优选人员信息失败!= Failed to load preferred staff info! 参数错误!找不到指定的梯队信息! = Wrong argument! The specified ladder info could not be found! 已提交审批的数据无法编辑! = Data submitted for approval cannot be edited! 录入绩效评估分 = Enter performance evaluation scores 评估分不能为空 = Assessment points cannot be empty 已提交审批的数据无法进行操作!= Data submitted for approval cannot be processed! 当前用户没有此表单的操作权限! = The current user does not have the operation rights to this form! 加载优选人员信息失败! = Failed to load preferred staff info! 请选择列表数据!= Please select list data! 第{0}行 = Line{0} 能力项【{0}】重复! = Ability items 【{0}】are repeated! 能力项 = Ability items 权重总和不能超过【100】! = The sum of the weights cannot exceed 100! 必须为正数! = It has to be positive! 后备人才没有任何辅导人! = Reserve talent doesnot have any coaching people! 加载失败! = Failed to load! 梯队人才池规模已达上限,无法添加人员!= Ladder talent pool size has reached the upper limit, can not add staff! 删除成功!= Delete success! 请选择后备人才! = Please choose a backup talent! 请先选择人员!= Please select staff first! 请选择有操作权限的兼职数据!= Please select part-time data with operational permissions! 确定删除当前选中数据? = Are you sure to delete the currently selected data? 显示失效梯队 = Show failure ladders 已提交审批的数据无法删除! = Data submitted for approval cannot be deleted! 确认删除所选数据? = Confirm deleting the selected data? 已提交审批的数据无法重复提交! = Data submitted for approval cannot be submitted repeated! 候选人数量为0,无法提交! = The number of candidates is 0 and cannot be submitted! 请选择要提交的数据!= Please select the data to submit! 当前不在梯队推荐期限内! = Currently not within the recommended time limit of echelon! 非草稿状态,无法删除! = It is not in draft status and cannot be deleted! 确认启动测评活动? = Confirm to start the evaluation activity? 非草稿状态,无法启动! = Non draft status, unable to start! 确认结束测评活动? = Confirm to end the evaluation activity? 非执行状态,无法结束! = Non execution status, unable to end! 非执行状态,无法生成考核表! = Non implementation status, unable to generate appraisal form! 生成失败:当前用户没有考核表的操作权限! = Failed to generate: the current user does not have the operation permission of appraisal table! 请先设置考核方案【{0}】的考核方式!= Please set the appraisal method of appraisal scheme 【{0}】! 人才梯队【{0}】未设置考核方案,无法生成考核表! = The talent echelon 【{0}】 does not have an appraisal scheme set and cannot generate an appraisal form! 测评活动【{0}】无法生成考核表!= Evaluation activity 【{0}】 can't generate evaluation form! 梯队未启用 = Echelon not enabled 请先设置考核方案【{0}】的考核对象!= Please set the appraisee of appraisal scheme 【{0}】! 考核方案【{0}】的考核方式【{1}】未设置考核人!= Appraiser is not set in appraisal method 【{1}】 of appraisal scheme【{0}】! 考核方案【{0}】的考核对象【{1}】未设置考核人!= Appraiser is not set in appraisal method 【{1}】 of appraisal scheme 【{0}】! 考核方案【{0}】的考核人【{1}】未设置权重! = Appraiser 【{1}】of appraisal scheme 【{0}】has not set weight! 考核方案【{0}】的考核方式【{1}】未设置指标!= Norm is not set in appraisal method 【{1}】 of appraisal scheme 【{0}】! 考核方案【{0}】的考核方式【{1}】考核对象【{2}】未设置指标! = The appraisal method of appraisal scheme 【{0}】 appraisal method 【{1}】 appraisal object 【{2}】 has no norm set! 考核方案【{0}】为矩阵打分,考核方式【{1}】 = Appraisal scheme 【{0}】 is matrix scoring, and appraisal method 【{1}】 必须为 = Must be 生成失败:读取考核表的操作权限权限!= Failed to generate: read operation permission of appraisal table! 当前用户没有表单的操作权限!= 当前用户没有表单的操作权限!= The current user does not have the operation permission of the form! 未获取到表单模板 = Not getting the form template 表单模板无效,不能操作 = The form template is not valid and cannot be manipulated 新增失败,请查看日志 = New failure, check the log 指标权重之和必须为100现权重之和为,"请调整后再保存! = The sum of the norm weights must be the sum of the 100 current weights, "Please adjust and save! 指标【{0}】的考核人权重之和必须为100现权重之和为{1},请调整后再保存!= The sum of the weight of the assessment of the norm {0}, the value of the human rights must be the sum of the 100 present weights of the sum of the {1}. 请先设置考核方式!= Please set up the assessment method first! 指标【{0}】不能重复添加! = The norm 【{0}】 cannot be added repeatedly! 没有检测到数据更改! = No data changes have been detected! 请选择要操作的数据! = Please select data! 确认删除所选数据?删除后请手动点击保存。= Confirm deleting the selected data? After deleting, please manually click Save. 数据已移除! = Data removed! 请先添加指标! = Please add the norm first! 请先保存指标指标! = Please save the norm first! 分配成功,请手动点击保存!= successfully, please click Save manually! 批量分配权重 = Bulk weighting 分配成功,请手动点击保存! = The assignment was successful, please click Save manually! 请先设置考核方式! = Please set up the assessment method first! 请先选择考核指标! = Please select the appraisal norm first! 新增成功! = New success! 新增失败!= New failure! 请先添加考核人! = Please add an appraiser first! 批量分配权重 = Bulk weighting 没有检测到数据更改!= No data changes have been detected! 请先填写指标! = Please fill in the norm first! 数据已修改,请先保存指标!= The data has been modified, please save the norm first! 确定提交审批? = Determine the submission approval? 请先选择考核指标! = Please select the appraisal norm first! 生成成功! = The build was successful! 未设置考核关系权重,无法添加考核人! = No appraisal relationship weight is set, the appraiser cannot be added! 请选择考核对象!= Please select appraisal object! 发布失败,请联系管理员! = Failed to publish. Please contact the administrator! 请填写权重值! = Please fill in the weight value! 权重值的取值范围为0-100! = The value range of weight value is 0-100! 请先排序!= Please sort first! 指标类型 = Norm type 找不到指定的考核对象!= The specified appraisee cannot be found! 考核对象ID不能为空! = Appraisee ID cannot be empty! 只能在评价阶段才能催办! = Only in the evaluation stage can be urged to do! 该考核人已提交不需要催办! = The appraiser has submitted without reminder! 确定催促该考核人评价打分? = Are you sure to urge the appraiser to rate and rate it? 催办成功!= success! 催办失败!= Failed! 表单模板编码不存在,无法新增 = Form template encoding does not exist and cannot be added 表单模板无效,不能操作 = The form template is not valid and cannot be manipulated 新增子集表 = New Subset Table 表单模板编码不存在,无法删除 = Form template encoding does not exist and cannot be deleted 表单已启用,不能操作 = Form is enabled and cannot be manipulated 确定删除选中子集? =Delete selected subset? 删除失败,请查看日志 = Failed to delete, please review the log 确定恢复该方案? = Are you sure to restore the scheme? 确定删除选定方案?删除后无法恢复 = Are you sure to delete the selected scheme? Cannot recover after deletion 彻底删除成功!= Complete deletion succeeded! 只能在自评阶段才能催办!= Only in the self-assessment stage can we urge! 该考核对象已提交不需要催办!= This appraisee has been submitted without urging! 该考核对象的部门负责人已提交不需要催办!= The department head of the appraisee has submitted and does not need to urge! 确定催促该考核对象考核自评?= Are you sure to urge the self-assessment of the appraisee? 确定催促该考核对象的部门负责人考核自评? = Are you sure to urge the self-assessment of the appraisee? 请设置公式! = Please set the formula! 加载失败! = Failed to load! 保存方案条件失败!= Saved scenario condition failed! 保存方案条件成功!= Saved scenario conditions successfully! 分值类型为区间分的不能超过一条!= The score type cannot exceed one interval! 复制成功,请手动保存!= Copy successful, please save it manually! 确认删除所选数据?删除后请手动点击保存。= Confirm deleting the selected data? After deleting, please manually click Save. 删除失败。没有找到列表,请刷新当前页面!= Delete failed. No list found, please refresh the current page! 数据已移除!= Data removed! 请先初始化信息= Please initialize the info first 分值类型不能同时为定值分和区间分!= The score type cannot be both a fixed and a interval point! 分值类型为定值分,分值不能为空! = The score type is a fixed score, the score cannot be empty! 分值类型为区间分,最大值和最小值不能为空! = The score type is interval, and the maximum and minimum values cannot be empty! 最小值不能大于等于最大值!= The minimum value cannot be greater than or equal to the maximum value! 指标类别名称重复!= Repeat the name of the norm category! 指标类型下存在指标,无法取消末级设置! = There are norm under the norm type, the last setting cannot be canceled! 请维护等级方案!= Please maintain the level scheme! 确定要删除该等级方案?= Delete the hierarchy? 请选择等级方案!= Please choose a rating scheme! 等级【{0}】名称重复! = Duplicate level [{0}] name! 等级【{0}】最小值不能大于最大值!= The minimum value of level [{0}] cannot be greater than the maximum value! 等级【{0}】的最大值和最小值区间重叠! = The maximum value and minimum value interval of level [{0}] overlap! 删除等级 = Deletion level 第{0}行, 分数区间最小值整数部分不能超过【{1}】位数,请调整!= In line {0}, the integer part of the minimum value in the fraction range cannot exceed the number of digits in {1}. Please adjust! 第{0}行, 分数区间最大值整数部分不能超过【{1}】位数,请调整! =In line {0}, the integer part of the maximum score interval cannot exceed {1} digits, please adjust! 分布比例之和不能大于100现权重之和为{0} ,请调整后再保存! = The sum of distribution proportion cannot be greater than the sum of 100 weight is {0}, please adjust and save! 请先设置等级方案! = Please set the level scheme first! 没有找到考核表! = No assessment form found! 请选择项目! = Please select the project! 请选择模板! = Please choose a template! 请填写主题和模板内容!= Please fill in the topic and template content! 请填写主题和模板内容!= Please fill in the topic and template content! " 确认要重命名 模板吗? = Rename the template? 模板改名成功!= The template was changed successfully! 模板改名失败!= The template name change failed! 确认要复制模板吗?= Copy the template? 模板复制成功!= The template was copied successfully! 模板复制失败!= Template replication failed! 确认要删除模板吗?= Delete the template? 模板删除成功!= The template was deleted successfully! 没有找到薪资子集!= No salary subset found! 不能大于 = Cannot be greater than 加载验证数据失败!=Failed to load validation data! 重复!= Repeat! 匹配度区间与【{0}】重叠,请调整! = The matching interval overlaps with{0} , please adjust! 评分选项分类 = Scoring Options Category 模板名称过长! = The template name is too long! 模板名称重复!= The template name is repeated! 最小值不能为空!= The minimum value cannot be empty! 最大值不能为空!= The maximum value cannot be empty! 【最小值】不能大于【最大值】! = Minimum value cannot be greater than the maximum value! 公式内容不能为空!= Formula content cannot be empty! 请填写基本信息!= Please fill in the basic info! 请选择容器进行计算 = Please select a container for calculation 请选择容器!= Please select a container! 计算成功 = The calculation was successful 计算失败 = Calculation failed 计算失败,请联系管理员 = Failed calculation, please contact your administrator 只能在生成考核表阶段才能催办! = Only in the generation assessment form stage can be urged to do! 该考核对象的部门负责人已提交不需要催办!= The head of the department of the appraiser has submitted no reminder! 确定催促该考核对象的部门负责人填写指标?= Determine the department head who urges the appraiser to fill in the norm? 请选择至少2条数据进行对比!= Please select at least 2 pieces of data for comparison! 请选择要对比的数据!= Please select the data to compare! 只能选择一条数据进行对比! = Only one piece of data can be selected for comparison! 已经提交审批的数据无法调整等级! = Data that has been submitted for approval cannot be adjusted! 生成成功 = Build successful 生成失败,请联系管理员 = Build failed, contact administrator 请点击列表进行调整 = Please click on the list to adjust. 该方案已经发布! = The program has been released! 考核对象【{0}】未设置部门负责人,不能发布!= The appraiser 【{0}】 has not set up the department head, can not be published! 确定发布成绩?= Determine your publishing score? " 请选择一个考核方案! = Please choose an appraisal scheme! 绩效考核对象 = Performance review objects 请先初始化信息!= Please initialize info first! 请选择未提交的数据! = Please select uncommitted data! 确定提交审批? = Determining submission approval? 流程打分不能调整! = Process scoring cannot be adjusted! 只有在评价阶段才能调整 = Only in the evaluation phase can adjustment be made 该方案已经作废 = The programme has been abolished. 确定作废该方案,作废之后不能再考核? = Determine the abolition of the program, void after can not be assessed? 作废失败!= Failed to act! 自定义指标已完成,不能修改自定义指标填写周期! = Custom norm stakes are complete, cannot be modified to complete the cycle of custom metrics! 开始部门负责人自评之后,不能修改自定义指标填写周期! = After starting the department head self-assessment, you cannot modify the custom norm fill cycle! 自评已完成,不能修改自评周期! = Self-assessment has been completed, can not modify the self-assessment cycle! 开始评分之后,不能修改自评周期!=After you start scoring, you can't modify the self-assessment cycle! 评分已完成,不能修改评分周期! = The score is complete and the scoring cycle cannot be modified! 结束评分之后,不能修改评分周期!= After you end your score, you can't modify the scoring cycle! 考核人评分情况 = Appraiser's rating 该方案没有开启自评考核!= The program does not open self-assessment assessment! 考核自评情况 = Assessment self-assessment 请选择生成考核表的方案!= Please select the scenario for generating the appraisal sheet! 该方案没有开启部门负责人自评考核! = The program does not open the department head self-assessment assessment! 【{0}】存在自定义指标未完成情况,是否继续开始部门负责人考核自评? = There are unfinished custom norm in [{0}]. Do you want to continue the self-assessment of department heads? 存在考核对象指标数量为0的情况,无法开始部门负责人考核自评!= There is a situation that the norm quantity of appraisee is 0, and the department head self-assessment cannot be started! 开始自评 = Start self assessment 操作成功,部门负责人可以开始考核自评 = If the operation is successful, the department head can start to assess the self-assessment 操作失败,请联系管理员 = Operation failed, please contact administrator 【{0}】请先开始部门负责人自评! = [{0}] please start the department head self-assessment first! 请选择生成考核表或绩效自评的方案!= Please select the scheme to generate appraisal form or performance self-evaluation! 【{0}】存在部门负责人自评未完成情况,是否继续开始考核评分? = [{0}] there is an incomplete self-assessment by the department head. Do you want to continue the assessment and scoring? 【{0}】存在自定义指标未完成情况,是否继续开始考核?= There are unfinished custom norm in [{0}]. Do you want to continue to start appraisal? 存在考核对象指标数量为0的情况,无法开始考核! = There is a situation where the norm quantity of appraisee is 0, so appraisal cannot be started! 开始评分 = Start grading 操作成功,考核人可以开始考核评分 = If the operation is successful, the appraiser can start the appraisal scoring 请选择绩效评价的方案!= Please select the scheme of performance evaluation! 考核方案【{0}】存在未被评价的人员 = The appraisal scheme [{0}] has unevaluated staff 考核方案【{0}】流程还未结束 = The process of appraisal scheme [{0}] has not been completed 确定结束考核评分? = Are you sure to end the assessment score? 请选择绩效评价或等级评定的360打分方案! = Please select the 360 scoring scheme of performance evaluation or rating! 确定计算考核成绩? = Please select the 360 scoring scheme of performance evaluation or rating! 考核方案【{0}】存在未被评价的人员,确定计算考核成绩? = There are unevaluated staff in appraisal scheme [{0}]. Are you sure to calculate the appraisal result? 请选择成绩发布的方案进行归档! = Please select a plan for the results release to file! 确定归档该考核方案? = Are you sure to archive the appraisal? 恢复方案 = Recovery scenario 考核对象{0}的考核人权重之和必须为100 现权重之和为{1},请调整后再保存!= The sum of the weight of the appraisee{0}'s appraisal human rights must be 100. the sum of present weight is{1}, Please adjust and save! 考核人权重取值范围为0-100,请调整后再保存!= The re value range of appraisal human rights is 0-100. please adjust and save! 指标权重之和必须为100现权重之和为{0},请调整后再保存!= The sum of norm weights must be 100. the sum of present weight is{0} .Please adjust and save! 请先选择考核对象!= Please select the appraisee first! 请在设置考核指标的时候设置考核人!= Please set appraiser when setting appraisal norm! 请选择考核对象!= Please select appraisal object! 请先配置考核方式的关系权重!= Please configure the relationship weight of appraisal method first! 分配成功,请手动点击保存! = Allocation succeeded, please click Save manually! 请在下一步【设置考核指标】配置考核人 = Please configure appraiser in next step [set appraisal norm] 考核方式权重之和必须为100现权重之和为{0},请调整后再保存!=The total weight of appraisal method must be 100. the sum of present weight is{0} .Please adjust and save! 第一个不能删除! = The first one can't be deleted! 考核对象的考核人权重之和必须为100现权重之和为{0},请调整后再保存! = The sum of the weight of the appraisee's appraisal human rights must be 100. the sum of present weight is{0}.Please adjust and save! 请先配置考核方式的关系权重!= Please configure the relationship weight of appraisal method first! 考核人不参加所有考核方式时不允许矩阵打分! = The appraiser does not allow matrix scoring when he does not participate in all appraisal methods! 考核人不参加所有考核方式时不允许流程打分! = The process is not allowed to score when the appraiser does not participate in all assessment methods! 评分方式为流程打分时,流程模板不能为空! = The process template cannot be empty when the scoring method is for the process! 案不能设置矩阵打分! = Scenarios cannot set matrix scoring! 矩阵打分时,考核方式【{0}】 = When the matrix is scored, the assessment method 考核方式【{0}】权重取值范围为0-100,请调整后再保存! = The weight value range of the appraisal method is 0-100, please adjust and save! 权重之和不能为0! = The sum of the weights cannot be 0! 考核方式【{0}】考核关系权重之和不能大于100,请调整后再保存! = The sum of the weights of the appraisal relationship cannot be greater than 100, please adjust and save! 对部分指标评分,打分顺序只能是无顺序! = For some norm, the scoring order can only be no order! 存在多个方式名称为【{0}】的考核方式,请调整! = There are more than one way to be evaluated with the name , please adjust! 考核方式【{0}】不能重复添加! = Assessment method can not be added repeatedly! 新增失败,未找到相关考核人!= New failure, no relevant appraiser found! 已配置考核对象设置指标或引入目标,这边不需要再设置! = The appraiser has been configured to set the norm or introduce the target, this side does not need to set! 请先保存指标!= Please save the norm first! 请选择关联字段!= Please select the association field! 表单已启用或已被使用,不能删除 = The form is enabled or used and cannot be deleted 表单已启用,不能编辑! = The form is enabled and cannot be edited! 一个方案只能启用一张表单! = Only one form can be enabled in one scenario! 当前方案已启用了其它表单! = Other forms are enabled for the current scenario! 请选择已启用的表单!= Please select form! 您确定要禁用这个表单吗?= Disable this form? 子集表信息 = Subset Table Info 该方案已经作废! = The program has been invalidated! 确定作废该方案? = Determining the indessure of the program? 该方案已经恢复! = The program has been restored! 确定恢复该方案? = Determining the restoration of the program? 确定要删除该方案? = Delete the scenario? 该方案已经作废,不能生成考核表!=The scheme has been voided and cannot generate an assessment form! 请先设置考核对象!= Please set up the appraiser first! 考核方式 未设置考核人!= Assessment method No appraiser set up! 未生成审批节点!= No approval node spawned! 考核对象【{0}】未设置考核人! = The appraiser {0} is not set up! 考核人【{0}】未设置权重! = The appraiser {0} does not have a weight set! 考核方式【{0}】未设置指标!= No norm {0} are set for the assessment method! 考核对象【{0}】未维护部门负责人,无法设置自定义指标! = The appraiser {0} is not in the maintenance department, can not set custom norm! 考核对象【{0}】未维护部门负责人,无法自评! = The appraiser{0} is not the head of the maintenance department, can not self-assess! 考核方案为矩阵打分,考核方式【{0}】 = The appraisal scheme is the matrix score, the appraisal method{0} 查看考核对象 = View the subject 请先选择一个节点!= Please select node first! 该类型下有方案,不能删除! = There are schemes under this type that cannot be deleted! 确定要删除该节点? = Delete the node? 新建方案 = New scenario 没有可供复制的方案!= There are no scenarios to copy! 请选择要复制的方案! = Please select the scenario you want to copy! 复制失败!= Copy failed! 指标【{0}】的评分类型为定值分,得分只能为 {1} =The scoring type of the norm {0} is a fixed score, and the score can only be {1} 指标【{0}】的评分类型为区间分,得分只能在{1}和{2}之间 The scoring type of the norm {0} is interval, and the score can only be between {1}and {2} 请先评分完再保存!= Please score before you save! 数据已修改,请先保存!= The data has been modified, save it first! 定量指标,请先保存数据再提交! = Please save the data before submitting! 请先评分完再提交!= Please rate before submitting! 更新考核人评分信息失败,请重试!= Update the appraiser scoring info failed, please try again! 请先评分完再保存!= Please score before you save! 请先保存数据再提交!= Save the data before submitting it! 计算失败,请联系管理员!= Failed to calculate, please contact your administrator! 已提交 = Submitted 该考核对象已提交不需要催办!= The appraiser has submitted without reminder! 确定催促该考核对象考核填写指标?= Determine to urge the appraiser to fill in the norm? 生成失败,请联系管理员!= Build failed, please contact the administrator! 请点击列表进行调整! = Please click on the list to adjust! 确定发布成绩? = Determine the publishing score? 发布失败,请联系管理员!= Failed to publish, please contact your administrator! 请选择未提交的数据!= Please select uncommitted data! 流程打分不能调整! = Process scoring cannot be adjusted! 只有在评价阶段才能调整!= Only in the evaluation phase can you adjust! 该方案已经作废!= The program has been invalidated! 作废失败!= Failed to void! 自定义指标 =Custom norm 自定义指标填写情况 = Custom norm fill-in 加载考核表失败! = Failed to download appraisal form 存在自定义指标未完成情况,是否继续开始考核自评? = Is there a custom norm that has not completed,continue to review self-assessment? 存在考核对象指标数量为0的情况,无法开始考核自评!= There is a number of assessment object norm of 0 cases, can not start self-assessment! 操作成功,考核对象可以开始考核自评 = Successful operation, the appraiser can start the self-assessment 【{0}】请先开始自评!=【{0}】 Please start your self-assessment first! 存在自评未完成情况,是否继续开始考核评分?= Is there a self-assessment incomplete, continue with the assessment score? 存在自定义指标未完成情况,是否继续开始考核? = Is there a custom norm that has not completed, continue with the assessment? 考核方案【{0}】存在未被评价的人员 = Assessment scheme 【{0}】there are unevaluated staff 考核方案 【{0}】流程还未结束 = Appraisal program:【{0}】The process is not over yet 考核人权重取值范围为0-100,请调整后再保存! = Assess the human rights revalue range of 0-100, please adjust and save! 考核关系不存在,无法设置!= The appraisal relationship does not exist and cannot be set! 考核关系【{0}】未设置权重,无法设置! = Assessment relationship 【{0}】 no weight set, can not be set! 请先选择考核对象 = Please select the appraiser first 请先选择考核指标 = Please select the appraisal norm first. 请先保存指标指标 = Please save the indicator norm first 考核方式【{0}】未设置考核人!= The assessment method 【{0}】is not set up the appraiser! 未生成审批节点!= No approval node spawned! 考核方式【{0}】考核对象【{1}】未设置指标! The assessment method 【{0}】is not set by the assessment subject 【{1}】! 确定要删除该节点? = Delete the node? 指标【{0}】的评分类型为区间分,得分只能在 【{1}】和 【{2}】之间 =The scoring type of the norm【{0}】 is interval, and the score can only be between 【{1}】and【{2}】 请先评完分再保存!= Please review the score before saving! 更新自评信息失败,请重试!= Update self-assessment info failed, please try again! 请先选择考核对象! = Please select the appraiser first! 请选择指标!= Please select the norm ! 请先保存指标!= Please save the norm first! 添加自定义指标,请选择单个考核对象!= Add a custom metric, select a single appraiser! 数据未发生变化,无需保存! = The data has not changed and does not need to be saved! 考核对象【{0}】的指标【{1}】不能重复添加!= The norm 【{1}】of the appraiser【{0}】 cannot be added repeatedly! 请选择一个考核对象! = Please select appraiser! 添加自定义指标时,请选择单个考核对象! = When you add a custom norm, select a single appraiser! 请先配置考核方式的直线上级权重! = Please configure the upper-line weight of the appraisal method first! 请先配置考核方式的直线下级权重!= Please configure the straight-line sub-weights for the appraisal method first! 请先配置考核方式的平级权重! = Please configure the level weight of the appraisal method first! 请先配置考核方式的其他关系权重!= Please configure the other relationship weights for the appraisal method first! 备注: = Comment: *注意*哺乳假信息请认真填写 = Please pay attention to the Lactation Leave info,please fill in carefully. 开始日期不能大于等于结束日期 = Start date cannot be greater than or equal to end date 存在此区间的哺乳假信息 = Lactation Leave info that exists in this interval *注意*销假通过后不允许删除,请认真填写 = Note that the sale leave is not allowed to be deleted after the passage, please fill in carefully 销假小时数不能为0 = The number of hours of ancellation of leave cannot be 0 销假的开始时间不能小于请假的开始时间 = The start time of ancellation of leave cannot be less than the start time of the leave 销假的结束时间不能大于请假的结束时间 = The end time of ancellation of leave cannot be greater than the end time of the leave 不能销请假的中间时间 = Cannot cancel the middle time of leave 温馨提示:= Tips: 请假单中的信息请认真填写,填写后点击保存!= please fill in the leave form carefully, and click to save! 温馨提示:请假单中的信息请认真填写,填写后点击保存!= Warm tip: please fill in the leave form carefully, and click to save! 温馨提示:补卡单中的信息请认真填写,填写后点击保存!= Warm tip: please fill in the additional card list carefully, and after click to save! 存在此刷卡数据 = This swipe data exists 您没有该条数据的编辑权限! = You do not have editing permission for this data! 月结果已确认,不能编辑请假 = Monthly results confirmed, leave cannot be edited 日结果已确认,不能编辑请假 = Day results confirmed, can not edit leave 温馨提示:请假单中的信息请认真填写,填写后点击保存! = Warm tip: please fill in leave form carefully, and after click to save! 请设置请假时间 = Please set a time off 计算后请假小时或者天数必须大于0 = The number of hours or days of leave must be greater than 0 after calculation 请假小时或者天数必须大于0 = Leave hours or days must be greater than 0 可休假期时间不够 = There is not enough time off 可倒休时长不够 = Not enough time to take a break 多人新增请假单 = More than one staff added a new leave form 销公出管理 = Cancel Business trip management 公出审批显示刷卡 = Business trip approval display swipe card 温馨提示:公出单中的信息请认真填写,填写后点击保存!= Warm tip: public statement in the info please fill in carefully, fill in after click to save! 请设置公出时间! = Please set the Business trip time! 请选择公出类别! = Please select the Business trip category! 公出小时或者天数必须大于0!= The number of Business trip hours or days must be greater than 0! 请先设置公出时间!= Please set the Business trip time first! 多人新增公出单 = Multiple new Business trip orders 选中的记录包含未确认的数据 = The selected record contains unacknowledged data 可倒休时间必须大于0 = The available time off must be greater than 0 选中的记录包含已调休的数据 = Selected records contain data that has been transferred 转调休成功 = Transfer break successful 转调休失败 = Failed to transfer to rest 转调休部分成功 = Transfer break partially successful 选中的记录包含未调休的数据 = Selected records contain untuned data 温馨提示:加班单中的信息请认真填写,填写后点击保存! = Warm tip: overtime form of info, please fill in carefully, fill in after click to save! 温馨提示: = Warm tip: 请设置加班时间 = Please set overtime 请选择加班类别 = Please select the overtime category 加班小时必须大于0 = Overtime hours must be greater than 0 最早刷卡时间不能为空 The earliest swipe time cannot be empty 最早刷卡时间不能大于等于加班开始时间 = The earliest swipe time cannot be greater than or equal to the overtime start time 最晚刷卡时间不能为空 = The latest swipe time cannot be empty 最晚刷卡时间不能小于等于加班结束时间 = The latest swipe time cannot be less than or equal to the overtime end time 请先设置加班时间 = Please set up overtime first 多人新增加班单 = More than one staff added overtime ticket 去年剩余清零 = Last year's remaining holiday 请先设置假期区间 = Please set the holiday interval first 请选中一条记录进行编辑 = Please select data 选中清零成功 = Clear selected item success 选中清零失败 = Clear selected item Fail 全部清零成功 = Clear all success 全部清零失败 = Clear all failed 请选择结余的假期区间 = Please select the holiday range for the balance 选中结余失败 = Failed to check balance 选中结余成功 = Check balance successful 全部结余成功 = All balances successful 全部结余失败 = All balances failed 假期区间管理 = Holiday interval management 已存在此人的假期信息 = This staff vacation info already exists 请选择有假期区间的假期类别 = Please select a holiday category with a holiday interval 新增假期区间 = New holiday range 假期区间不能为空 = Holiday range cannot be empty 假期区间开始结束日期不能为空 = Holiday interval start end date cannot be empty 假期区间结束日期不能小于开始日期 = Holiday interval end date cannot be less than start date 请假类别不能为空 = Leave category cannot be empty 假期区间类别不能为空 = Holiday interval category cannot be empty 请选择排班需要使用的班次 = Please select the shift that you need to use for your schedule 没有可选的班次 = There are no optional shifts 所选择班次总字符数不能超过200 = The total number of characters selected for the shift cannot exceed 200 请选择班次 = Please select a shift 排班周期 = Shift cycle 设置好人员的排班信息:= Set up scheduling info for satff: 选择复制目标 = Select replication target 复制人员的排班信息: = copy the person's scheduling info: 选择需要复制排班的人员 = Select who needs to replicate the schedule 排班复制成功 = Shift replication success 请选择要复制的排班记录 = Please select the schedule record to copy 选择设置好排班的人员 = Select satff 请选择排班日期 = Please select the schedule date 将以上人员 = The above satff will be 请选择要删除的人员 = Select the staff 复制源和复制目标的年月必须不一致 = The year and year of the replication source and the replication target must be inconsistent 请选择需要复制的人员 = Please select who you want to copy 没有需要保存的行数据 = No row data to save 找不到平时抵扣 = Can't find the usual deduction 找不到周末抵扣 = Can't find the weekend deduction 找不到法定抵扣 = No statutory deductions found 请维护抵扣数据 = Please maintain the deduction data 请输入计薪周期 = Please enter the pay cycle 抵扣成功 = Deductible success 抵扣失败 = Deduction failed 部分抵扣成功 = Partial deduction success 请输入 = Please enter 请输入合适的可休小时 = Please enter the appropriate restable hours 没有显示的数据! = No data displayed! 请选择需要交换的排班记录 = Please select the schedule record that needs to be exchanged 请设置需要换班的记录 = Please set up records that require shifts 请选择要操作的两个人员 = Select the two satff you want to operate 请选择人员进行换班操作! = Please select someone to change the shift operation! 获取自由排班信息 = Get free scheduling info 输入不合法! = The input is illegal! 不能排班,当天该员工还未入职 = Cannot schedule, the employee has not been hired on the same day 不能排班,当天该员工已离职 Cannot = schedule, the employee has left on the same day 不能排班,当天该员工已转出该部门 = Cannot be scheduled, the employee has been transferred out of the department on the same day 不能排班,当天该员工还未转入该部门 = Cannot schedule, the employee has not been transferred to the department on the same day 排班时间超出支援时间 = Schedule d'itouts out of support time 排班时间与其他班段时间重合 = Shift time coincides with other shift periods 请先维护班组所属部门 = Please maintain the department of the team first 结束日期不能小于开始日期 = End date cannot be less than start date 请勾选班组所有人员或选择需要排班的人员 = Please check all team members or select who needs to schedule 排班成功 = Successful scheduling 排班失败 = Failed to schedule 排班日期不能为空 = Schedule dates cannot be empty 请选择记录进行操作! = Please select data! 请选择排班日期!= Please select the schedule date! 请选择要修改的日期 = Please select date 修改成功 = Modify success 修改失败 = Modify failed 员工: = Staff: 默认计算全公司 = Default calculate all 请选择需要计算的项目 = Please select item 不能计算,月结果已经提交到 {0} = Cannot be calculated, monthly results have been submitted to {0} 您选择的是计算全部部门!是否继续执行此计算? = You choose to calculate all depts! Comfirm to continue calculating? It's advised to use background calculate to advoid timeouts! confirm to continue? 您选择的部门人数可能较多,计算较慢可能会超时,建议使用后台计算!是否继续执行此计算? = It's recommended to use background calculation! confirm to continue? 您目前可以做其它工作,稍后回来查看计算状态!系统将在后台处理以下指令:= You can do something else! The following instructions will be processed in the background: {0}时发送的计算指令系统尚未处理完毕!请您稍后再做操作! = {0} the calculation instruction system sent has not been processed! Please do it later! {0} 时发送的计算指令执行状态为: {1} = {0} the calculated instruction sending is executed, the state is:{1} 计算时间({0}分钟{1}秒) = Calc time({0} min {1} sec) 批注不能为空 = Comments cannot be empty 批注不能大于100字符 = Comments cannot be greater than 100 characters 日结果确认异常后,相关数据会移动到正常页签!= When the daily results confirm the exception, the relevant data is moved to the normal tab! 月结果已确认,不能进行操作!= Monthly results have been confirmed and cannot be operated! 已结确认的数据不能编辑 = Confirmed data that has been confirmed cannot be edited 确定要为该记录补请假? = Add the record? 补请假 = Leave 新增请假单 = New Leave Form 选中的数据不能超过一条! = No more than one data can be selected! 确定要为该记录补加班? = add overtime for the record? 补加班 = Overtime 补公出 = Business trip 日考勤计算 = Daily attendance calculation 计算结果: = results: 确定要为该记录补公出? = add the record? 确定要为该记录补卡? = add the record? 日结果确认后,相关数据不能修改! = The relevant data cannot be modified after the daily results are confirmed! 确定取消确认吗? = Cancel your confirmation? 请设置考勤方案信息 = Please set up attendance program info 已经确认的月结果不能编辑 = Confirmed monthly results cannot be edited 已经确认的月结果不能编辑 = Confirmed monthly results cannot be edited 取消转调休成功 = Cancelling the transfer break was successful 取消转调休失败 = Cancelling transfer break failed 取消转调休部分成功 = Cancelling the transfer break partially succeeded 存在未审批通过的日结果信息,无法计算月结果 = There is no data on the day results that have not been approved and the monthly results cannot be calculated 存在未审批通过的加班结果信息,无法计算月结果 = There is no overtime results information that has not been approved, the monthly results cannot be calculated 请选择要操作的日期 = Please select the date 就餐时间不能大于等于工作时间 = Meal time cannot be greater than or equal to working hours 休息人员: = Rest: 班组关联的餐厅模板无效,请重新编辑设置! = The restaurant template associated with the group is not valid, please re-edit the settings! 有未保存的数据,是否关闭? = There is data that has not been saved, turn it off? 请先设置班组的可选班次 = Please set up an optional shift for the shift group first 线性排班人员 = Linear shift crews 线性排班人员2 = Linear ShiftEr 2 请维护班组模板信息 = Please maintain team template info 请先维护好考勤方案的适用班次 = Please maintain the applicable shift of the attendance program first 请先维护好班组人员信息 = Please maintain team staff info first 请先设置班组人员 = Please set up the team first 添加班次 = Add shift 班次 = shift 更新班次成功 = Update shift successfully 该员工当日未入职或已离职 = The employee was not on board or had left his post on the same day 更新班次失败,班次时间存在重叠 = Failed to update shift, shift time overlap 更新班次失败 = Failed to update shift 已选: = Seleted: 已调整:= Adjusted: 扣除星期六 = Deduction Saturday 扣除星期日 = Deduction Sunday 扣除节假日 = Deduction of holidays 请选择扣除休息模式 = Please select the deduction break mode 请先维护该考勤方案的适用班次 = Please maintain the applicable shift sits for this attendance program first 请选择一条记录进行编辑 = Please select data 确认删除所选班组? = Confirm delete the selected group? 班组已排班,不能删除 = The group has been scheduled and cannot be deleted 删除班组成功 = Remove success 删除班组失败 = Delete failed 复制排班表(按年月) = Copy schedule (by year & month) 请选择一个人员进行操作 = Please select a staff to operate 复制排班表(按人员) = Copy schedule(by staff) 请选择两个人员进行换班 = Please select two staff to change shifts 请选择要保存的数据 = Please select data 没有修改的数据 = No modified data 班次太多,不能超过200个字符 = Too many shifts to exceed 200 characters 请选择需要删除的模板明细 = Please select the template details that need to be deleted 请选择需要设置的时间段 = Please select the time period you need to set 请输入排班日期 = Please enter the schedule date' 复制日期和排班日期不能相同 = Copy date and schedule date cannot be the same 复制成功 = Replication successful 请先保存模板 = Please save the template first 请添加数据 = Please add data 请设置第{0}行记录的上班时间 = Please set the working time recorded on line{0} 请设置第{0}行工作站信息 = Please set up the first line {0} of workstation info 跟已有班段重叠或相连 = Overlap or connection with existing classes 跟已有班段重叠或者相连 = Overlap or connection with existing classes 自由班重复 = Freedom Class Repetition 生成自由班成功 = Build free class successfully 班次太多,不能超过300个字符 = Too many shifts to exceed 300 characters 生成自由班失败 = Failure to generate free class 确认删除班次? = Confirm the removal of the shift? 删除班次成功 = Removing shift successfully 删除班次失败 = Delete shift failed 请选择班次进行添加 = Please select shift to add 班组名称不能为空 = The group name cannot be empty 班组名称不能超过20个字符 = Group name cannot exceed 20 characters 请选择所属部门 = Please select dept 请选择班组成员 = Please select team member 请设置轮流班次 = Please set up rotating shifts 请设置每周对应的班次 = Please set up the shift for each week 请选择班次模板 = Please select shift template 所选择班次总字符数不能超过500 = The total number of characters selected for the shift cannot exceed 500 请设置模板信息 = Please set up template info 确定修改班组名称? = Confirm change the team name? 考勤批注小于100字符 = Attendance comments less than 100 characters 适合每周都相同的排班,所有成员的班次都一样,可以统一设置班次 = Suitable for the same schedule every week, all members of the same shift, can be set up uniformshift 无规律排班 = Irregular scheduling 适合没有固定规律的排班,允许自定义每天的班次 = Suitable for schedules without a fixed schedule, allowing custom daily shifts 选择排班模板 = Select scheduling template 如果需要安排班次,请 = If you need to schedule a shift, 出勤卡号 = Attendance card number 无 = No Data 请输入1-20个数字 = Please enter 1-20 numbers 卡号为空人员 = Empty number 请输入数字 = Please enter number 不能超过20个数字 = Can't exceed 20 numbers 卡号不能为空 = The card number cannot be empty 分配新卡成功 = The allocation of new card was successful 分配新卡失败 = Failed to assign new card 新卡号不能为空 = New card number cannot be empty 新卡使用日期不能为空 = New card usage date cannot be empty 备注不能超过40个字符 = The length of the comment cannot exceed 40 characters 分配卡号 = Assign num 更换卡号 = Change num 请先加载数据 = Load the data first 换卡历史 = Card change history 确定回收卡号? = Determine the recycling card number? 回收卡号成功 = Recycling card number successful 回收卡号失败 = Failed to recycle card number 请选择失败的数据!= Please select the failed data! 请选择要操作的打卡设备! = Please select the clocking device! 请输入1-2位数字编码 = Please enter a 1-2-digit number code 请选择具体的节假日 = Please select a specific holiday 请选择具体的考勤类别 = Please select a specific attendance category 请输入请假编码 = Please enter the leave code 请输入请假名称 = Please enter the name of the leave 编码或名称重复 = Coding or name repetition 请输入公出编码 = Please enter the Business trip code 请输入公出名称 = Please enter the Business trip name 请输入加班编码 = Please enter the overtime code 请输入加班名称 = Please enter the name of the overtime 没有工时类别数据= No work category data 请维护门店的所属品牌和所属大区信息 = Please maintain the store's brand and region info 请选择餐厅模板所属门店 = Please select the store to which the restaurant template belongs 地址不能为空 IP = address cannot be empty 开始地址输入不正确 = The start address entry is incorrect 结束地址输入不正确 = End address entry is incorrect IP地址重复,请重新设置 = IP address repeat, please reset 请输入编码 = Please enter the code 请输入名称 = Please enter the name 请输入名称! = Please enter the name! 编码必须以父编码开头 = The encoding must begin with the parent code 编码必须比父编码多两位 = The encoding must be two more than the parent code 有效距离50米 = Effective distance of 50 meters 有效距离100米 = Effective distance of 100 meters 有效距离200米 = Effective distance of 200 meters 有效距离300米 = Effective distance of 300 meters 有效距离500米 = Effective distance of 500 meters 有效距离800米 = Effective distance of 800 meters 有效距离1000米 = Effective distance of 1000 meters WIFI名称:= WIFI: MAC地址:= MAC: 请设置考勤地点 = Please set up attendance location 请输入考勤地点 = Please enter the attendance location 该休息日套未共享,不能删除! = The rest day set is not shared and cannot be deleted! 是否直接删除该休息日 = Whether to delete the rest day directly 删除休息日成功! = Delete the rest day successfully! 删除休息日失败! = Deleting the rest day failed! 该休息日套未共享,不能新增!= The rest day set is not shared and cannot be added! 该休息日套未共享,不能修改!= The rest day set is not shared and cannot be modified! 请选择需要编辑的节假日! = Please select holiday! 请选择要删除的休息日套! = Please select the rest day set to delete! 节假日信息 = Holiday info 名称不能为空 = Name cannot be empty 名称太长,不能超过50个字符 = Name is too long to exceed 50 characters 操作成功,请对新增的数据进行授权 = Operation was successful, please authorize the new data 新增考勤方案 = New attendance program 请选择需要编辑的记录!= Please select the record! 请选择需要复制的方案! = Please choose the scenario that needs to be copied! 请选择需要复制的具体方案! = Please select the specific scenario that needs to be copied! 从以下体系复制 = Copy from the following system 请选择需要删除的记录!= Please select the record that needs to be deleted! 确认要删除这条数据吗? = Delete this data? 引入模板成功!= The introduction of the template was successful! 引入模板失败! = Failed to introduce templates! 名称不能为空,请选择左边对应的方案来设置! = The name cannot be empty, please select the corresponding scheme on the left to set! 适用班次不能为空!= The applicable shift cannot be empty! 请设置WIFI网络信息!= Please set up WIFI network info! 请设置IP网段信息!= Please set up IP segment info! 基本设置保存成功!= Save successful! 保存成功!= Save successful! 基本设置保存失败!= failed to save! 添加方案成功!= The addition of the scheme was successful! 添加方案失败!= Failed to add a scenario! 请设置查询兼职类型!= Please set up the query part-time type! 请先选中考勤方案!= Please check attendance plan first! 与上段间需工作分钟 = Work min with upper 班段数不能大于系统参数设置的最大班段数 = Class segments number cannot be greater than the maximum number of class segments set by the system parameters 确定要删除该班段信息?= Delete the segment info? 第一个班段不能删除!= The first class segment cannot be deleted! 只能从最后一个班段开始删除! = Delete only from the last shift segment! 班次名称不能为空 = Shift name cannot be empty 班次名称不能大于{0}个字符 = Shift name cannot be greater than {0} characters 班次名称不能大于20个字符 = Shift name cannot be greater than 20 characters 班次名称不能包含逗号 = Shift name cannot contain commas 时间设置错误 = Time setting error 下班时间不能大于等于上班时间 = Off-duty time cannot be greater than or equal to office hours 开始刷卡不能大于等于上班时间 = Start swipe card cannot be greater than or equal to office hours 结束刷卡不能小于等于下班时间 = End swipe cannot be less than or equal to off-duty time 此班段的上班时间不能小于上一班段的下班时间 = This shift cannot be less than the work time of the previous shift 班次名称已存在 = Shift name already exists 修改班次成功 = Successful modification of shift 新增班次成功 = New shift successful 修改班次失败 = Failed to modify shift 新增班次失败 = Failed to add new shifts 请维护班次类别信息 = Please maintain shift category info 该班次类别只有查看权限,不能修改 = OOOOOnly viewing permissions and cannot be modified 请选择班次类别 = Please select the shift category 删除班次类别 = Delete 修改班次类别 = Modify 新增班次类别 = Add 该班次类别只有查看权限,不能删除 = This shift category has only viewing permissions and cannot be deleted 此班次类别为系统固定类别,不能删除 = This shift category is a system-fixed category and cannot be deleted 请选择要删除的记录 = Please select the record 班次【{0}】删除成功 Shift 【{0}】 delete successful 请先设置班次分类 = Please set up shift classification first 自定义存储过程名称不能为空 = Custom stored procedure name cannot be empty 一级节点不能删除 = Level 1 nodes cannot be deleted 请选择要删除的类别 = Please select the category 移动成功 = Move success 移动失败 = Move failed 有效工龄等于社外工龄加司龄,有薪假计算走固定范围规律 = Effective working age is equal to the age of work outside the society plus the age of the community, paid leave calculation to go fixed range law 有效工龄等于司龄,有薪假计算走固定范围规律 = Effective working age equals the age of the division, paid leave calculation to go fixed range law 社外工龄走固定范围规律,司龄走递增规律 = The law of fixed range of working age outside the society, the law of increasing the age of the department 休息日套名称不能为空 = Rest day set name cannot be empty 新增成功,请单击日期设置具体节假日 = New success, click date to set specific holidays 周末 = Weekend 休息日名称不能为空 = The name of the rest day cannot be empty 开始日期不能为空 = Start date cannot be empty 结束日期不能为空 = End date cannot be empty 开始日期不能大于结束日期 = Start date cannot be greater than end date 请维护模板组织信息 = Please maintain template organization info 请选择一条要复制的数据! = Please select data to copy! 请选择一项模板组织 = Please select a template organization 删除模板组织 = Remove a template organization 根节点不能删除 = Root node cannot be deleted 中间节点不能删除 = Intermediate node cannot be deleted 请选择需要删除的行 = Please select the line that needs to be deleted 请先维护运营模板 = Please maintain the operational template first 请添加模板行 = Please add a template line 明细 = Details 请设置姓名 = Please set your name 的上班时间 = Time to work 工作站 = Workstation 请输入班次类别名称 = Please enter the name of the shift category 名称重复 = Name duplicate WIFI名称不能为空 = WIFI name cannot be empty WIFI名称超过20个字符 = WIFI name over 20 characters MAC地址不能为空 = MAC address cannot be empty MAC地址不正确 = MAC address is incorrect 上级目标的负责单位权重之和不能超过100,请调整后再保存!= The sum of the weights of the responsible units for the superior target cannot exceed 100, please adjust and save! 指标【{0}】不能重复添加! = The norm【{0}】 cannot be added repeatedly! 请选择分享人! = Please choose sharer! 目标值不能为空! = The target value cannot be empty! 单位不能为空! = Units cannot be empty! 权重取值范围为0-100! = Weight valueranges range from 0-100! 数据已修改,请先保存目标! = The data has been modified, save the target first! 已经提交审批不允许修改! = Approval has been submitted not allowed to be modified! 目标名称已经存在!= The target name already exists! 同周期同负责人权重之和不能超过100!= The sum of the weights of the same cycle with the staff in charge cannot exceed 100! 仅限于对下一级部门分解目标 = Limit to breaking down targets for next-level departments 仅限于同一级部门员工分解目标 = Breakdown goals for employees at the same level only 目标值不能小于0! = The target value must not be less than 0! 分解后的目标值大于总目标值!= The decomposed target value is greater than the total target value! 权重之和不能大于100! = The sum of the weights cannot be greater than 100! 请选择部门树节点!= Please select the department tree node! 未加载图例! = Legend not loaded! 请选择节点! = Please select node! 请先选择节点!= Please select the node first! 分解后的数据不允许直接编辑! = The decomposed data is not allowed to be edited directly! 请选择要撤销的数据! = Please select the data to undo! 该数据已被撤销! = The data has been revoked! 请选择执行中的数据进行撤销!= Please select the data in the execution to undo! 撤销失败 = Undo Failure 该数据未被撤销! = The data has not been revoked! 恢复失败 = Recovery failed 请选择要分解的数据! = Please select the data to break down! 未审批通过的数据无法进行分解!= Unapproved data cannot be decomposed! 分解组织目标 = Breaking down organizational goals 存在审批中或审批通过的数据,无法分解! = There is data in approval or approval and cannot be decomposed! 该节点下没有数据!= There is no data under this node! 确认撤销所选选据? = Confirm that the selected selection is revoked? 请选择单条数据进行操作!= Please select a single piece of data to operate! 开始任务成功!= The start mission was successful! 结束任务成功!= Ended the mission successfully! 已经取消收藏过该目标!= The goal has been uncollected! 已取消 = Cancelled 请输入实际值!= Please enter the actual value! 如果您对数据有任何疑问请与HR联系。= If you have any questions about the data, please contact HR. 没有相关调休假信息。= No relevant leave information is available. 请检查扫码入职是否配置正确!= Please check that the sweep code onboarding is configured correctly! 您已经提交了数据,请等待审批结果! = You have submitted the data, please wait ! 身份证号输入有误!= The ID number is entered incorrectly! 身份证号重复!= Repeat the ID number! 身份证号填写有误 = The ID number is filled in incorrectly 点击添加 = Click to add 请先完成以下信息的填写 = Please complete the following info first 人员类别未设置,请联系管理员! = Employee category are not set up, please contact your administrator! 确定提交入职材料? = Are you sure you're submitting your onboarding materials? 主表设置有误!= The main table is set incorrectly! 更新失败,请联系管理员 = The update failed, please contact your administrator 扫码入职 = Sweep code onboarding 更新成功! = The update was successful! 列不允许有 Null 值 = Columns are not allowed to have null values 必输项未设置,请联系管理员 = Must-lose item sitnoted, please contact administrator 请选择年月. = Please select the year and month. 请输入序号 = Please enter the serial number 序号 = No 请输入排班 = Please enter the schedule 没有对应的合同信息 = No corresponding contract info 未设置显示字段或无数据 = No display field set or no data 请选择年份 = Please select the year 请输入人员姓名 = Please enter the staff name 一键评分 = One-click scoring 指标【{0}】的评分类型为区间分,得分只能在{1}和{2}之间 = The scoring type of the norm 【{0}】 is interval, and the score can only be between {1} and {2} 没有相关年假信息 = No relevant annual leave info 请创建相关业务的APP模板后再点击! = Please create an APP template for the relevant business and then click! 请选择审批人! = Please select the approver! 请选择审批人 = Please select approver 审批意见不能少于个字 = Approval opinions must not be less than a word 手机一键审批通过 = One-click approval of mobile phone 正在处理勿操作 = Processing Do Not Operate 审批失败!= Approval failed! 手机一键审批驳回 = One-click approval of mobile phone rejected 获取审批信息错误 = Get approval info wrong 保存失败,请联系管理员!= Failed to save, please contact your administrator! 提交审批失败,请联系管理员! = Submitting approval failed, please contact your administrator! 请输入11位手机号码 = Please enter an 11-digit mobile phone number 下面需要您花几分钟时间填写简历信息! = Here's a few minutes to fill out your resume! 请输入有效的手机号码! = Please enter a valid mobile phone number! 请拖动滑块验证! = Please drag the slider to verify! 秒再获取 = Seconds to get 重新发送 = Resend 请联系管理员配置扫码投递高级设置!= Please contact your administrator to configure the scan delivery advanced settings! 手机号码不能为空!= The mobile phone number cannot be empty! 验证码不能为空!= The verification code cannot be empty! 请先获取验证码! = Get the verification code first! 已投递过{0}职位,不能更新简历! = Posted {0} position, can not update resume! 你输入的身份证长度或格式错误 = The length or format you entered was wrong 你的身份证地区非法 = Your ID area is illegal. 身份证上的出生日期非法 = The date of birth on the ID card is illegal 你输入的身份证号非法 = The ID number you entered was illegal. 请先完善简历!= Please perfect your resume first! 请先选择职位!= Please select the position first! 刚刚投递过,不要重复投!= Just posted, don't repeat the delivery! 确定应聘此职位? = Are you sure you're applying for this position? 填写的移动电话跟登录的不一致!= Fill in the mobile phone does not match the login! 移动电话不能为空!= Mobile phone cannot be empty! 确定提交简历信息?= Submitting your resume info? 请先在投递简历里选择职位! = Please select a position in your post resume first! 投递成功,请记住您的简历ID号: = Successful delivery, please remember your resume ID number: 简历填写完毕,并投递成功! = Resume completed, and delivered successfully! 简历保存失败! = Resume saved failed! 更新失败,请联系管理员! = The update failed, please contact your administrator! 投递过职位的不能修改简历!= Unable to modify resumes for posted positions! 手机号码或者表单模板为空,无法导出预览!= The mobile phone number or form template is empty and the preview cannot be exported! 申请记录详情 = Details of the application record 模板选择 = Template selection 没有相关的APP业务申请模板数据 = No relevant APP business application template data 没有权限 = No permissions 没有相关的业务申请模板数据 = No relevant business application template data 人员业务 = Employee business 没有相关的业务申请数据 = No relevant business application data 未找到相应的流程业务表单模板 = No corresponding process business form template found 请先输入字段的数据 = Please enter the data for the field 【{0}】first 控制下面申请的显示请修改表attendanceData 的showable字段。 = To control the display of the application below, modify the showable field of the table, the meter, the showable field. 控制下面申请的显示请修改表ySysAPP_APPLYTYPE 的showable字段 = Control the display of the following applicationpleases please modify the showable field of the table ySysAPP_APPLYTYPE 控制ysysapprecord的showable字段来显示。 = Control ysysapprecord's showable field to display. 的申请记录 = Application records 加班小时数不能为0或者为空! = Overtime hours cannot be 0 or empty! 结束日期时间不能小于开始日期时间! = The end date time cannot be less than the start date time! 不能填写过期加班单! = Expiration overtime form cannot be filled out! 开始结束必须勾选刷卡! = You must check the swipe card at the beginning! 最晚刷卡时间不能小于最早加班时间! = The latest swipe time cannot be less than the earliest overtime time! 最早刷卡时间有误!= The earliest swipe time is wrong! 最晚刷卡时间有误!= The latest swipe time is wrong! 加班备注不能为空! = Overtime comment cannot be empty! 公出地点不能为空! = The Business trip cannot be empty! 公出原因不能为空!= The Business trip reason cannot be empty! 审批编码不能为空! = Approval code cannot be empty! 请选择“请假类别“ = Please select Leave category 可倒休时长剩余 = The rest of the break time 本年分配假期天数 = Assigned vacation days for the current year 本年调整假期天数 = Adjusted vacation days for the current year 本年剩余假期天数 = Number of vacation days remaining in the year 去年剩余假期天数 = Number of vacation days remaining last year 本年已休假期天数 = Number of days off in this year 选择的区间无效 = The selected interval is not valid. 该时间段内没有排班! = There are no schedules during this time period! 下拉加载已读消息 = Drop-down Read Messages 释放立即加载已读消息 = Release immediate load of read messages 文件不存在,请确认是否删除记录 = The file does not exist, please confirm that the record is deleted 文件上传失败,请重试!= File upload failed, please try again! 请输入签到说明 = Please enter the check-in instructions 获取目录失败: = Failed to get directory: 获取照片在手机中的路径成功 = Get photos in the path of the phone successfully 图片保存失败!= Picture saved failed! 存在本地缓存图片文件: = There is a local cache picture file: 不存在本地缓存图片文件 = There is no local cache picture file 可选300米范围之内的地址= Optional address within 300 meters 您拒绝了系统定位申请,不能进行打卡!= You have rejected the system positioning request and cannot clock out! 定位异常: = Positioning exception: 定位失败 = Failed to locate 无设置显示数据 = No settings to display data 审批中的数据不能修改!= The data in the approval cannot be modified! 审批中的数据不能删除! = Data in approval cannot be deleted! 审批通过不能删除! = Approval cannot be deleted! 请输入解锁密码 = Please enter your unlock password 设置工资密码 = Set a salary password 请再次输入工资密码 = Please enter your salary password again 请设置工资密码 = Please set the salary password 能力类型名称不能重复!= The competency type name cannot be repeated! 请输入能力类型名称 = Please enter the competency type name 输入字符串超过名称类型长度! = Enter the string longer than the name type length! 输入名称有特殊字符,请重新输入! = The entry name has a special character, please re-enter! 该类型有数据,无法删除!= This type has data that cannot be deleted! 是否确认删除数据? = Deleted the data? 该类型有数据,删除失败!= This type has data, delete failed! 已存在,请重新命名!= Already exists, please rename it! 请输入能力项名称/能力描述 = competency item name/capability description 有重复数据,无法恢复! = There is duplicate data and cannot be recovered! 请选择要编辑的一条项目 = Select an item to edit 请选择要删除的一条项目 = Select an item to delete 该能力项目【{0}】已被引用,无法进行此操作! The competency project 【{0}】has been referenced and cannot be done! 【分数从】不能大于【分数至】!= Score from: cannot be greater than score to s/he score! 【选项名称{0}】不能重复! = Option Name {0} cannot be repeated! 分数区间与【{0}】重叠,请调整!= The score interval overlaps with 【{0}】, please adjust! 能力模板名称不能重复!= The competency template name cannot be repeated! 请输入能力模板名称 = Please enter the competency template name 该能力模板有数据,无法删除! = The competency template has data that cannot be deleted! 该能力模板有数据,删除失败! = The ability template has data, delete failed! 请输入能力项名称 = Please enter the competency item name 该表无操作权限! = The table has no operation rights! 请选择需要新增的能力模板! = Please select the competency template you need to add! 数据权重总和不能超过【100】,当前为{0}= The sum of the data weights cannot exceed 100, currently{0} 修改数据重复,修改失败! = The modification data is repeated, the modification fails! 【要求分值{0}】不能超出【总分值{1}】! = Request score {0}can not exceed the total score value {1}! 数据不填写时默认取值上一行有值数据 = The default value has value data on the previous row when the data is not filled in 新增数据加上原有数据权重总和不能超过【100】,当前为{0} = The added data plus the sum of the original data weights cannot exceed 100, currently 第{0}行 不能为空! = {0 }Line cannot be empty! 【要求分值】不能超出【总分值】 = Requirement Score cannot exceed the Total Score Value 请先选择一条数据!= Please select data first! 确认删除所选数据?删除后请手动保存数据! = Confirm deleting the selected data? Save the data manually after deleting! 表单操作权限不足!= There are not enough permissions for the form operation! 请先删除节点下的能力项等级! = Please remove the competency level under the node first! 第{0}行,不能重复!= {0}Line, can't be repeated! 第{0}行,分数区间与【{1}】重叠,请调整!= {0}Line, the score interval overlaps with 【{1}】, please adjust! 无法新增,能力模板不能为空! = Cannot be added, competency template cannot be empty! 新增数据加上原有数据权重总和不能超过【{0}】= New data plus the sum of the original data weights can not exceed the sum of the original data 【{0}】 新增数据重复,新增失败! = New data duplication, new failure! 没有检测到数据更改 = No data changes detected 新增数据加上原有数据权重总和不能超过 = New data plus the sum of the original data weights cannot exceed 暂无模板 = No templates 无模板引用,请添加模板后再引用!= No template references, please add the template and then reference it! 培训课程详情 = Training course details 找不到指定的培训课程,数据可能已经被删除! = The specified training course could not be found and the data may have been deleted! 数据保存失败!= Data saving failed! 未检测到数据更改!= No data changes detected! 请先加载岗位数据! = Load job data first! 此操作会影响当前节点及其下属所有节点,确定操作吗?= Does this affect the current node and all of its subordinate nodes, determine the operation? 职务能力模板为空,请先引入模板!= The competency template is empty, please introduce the template first! 权重总和不能超出100! = The sum of the weights cannot exceed 100! 个下级职务权重将超出100,无法提交,请调整! = Sub-post weightwill will exceed 100, can not be submitted, please adjust! 加载数据失败!= Failed to load data! 请选中象限设置!= Check quadrant settings! 图例标题不能为空!= Legend title cannot be empty! 输入字符串超过名称类型长度【50】!= Enter string siphone longer than name type length .50! 背景颜色不能为空!= The background color cannot be empty! 你还没有岗位信息!= You don't have job info yet! 生成失败 = Build failed 人员编号/姓名查询 = Staff Code/Name 第【{0}】行 ,能力项【{1}】重复! = The line {0}, Competence items 【{1}】: Repeat! 不是新增或活动的计划不能编辑! = Plans that are not new or active cannot be edited! 请选择一条计划! = Please select plan! 不是新计划,不能启动!= Not new plan, can't start! 已有启动计划,无法启动此计划! = There is a startup plan and cannot start this plan! 确定要启动吗? = Sart? 不是活动计划,不能存档!= Not an activity plan, can't be archived! 不是活动计划,不能结束!= It's not an activity plan, it can't end! 确定要结束吗?=End it? 不是新计划不能删除!= Not new plans can't be deleted! 不是活动计划不能重置! = No activity plan cannot be reset! 重置 = Reset 确定要重置吗?= Reset it? 考核分数不能为空!= Assessment scores cannot be empty! 请输入数字! = Please enter the numbers! 引入方案成功 = The introduction of the scheme was successful 引入方案失败失败! = Failed to introduce the scenario! 该人才计划无能力评估项来源,请先设置能力评估项来源!= This talent program is incapable of evaluating the source of the item, first set up the competency assessment item source first! 不是活动计划不能同步人员! = It's not that the activity plan can't sync staff! 引入绩效考核分数不能为空! = The introduction of performance appraisal scores cannot be empty! 该岗位已存在,请重新选择岗位! = This position already exists, please re-select the position! 版本生效日期应大于当前日期! = The effective date of the version should be greater than the current date! 请输入部门编码/名称进行快速查询 = dept code/name 部门编码/名称 = Dept code/name 编码/名称 = code/name 请输入编码/名称进行快速查询 = code/name 新增{0}的下级部门 = New {0}'s sub-dept 的下级部门 = sub-dept 此级已存在重复的部门名称! = Duplicate dept names already exist at this level! 移动至{0}部门 = Move to Department{0} 部门编码长度越界!= Dept coding length crosses line! 复制至{0}部门 = Copy to Det {0} 存在未审核通过的版本,无法新增!= There is an unapproved version that cannot be added! 已经提交的版本,无法修改! = The version that has been submitted cannot be modified! 已经提交的版本,无法删除! = The version that has been submitted cannot be deleted! 已经提交的版本,无法提交! = The version has been submitted, cannot be submitted! 存在人员,系统参数设置不允许非末级部门新增人员,\r\n是否自动这些人移动到新增部门? =There are satff, system parameter settings do not allow non-end-level departments to add new personnel, ? 请从子部门开始删除! = Please start with the sub-dept! 根部门不可删除! = Root dept cannot be deleted! 确认删除该部门吗? = Confirm deleting the dept? 请先配置默认的离职人员类别!= Please configure the default separation type first! 您没有该数据的编辑权限!= You don't have editing permission for this data! 将跳转异动审批申请页面,审批通过后生效。= The jump ingress approval application page will take effect after approval has been approved. 请到系统参数配置页面设置异动审批模板! = Please set the change approval template to the system parameter sconfiguration page! 请选择需要操作的岗位 = Please select position 所选岗位超编!= Selected post over-staffed! 岗位调动从 {0}到{1} = Job transfer from{0}to{1} 正在修改人员信息,请稍等!= Modifying staff info, please wait! 人员正在加载,请稍等!= Staff are loading, please wait! 部门下还存在人员,无法删除!= There are still staff under the dept, can not be deleted! 父级部门存在人员 = There are staff in the parent department 删除部门包含子部门 = Remove departmentcontaining sub-departments 部门下含有岗位信息,不允许删除。要强制删除请修改配置:部门下有岗位是否允许删除。= Dept contains job info, not allowed to delete. To force deletion, modify the configuration: whether a position under the department is allowed to be deleted. 该部门下含有岗位信息,删除后会对人员信息有影响,是否继续删除? = The dept contains job info, delete will have an impact on staff info, continue to delete? 您没有做任何更改!= You haven't made any changes! 数据提交成功 = Data submission successful 存在状态为审批中的数据,审批通过后才能再次修改!= The presence status is the data in approval, and cannot be modified again after approval is passed! 存在状态为未提交的数据,提交审批通过后才能再次修改!= Data with status of uncommitted, submitted for approval before it can be modified again! 您修改的数据没有审批记录或者已被删除! = Your modified data has no approval records or has been deleted! 正在处理人员信息... = Processing staff info... 部门新增人员移动 = Dept of new staff movement 部门合并 = Dept consolidation 不能选择当前部门!= The current dept cannot be selected! 部门下含有岗位信息,不允许删除。" + "\r\n要强制删除请修改配置:部门下有岗位是否允许删除?"); = Dept contains job info, not allowed to delete. Do you want to force deletion please modify the configuration: Is there a position under the department allowing deletion? "); 方案名称包含非法字符!= The scheme name contains illegal characters! 修改成功!= Modify successful! 方案名称重复,请重命名!= Repeat the scheme name, please rename it! 非设计者不能编辑!= Non-designers cannot edit! 已设为默认方案! = Set as default scheme! 已设为公开方案! = Set as public scheme! 设置失败:= Set failed: 系统设置非末级不能添加人员,是否恢复部门并将上级部门人员移至此部门? = The system setting sits non-end level cannot add satff, is the dept restored and the parent dept moved to this dept? 该部门中存在岗位,请先删除岗位!= There are positions in this department, please delete the posts first! 选择复制目标部门 = Select dept 请从左边树选择复制后父部门! = Please select the copy after parent dept from the left tree! 无法复制到当前部门或者当前部门的子部门!= Cannot copy to the current dept or the sub-department of the current dept! 复制后部门名称重复! = Repeat the dept name after copying! 父页面无可传递数据源 = The parent page has no delivery of the data source 将人员移动到第一个末级子部门? = Move satff to the first last sub-dept? 人力组织复制审批 = The copy approval of human organization 选择迁移目标部门 = Select migration target dept 请从左边树选择迁移后父部门!= Please select the post-migration parent department from the left tree! 无法迁移到当前部门或者当前部门的子部门!= Cannot migrate to the current department or sub-department of the current department! 迁移后父部门或上下级部门存在未审批通过的迁移单据!= There are unapproved migration documents in the parent or subordinate departments after the migration! 父页面无可传递数据源 = Parent page no transfer data source 此级已存在重复的部门名称!= Duplicate dept names already exist at this level! 移动至{0}部门: = Move to Dept{0}: 的子部门 = Sub-depts 人力组织迁移审批 = Human Organization Migration Approval 您没有该组织的操作权限! = You do not have the operation rights of the organization! 该部门或上下级部门存在未审批通过的合并单据!= There are unapproved consolidated documents in the dept or lower-level dept! 该部门或上下级部门存在未审批通过的迁移单据!= There are unapproved migration documents in the dept or lower-level dept! 请从子部门开始撤销! = Please start with the sub-dept to withdraw! 根部门不可撤销! = Root Dept Irrevocable! 该部门存在未审批通过的撤销单据! = There are unapproved revocation documents in this dept! 请选择时间节点 = Please select time node 请输入岗位编号/名称/职务编码快速查询 = Job number/name/job code 岗位编号/名称/职务编码 = Job number/name/job code 请人员类别! = Please employee category! 的历史信息 = Historical info 同级下存在相同名称!= The same name exists under the sibling! 请选择组织机构!= Please select organization! 请选择组织部门!= Please select organization Dept! 请从末级机构开始删除!= Please remove from the last level! 该组织下存在人员信息,不允许删除!=Staff info exists under the organization and is not allowed to be deleted! 删除组织名称请到虚拟组织维护界面! = Remove the organization name to the virtual organization maintenance interface! 请选择一个岗位! = Please select post! 请输入编码/名称进行快速查询 = Code/name 编码/名称 = Coding/Name 请选择组织! = Please select organization! 操作成功,请到功能权限授权相应菜单和表!= Operation is successful, please go to the function rights to authorize the appropriate menu and table! 必须选择组织管理功能!= Organizational management features must be selected! 对应表名必须以B01_开头!= The corresponding table name must begin with the B01_! 人力组织关系不能删除!= Human organizational relationships cannot be deleted! 该组织主表有数据,不能删除!= The organization's main table has data and cannot be deleted! 该组织职务表有数据,不能删除! = The organization's job table has data and cannot be deleted! 该组织岗位表有数据,不能删除! = The organization's job table has data and cannot be deleted! 该组织人员表有数据,不能删除! = The organization's staff table has data and cannot be deleted! 人力组织关系不能编辑!= Human organizational relationships cannot be edited! 已经是末级节点,不允许增加子级!= It is already a final node, and no children are allowed to be added! 该职务还有人员在岗,不允许删除!= The position also has staff on duty, not allowed to delete! 确认删除? = Confirm deletion? 选择职位 = Select position 选择岗位分布部门 = Select position distribution dept 请选择末级职务! = Please select last position! 添加有效职务节点:= Add valid job node: 岗位名称不能重复 = Job names cannot be duplicated 岗位已在当前列表或者恢复删除列表中!= Posts are already in the current list or resume disposition edifying the list! 未能加载有权限的职务!= Failed to load privileged posts! 请选择说明书 = Please select the manual 不是新计划,不能启用!= Not new plan, can't be enabled! 已有启用计划,如果继续启用则原来启用计划将自动存档! = There is already an enable plan, and if you continue to enable the original enable dying plan will be automatically archived! 请先选择计划版本!= Please select plan version first! 此岗位还有在职人员,不能撤销! = This position also has on-the-job staff, can not be revoked! 信息审核中或已通过,不能提交! = Info review or passed, can not be submitted! 无可排序数据!= No sort of data! 对不起,您没有操作此节点的权限!= Sorry, you don't have permission to operate this node! 暂未分布于岗位中!= Not yet distributed in the post! 请先设置参数!= Please set the parameters first! 已经超过设置级数 ,不允许增加子级! = The number of settings has been exceeded and no children are allowed to be added! 有下级节点,不允许撤销!= Sub-nodes, unallowed! 确认撤销该职务吗?= Confirm the removal of the post? 根节点不允许修改!= Root node is not allowed to be modified! 根节点不允许撤销!= Root node is not allowed to be undone! 该节点有父级节点已被彻底删除,无法恢复! = Node has a parent node that has been completely deleted and cannot be recovered! 请先恢复它的父节点! = Please restore its parent node first! 该级已存在同名职务,请输入新名称!= The level already has the same name, please enter a new name! 存在已冻结的用户!= There are frozen users! 存在未被冻结的用户! = There are unfrozen users! 有效的评审项目不能删除! = Valid review items cannot be deleted! 列表或恢复职务中已建立职务体系,不能删除级别! = The job system has been established in the list or job recovery. The level cannot be deleted! 确定要彻底删除所选职务吗?彻底删除有可能导致子节点无法恢复! = Delete the selected job completely? Deleting completely may cause the child node to be unrecoverable! 已有岗位引用,不能删除【{0}】职位 = Position reference already exists, position [{0}] cannot be deleted 请选择评审项分类或项目 = Please select a review item category or project 数据初始化中,请稍等! = In data initialization, please wait! 新增评审分类 = New review category 分类名称不能为空!= The category name cannot be empty! 分类名称过长! = The category name is too long! 请先选择二级节点数据!= Please select the secondary node data first! 修改评审分类 = Modify review category 确定要删除? = Delete it? 该评审项目对应表设置有误! = The review item corresponds to the table setting is incorrect! 请选择评审项目 = Please select the review item 暂无操作数据! = No operating data! 数据不能为空字符!= Data cannot be empty characters! 请输入合法数据! = Please enter legitimate data! 的最低分不能大于最高分! = The lowest score cannot be greater than the maximum score! 得分档次:中最低分不能大于最高分;= Score grade: the lowest score can not be greater than the highest score; 最低分,最高分区间重叠! = Lowest score, highest score interval overlap! 生成中,请稍候.. = In the build, please wait: 请输入合法数值!= Please enter a legal value! 请选择一维分类数据! = Please select one-dimensional classified data! 表单已启用,不能删除!= The form is enabled and cannot be deleted! 删除异常! = Remove the exception! 已被评审项目引用,不能删除!= Has been referenced by the reviewed project and cannot be deleted! 请选择一条数据!= Please select data! 该表单已启用! = The form is enabled! 该流程对应的所有模板中只能有一条处于启用状态!= Only one of the templates corresponding to this process is enabled! 不能操作此模板! = This template cannot be manipulated! 未提交状态无法查看 = Draft status cannot be viewed 未提交状态无法调整组别!= Draft status cannot be adjusted for groups! 启动中的数据无法进行编辑! = The data in the startup cannot be edited! 成绩发布中的数据无法进行编辑! = Data in a score release cannot be edited! 归档的数据无法进行编辑!= Archived data cannot be edited! 结束的数据无法进行编辑!= The end of the data cannot be edited! 启动中的数据不能进行删除! = Data from startup cannot be deleted! 结束的数据不能进行删除! = The end of the data cannot be deleted! 成绩发布中的数据不能进行删除! = Data in a score publication cannot be deleted! 归档的数据不能进行删除! = Archived data cannot be deleted! 撤回的数据不能进行删除!= The retracted data cannot be deleted! 已归档方案无法重新启动!= Archived scenario cannot be restarted! 该方案已启动!= The program has been started! 已发布成绩的方案无法启动! = The program for published scores cannot start! 确认启动该方案?= Confirm starting the program? 已归档方案无法结束!= Archived scenario cannot end! 该方案已结束!= The program is over! 创建中的方法无法结束! = The method in creation cannot end! 确认结束该方案?= Confirm the end of the program? 只有启动中的数据才能撤回! = Only the data from the startup can be withdrawn! 确认要撤回该方案?= Confirm withdraw the program? 已归档方案无法再次归档! = Archived scenariocan cannot be archived again! 确认要归档方案? = Confirm the plan you want to archive? 的成绩已发布,无法重新发布! = The results have been published and cannot be republished! 数据已发布结果,不能进行此操作!= Data has published results and cannot be done! 数据已通过,不能重复操作! =The data has passed and cannot be repeated! 确定要发布成绩? = Publish grades? 存在未计算成绩的数据 = There is data for uncalculated scores, 年度的成绩已发布无法重新计算! = Annual results have been published and cannot be recalculated! 申报人的成绩已发布无法重新计算!= The filer's score has been published and cannot be recalculated! 请先选择同意或者不同意! = Please choose to agree or disagree first! 如果修改【评审系列分类】,系统将会清空“的所有数据,请慎重! = If you modify the Review Series Classification, the system will empty all "all data, please be careful!" 请上传格式为jpg, png,bmp,jpeg,xls, xlsx,doc,docx,pdf的附件! = Please upload attachments in the format jpg, png, bmp, jpeg, xls, xlsx, doc, docx, pdf! 无法打印!= Can't print! 评审表.doc = Review Form.doc 导出失败,未找到导出模板! = Export failed, no export template found! 一览表.doc = List.doc 导出失败!= Export failed! 单个文件不能超过{0}kb = A single file cannot exceed {0}kb 超级管理员 = Super Admin 只能上传格式的附件! Only upload attachments in format! 请输入专业组名称 = Please enter the name of the professional group 专业组名称过长! = The name of the professional group is too long! 请先选择专业组!= Please select the Professional Group first! " 请选择一条操作的数据!= Please select data ! 该人员已是组长! = The staff is already the team leader! 请选择以下评审项目,以便数据转移 = Please select the review items below for data transfer 该数据已提交过! = This data has been submitted! 数据提交后将不能修改,您确定已完成所有评审项目的划档工作? = The data will not be modified after submission, and are you sure that all review items have been crossed? 计分数据不能为空!= Scoring data cannot be empty! 请填写合法数据!= Please fill in the legal data! 计分值不在区间范围内!= The score value is not within the interval! 暂无可保存数据! = There is no storage of data at this time! 数据提交后将不能修改,您确定已完成所有评审项目的计分工作?= The data will not be modified after submission, and are you sure that all review items have been scored? 申请退回原因 = Reason for requesting return 申请退回原因不能为空!= The reason for the application to be returned cannot be empty! 申报人所在专业组参考分用红色显示 = The reference point of the professional group of the filer is shown in red 数据已提交无法保存! = Data submitted cannot be saved! 职称评审历史 = Title Review History 请输入姓名 = Please enter your name 请输入身份证号 = Please enter your ID number 请输入手机号 = Please enter your phone number 培训班已结束!= The training course is over! 只能上传图片!= Only upload images! 姓名不能为空!= The name cannot be empty! 身份证号不能为空!= The ID number cannot be empty! 手机号不能为空!= The phone number cannot be empty! 签到成功!= Check-in successfully! 未配置二维码登录规则!请联系管理员!= 2D code login rules are not configured! Please contact your administrator! 账号不能为空!= The account cannot be empty! 密码不能为空!= The password cannot be empty! 登录失败!= Failed to sign in! 请输入请假原因 = Please enter the reason for the leave 保存图片成功: = Saved the picture successfully: 打开sign目录失败: = Failed to open the sign directory: 不存在本地缓存图片文件:= There is no local cache picture file: 存在本地缓存图片文件 = There is a local cache picture file 第{0}题的评估对象{1}未选择 = The evaluation object of {1} question {0} is not selected 第{0}题的评估对象{1}至少选择{2}项 = For the evaluation object of {1} question {0},select at least {2} item 第{0}题的评估对象{1}至多选择{2}项 = Evaluation object of {1}question {0} Select up to {2} item 第{0}题的评估对象{1}的答题不能为空!= The answer to the question {0}'s assessment object {1} cannot be empty! 第{0}题的评估对象{1}的答题字数至少{2}字 = The number of answers to the question{0}'s evaluation object{1} is at least the {2} word 第{0}题的评估对象{1}的答题字数最多{2}字 = The evaluation object of {1} the question {0} has the most {2} words 最少选项数: = Minimum number of options: 最多选项数: = Maximum options: 最少字数: = Minimum number of words: 最多字数: = Maximum number of words: 温馨提示 = Tips 可选300米范围之内的地址 = Optional address within 300 meters 定位失败: = Failed to locate: 打开WIFI开关-(无需连接),获取精确定位!不打开可能会定位不准,导致不能打卡哦! = Turn on the WIFI switch - (no connection required) for precise positioning! Do not open may be positioned not, resulting in can not punch Oh! " 提高定位精度 打开WIFI = Improve positioning accuracy Turn on WIFI 签到功能需要打开GPS = Check-in feature needs to turn on GPS 关闭GPS可能导致定位不准无法签到 = Turning off GPS may cause positioning to be unchecked 拒绝应用位置权限可能导致定位不准无法签到 = Denying app location permissions may result in a lack of location to check in 位置信息不可用,签到功能需要获取位置权限 = Location info is not available, check-in feature needs to get location permission 获取用户位置信息超时,请检查权限. = Get user location info timed out, please check permissions. 未知错误. = Unknown error. 获取坐标地址失败:= Failed to get coordinate addresses: (不在打卡范围) = (not in the punch range) 精确到{0}米,进入打卡范围 = Accurate to {0} meters, into the punch range (无法精确定位) = (Cannot be positioned precisely) 签到功能需要获取位置权限 = Check-in feature sits need to get location permission 请到设置->隐私->定位服务中开启定位服务,并允许 {0} 访问您的位置 = Please turn on Location Services in Settings-Privacy-and Location Services and allow {0} access to your location. 定位服务已关闭 = Location Service is turned off 我来这里了 = I'm here. 未设置打卡地点,请联系管理员! = No where to clock in, please contact your administrator! 未登录!= Not logged in! 请上传签到图片 = Please upload a check-in image 二维码签到未设置,无法签到 = 2D code check-in not set, can not check-in 不在打卡范围内 = Not in the punch range 请选择具体位置 = Please choose a specific location 请确保文件为图像类型 = Make sure the file is an image type 图片保存失败! = Picture saved failed! 打开doc目录失败: = Failed to open the doc directory: 数据初始化中.. = Data initialization: 请选择以下评估方式进行评估! = Please select the following assessment method to evaluate! 第{0}题未选择 = Question {0} not selected 第{0}题至少选择{1}项 = Question {0} at least select {1} item 第{0}题至多选择{1}项 = Question {0} at most selected {1} item 第{0}题答题不能为空! = Question {0}’s answer cannot be empty! 第{0}题的答题字数至少{1}字 = The number of answers to the question {0} is at least {1} word 第{0}题的答题字数最多{1}字 = Answer question {0} with the most {1}words 问卷 共{0}题 = Questionnaire Total {0} Questions 请选择培训班! = Please choose a training course! 培训班已归档! = The training course is archived! 确认要结束培训班【{0}】? = Confirm that you want to end the course 【{0}】? 只有结束的培训班才能归档! = Only the end of the course can be archived! 确认要归档培训班【{0}】? = Confirm that you want to file the course 【{0}】? 未设置协议!= No protocol set! 查看证书 = View certificates 未设置问卷! = No questionnaire set up 只有审核通过的数据才能发布!= Only approved data can be published! 已发布的数据不能重复发布! = Published data cannot be published repeatedly! 只有审核通过的数据才能取消发布! = Only approved data can be unpublished! 未发布的数据不能取消发布!= Unpublished data cannot be unpublished! 已结束数据不能取消发布! = Ended data cannot be unpublished! 无法提交审批!= Approval could not be submitted! 请选择具体的培训方案或培训计划! = Please select a specific training program or training plan! 只有未提交,驳回的数据才能编辑! = Only uncommitted, rejected data can be edited! 只有未提交,驳回的数据才能删除! = Only uncommitted, rejected data can be deleted! 确认提交审批吗? = Confirm submission approval? 确认提交审批 = Confirm submission approval 请先选择培训课程!= Please select a training course first! 开始时间要小于结束时间!= The start time is less than the end time! 签到次数不能小于0! = The number of check-ins cannot be less than 0! 获取数据出错!= There was an error getting the data! 请先设置通过条件!= Please set the pass condition first! 通过条件不能小于0!= Pass condition can not be less than 0! 区间数值不能小于0!= The interval value cannot be less than 0! 条件区间错误,请检查!= The condition interval is wrong, please check! 请先设置条件!= Please set the conditions first! 评估模板不能为空 = The evaluation template cannot be empty 开始时间不能大于结束时间 = Start time cannot be greater than the end time 评估方式不能为空 = The evaluation method cannot be empty 评估对象不能为空 = The evaluation object cannot be empty 所有报名学员 = All enrolled students 所有培训学员 = All trainees 所有签到学员 = All check-in participants 请先选择协议!= Please select the agreement first! 未设置短信通知模板 = SMS notification template is not set 未设置Email通知模板 = Email notification template not set 未生成二维码,请先生成二维码! = No QR code is generated, first generate a QR code! 当前列表无任何人员!= No one on the current list! 当前未选中任何人员!= No staff are currently selected! 发送成功 = Sending successfully 请选择人员业务类型 = Employee business 请选择业务类型!= Please choose the business type! 菜单名称不能为空!= Menu name cannot be empty! 业务菜单发布成功,请授权查看!= Business menu published successfully, please authorize to view! 请设置签到地点 = Please set up a check-in location 请输入签到地点 = Please enter the check-in location 请选择业务表! = Please select the business table! 业务名称不能为空!= The business name cannot be empty! 没有找到编号为{0}的流程! = No process with number {0} was found! 请选择业务表字段!= Please select business table field! 请选择主表字段!= Please select the main table field! 业务表 {0} 已经设置了对应关系!= Business table {0} has set corresponding relationship! 主表{0}已经设置了对应关系! = The main table {0} already has a corresponding relationship set! 请选择列表关联数据!= Please select the list associated data! 第{0}题未打分! = Question {0} is not scored! 分数超出分值 = Score exceeds score 确定要签约? = Sign up? 请选择协议状态. = Please select the agreement status. 协议不能为空!= The agreement cannot be empty! 签约开始时间不能为空! = Signing start time can not be empty! 签约截止时间不能为空!= The signing deadline cannot be empty! 协议开始时间不能为空!= The protocol start time cannot be empty! 协议截止时间不能为空!= The agreement deadline cannot be empty! 签约开始时间格式有误!= The signing start time format is wrong! 签约截止时间格式有误!= The signing deadline format is wrong! 协议开始时间格式有误!= Protocol start time format is wrong! 协议截止时间格式有误!= The protocol deadline format is wrong! 签约开始时间要小于签约截止时间!= Signing start time is less than the signing deadline! 协议开始时间要小于协议截止时间!= The agreement start time is less than the agreement deadline! 请选择协议. = Please select the agreement. 该培训班未设置协议模板! = The training course does not have a protocol template set up! 学员:{0}已颁发证书! = Student: {0} certificate issued! 学员:{0}。已签约协议! = Student: {0}. Signed agreement! 未设置证书! = Certificate not set! 该培训班未设置证书模板! = Certificate template is not set for this training course! 请选择评估状态 = Please select assessment status 请先发布问卷!= Please post the questionnaire first! 评估已停止或已提交!= Assessment stopped or submitted! 确定要停止评估? = Stop the assessment? 问卷已提交或已停止!= Questionnaire submitted or stopped! 请选择一条记录! = Please select data! 开始时间不能为空! = Start time cannot be empty! 结束时间不能为空! = End time cannot be empty! 截止时间不能为空!= Deadline cannot be empty! 开始时间格式有误!= Format of Start time is wrong! 截止时间格式有误!= Format of Deadline is wrong! 结束时间需大于开始时间! = End time should be greater than Start time! 暂无催办情况! = No urging! 评估问卷 = Assessment questionnaire 请选择考试状态 = Please select the status of the exam 发布培训试卷 = Release training papers 试卷不能为空!= The test paper cannot be empty! 开始时间不能大于截止时间 Start time cannot be greater than deadline 请先选择考卷!= Please select the exam paper first! 存在试卷未发布的人员!= There are unpublished staff in the exam paper! 考试已停止或已提交! Exams stopped or submitted! 确定要停止考试? =Stop the exam? 请选择试卷 = Please select the paper 无法查看考卷!= Unable to view the exam papers! 未勾选任何培训过程! = No training process checked! 请先配置二维码规则! = Please configure the QR code rule first! 无法生成!= Cannot be generated! 下载失败!= Failed to download! 无法下载!= Unable to download! 登录方式不能为空!= The login method cannot be empty! 请勾选至少一个登录验证方式! = Please check at least one login verification method! 请选择签到状态 = Please select a check-in status 请选择次数 = Select the number of times 第{0}次 = {0} times 下载二维码 = Download QR code 次数不能为空! = The number cannot be empty! 下载出错! = There was an error downloading! 签退成功!= Successful sign-off! 请假原因过长!= The reason for the leave is too long! 请假成功!= The leave was successful! 请假失败!= Leave failed! 确定要删除所选数据? = Delete the selected data? 请选择培训班 = Select training course 请选择培训方案 = Please select a training programme 请选择培训计划 = Please select a training plan 未设置考卷! = No exam papers set up! 请输入需求标题 = Please enter the Demand title 请输入需求标题进行快速查询 = Demand title 审批中的数据,无法编辑! = Data in approval, cannot be edited! 审核通过的数据,无法编辑! = Approve passed data, cannot be edited!yuan 审批中或者审核通过的数据,无法编辑!= Data approved in approval or approval cannot be edited! 邮箱格式不正确! = The mailbox is not in the correct format! 请输入计划名称进行快速查询 = Plan name 审批中和审核通过的数据无法删除!= Data approved in and approved cannot be deleted! 请选择课程模板 = Select course template 存在已发布的数据!= There is published data! 存在未发布的数据!= Unpublished data exists! 已发布的数据无法编辑!= Published data cannot be edited! 已发布的数据无法删除!= Published data cannot be deleted! 引入课程模板 = Introducing course templates 课程模板不能为空!= The course template cannot be empty! 选择模板 = Select template 选择模板:= Select template: 发布状态:= Release status: 必修: = Compulsory: 请选择要操作的课程! = Please select the course! 请输入课程模板名称 = Please enter the name of the course template 课程模板名称过长!= The name of the course template is too long! 请选择一个末级节点! = Please select a final node! 确认要删除【{0}】吗? = Delete it? 请选择课程类别 = Please select the course category 请选择具体的证书协议 = Specific certificate agreement 请选择具体的评估问卷 = Specific assessment questionnaire 试卷生成成功!如果不满意结果,请点击重新生成按钮 = The test paper was generated successfully! If you are not satisfied with the results, click the Rebuild button 重新设置规则,请点击上一步按钮 = To reset the rule, click the button in the previous step 数据列表 =List of data 注:数据格式说明(x/y),x表示实际生成的数据,y表示预设规则的数据,不一定每次生成的结果都能满足预设的规则。= Note: Data format description (x/y), x represents the data actually generated, y represents the data of the preset rule, and does not necessarily meet the preset rules for each result generated. 最少选项数不能大于最多选项数!= The minimum number of options cannot be greater than the maximum number of options! 最少字数不能大于最多字数! = The minimum number of words cannot be greater than the maximum number of words! 数据有变动,请先保存数据! = Data changes, please save the data first! 模板名称不能为空!= The template name cannot be empty! 确定要删除【{0}】吗? = Are you sure you want to delete it? 流程:对应的所有模板中只能有一条处于启用状态!= Process: Only one of the corresponding templates can be enabled! 请输入课程名称 = Please enter the course name 课程类别名称过长!= The name of the course category is too long! 确认要删除{0}吗 = Are you sure you want to delete it? 请选择具体的课程类别!= Please select a specific course category! 此课程编号已存在,不允许重复,请重新输入! = This course number already exists and is not allowed to be repeated, please re-enter! 评估类别名称不能为空!= The evaluation category name cannot be empty! 评估类别名称过长! = The evaluation category name is too long! 请输入评估项标题进行快速查询 = Evaluation title 请选择评估类别 = Please select the evaluation category 确认取消?= Confirm cancellation? 请选择评估问卷!= Please select the assessment questionnaire! 请选择评估问卷 = Please select the assessment questionnaire 请输入讲师类别名称 = Please enter the instructor category name 讲师类别名称过长!= The instructor category name is too long! 请输入讲师姓名进行快速查询 = Instructor's name 请选择具体的讲师类别!= Please select a specific instructor category! 电话号码有误! = There's a wrong phone number! 资质获取时间要小于到期时间!= Qualification time is less than the expiration time! 请输入资料库类别名称 = Please enter the name of the library category 资料库类别名称过长! = library category name is too long! 请输入资料名称进行快速查询 = Name of the material 请选择具体的资料类别!= Please select a specific category of information! 字段长度不够,请修改! = Field length is not enough, please modify! " 没有找到问卷 = No questionnaire found 请输入培训类型名称 = Please enter the training type name 培训类型名称过长!= The training type name is too long! 机构培训类型过长!= The type of institutional training is too long! 请输入培训方案进行快速查询 = Training program 请选择具体的方案类型!= Please select the specific scheme type! 培训学员不能为空!= The trainee cannot be empty! 请输入试题库分类名称 = Please enter the question library classification name 类别名称过长!= The category name is too long! 请输入试题库类别名称 = Please enter the question library category name 请输入题目标题进行快速查询 = Title 移动成功!= move succeeded! 移动失败!= move Failed! 至少设置一个正确答案!= Set at least one correct answer! 请设置一个正确答案! = Please set the correct answer! 不能设置多个正确答案!= You can't set more than one correct answer! 请选择需要复制的问卷模板! = Please select the questionnaire template that needs to be copied! 请选择需要复制的具体问卷模板! = Please select the specific questionnaire template that needs to be copied! 请输入问卷模板名称!= Please enter the name of the questionnaire template! 请输入问卷模板名称 = Name of questionnaire template 暂无调查项 = No data 问卷模板名称过长!= The name of the questionnaire template is too long! 确认要删除这条数据吗 = Delete this data? 考试时间不能为空或小于0! = Exam time cannot be empty or less than 0! 请选择一张试卷! = Please select a paper! 请选择一条要更换的数据! = Please select data! 名称不能为空!= Name cannot be empty! 名称长度超长!= Name is too long! 请选择试卷分类! = Please select the paper category! 至少保留一个组卷规则!= Keep at least one group volume rule! 请选择试题分类 = Please select the question category 无题目可查看!= No questions to view! 请输入机构类别名称 = Please enter the name of the agency category 机构类别名称过长!= The name of the agency category is too long! 请输入机构名称进行快速查询 = Name of the institution 请选择具体的机构类别!= Please select a specific agency category! 机构电话有误!= There's a mistake in the agency phone! 联系人电话有误! = The contact phone is wrong! 联系人邮箱格式不正确!= Contact mailbox format is not correct! 字段关系已被更改,是否保存? = The field relationship has been changed, Save it? 没有找到字段列表 = No field list found 请选择简历表字段 = Please select the resume table field 请选择人员表字段 = Please select the staff Table field 简历表" 已经设置了对应关系 = Resume Form , "A correspondence has been set up 请输入默认 = Please enter the default 请选择列表字段关系 = Please select list field relationship 请添加字段关系 = Please add field relationship 保存失败,请检查是否选中招聘表或者人员表 = Failed to save, please check whether the recruitment form or staff list is selected 未发生变更,无需保存= No changes have taken place, no need to save 保存失败,未找到相关表单字段列表 = Saved failed, no list of related form fields found 表{0}中的字段不存在或表{0}中的字段不存在,请维护!或删除字段对应关系中的相应字段! = The field in the table {0} does not exist or the field in the table {0} does not exist, please maintain! Or delete the corresponding field in the field correspondence! 数据有变动,请先保存数据!= Data changes, please save the data first! 5,问答题 = 5, Question sq. 请输入调查项分类名称 = Name of survey item 请输入调查项分类名称!= Please enter the survey item classification name! 请输入调查项类别名称 = Survey category name 该类型包含子节点或数据,请先删除! = This type contains child nodes or data, please delete it first! 同时进行邮件通知 = Simultaneous email notifications 发布成功!并发送邮件 = The release was successful! and send an email 该人员尚未提交答卷! = This staff has not yet submitted a response! 确认终止所选数据?= Confirm termination of selected data? 终止成功!=The termination succeeded! 终止失败!= End failure! 确认催办所选数据?= Confirm that the selected data is being prompted? 发送失败!= Failed to send! 归档之后无法进行发布结果,确认归档所选数据? = Can't publish results after archiving to confirm that the selected data is archived? 归档成功!= archive successful! 归档失败!= Archive failed! 公布结果 = Announce results 问卷已发{0}份, = The questionnaire {0} has been sent, 确认要重命名【{0}】模板吗?= Rename the template 【{0}】? 确认要复制【{0}】模板吗? = Copy the template 【{0}】? 确认要删除【{0}】模板吗? = Delete the template 【{0}】? 删除失败:= Failed to delete: 没有找到问卷 = No questionnaire found 请选择具体的问卷模板 = questionnaire template 问卷模板未绑定 = Questionnaire template unbound 请选择短信模板.. = Please select the SMS template: 发布问卷模板 = Post a questionnaire template 请选择邮件模板.. = Please select the mail template: 邮件模板 = Mail template 请选择问卷调查模板 = Please select survey template 开始时间必须大于当前时间! = The start time must be greater than the current time! 请选择未发布的数据! = Please select unpublished data! 已发布,已归档,已终止的数据无法删除! = Published, archived, terminated data cannot be deleted! 没有设置调查人,无法提交审批!= No investigators set up, can't submit approval! 请选择未发布数据进行操作! = Please select unpublished data to operate! 同时邮件通知 = Simultaneous mail notifications 发布成功!但邮件发送失败 = The release was successful! But the message failed to send 请选择已发布邮件通知!= Please select published email notification! 审批中无法新增人员!= No new staff can be added in approval! 已审批通过无法新增人员! = Approved cannot add new staff ! 审批中无法删除人员! = Staff cannot be deleted in approval! 已审批通过无法删除人员! = Approved by unable to delete staff! 最低分不能为空! = The minimum score cannot be empty! 最高分不能为空! = The maximum score cannot be empty! 最低分不能大于最高分!= The minimum score cannot be greater than the maximum score! 方案名称不能为空 = Scheme name cannot be empty 请选择要查询的字段的信息! = Please select the info! 查询条件设定 = Query condition setting 请选择字段进行操作! = Please select field ! 获取选择的时间 = Get the time to choose 正在装载报表结果 = Loading report results 文件不存在! = The file does not exist! 文件操作错误!= File operation wrong! 文件格式错误!= File format is wrong! 密码错误!= password is wrong! 不能打开高版本文件!= High-edition files cannot be opened! 不能打开特定版本文件!= You can't open a specific version of a file! 不能下载文件!= The file cannot be downloaded! 未知的返回值!= Unknown return value! 您确实要提交报表数据吗?\r\n注意:提交报表后您将不能再修改本月的报表数据了,请您确认报表数据都已经核对正确。 = Submit report data? Note: After submitting the report, you will no longer be able to modify this month's report data, please confirm that the report data has been checked correctly. 连接服务器失败! = Failed to connect to the server! 您确实要汇总数据吗?= Summarize the data? 正在生成报表结果文件,这可能需要一段时间,请您耐心等待... = The report result file is being generated, which may take some time, please wait... 报表相关服务改造中 = Report-related service transformation 设置常用报表 = Set common reports 没有报表权限 = Do not have report rights 您没有报表权限 = You do not have report rights 请选择可选字段的数据 = Please select data 请选择要配置的数据 = Please select data 配置的数据不能超过{0}个 = The configured data cannot exceed {0} 为了显示效果,不建议将全部数据显示 = For effect, it is not recommended to display all data 为了显示效果,不建议将全部数据显示。= For effect, it is not recommended to display all data! 是否重新同步此条数据? = Resynchronize this data? 重新同步成功 = Resynchronization successfully 请选择自动计算项目!= Please select auto-calculation items! 请设定具体执行时间!= Please set the specific execution time! 执行失败,请检查自动计算sql语句是否正确!= Failed execution, check that the automatic calculation sql statement is correct! 请选择显示字段! = Please select the display field! 未指定人员! = No staff assigned! 操作成功,请到系统配置授人员类别权限! = Operate success, please go to the system configuration to grant employee category rightss! 请输入分组名称 = Please enter the group name *必填字段未配置可能会导致扫码提交资料失败 = Unconfigured required fields may cause the scan submission to fail 同步表不能为空 = Synchronized table cannot be empty 已超过最大限制数!= The maximum limit has been exceeded! 请先在系统参数配置维护履历报表ID! = Please configure the resume report ID first! 字符长度不能大于500! = Character length can not be greater than 500! 分组名称不能为空 = Group name cannot be empty 主表只能设置一个 = The main table can only be set to one 请选择分组! = Please select a group! 已选字段不能为空!= Selected field cannot be empty! 首页字段不能为空!= The home field cannot be empty! Logo图片不能为空 = Logo pictures cannot be empty 背景图片不能为空 = Background image cannot be empty 请选择二维码生成规则!= Please select the QR code generation rule! 层级只能填写数值!= Levels can only be filled in! 请选择下载二维码的类型! = Please choose the type of download QR code! 首页标题不能为空!= The home title cannot be empty! 框架颜色不能为空!= Frame color cannot be empty! 按钮颜色不能为空!= Button color cannot be empty! 此浏览器不支持HTML 5,请升级至最新版本或者更换浏览器!= This browser does not support HTML 5, please upgrade to the latest version or change your browser! 图片大小不能小于1kb!= The picture size must not be less than 1 kb! 图片大小不能超过{0}kb! = The picture size must not be less than {0} kb! 图片大小不能超过 = Picture size cannot exceed 只能上传{0}格式的图片! = Only upload images in {0} format! 欢迎加入朗新天霁有限公司! = Welcome to Langxin Tianyi Co., Ltd.! 下面需要您幾分鐘的時間來填寫入職的信息!= Here's what time you need to fill in! 请添加业务人员 = Please add business satff 注意:如果所需要导出的人员数量或者表的数量比较多,则导出Excel所需要的时间就会比较长。= Note: If you need to export more people or tables, it will take longer to export Excel. 请选择一名员工! = Please select employee! 主职数据请通过入职页面办理!= Master data please go through the onboarding page! 未能找到有权限的业务 = Failed to find privileged business 找不到该业务,请联系管理员!= Can't find the business, please contact your administrator! 您选择的人员不符合业务模板的人员类别限定,请重新选择!姓名:{0} 工号:{1} = The staff you selected does not meet the employee category qualification for the business template. Name: {0} Work No.{1} 您对选择的人员没有编辑权限,请重新选择!姓名:{0} 工号:{1} = You don't have editing rights for the staff you selected, please choose again! Name: {0} Work no.{1} 工资套存在{0}中的人员信息 = The staff info in {0} salary set 该人员已经存在处理审批中的业务数据,不能提交业务 = The staff already has business data in processing approval and cannot submit business 该人员已经存在处理审批中的业务数据,继续提交业务? = Does the staff already have business data in processing approval to continue submitting the business? 请选择人才库 = Please select the talent pool 请输入待入职人员名称进行快速查询 = Name of the staff to be hired 邮箱失效 = Mailbox invalidated 此判断未处理功能 = This judgment is untreated 添加成功 = Add success 面试情况 = Interviews 未填写入职表 = No entry form completed 新员工入职 = New hires 对不起!该人员编号已被占用,请更换人员编号 = sorry! This Staff code is already occupied, please change 该人员编号被占用已更换,请再次保存! = This Staff code has been replaced, please save it again! 请先对新入职员工的基础信息进行保存再进行子集维护!= Save the basic info of the new hires before you do the subset maintenance! 当前数据还未保存,是否继续录入下一个?= The current data has not been saved, continue to enter the next one? 该人员基础信息已提交审批,请录入下一个!= This staff basic info has been submitted for approval, please enter the next! 还未维护子集信息,是否继续提交?= Subset info has not been maintained, continue submitting? 请先对新入职员工的基础信息进行保存或提交审批再进行操作! = Please save or submit approval the basic info of the new hires before proceeding! 请在左边添加 = Please add on the left 数据已提交,无法操作!= Data submitted, inoperable! 未加载该子集信息!= Subset info is not loaded! 系统默认表单 = Default 请选择人员业务类型!= Please select the type of employee business! 未找到表单模板! = No form template found! 请选择一个人员! = Please select a staff! 请先点击计算再提交! = Please click On The Calculation before submitting! 模板内容为空!= The template content is empty! 业务模板不存在,请核实! = Business template does not exist, please verify! 业务人员删除成功!= Delete successfully! 不能提交业务!= Cannot submit business! ,不能提交业务!= ,Cannot submit business! 继续提交业务?= Continue to submit business? ,继续提交业务?= ,Continue to submit business? 请选择一种统计方案! = Please choose statistical scheme! 模块信息不允许为空,请重新输入! = Module info is not allowed to be empty, please re-enter! 模块编码格式错误,请按照1701XX的格式重新输入!= Module coding format is wrong, please re-enter in the format of 1701XX! 小数点位数不能为负数,请重新输入! = The decimal digit cannot be negative, please re-enter! 数据更新成功!= Data update successful! 数据更新失败!= Data update failed! 请先选择部门或该部门无成员!= Please select dept or have no members of the dept first! 请选择一个标签分类! = Please select a label category! 您没有维护公共标签的权限!= You don't have right! 请设置标签名称 = Label name 请输入标签名称! = Please enter label name! 请选择一个标签! = Please select label! 确认删除该人员标签? = Confirm that the staff tag is removed? 请先加载人员列表数据,并选择人员后再做导出!= Load the staff list data first, and select the staff before exporting! 请选择人员后再做导出!= Select someone and then export! 确定删除当前选中查询方案? = Delete currently selected query scenario? 分享查询方案成功! = Share the query plan was successful! 该查询方案取消分享!= The query scheme is cancelled to share! 分享查询方案失败!= Sharing query scenario failed! 请输入部门名称 = Please enter the dept name 未设置查询字段! = The query field is not set! 请至少选择一个表信息进行导出! = Please select at least one table info for export! 请选择下拉框选项!= Please select the drop-down box option! 不推送,请先删除推送列表人员!= Please delete the push list staff first! 人员添加成功!= Add successfully! 您还没有设置查询条目! = You haven't set up a query entry yet! 您还没有设置筛选条件!= You haven't set up filters yet! 左关联只能关联一个附表!= The left association can only be associated with one schedule! 保存查询方案成功!= Saved query scenario was successful! 已添加该字段!= The field has been added! 该字段不允许为空!= This field is not allowed to be empty! 请先添加替换字段,再执行替换!= Please add a replacement field before you perform the replacement! 请先选中需要新增的子集信息!= Please select the new subset info first! 请选择子集表!= Please select subset table! 请选择扩展表!= Please select extension table! 请输入加入黑名单的原因! = Please enter the reason for joining the blacklist! 已在黑名单中! = Already on the blacklist! 该查询方案取消分享 = The query scheme unshares 所选人员不在黑名单中!= Selected staff not on the blacklist! 为条件的查询方案 = Query scenarios for conditions 输入新增人员姓名 = Enter the name of the new staff 输入自定义人员姓名? = Enter custom staff name? 新增人员姓名不允许为空 = New staff names are not allowed to be empty 请先维护字段【{0}】数据 = Please maintain the field 【{0}】 data first 输入错误 = Wrong input 请输入长度介于1的字符串 = Please enter a string of 1 length 的长度介于1到 = The length of the 请选择日期 = Please choose a date 请输入正确的格式! = Please enter the correct format! 配置错误,找不到关联的字段! = The associated field could not be found because of the misconfiguration! 表单配置数据不对,SP02表没有相关配置: = The form configuration data is incorrect, and the SP02 table does not have the relevant configuration: 公式错误 = Wrong formula 获取文件信息失败,请重试!= Failed to get file info, please try again! 文件格式错误 = File format is wrong XHR对象创建失败,请重试!= XHR object creation failed, please try again! 关联表没有: = The association table does not: 没有找到数据 = No data found 评分选项类型为计算值,无需填写! = The scoring option type is a calculated value and does not need to be filled in! 整数位超出限制 = Integer bit exceeds limit 小数位超出限制 = Decimal places exceed limits 输入值超出取值范围 = Input value out of range 请输入正确的数字! = Please enter the correct number! 请填写评分! = Please fill in the score! 新增指标明细 = New norm details 新增多行指标明细 = New multi-line norm details 删除指标明细 = Delete metric details 请先绑定指标字段! = Please bind the norm field first! 当前行未绑定考核方式!= The current line is not bound to the appraisal mode! 请输入行数 = Please enter the number of lines 该行未绑定指标名称,无法添加!= The row is not bound by the norm name and cannot be added! 指标名称【{0}】重复,无法添加! = The norm name 【{0}】 is repeated and cannot be added! 当前行未绑定指标字段!= The current row is not bound to the norm field! 当前行未绑定指标明细表字段,无法添加!= The current row is not bound to the norm schedule field and cannot be added! 加载考核对象信息失败,请重试! = Loading the profile info failed, please try again! 单元格【{0}】绑定的评分选项错误! = Cell 【{0}】binding scored option scored incorrectly! 数据已发生变化,请先保存! = The data has changed, save first! #SS0/SSORouter.html Token颁发失败,请联系管理员检查Token颁发服务 = Token issuance fails, please contact the administrator to check the Token issuing service 无返回地址,请联系管理员检查Token颁发服务 = No return address, please contact your administrator to check token issuance services 请输入拒绝理由 = Please enter the reason for the rejection #SS0/SSOSPDetail.html 是否进行退回操作 = Whether to proceed with a return operation 是否进行不同意操作? = Do you want to do not agree? 审批成功!= Approval successful! HR系统未建立此用户,无法登录! = THE HR SYSTEM DID NOT ESTABLISH THIS USER AND COULD NOT LOG IN! 申请Token,并生成初始化各种请求实例 = Request Token and generate instances that initialize various requests (url跳转 GET)带access_token的sso请求[一般用于系统内跳转,系统邮件跳转,第三方SSO等直接或间接的url跳转] = (url jump GET) with access_token sso requests (generally used in-system jumps, system mail jumps, third-party SSO, etc., direct or indirect url jumps) [loginuser参数必填:传递员工工号,furl参数选填:传递跳转独立窗体页面格式:ysysfuncFrame.func_url+?+独立窗体页面参数,furl空跳转主页] = (loginuser parameter required: pass employee work number, furl parameter optional: pass jump independent form page format: ysysfuncframe.func_url? 跳转到员工个人信息页面例子: = Jump to an example of an employee's personal info page: (AJAX GET)带Authorization请求头的sso请求[建议用于第三方对接朗新stalent的SSO跳转] = (AJAX GET) sso request with Authorization request header (recommended for sSO jump for third-party docking Langxin stalent) [loginuser参数必填:传递员工工号,furl参数选填:传递跳转独立窗体页面func_url+?+独立窗体页面参数] = The loginuser parameter is required: pass the employee work number, furl parameter optional: pass the jump independent form page func_url s? 提交SSO请求到主页 = Submit an SSO request to the home page 一般用于朗新stalent内部逻辑,例如:短信通知,邮件审批等。这种一般都是服务端生成一个URL地址发送出去的。= Generally used in The internal logic of Langxin stalent, e.g. SMS notifications, email approval, etc. This is generally sent by the service side to generate a URL address. 请填写appid = Please fill in the appid 请选择一个统计! = Please choose a statistic! 请设计列!= Please design the column! 请设计行!= Please design the line! 请选择要删除的节点!= Please select the node! 删除节点前,请先清空子节点!= Empty the child nodes before deleting them! 您确定要删除节点?= Delete the node? 请输入比较值! = Please enter the comparison value! 界面输入 = Interface input 请选择要删除的项! = Please select the item ! 请选择要删除的条件项! = Please select the condition item ! 该条件已经存在条件表达式不能删除! = The condition already exists and the conditional expression cannot be deleted! 请选择列!= Please select a column! 已经存在列,不能继续添加! = Columns already exist and cannot be added! 请选择父节点!= Please select the parent node! 已经处于第一级,不能再上移! = Already in the first level, can not move up! 已经处于最后一级,不能再下移! = Already at the last level, can not move down! 请选择要编辑的节点! = Please select the node! 菜单编码超出限制,请修改菜单编码!= Menu encoding exceeds limit, please modify the menu code! 请选择一个菜单! = Please select a menu! 请先选择桌面模板 = Please select the desktop template first 请先选择桌面模块! = Please select the desktop module first! 请选择桌面比例! = Please select the desktop scale! 模块{0}存在于不同的栏目中 = Modules {0} exist in different columns 模块存在于不同的栏目中 = Modules exist in different columns 存在已选板块未被加入到板块布局中 = There are selected plates that are not added to the plate layout 确定要保存吗? = Save it? 请输入模板名称! = please enter the template name! 确认要重命名{0}吗? =Rename {0}? 确认要删除{0}吗? = Delete {0}? 确认要删除[{0}]吗? = Confim deleting {0}? 请先进行板块选择 = Please select plate first 请先进行板块选择!= Please select plate first! #SYS/basicParam/booklayer.html 已处于最顶部!= Already at the top! 已处于最底部!= Already at the bottom! #SYS/COMM/AutoCalculate.html 请选择自动计算类型! = Please choose the automatic calculation type! 间隔的分钟数必须是整数,并且大小范围在1到1439!= The number of minutes at the interval must be an integer, and the size range sits from 1 to 1439! 执行成功! = Successful execution! 只能选择{0}个! = Only {0} can be selected! 方案已保存并继续查询? = The scenario has been saved and continues to query? ---自定义查询方案--- = - custom - 查询方案名称: = Query scheme name: 请先保存查询条件! = Please save the query condition first! 请输入查询方案名称!= Please enter the name of the query scheme! 保存查询方案失败! = Saving the query scheme failed! #SYS/COMM/AdvancedQuickSearch.html 请输入全称并以";"或者","或者换行分隔 = Please enter the full name and separate by or ';' or ',' or line break 请输入过滤条件! = Please enter the filter! 请输入过滤条件!不能只输入分号、逗号或换行符。 = Please enter the filter! You can't just enter ';', ',', or line break. 请输入 = Please enter 并以";"或者","或者换行分隔 = and separate by ';' or ',' or line break #SYS/COMM/CurrrencyAttachment.html 附件上传成功!= The attachment was uploaded successfully! 表达式验证失败,找不到第{0}条条件! = Expression validation failed, no {0} condition found ! 请选择编辑主表! = Please select the main table to edit! 请设置主表附表关联关系! = Please set up the main table schedule association relationship! 请选择列表关联关系!= Please select the list association! 未生成SQL语句!= SQL statement not generated! 请选择附表表字段! = Please select the Schedule field! 公式必须以‘=’号起始,标准Excel公式 = The formula must start with the ''' sign, the standard Excel formula 公式保存成功,请手动保存数据! = The formula was saved successfully, please save the data manually! 公式添加成功,请手动保存! = Formula was added successfully, please save it manually! 没有找到导入配置 = No import configuration found 请点击退出 = Please click to exit 导入方式选择 = Import method choose 没有部门默认指定 = No dept default designation 没有人员类别默认指定 = No employee category specified by default 注:导入人员基本信息时,请确保Excel中存在姓名、部门、人员类别列。部门列请填写部门编码。岗位值(请填写岗位编号E0102)必须与部门对应。= Note: When importing basic info for staff, make sure that there are names, departments, and categories columns in Excel. The department column please fill in the department code. The job value (please fill in the post number E0102) must correspond to the department. 注:导入部门表信息时,请确保Excel中下级部门排在其对应的上级部门之后。否则下级部门导入将失败。= Note: When importing department table info, make sure that the lower-level departments in Excel are after their respective parent departments. Otherwise, the sub-department import will fail. 职务信息 = Job info 注:导入职务编码表信息时,请确保Excel中存在职位名称、职务编码、职务父编码列。下级职务排在其对应的上级职务之后,否则下级职务导入将失败。= Note: When importing job code table info, make sure that there is a job title, job code, and job parent code column in Excel. Subordinate positions are ranked after their corresponding superior positions, otherwise the import of subordinate positions will fail. 注:导入岗位信息时,请确保上级岗位已经在岗位表中存在,否则下级岗位导入将失败。岗位信息只能导入到活动的岗位计划中。职务名称请填写“职务名称编码表”的“职务编码”。部门请填写“部门表”的“部门编码”。岗位请填写“岗位编号”。= Note: When importing job infor, make sure that the parent position already exists in the job table, otherwise the subordinate post import will fail. Job information can only be imported into the active job plan. The title name please fill in the Title Code Form. The department please fill in the Department Code of the Department Form. Fill in the "job number". 注:导入考核结果时,只能针对当前选中的“考核方案”进行导入。人员字段请填写“人员编号”。部门请填写“部门表”的“部门编码”。= Note: When importing appraisal results, you can only import for the currently selected Appraisal Scheme. Please fill in the staff Number in the personnel field. The department please fill in the Department Code of the Department Form. 注:部门列请填写部门编码。岗位值(请填写岗位编号E0102)必须与部门对应。 = Note: Department column please fill in the department code. The job value (please fill in the post number E0102) must correspond to the department. 注:导入附表信息时,请确保Excel中有主键和人员编号列。= Note: When importing schedule info, make sure that there is a primary key and staff code column in Excel. 注:导入部门表信息时,请确保Excel中有部门编码列。= Note: When importing department table info, make sure that there are department-coded columns in Excel. 注:导入职务编码表信息时,请确保Excel中有职务编码列。= Note: When importing job code table info, make sure that there is a job code column in Excel. 注:导入岗位信息时,请确保Excel中有岗位编号列。岗位信息只能导入到活动的岗位计划中。职务名称请填写“职务名称编码表”的“职务编码”。部门请填写“部门表”的“部门编码”。岗位请填写“岗位编号”。= Note: When importing job info, make sure that there is a job number column in Excel. Job information can only be imported into the active job plan. The title name please fill in the Title Code Form. The department please fill in the Department Code of the Department Form. Fill in the "job number". 注:导入考核结果时,只能针对当前选中的“考核方案”进行导入。人员字段请填写“人员编号”。部门字段请填写“部门表”的“部门编码”。= Note: When importing appraisal results, you can only import for the currently selected Appraisal Scheme. Please fill in the staff Number in the personnel field. The Department field please fill in the Department Code for the Department Form. 查询数据 = Query data 注:导入人员附表信息时,请确保Excel中有人员编号列。 = Note: When importing staff schedule info, make sure that there is a staff code column in Excel. 错误处理 = Error handling 遇到错误时跳过 = Error encountered,Skipping 遇到错误时中止 = Abort encountered error 请先进行数据校验!= Please do the data check first! 数据校验成功!= Check success! 请进行导入操作! = please import! 获取表的主键信息失败。请到\"系统配置-数据重构\"页面进行对应表的主键设置。= Failed to get the table's primary key info. Please go to the "System Configuration - Data Refactoring" page to set the primary key for the corresponding table. 此浏览器不支持HTML 5!= THIS BROWSER DOES NOT SUPPORT HTML 5! 导入错误,请选择目标表 = Import error, select target table 请先上传要导入的Excel文件!= Please upload the Excel file first! 未指定任何字段,不能导入! = No fields are specified and cannot be imported! 请选择表类型!= Please select table type! 请选择目标表! = Please select target table! 获取表的数据导入设置失败!请确认该表的导入设置是否有初始化。= Failed to get the table's data import setup! Please confirm that the import settings for the table are initialized. 请选择人员类别.. = Please select employee category.. 没有数据可校验!= No data to verify! 请选择校验导入数据方式! = Please select the data import verification rules! 您导入的数据量超过了10000条,为了避免内存溢出,请先筛选数据分多次导入! = You have imported more than 10,000 pieces of data, to avoid memory overflow, first filter the data into multiple imports! " 请选择校验导入数据方式:新增数据/更新数据! = Please choose how to verify the import data: New data/update data! 请选择校验导入数据方式:新增数据! = Please choose how to verify the import of data: New data! 请选择校验导入数据方式:更新数据! = Please choose how to verify the import of data: Update the data! 新增人员基本信息时,请确保Excel中存在部门和人员类别列! = When adding basic info about staff, make sure that there are department and staff type columns in Excel! 新增人员基本信息时,请确保Excel中存在部门列! = When adding basic info for people, make sure there are department columns in Excel! 新增人员基本信息时,请确保Excel中存在人员类别列!= When adding basic info about staff, make sure that there is a category column in Excel! 新增人员基本信息时,部门默认指定不能为空! = When adding basic info for people, the department specifies by default that it cannot be empty! 新增人员基本信息时,人员类别默认指定不能为空!= When you add basic info for staff, the staff type specifies by default that it cannot be empty! 更新人员基本信息时,如果有岗位列,那么部门列也必须存在!= When updating basic info for people, if there is a post column, then the department column must also exist! 更新人员基本信息时,如果有兼职信息(J01),那么兼职ID(J01_ID)列也必须存在!= When updating people's basic information, if there is part-time information (J01), then the part-time ID (J01_ID) column must also exist! 新增职务编码表信息时,请确保Excel中存在职位名称、职务编码和职务父编码列!= When adding job code table info, make sure that there is a job title, job code, and job parent code column in Excel! 更新职务编码表信息时,请确保Excel中存在职务编码列!= When updating job code table info, make sure that there is a job code column in Excel! 以下行存在姓名或手机号或邮箱未填,不能导入。请核查! = The following lines have a name or phone number or mailbox that is not filled in and cannot be imported. Please check! 以下行存在重复数据,不能导入。请核查!= The following lines have duplicate data and cannot be imported. Please check! 错误信息提示 = Error message prompt 已将信息复制到剪贴板!=The information has been copied to the clipboard! 浏览器不支持,复制失败!请手动选中信息进行复制!= Browser does not support, copy failed! Please manually select the info for copying! #SYS/COMM/ExcelImport2.html 注: 请确保Excel中存在姓名、部门、人员类别列。部门列请填写部门编码。岗位值(请填写岗位编号E0102)必须与部门对应。= Note: Make sure that there are names, departments, and categories columns in Excel. The department column please fill in the department code. The job value (please fill in the post number E0102) must correspond to the department. 注: 部门列请填写部门编码。岗位值(请填写岗位编号E0102)必须与部门对应。= Note: Department column please fill in the department code. The job value (please fill in the post number E0102) must correspond to the department. 注: 导入附表信息时,请确保Excel中有主键和人员编号列。= Note: When importing schedule info, make sure that there is a primary key and staff code column in Excel. 注: 导入部门表信息时,请确保Excel中下级部门排在其对应的上级部门之后。否则下级部门导入将失败 = Note: When importing department table info, make sure that the lower and middle departments in Excel are after their respective parent departments. Otherwise, the sub-department import will fail 注: 导入部门表信息时,请确保Excel中有部门编码列。= Note: When importing department table info, make sure that there are department-coded columns in Excel. 注: 导入职务编码表信息时,请确保Excel中存在职位名称、职务编码、职务父编码列。下级职务排在其对应的上级职务之后,否则下级职务导入将失败。= Note: When importing job code table information, make sure that there is a job title, job code, and job parent code column in Excel. Subordinate positions are ranked after their corresponding superior positions, otherwise the import of subordinate positions will fail. , 注: 导入职务编码表信息时,请确保Excel中有职务编码列。= Note: When importing job code table information, make sure that there is a job code column in Excel. 注: 导入岗位信息时,请确保上级岗位已经在岗位表中存在,否则下级岗位导入将失败。岗位信息只能导入到活动的岗位计划中。职务名称请填写“职务名称编码表”的“职务编码”。部门请填写“部门表”的“部门编码”。岗位请填写“岗位编号”。" = Note: When importing job information, make sure that the parent position already exists in the job table, otherwise the subordinate post import will fail. Job information can only be imported into the active job plan. The title name please fill in the Title Code Form. The department please fill in the Department Code of the Department Form. Fill in the "job number". ", 注: 导入岗位信息时,请确保Excel中有岗位编号列。岗位信息只能导入到活动的岗位计划中。职务名称请填写“职务名称编码表”的“职务编码”。部门请填写“部门表”的“部门编码”。岗位请填写“岗位编号”。= Note: When importing job info, make sure that there is a job number column in Excel. Job information can only be imported into the active job plan. The title name please fill in the Title Code Form. The department please fill in the Department Code of the Department Form. Fill in the "job number". " 注: 导入考核结果时,只能针对当前选中的“考核方案”进行导入。人员字段请填写“人员编号”。部门请填写“部门表”的“部门编码”。= Note: When importing appraisal results, you can only import for the currently selected Appraisal Scheme. Please fill in the PersonNel Number in the personnel field. The department please fill in the Department Code of the Department Form. 注: 导入考核结果时,只能针对当前选中的“考核方案”进行导入。人员字段请填写“人员编号”。部门字段请填写“部门表”的“部门编码”。= Note: When you import appraisal results, you can only import for the currently selected Appraisal Scheme. Please fill in the PersonNel Number in the personnel field. The Department field please fill in the Department Code for the Department Form. 注: 导入人员基本信息时,请确保Excel中存在姓名、部门、人员类别列。部门列请填写部门编码。岗位值(请填写岗位编号E0102)必须与部门对应。= Note: When importing basic info for staff, make sure that there are names, departments, and categories columns in Excel. The department column please fill in the department code. The job value (please fill in the post number E0102) must correspond to the department. 可根据实际需要对更新键进行调 = Update keys can be adjusted according to actual needs 获取表的数据导入设置失败!请确认该表的导入设置是否有初始化。= Getting the table's data import setup failed! Please confirm that the import settings for the table are initialized. 表在导入设置表中设置的主键【{0}】不存在!= The main key 【{0}】 set in the table in the import settings table does not exist! 表在导入设置表中设置的更新键【{0}】不存在! = The update key 【{0}】set in the import settings table does not exist! 更新键字段在Excel中必须存在且有值。若不需要请把该字段在更新键中取消选中。= The update key field must exist and have a value in Excel. If you do not need to uncheck this field in the update key.
; 无法单独更新人员视图表的职位名称【J01_E01BM0000】数据,需配合岗位【J01_E0101】数据! = The position name of the staff view table cannot be updated separately, J01_E01BM0000 data, and the job "J01_E0101" data needs to be matched! 以下行存在内部推荐未填写推荐人,不能导入。请核查! = The following lines have internal recommendations that are not filled in and cannot be imported. Please check! 服务出错,请联系管理员!= Service error, please contact the administrator! 疑似简历判断 = Suspected resume judgment 该方案未保存,不能复制 = The scenario is not saved and cannot be copied 请输入新方案名称 = Please enter the name of the new scheme 该方案是全局方案,不能删除! = This scenario is a global scheme and cannot be deleted! 设置内容不能为空 = The settings cannot be empty 未找到窗体ID,无法关闭 = The form ID was not found and could not be closed 未加载到数据! = Not loaded into data! 请选择公式 = Please select a formula 请设置公式套名称', '请设置公式套名称!= Please set the formula set name ', 'Please set the formula set name!! 公式套创建成功!= Formula set was created successfully! 公式套创建成功,请先分配好公式套的权限! = Formula set is successfully created, please first assign the permissions of the formula set! 此操作同步删除公式套,确认删除公式套吗? = Confirm deleting the formula sleeve? 公式套删除失败! = Delete failed! 公式套删除成功! = Delete successfully! 请重命名公式套名称', '请重命名公式套名称!= Rename formula set name ', 'Please rename formula set name!' 请选择重命名公式套!= Please select rename the formula sleeve! 公式套改名成功! = Formula set name change successfully! 请选择考勤方案设置公式套名称', '请设置公式套名称! = Please select the formula set name ',' 公式套复制成功!= Formula sleeve copy successfully! 公式套复制成功!请先分配好临时表权限和模板编辑权限! = Formula sleeve copy successfully! Please assign temporary table permissions and template editing permissions first! 请选择一条公式数据!= Please select a formula data! 设置公式参考项 = Set up formula references 请选择编码表! = Please select the coding table! 请选择编码表.... = Please select the coding table.... 参考项目名称 = Refer to the project name #SYS/COMM/FormManager.html 表单已启用,不能再删除 = The form is enabled and can no longer be deleted 不能重复启用!= Cannot be enabled again! 有审批中的业务不能禁用!= There are approved businesses can not be disabled! 您同意这个单据吗 = Do you agree to this document? 审核评分不能为空,请先评完分,再提交! = Review score can not be empty, please finish the score, and then submit! 请确认可编辑字段是否编辑?点[确定]为继续提交! = Please confirm that the editable field is edited? Point OK for continue submitting! 没有找到流程编码,不能审批! = No process code found, cannot be approved! 没有找到流程编码,无法查看! = No process code found, cannot be viewed! 业务表单信息保存成功!= Business form info saved successfully! 无编辑字段,不需要保存! = No edit field, no saving required! 保存候选人信息失败! = Failed to save candidate info! 当前用户没有候选人表单的操作权限,无法保存!= The current user does not have the operation rights of the candidate form and cannot be saved! 审批完成!= Approval is complete! 未找到窗体ID,无法关闭! = The form ID was not found and cannot be closed! 审批意见不能为空! = Approval opinions cannot be empty! 以下字段[{0}]为可编辑字段,请确认是否编辑?点[确定]为继续提交!= The following fields [{0}] are editable fields, please confirm that you are editing? Point s OK for continue submitting! 没有找到流程编码,不能审批 = No process code found, cannot be approved #SYS/COMM/GridMuiltColumns.html 请输入表头名称!= Please enter the header name! 请输入搜索条件 = Please enter the search criteria 匹配不到符合的数据 = Unmatched data 列头下面必须放置列,请检查 = Place column under the column head, please check 请输入编码名称进行快速查询 = Code name 请选择行或者要设置的单元格! = Please select a row or a cell to set! #SYS/COMM/OneKeySP.html 您同意这个单据吗? = Do you agree to this document? 请填写审批意见! = Please fill in the approval opinion! 无法审批通过此单据 = Cannot approve approval of this document 请选择过程函数! = Please select the procedure function! 关联字段[{0}],不能为空! = The Associated Fields {0}. DisplayLabel and cannot be empty! 未检索到数据,无法删除! = The data was not retrieved and cannot be deleted! 人员选择模式为单选,默认值不能为多个! = The staff selection mode is radio, and the default value cannot be multiple! 兼职类别.. = Part-time category: 确定全部选中当前部门下的所有人员? = Are you sure all staff under your current department are selected? 确定取消选中当前部门下的所有人员? = Are you sure to uncheck all staff under your current department? #SYS/COMM/rySelectorGrid.html 人员选择模式为单选,默认值不能为多个! = The staff selection mode is radio, and the default value cannot be multiple! 已发布模板不能删除!= Published templates cannot be deleted! 新增人员非异动模板,无法查看! = New staff non-moving template, can not be viewed! 新增人员非异动模板,无法发布!= New staff non-moving templates, can not be published! 请选择未发布单据!= Please select unpublished documents! 业务菜单发布 = Business menu publishing 新增人员非异动模板,无法取消发布! = New staff non-moving template, can not cancel the release! 请选择已发布单据!= Please select published document! 是否取消发布菜单?= Cancel the publishmenu? 请选择完整表字段信息!=Please select full table field info! 已添加该列! = The column has been added! 请选择查询列!= Please select the query column! 请选择查询主表! = Please select the main table of the query! 请选择附表字段! = Please select the Schedule field! 主表已经设置了对应关系!= The main table has set the correspondence! 错误代码不能为空 = Error code cannot be empty 由于日志查询会耗费大量系统资源,所以本查询为单线程查询。如果日志量大,本查询将会比较耗时,建议缩小查询日期或者下载日志手动查询。= Because log queries consume a lot of system resources, this query is a single-threaded query. If the log volume is large, this query will be time-consuming, it is recommended to narrow the query date or download the log manual query. 请至少选则一个文件 = Please select at least one file 请至少选则一条记录 = Please select at least one record 写入成功 = Write successful 清理缓存将踢出所有用户,并退到登录界面,是否继续?= Cleaning up the cache kicks out all users and returns to the login interface, Continue? 清理成功 = Clean-up successful 清除所有 = Clear all 请选择.. = Please choose... 无修改内容! = No changes! 请选择列表关联关系!= Please select the list association! 选择工作地点 = Choose a place to work 日期显示格式如下: yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm 或者 yyyy-MM-dd 或者 yyyy-MM 或者 HH:mm = The date display format is as follows: yyyy-MM-ddHH:mm or yyyy-MM-dd or yyyy-MM or HH:mm 日期显示模式 Date display mode 显示日期和时间,对应显示格式为 yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:= Display date and time, corresponding to the display format yyyyy-MM-ddHH:mm 显示日期,对应显示格式为 yyyy-MM-dd 或者 yyyy-MM = Display date, corresponding to the display format yyyyy-MM-dd or yyyyy-MM 显示时间,对应显示格式为 HH:mm = Display time, corresponding to display format HH:mm 选择日期时间 = Select date time 获取时间 = Get time 选择日期 = Select date 获取单级代码失败!= Failed to get single-level code! 请勾选要设置的多级编码! = Please check multi-level code ! 请选择需要操作的编码表!= Please select the coding table! 编码不能重复,请重新添加! = The encoding cannot be repeated, please add it again! 请选择需要删除的树节点! = Please select tree node! 请选择需要操作的列表数据! = Please select list data! 请输入编码表英文名/编码表中文名进行快速定位 = English name/Chinese name 编码表英文名/编码表中文名 = English name/Chinese name 请勾选要设置的单级编码! = Please check single-level code ! 表不能为空,附件字段不能为空! = The table cannot be empty and the attachment field cannot be empty! 部门不能为空!= Dept cannot be empty! 请选择要移动的类别 = Please select move category 请输入类别名称并选择图标 = enter category name & icon 请输入类别名称! = Please enter the category name! 系统帮助附件信息 = System help attachment info 请选择角色.. = Please select role.. 授权成功!= authorization was successful! 您还没有设置上传规则,请先设置上传规则,否则将失败! = You have not set up upload rules, please set the upload rules first, or you will fail! 该文件类型不允许上传!= The file type is not allowed to be uploaded! 说明:[规则字段]为唯一标识附件的字段,附件名称请以:'规则字段_文件名称'命名。比如:4585_张三照片。= Description: The Rule Field is the field that uniquely identifies the attachment, and the attachment name is named after: 'Rule Field-File Name'. For example: 4585 s three photos. 请选择规则字段! = Please select the rule field! 请选择附件字段!= Please select the attachment field! 提示:所有人员均属于普通员工,无需设置。 = Tip: All staff are regular employees and do not need to be set up. 普通员工 = General employees 无角色数据! = No role data! 请选择非根目录节点! = Please select a non-root directory node! #Sys/QX/XtResumeUsers.html 解锁成功 = Unlock edited successfully 解锁成功 ! = Unlock success! 解锁失败 = Failed to unlock 锁定成功!= Lock-up success! 锁定失败!= Lockdown failed! #Sys/QX/vrORGManage.html 请选择有效的操作节点!= Please select a valid operating node! 回收失败!= Recall failed! 部分节点回收成功!= Some nodes have recovered successfully! 回收成功! = Recall success! 授权失败! = Authorization failed! 部分节点授权成功!= Some nodes have successfully authorized! 请通过复选框选择有效的操作节点!= select a valid operating node through the check box! 无虚拟组织数据!= No data! #Sys/QX/tablesManage.html 请选择模块! = Please select module! 无表数据!= No table data! 未设置条件! = No conditions set! 表达式验证失败,找不到第{0}条条件!= Expression validation failed, condition {0} not found! 表达式验证失败,0不需要包含到表达式!= Expression validation fails, 0 does not need to be included to the expression! 已清除条件! = The condition has been cleared! 选择条件 = Select condition 删除编辑权限! = Remove editing permissions! 删除查看权限 = Remove viewing permissions 条件操作成功,请编辑保存逻辑表达式!= Operate successfully, please edit the save logic expression! 请选择人员条件! = Please select staff condition! 无人员条件数据! = No data! 删除编辑权限 = Remove edit permissions 请选择业务! = Please select business! 无报表数据! = No report data! 请选择岗位! = Please select a position! 请通过复选框选择未授权的操作节点! = Select unauthorized action node through the check box! 授权成功 = Authorization successful 人力审核中 = Review 请选中一个末级菜单节点! = Please select last-level menu node! 正在解析... = Resolving... 没有找到可配置控件! = No configurable controls found! 解析出错,请联系管理员! = There was an error, please contact the administrator! 新加载的未配置的控件授权失败!请重新授权! = Newly loaded unconfigured control authorization failed! Please reauthorize! 删除控件成功!部分特殊的操作按钮不可删除,仍然保留。 = Removing the control was successful! Some special action buttons cannot be removed and remain. 删除控件成功!= Removing the control was successful! 无菜单数据!= No menu data! #sys/QX/deptManage.html 无部门数据!= No department data! 无职务数据! = No job data! #SYS/QX/bmcolumnsManage.html 设置失败!= setup failed! 部分节点设置成功!= Setting successfully! 无班次类别数据!= No shift category data! 请选择桌面模板! = Please select desktop template! 格式:colname in (),下面配置括号中内容 = Format: colname in (), configured below in parentheses #SYS/QX/addActorRY.html 请至少选择一个人员!= Please select at least one staff! 请选择有效日期!= Please select valid date! 创建成功! = Successful creation! 快速查询: = Quick query: 输入人员姓名,人员编号,拼音简码即可快速查询 = Staff Name,Staff Code, PinYin Code 请等待数据加载完再操作! = Please wait! 角色名称不能为空!= Role name cannot be empty! 角色名称包含非法字符!= The role name contains illegal characters! 启用分模块授权后,该角色之前的部门、表字段、人员数据等权限会被清除掉,确认启用该功能? = When sub-module authorization is enabled, permissions such as department, table field, personnel data, etc. before the role are cleared to confirm that the feature is enabled? 取消分模块授权后,该角色之前的部门、表字段、人员数据等权限会被清除掉,确认取消该功能? = After the sub-module authorization is revoked, the previous department, table field, personnel data, etc. permissions for the role are removed to confirm the cancellation of the function? 请从末级节点开始删除! = Please start with the last node! 只能复制角色! = Only role can be copied! 请选择复制后父节点!= Please select the parent node after replication! 选择复制后父节点 = select parent node after replication 请输入角色名称! = Please input role name! 复制角色 = Copy role 您确认要删除吗? = Delete it? 请选择两个人员! = Please select two staff! #SYS/SynData/SynManager.html 同步完成,请查看同步日志! = Sync complete, check out the sync log! #SYS/SynData/SynSetting.html 请先选择同步表! = Please select sync table first! 未加载同步字段! = Sync field not loaded! 请选择一个二级节点! = Please select a secondary node! 根节点,无法删除!= Root node, cannot be deleted! 根节点,无法修改! = Root node, cannot be modified! 一级节点,无法删除!= Level 1 node, cannot be deleted! 请确保该流程类型下没有相关流程,删除后该流程将不可恢复,确认删除该类型? = Confirm delete this type? 请选择一个一级节点! = Please select level one node! 添加到 = Add to 同级存在同名对象!= There are siblings! 请选择一个二级类型节点! = Please select secondary type node! 请选择一个流程!= Please select process! 确认删除该流程? = Confirm remove process? 请选择一条数据设置! = Please select data! 邮件模板设置 = Mail template settings 创建失败! = Failed to create! #SYS/WF/WFChildrenDs.html 未记载数据! = No data recorded! 请选择一个子流程!= Please select sub-process! 已启用的子流程不能删除! = Enabled sub-processes cannot be deleted! 还未提交流程!= The process has not been submitted yet! 新画流程请先保存后,再生成节点信息供选择! = The new drawing process is saved before generating node info for selection! 整个节点 = Entire node 节点数据保存成功 = Node data saved successfully 暂存成功!= Staged success! 流程已使用过,不能添加! = The process has been used and cannot be added! 流程已使用过,不能删除! = The process has been used and cannot be deleted! 请至少指定一个活动! = Please specify at least one activity! 必须指定至少一个固定审批人! = At least one fixed approver must be designated! 必须指定至少一个参与者! = At least one participant must be specified! 数据加载失败!= Data loading failed! 创建时,待处理人接收邮件通知 = When created, the person waiting to be processed receives mail notifications 创建时,制单人接收邮件通知 = When created, creator receives mail notifications 完成时,制单人接收邮件通知 = When complete,creator receives mail notifications 允许回写(请确保回写字段长度足够) = Allow writeback (make sure the writeback field length is sufficient) 流程启动者{流程启动者} = Process Initiators (Process Launchers) 请至少指定一个活动 = Please specify at least one activity 必须指定至少一个参与者 = At least one participant must be specified 数据加载失败 = Data load failed #SYS/WFModule/Index.html 主外键表关联条件为空,请输入主外键表关联条件! = The main foreign key table association condition is empty, please enter the primary foreign key table association condition! 请去数据重构中设置 为可见可改,并输入关联条件! = Please go to the data refactoring setting as visible changeable and enter the association criteria! 主表为空的记录无法设置流程模板 = Records with empty main table could not be set up for a process template APP概要模板编辑 = APP profile template editing #SYS/STGJ/SmsManageFrm.html 短信余额:加载中... = SMS Balance: Loaded... 请选择短信息类型!= Please select the type of text message! 请配置短信发送模板!= Please configure the SMS send template! #SYS/XTSZ/DesktopLinksSetting.html 新增链接 = New links Url地址必须以 http:// 或 https:// 开头! = The Url address must begin with http:// or https://! 链接地址不是一个合法的Url地址!= Link address is not a legitimate Url address! 编辑链接 = Edit link 请选择要删除的链接! = Please select link ! 全局链接不可删除!= Global links cannot be deleted! #SYS/XTSZ/ModuleInfo.html 模块名 = module 存在相同的模块名称! = The same module name exists! 请选择按钮链接.. = Please select the button link.. 未设置名称 = No name set 未设置英文名称 = No English name set 未 = Not #SYS/XTSZ/ServerIPs.html 存在相同的IP! = There is the same IP! #SYS/XTSZ/ServicesBasicSetting.html 保存失败,请求校验失败,非法请求 = Failed save, failed request validation, illegal request 请至少勾选一个配置进行修改 = Please check at least one configuration #SYS/XTSZ/SingleOnset.html 数据生成列前事件,可以修改列是否显示 = Data generation column before event, you can modify whether the column is displayed 域名格式错误! = The domain name is in the wrong format! 确认启用? = Confirm enabled? 确认禁用? = Confirm disabled? #SYS/XTSZ/SystemMenu.html 请选择一个具体模块!= Please select a specific module! URL地址不能为空! = THE URL ADDRESS CANNOT BE EMPTY! 配置发生变化,是否保存? = Configuration changes, save? 请勾选一个配置进行修改 = Please check a configuration to make changes 没有可删除项目! = No items to delete! 请选择要具体的业务! = Please select the specific business! 没有流程实例数据! = No process instance data! 未获取到报表ID,无法打开报表 = The report ID was not obtained and the report could not be opened 未被" 您 "审批处理 = Not processed by the approval of the "you" 已经被{0}审批 = Has been approved by {0} 确定提交审批所选数据? = Submitting approval for the selected data? 请输入审批意见 = Please enter your approval comments 请选择回退节点 = Please select a fallback node 没有流程任务数据!= No process task data! 请选择催办数据! = Please select reminder data! 没有该工资套或已被删除!= No salary set or has been deleted! 该人员没有流程权限,请配置权限!= This staff does not have process permissions, please configure permissions! 请选择需要操作数据!= Please select data! #WF/JzCuiBan.html 数据保存之前,可以进行操作!= You can do this before the data is saved! 未催办 = Not urged 上报失败! = Failed to escalate! 您选择需要上报的数据中,第{0}行数据已经汇总!请重新选择!= Among the data you select to submit, the data in {0} has been summarizied. Please choose again! 请选择已上报的数据!= Please select the reported data! 取消上报失败!= Failed to cancel escalation! 警告!= Warning! 正整数型数字出错(格式出错或超出范围) = Positive integer number error (format error or out of range) 需填入小于14位的正数 = Need to fill in a positive number less than 14 bits 日期出错 = Date error 当前浏览器不支持localStorage = The current browser does not support localStorage 添加条件错误fieldName: = Add conditional error fieldName: 只能选择您所在的部门!= Only select your department! 点击选择.. = Click to select.. 只能选择一条要操作的数据! = Only one piece of data to manipulate can be selected! 已完成的计划不能转移!= Completed plans cannot be transferred! 不能重复转移! = Cannot repeat the transfer! 请填写本月计划信息! = Please fill in this month's plan info! 数据已更改,请保存后再提交!= Data has changed, please save and submit it later! 模版名称不能为空! = Template name cannot be empty! 请填写本周计划信息!= Please fill in this week's plan info! 本周周报填写情况 = Weekly report of this week 点评不能为空! = Reviews cannot be empty! 评论内容超过500个字! = Comments in more than 500 words! 填报人岗位 = Filler position 信息已经提交审批,不允许删除! = Info has been submitted for approval and is not allowed to be deleted! 请选择未提交审核的数据! = Please select data that is not submitted for review! 请选择具体的模版 = Please select a specific template 不能添加重复项目名称 = You can't add a duplicate project name 服务器出现异常,请重试!= There is an exception with the server, please try again! 请选择需要修改的模版!= Please select the template that needs to be modified! 重命名失败 = Rename failed 请选择需要删除的模版!= Please select the template that needs to be deleted! 暂无数据可移动 = No data to move 只能选择一条数据移动 = Only one data movement can be selected 已是最后一笔数据 = It's the last amount of data. 修改项目 = Modify project 添加失败 = Failed to add 请选择要导入的简历文档 = Please select the resume document to import 请点击以下渠道进行职位发布(注意:渠道必须事先登录) = Please click on the following channels for post posting (Note: Channels must be logged in in advance) 请选择具体的测评模板 = Please select a specific assessment template 请选择渠道 = Please choose a channel 内部推荐是固定项,不能删除 = Internal recommendation sits and cannot be deleted 新增招聘邮箱 = New recruitment Email 招聘职位发布广告新增招聘渠道 = New recruitment channels for job postings 招聘职位发布广告编辑招聘渠道 = Job Posting Advertising Editor Recruitment Channel 请先输入字段【需求部门】的数 = Please enter the number of fields in the requirements department first 该岗位有未关闭的需求,请关闭旧的需求才能提交新的需求 = The position has unclosed demand, please close the old requirements to submit new requirements 请在数据重构中设置字段【其他原因】可见可改并填写 = Please set the field in data refactoring for other reasons to be visible to change and fill in 请填写其他原因 = Please fill in other reasons 数据重构有误,未找到其他原因 = Data refactoring is incorrect and no other reasons have been found. 数据重构需填写其他原因 = Data refactoring needs to be filled in for other reasons 填写面试评价模板 = Fill out the interview evaluation template 保存报错,请查看日志 = Save the error, please check the log 未初始化表单 = The form is not initialized 请写最新待办职位特点的关键词,以便求职者快速搜索到该职位,最多5个关键词,每个词不超过10字,关键词之间按回车键隔开 = Please write the latest to-do job features of the keywords, so that job seekers quickly search for the position, up to 5 keywords, each word no more than 10 words, between the key words to press the return key separated 注:此处添加邮箱后,邮箱中符合职位名称的简历将被自动归档到本职位下,不添加邮箱将不会自动归档简历 = Note: After you add a mailbox here, resumes that match the job title in the mailbox will be automatically archived under this position, and the resume will not be automatically archived if you don't add a mailbox 请填写不超过5个关键词 = Please fill in no more than 5 keywords 请检查关键词是否超过10字 = Please check that the keyword is more than 10 words 保存成功,请关闭窗体后刷新主界面 = Saved successfully, please close the form and refresh the main interface 发布成功(目前只是修改状态未发布渠道) = Successful release (only modified status unpublished channel) 请填写需求部门 = Please fill in the requirements department 请填写需求岗位 = Please fill in the demand position 请填写需求人数 = Please fill in the number of people required 请填写工作地点 = Please fill in your place of work 请填写期望到岗时间 = Please fill in the expected arrival time 请填写招聘原因 = Please fill in the reason for the recruitment 请选择招聘原因 = Please select the reason for the recruitment 注:一旦有应聘者进入本职位,筛选流程将不可替换 = Note: The screening process will not be replaceable once a candidate has entered the position 必须先保存后发布 = You have to save before you publish it. 日志记录添加失败 = Logging add failed 日志记录添加成功 = Logging was added successfully 请先保存招聘职位信息!= Please save job info first! 权重值须为正数! = The weight value must be positive! 要求分值不能超过总分值! = The required score must not exceed the total score value! 手动新增简历 = Manual addition of resumes 请选择简历模板 = Please select a resume template 请选择招聘职位 = Please select a job 请选择渠道名称.. = Please choose the channel name: 应聘者姓名不能为空 = The candidate's name cannot be empty. 应聘者移动电话不能为空 = Candidate mobile phone cannot be empty 应聘者邮箱不能为空 = Candidate mailbox cannot be empty 手工录入新增 = Manual entry new 【操作人】通过 手工录入 新增 简历 = Operator: New resume by manual entry 【操作人】通过 手工录入 修改 简历 = Operator: Modify resume by manual entry 操作成功,请关闭后刷新页面 = Operate successfully, please close and refresh the page 数据有误 = Wrong data 未选择应聘者,不能保存 = No candidate selected, cannot be saved 未获取到招聘阶段或者状态,不能保存 = No recruitment stage or status, cannot be saved 应聘者流程不一致,不能一同操作转入招聘阶段或者状态 = The candidate process is inconsistent and cannot be moved to the recruitment stage or status together 请填写文件名称 = Please fill in the name of the document 包含空邮箱的邀请人 = Invitee with empty mailbox 请选择通知模板 = Please select a notification template 发送邮件执行报错,请核查 = Send an error to perform an error, please verify 空邀请,无法发送 = Empty invitation, can't be sent 未获取到通知模板信息,无法保存 = The notification template info was not obtained and could not be saved 收件人不能为空,无法发送 = The recipient cannot be empty and cannot be sent 包含空邮箱的收件人将不发送 = Recipients with empty mailboxes will not be sent 邮件标题不能为空 = Message header cannot be empty 请填写邮件通知内容 = Please fill in the email notification content 无效数据,不能操作 = Invalid data, cannot be manipulated 应聘者本轮未设定淘汰状态,不能处理 = Candidate this round does not set the elimination status, can not deal with 未获取到发布数据 = Unacquired publishing data 最多可上传5个文件,每个大小不超过10M = Up to 5 files, each no larger than 10M 最多只能上传{0}个文件 = You can only upload files at most {0} 已经存在 = Already exists 文件{0}超出了大小限制!请控制在KB内 = File {0} out of size limit! Please control within KB 不支持该格式文件上传 = File upload in this format is not supported 没有文件,不支持上传 = No files, no upload 创建于 = Created in 关联职位不能为空 = Associated positions cannot be empty 渠道名称不能为空 = Channel name cannot be empty 推荐人不能为空 = The referrer cannot be empty 是否确定删除职位 = Delete a position? 未通过审批职位不能发布 = Unapproved position cannot be published 请选择下拉框选项 = Please select the drop-down box option [条件待定] = (Conditions to be determined) 请选择需要操作的数据 = Please select data. 不推送,请先删除推送列表人员 = Don't push, please remove push list staff first 人员添加成功 =Add successfully 您还没有设置查询条目 = You haven't set up a query entry yet 您还没有设置筛选条件 = You haven't set up filters yet 左关联只能关联一个附表 = Left association can only be associated with one schedule 请选择要删除的简历数据! = Please select the resume data to delete! 确认此简历是重复简历?确认后将删除该简历数据。 = Make sure this resume is a duplicate? The resume data will be deleted after confirmation. 确认不重复成功! = Confirm that the success is not repeated! 未加载应聘者信 = Candidate letter not loaded 请选择转人才库类型 = Please choose the transfer talent pool type 请选择人才库... = Select talent pool... 空职位 = Empty positions 此应聘者现在还没有备注 = This candidate does not have any comment 已发送Offer通知 = Offer notification sent 应聘者数据不可编辑 = Candidate data cannot be edited 接受 = Accept 当前职位已有接受数据,不接受重复操作 = The current position has accepted data and does not accept duplicate operations 不能操作已接受数据,请过滤 = Cannot manipulate accepted data, please filter 无模板,请先设置模板 = No template, set up the template first 无原始简历数据 = No original resume data 未获取到应聘者编码 = The candidate code was not obtained 已重发该邮件,是否发送? = Resend the message, send it? 已重发该短信,是否发送? = The text message has been resented, send it? 未加载应聘者信息 = Candidate info not loaded 已填写入职表 = The onboarding form has been completed 确认列入黑名单? = Confirm ingress ment? 入职模板为空 = The onboarding template is empty 通信 = Communication 请先关联应聘职位 = Please associate the position 未填写简历筛选负责人,不能操作 = No resume screening owner, can not operate 请确认简历筛选负责人【{0}】邮箱不为空 = Please confirm that the resume filtering owner 【{0}】's mailbox is not empty 请填写简历筛选负责人 Please fill in the resume screening person in charge 设置常用简历筛选负责人= Set up a favorite resume filter owner 面试时间格式不正确 = The interview time is not in the correct format 请正确填写面试时长 = Please fill in the interview length correctly 不能安排已存在的面试官,请核查 = Interview officers cannot be arranged, please check 请选择招聘状态 = Please select the status of the recruitment 选择应聘者邮箱为空,不能操作 = Select candidate mailbox is empty and cannot be operated 选择应聘者手机号为空,不能操作 = Select the candidate's mobile phone number is empty and cannot be operated 请确认面试官【{0}】邮箱不为空 = Please confirm that the interviewer 【{0}】's email is not empty 请确认面试官【{0}】手机号不为空 = Please make sure that the interviewer 【{0}】's cell phone number is not empty 未获取到通知面试官信息 = No notification interviewer info obtained 选择应聘者手机号为空,不能操作 = Select the candidate's mobile phone number is empty and cannot be operated 未选择面试官,不能操作 = No interviewer selected, can't be operated 应聘者移动电话为空 = Candidate's mobile phone is empty 未获取到通知模板信息,无法发送 = The notification template info was not obtained and could not be sent 你好,请查看下列面试安排表:= Hello, please check out the following interview schedule: 收件人不能为空 = The recipient cannot be empty 邮件内容不能为空 = Message content cannot be empty 请选择发送的通知选项 = Please select the notification option to send 应聘者邮箱为空,不能发送 = Candidate mailbox is empty and cannot be sent 应聘者手机号为空,不能发送 = Candidate's cell phone number is empty and cannot be sent 面试官邮箱为空,不能发送 = Interviewer's mailbox is empty and cannot be sent 面试官手机号为空,不能发送 = Interviewer's cell phone number is empty and cannot be sent 请填写短信通知内容 = Please fill in the SMS notification content 未获取到应聘者编码,无法加载面试信息 = The candidate's code was not obtained and the interview info could not be loaded 此面试已取消" : "尚无评价 = This interview has been cancelled 未获取到附件名称 The attachment name was not obtained 应聘者详细页面催促面试官评价= Candidate detailpage urges interviewer to rate 应聘者数据有误 = The candidate's data is wrong 未获取到面试数据编码,无法加载面试信息 = The interview data code was not obtained and the interview info could not be loaded 未获取到测评模板编码,无法加载评价信息 = The evaluation template code was not obtained and the evaluation info could not be loaded 未选择面试数据,无法保存 = No interview data selected, can't save 必填项【{0}】不能为空 = Required items 【{0}】 cannot be empty 评价保存异常 = Evaluation Save Exceptions 无评价项数据,无需保存 = No evaluation data, no need to save it 应聘身份调查结果不能为空 = The survey results of the application cannot be empty 教育经历调查结果不能为空 = Educational Experience Survey Results Cannot Be Empty 工作经历调查结果不能为空 = Work experience survey results cannot be empty 非实际职位无效,返回前选中设置值 = Non-actual position situised, select set value before returning 疑似重复简历 = Suspected duplicate resume 未同意面试 = Didn't agree to the interview 同步成功 = Synchronization success 以{0}为条件的查询方案 = Query scheme with {0} as condition 以为条件的查询方案 = Query scheme that are considered conditional 此查询方案未设置条件 = No conditions are set for this query scheme 删除查询方案成功 = Delete successfully 删除查询方案失败 = Delete failed 分享查询方案成功 = Share successfully 分享查询方案失败 = Share failed 内部发送通知 = Send notifications internally 已是首页信息 = It's home info 此为卡片模式操作按钮 = This is the card mode action button 已是末页数据 = It's the last page of data. 请选择提交数据 = Please select submit data 数据回写规则与当前页面不一 = Data write-back rules are not the same as the current page 入职表未审批通过 = The onboarding form was not approved 请选择列表模式导出数据 = Please select list mode to export data 【评估分值】不能大于【总分值】= Assessment Score cannot be greater than total score 更新应聘者评估分失败! = Failure to update the candidate's assessment score! 招聘需求关联职位信息 = Recruitment Requirements Related Position Info 审批通过才可以新增招聘职位 = Approval can be approved before new recruitment positions can be 填写面试评价模板 应聘者 = Fill out the interview evaluation template Candidate 未获取到面试数据,无法保存 = Interview data not available, can't be saved 请输入面试官名称进行快速查询 = Interviewer name 请核查面试安排后转入招聘阶段或招聘状态数据是否存在 = Please check the status of the interview schedule and move to the recruitment phase or the recruitment status data 无法操作,请核查数据是否已完成或取消 = Unable to operate, verify that the data has been completed or cancelled 无法操作,请核查数据是否已评价 = Inoperable, check if the data has been evaluated 校验应聘者转入招聘阶段状态不一致,是否继续操作? = Check that the candidate is not in the recruitment phase, continue? 面试完成 = Interview completed 面试完成操作回写应聘者阶段状态Err = Interview completes operation back to write candidate stage status Err 面试取消 = Interview cancellation 未找到面试官数据,不能评价 = No interviewer data found, can't be evaluated 面试安排的面试官才能评价 = Interview arrangement of the interviewer can evaluate 无法操作,请核查面试数据是否已完成或取消或已评价 = Inoperable, check that the interview data has been completed or cancelled or evaluated 请选择导出数据 = Please choose to export data 状态异常,无法操作 = State is abnormal, cannot be operated 查看职位应聘者信 = View job candidate letters 查看已同步人员表职位应聘者信息 = View candidate info for synced staff list positions 后台操作成功,渠道启用接口待开发 = Successful background operation, channel enable interface to be developed 使用中 = In use 后台操作失败 = Background operation failed 后台操作成功,渠道关闭接口待开发 = The background operation was successful, the channel closed interface to be developed 后台关闭失败 = Background shutdown failed 招聘职位未完成,不能复制 = The job is not completed and cannot be copied 已有招聘职位未完成,不能复制 = Existing job openings are not completed and cannot be copied 复制招聘职位 = Copy ingress jobs 复制招聘职位成功 = Copying recruitment position success 请选择删除数据 = Please choose to delete the data 请确认是否删除?= Please confirm whether to delete it? 请选择提交审批数据 = Please select submit approval data 提交数据中包含审批中或审批通过无效数据 = Submission data contains in approval or approval is invalid 未通过审批职位不能发布!= Unapproved position cannot be published! 请设置面试地点 = Please set up an interview location 请输入面试地点 = Please enter the interview location 请选择一条推荐职位数据 = Please select a referral position data 推荐职位= Recommend Position 推荐成功 = Recommended success 填写入职资料 = Fill in the onboarding information 请选择入职模板 =Please select the onboarding template 切换入职表模板将清空当前表单数据,是否确认?= Switching the onssus template will empty the current form data, is it confirmed? 【操作人】填写入职表 = Operator fills out the entry form 修改入职表 = Modifying the onboarding table 【操作人】修改入职表 = Operator: Modify the entry form 提交入职表 = Submit your onboarding form 入职表已提交,不能重复提交 = The sentry form has been submitted and cannot be submitted repeatedly 入职表模板不能为空 = The onboard template cannot be empty 招聘职位不能为空 = Recruitment positions cannot be vacant 请选择猎头邮箱! = Please select a headhunter' mailbox! 请选择暂停渠道! = Please choose the pause channel! 是否给猎头发送邮件? = Send a message to the headhunter? 请选择任务启动的项目进行发布! = Please select the project launched by the task to publish! 请选择全部申请猎头或者全部未申请猎头的项目进行发布! = Please select all of the projects that apply for headhunting or all those that have not applied for headhunting to publish! 猎头申请未通过审批! = Headhunter application failed approval! 请选择未提交猎头申请的任务!= Please select a task that has not submitted a headhunting application! 是否确认申请猎头 = Confirm application for headhunting 猎头申请失败! = Headhunting application fails! 猎头申请成功! = Headhunter application was successful! 找不到招聘渠道! = No recruitment channels found! 请输入需求部门/岗位名称进行快速定位 = Please enter the requirements department/job name for quick positioning 需求部门/岗位名称 = Demand Department/Job Name 请选择已指派或未指派任务的记录! = Please select data! 请选择已启动任务的记录! = Please select data! 请选择职位发布的路径!= Please select path for post release! 猎头设置 = Headhunter Settings 验证职位是否已被使用报错 = Verify that the position has been used for an error 更新职位编码不能为空 = Update job code cannot be empty 职位已被使用,不能删除 = Position is already in use and cannot be deleted 招聘职位编码为空,不能初始化表单 = The job title code is empty and the form cannot be initialized 职位表单加载编码为空,不能初始化表单 = Job form load code is empty and the form cannot be initialized 若干 = Some 不自动归档简历 = Do not archive aoto 请写最新待办职位特点的关键词,以便求职者快速搜索到该职位,最多5个关键词,每个词不超过10字,关键词之间按回车键隔开。= Please write the latest to-do job features of the keywords, so that job seekers quickly search for the position, up to 5 keywords, each word no more than 10 words, keywords between the return key separated. 注:此处添加邮箱后,邮箱中符合职位名称的简历将被自动归档到本职位下,不添加邮箱将不会自动归档简历。 = Note: After you add a mailbox here, resumes that match the job title in the mailbox will be automatically archived under this position, and the resume will not be automatically archived if you do not add a mailbox. 保存或发布按钮 = Save or publish buttons 全部阶段 = All stages 若设置默认选中数据展开,请设定hasChildNode为true = If you set the default selected data expansion, set hasChildNode to true 手动新建简历 = Create a new resume manually 应聘者【{0}】本轮招聘阶段已为末级阶段,若需变更阶段状态请操作转入 = Candidates: 【{0}】 This recruitment phase has been the final stage, if need to change the status of the stage please transfer to 应聘者【{0}】本轮未设定淘汰状态,不能处理 = Candidates 【{0}】 this round does not set the elimination status, can not be processed 应聘者姓名不能为空 = Candidate's name cannot be empty 无效职位编码,不能操作 = Invalid position code, cannot be operated 转入下轮--应聘者 = Transfer to the next round -- candidate 应聘者转入下轮 = Candidate sits on to next round 推荐 {0}到职位 = Recommended {0} to the position 已匹配职位,是否继续推荐其他职位 = Positions matched, whether to continue to recommend other positions 推荐应聘者到职位 = Recommend candidates to positions 查看入职表 = View the onboarding table 无效职位,不能操作 = Invalid position, cannot be operated 已成功同步人员表,无需重复操作 = Successfully synchronized the staff table without repeating the action 数据回写没有设置导入规则信息或者导入规则中没有人员姓名!= Data writeback does not set import rule info or no staff name in the import rule! 生成工号失败 = Failed to generate a job number 员工信息表同步成功,更新员工ID失败,请核查日志 = Employee info sheet synchronization success, update employee ID failed, please check log 人员视图表同步失败,请核查日志 = Staff view table synchronization failed, please check log 更新员工ID失败,请核查日志 = Failed to update employee ID, please check log 字段必填,请填写完整的信息 = Field required, please fill in the complete info 无更新列或更新状态,不能操作 = No update columns or update status, cannot be manipulated 审批中或已审批的应聘者信息,不能转入黑名单 = Candidate info in approval or approved cannot be blacklisted 应聘者【{0}】已匹配人才库,是否重新匹配? = The candidate 【{0}】has matched the talent pool, is it re-matched? 列入黑名单原因 = Reasons for blacklisting 请填写列入黑名单原因 = Please fill in the reasons for the blacklist 请提供空Field定义用于生成面试负责人信息 = Please provide an empty Field definition to generate interview lead info 获取公共简历信息有误 = There was a mistake in obtaining public resume info 发用人部门--应聘者 = Send department - candidate 发用人部门 = Send department 请核查应聘者Offer是否已通过审批 = Please check whether the candidate Offer has been approved 请验证未填写入职表,不能提交相关审批 = Please verify that the onboarding form has not been completed and cannot be submitted for approval 请验证入职表已提交审批,不能重复提交 = Please verify that the onboarding form has been submitted for approval and cannot be submitted again 未获取到审批数据编码 = Approval data encoding not obtained 请传入应聘者编码信息 = Please pass in the candidate's code info 应聘者收件邮箱不能为空 = Candidate receipt mailbox cannot be empty 请核查Offer审批是否已通过 = Please check that Offer approval has been approved 应聘者已发送通知,是否继续操作? = The candidate has sent a notification, continue? 无效职位编码,不能发送 = Invalid position code, cannot be sent 未填写应聘者姓名,不能发送 = The candidate's name is not filled in and cannot be sent 未填写应聘者邮箱和手机号,不能发送 = The candidate's email and cell phone number are not filled in and cannot be sent 未填写应聘者邮箱 = The candidate's mailbox was not filled in 未填写应聘者手机号 = The candidate's cell phone number was not filled in 该数据无法操作,请核查面试数据是否已完成或取消或已评价 = This data is inoperable, please verify that the interview data has been completed or cancelled or evaluated 应聘者已发送面试安排,是否继续安排面试? = The candidate has sent an interview schedule, continue with the interview? 应聘者未经同意不能操作面试安排 = Candidates cannot operate interview arrangements without consent 应聘者存在其他阶段面试安排未完成,是否继续安排面试? = Does the candidate continue to schedule the interview if the candidate has other stages of the interview schedule not completed? 应聘者未安排面试,不能操作 = The candidate has not scheduled an interview and cannot operate 请提供数据源 = Please provide a data source 发送短信执行报错,请核查 = Send a text message to perform an error, please check 请选择短信通知模板 = Please select the SMS notification template 请提供应聘者简历编码和操作按钮编码 = Please provide the candidate's resume code and action button code 请提供面试表编码 = Please provide the interview form code 请提供应聘者编码 = Please provide the candidate's code 应聘者未关联招聘流程 = Candidate stonewy recruitment process 请提供员工编码数组和操作按钮编码 = Please provide an array of employee codes and action button codes 请提供应聘者简历编码 = Please provide the candidate's resume code 未填写应聘者姓名,不能操作 = The candidate's name is not filled in and cannot be operated 简历同步人员表 = Resume Sync staff List 请填写应聘者编码和更新数据 = Please fill in the candidate code and update the data 无法操作,请核查数据是否已完成或取消或已评价 = Inoperable, verify that the data has been completed or cancelled or evaluated 测评模板不统一,不可一同操作 = The evaluation template is not uniform and cannot be operated together. 未获取到当前应聘者编码,无法操作 = The current candidate code was not obtained and could not be operated 主要负责人 = Principals 辅助负责人 = Auxiliary Responsible 请根据姓名/学历/标题/专业/毕业院校/应聘职位进行查找 = Name/Education/Title/Professional/Graduation/Job-applying 简历库 = Resume Library 重复简历库 = Repeat resume library 请选择主要负责人 = Please select the principal 此浏览器不支持HTML 5,请升级至最新版本! = This browser does not support HTML 5, please upgrade to the latest version! 请选择需要编辑简历的数据! = Please select the data that you need to edit your resume! 文件下载失败! = File download failed! 操作记录 = Operating records 未能加载简历分类 = Failed to load resume classification 请选择职务 = Please select job title 职务 = Job 高级授权 = Advanced authorize 发送邮件成功! = Sending the message was successful! 转入后备库成功! = Successful transfer to the backbank! 加入黑名单成功 = Joining the blacklist was successful 网上招聘库 = Online recruitment library 查看简历 = View resumes 请先保存简历数据! = Please save your resume data first! 编辑子集 = Edit subset 筛选不合格 = Screening is not qualified 请选择岗位节点 = Please select the position node 不合格原因 = The reason for the non-conformity 请输入筛选不合格原因 = Please enter the reason for the screening failure 是否删除选中简历 =Delete the selected resume 简历删除成功! = Delete successfully! 简历删除失败! = Delete failed! 简历归类成功! = Resume classification successfully! 初筛成功! = Screening successfully! 请选择一个简历类别节点 = Please select a resume category node 此浏览器不支持HTML 5,上传失败! = This browser does not support HTML 5, upload failed! 是否删除选中简历? = Delete the selected resume? 允许不选择薪资类型 = Allow no salary type to be selected (请确认当前账号支持发布不显示薪资范围的广告,不支持会导致广告发布失败) = (Please confirm that the current account supports the publication of ads that do not show salary range, and that not supporting them will cause the ad to fail) 系统将根据设置的规则自动判断相同简历,进行重复简历登记 = The system will automatically judge the same resume according to the rules set, and repeat the resume registration 招聘简历信息表 = Recruitment resume info form 疑似简历设置 = Suspected resume setup 系统将根据设置的规则提供疑似最相同的简历提示,由操作者人工进一步判断并进行处理 = The system will provide the most identical resume tips suspected to be based on the rules set, which will be further judged and processed by the operator 疑似简历分数下限 = Suspected resume score lower limit Offer = Offer 入职模板 = Onboarding template 回写规则 = Write back rules 回写规则:= Write back rules: 简历数据回写 = Resume data writeback 入职数据回写 = Onboarding data writeback 数据回写 = data writeback 启用变更再审核 = Enable change re-approval 批量提交 = Bulk submussion 是否延时生效 = Where to delay the effective 触发条件 = Trigger conditions 触发条件:= Trigger conditions: 邮箱运行错误,请检查系统! = The mailbox is running wrong, please check the system! 邮箱运行错误 = Mailbox is running wrong 请输入邮件主题 = Please enter the subject of the message 请选择渠道名称 = Please choose the channel name 获取不到编辑项,无法保存 = No edit item scan, can't save 请选择协议类型 = Please select the protocol type 请输入端口号 = Please enter the port number 请填写邮箱地址 = Please fill in your email address 请检查邮箱地址格式是否正确 = Please check that the email address format is correct 请填写服务器地址 = Please fill in the server address 请填写服务器端口 = Please fill in the server port 邮箱测试成功 = Mailbox test successful 请填写邮箱名称 = Please fill in the email name 请检查邮箱地址格式是否正确 = Please check that the email address format is correct 请填写用户名 = Please fill in the username 请填写密码 = Please fill in the password 邮箱名称或者邮箱地址重复 = Duplicate email name or email address 加载招聘状态列表error = Load recruitment status list error 请初始化数据源 = Please initialize the data source 请填写招聘状态别名 = Please fill in the recruitment status alias 请填写招聘状态类型 = Please fill in the recruitment status type 招聘状态 = Recruitment status 已处于编辑模式,请编辑数据 = Already in edit mode, edit the data 当前数据源为空,请新增数据 = The current data source is empty, please add new data 未获取到流程模板,不能保存 = The process template was not obtained and cannot be saved 请填写阶段名称 = Please fill in the stage name 请填写阶段类型 = Please fill in the stage type 招聘状态别名或状态类型不能为空 = Recruitment status alias or status type cannot be empty 简历二维码 = Resume QR Code 请选择子集表 = Please select a subset table 确定删除选中子集? = Delete selected subset? 删除失败,请查看日志 = Failed to delete, please review the log 表单已被使用,无法删除 = The form is already in use and cannot be deleted 加载归档条件列表error = Load archive condition list error 请选择职位 = Please select a position 编码表【设置简历规则条件】无数据 = No data on the coding form (Setting resume rules and conditions) 请选择简历字段 = Please select the resume field 与第{0}行选择的字段重复 Repeat the field selected with {0} line selection 归档招聘职位 = File for job placements 归档条件 = Filing conditions 是否删除职位 = Whether to delete a position 请选择一条简历归档规则!= Please select a resume filing rule! 归档职位不能为空 = Archive positioncant cannot be empty 请填写完整第1行条件 = Please fill in the full first line conditions 请先填写完整第{0}行条件 = Please fill in the condition in line {0} first 包含从 = Contains from 大等于 = Big equals 小等于 = Small equals 员工修改记录不允许导入!= Employee modification record cannot be import! 内部推荐是固定项,影响招聘职位不能删除 = Internal recommendation is fixed, affecting recruitment positions can not be deleted 相同简历设置已选字段不能为空! = The selected field for the same resume settings cannot be empty! 疑似简历设置已选字段不能为空! = Suspectresume settingselectfield cannot be empty! 权重之和不能超过100! = The sum of the weights cannot exceed 100! 疑似简历分数下限不能为空! = Suspected resume score lower limit cannot be empty! 疑似简历总分值不能小于疑似简历分数下限! = Suspected resume total score can not be less than the lower limit of suspected resume score! 选定条目不属于左边列表,请重新选择! = The selected entry does not belong to the left list, please re-select! 已选定条目中有不属于左边列表,请重新选择! = Selected entries that do not belong to the left list, please re-select! 数据保存成功! = Data saved successfully! 模板创建成功 = The template was created successfully 确认要重命名【{0}】吗? =Rename 【{0}】? 模板修改成功 = The template was modified successfully 模板删除失败!请查看日志 = Template removal failed! Check out the log 该模板已是默认模板 = The template is already the default template 已存在默认模板,是否重新设置?= The default template already exists, reset it? 确认设置【{0}】为默认模板吗? Are you sure setting the setting 【{0}】 is the default template? 设置失败!请查看日志 = The setup failed! Check out the log 设置成功 = Set up successfully 获取编码失败,不能保存 = Failed to get code, can't save 不能重复启用= Cannot be enabled again and again 表单模板对应审批模板成功! = The form template corresponds to the approval template success! 表单模板对应审批模板失败! = The form template corresponds to the approval template failure! 简历信息表 = Resume Info Form 入职信息表 = Onboarding Info Form 是否修改为简历数据回写方式? = How do you change it to how your resume data is written back? 是否修改为入职数据回写方式? = Are you changing to how your onboarding data is written back? 成功修改为简历数据回写方式 = Successfully modified to resume data writeback 成功修改为入职数据回写方式 = Successfully modified to write back on onboarding data 请选择人员表字段 = Please select the staff Table field 简历表{0}已经设置了对应关系 = Resume form {0} has set up correspondence 人员表{0}已经设置了对应关系 = Staff Table {0} Has set up correspondence 请添加字段关系 = Please add a field relationship 请输入招聘流程名称 = Please enter the name of the recruitment process 招聘流程创建成功,请先分配好流程权限 = The recruitment process was successfully created, please assign process permissions first 招聘流程修改成功 = Successful recruitment process modification 是否确认删除招聘流程?= Remove recruitment process? 请选择招聘流程 = Please select recruitment process 招聘流程删除成功 = Recruitment process removal successful 设置操作按钮 = Setaction button 该流程已被使用,新增后无法编辑删除 = The process has been used and cannot be edited to delete after adding 确认删除? = Confirm delete? 确认彻底删除该数据? = Confirm delete completely? 新增招聘阶段 = New recruitment phase 编辑招聘阶段 = Edit recruitment phase 招聘阶段排序 = Recruitment phase sorting 未发现数据,无需排序 = No data found, no sorting required 设置招聘状态 = Set up recruitment status 所需参数值为空,不能保存 = The required parameter value is empty and cannot be saved 数据未发生更改 = Data has not changed 招聘状态别名或状态类型不能为空,不能保存 = Recruitment status alias or status type cannot be empty and cannot be saved 没有邮箱信息或获取邮箱信息时出错 = No mailbox info or error getting mailbox info 邮箱运行异常 = Mailbox is running abnormally 邮箱运行正常 = The mailbox is running normally 请选择招聘邮箱 = Please select the recruitment mailbox 编辑招聘邮箱 = Edit the recruitment mailbox 查询中不允许出现[select/from]特殊字符串! = Special strings [select/from] are not allowed in the query! 请初始化表单 = Please initialize the form 该储备库已发布 = This repository has been released 确认发布所选储备库? = Confirm the release of the selected pool? 发布成功,请到功能权限中分配菜单权限! = The publication was successful, please assign menu permissions to the function rights! 该储备库未发布 = The vault is unpublished. 确认取消发布所选储备库? = Confirm unpublishing the selected pool? 已取消发布 = Unpublished 储备库名称不能取名黑名单,不能保存 = The name of the reserve cannot be named a blacklist, cannot be saved 请选择列表数据 = Please select list data 没有数据源,无法保存 = No data source, can't save 未获取到排序字段,无法保存 = No sort field not available, cannot be saved 操作成功! = Operation succeeded! 清除缓存成功!= Cache cleared successful! 该方案已有险种启用,请全部禁用后再修改配置! = This scheme has already been enabled. Please disable all of them before modifying the configuration! 删除头部面板 = Remove top pannel 请设置保险方案名称 = Set insurance scheme name 暂无数据,是否继续导出? = No data,Continue exporting ? 开发人员工具 = Developer Tools #ToolKit.html 缓存相关:= Cache related: 清理缓存 = Clear cache 程序安装所在磁盘空间:= Program installation disk: 运维工具 = Operation & Maintaince Tools 错误代码:= Error code: 下载查询: = D/L & query 下载选中 = Selected 缓存查询:= Cache query 删除选中 = Selected 文件的最后修改时间 = Last modification time of the doc obj不是一个对象!= obj is not an object! 有重复数据,无法恢复! = Duplicate data,unable to recover! 请选择能力类型! = Please select ability type! 一级节点,无法删除!= Level 1 node,cannot be modified! 一级节点,无法修改! = Level 1 node,cannot be deleted! 单据选择 = Document selection 已存在默认的悬停显示格式,可不进行填写! = Default hover display format already exists, cannnot be filled in! 请选择2个以上的非目标部门及其父部门来合并! = Please select more than 2 non target depts and their parent depts to merge! 请检查模板是否有设计表单! = Please check if the template has a design form! 未找到其人员对应的ID,无法上传其照片!= Unable to find the ID of the staff,unable to upload photos! 移除成功! = Remove successful! 允许重复 = Allow repeat 不允许重复 = No-repeat :数据未生成,请生成数据 = :Data not create :数据已提交 = :Data submitted :数据已生成 = :Data created :数据审批中 = :Data approval in process :数据已审批 = :Data approved :数据已驳回 = :Data rejected 确定删除所选的保险方案吗? = Delete the selected insurance scheme? 是否开启 = IS OPEN 此功能用于同步保险险种,新增险种添加,作废险种删除,确定同步? = The function is used to sysc insurance types,add new insurance types,delete absolete insurance types,and confirm sysc? 换班管理 = Shift management 日结果取消确认异常后,异常数据会移动到异常页签! = After cancelling the confirmation expection of daily results,the abnormal data will be moved to the expection tab! 已确认的数据不能取消确认异常 = Confirmed data cannot cancel the confirmation expection 请选择需要进行计薪的记录 = Please select data! 请填写异常处理原因 = Please fill in the reason for exception handling 请输入项目名称 = Project Name 数据上报 = Report 取消上报 = Cancel 数据确认 = Comfirm 奖金表 = Bonus table 奖金项目 = Bonus item 奖金计算存储过程设置 = Setting 调整计算方式 = Adjust mode 固定项不允许删除,请核查选中项 = Fixed item are not allowed to be deleted ,please check! 新增奖金项目 = Add 编辑奖金项目 = Edit 确认删除奖金表项目吗? = Delete bonus table items? 奖金表字段 = Bonus field 人员基本信息字段 = Staff info field 清空人员 = Remove 下发状态 = Status 数据下发 = Issue 取消下发 = Cancel 奖金计算 = Bonus calc 存储过程计算 = Stored procedure calculation 当前选中部门 = Select depts 请选择方案 : = Select project: (注意:只更新未下发数据) = (Note:Only the issued data will be updated) 当前年月 := Current year&month: 当前部门 := Current dept: 请选择引入月份 := Month: 请选择引入项目 := Project: 请选择引入对象 := Object: 数据下发成功 = Data issued success 请初始化存储过程页签数据 = please initialize the stored procedure tab data 年月格式不正确,例如:202001 = Wrong format of year & month 当前年月部门数据已存在,请核查 = Data already exists 请选择未下发的数据删除! = please select data! 请设置年月 = please set the year & month 确认删除所选过程表: = Confirm delete seleted table : 返回函数公式: = Function : 请选择需要的函数, 并点击【下一步】返回所需的函数 = Select function,and click [next] to return the required function 修改函数参数, 点击【确定】返回结果或点击【上一步】返回重新选择函数 = Modidy function params,click [OK] to result or click [back] to return to the re select 添加参考项目 = Add 数值表达式: = Expression : 参考项目 = Reference item 参考项目名称 = Name 添加关联表单 = Add 添加布局 = Layout 新增图表模块 = Add 编辑图表模块 = Edit 请选择要删除的模块!= Please select module! 未找到布局。 = Layout not found! 布局 = Layout 确定要删除此布局? = Confirm delete layout? 请选择要删除的行。 = Please delete row! 请选择文本类型的行 = Please select text type of row! 请编辑文本 = Edit text 固定项 = Fix item 启禁用 = Enable disable (当前状态:启用) = (Current status:enable) (当前状态:禁用)= (Current status:disable) 所属模块: = Module : 只显示本人数据 = Only personnel data 内容设置(使用[Receiver]代替提示对象) = Content setting(Use[Receiver] instead of the prompt object) 组织机构版本还有未审核的,不能操作此表!= The table cannot be manipulated! 该表受保护,不允许操作! = Table is protected! 未能加载表类型! = Table no load! 数据已移除,保存后生效! = Data already remove,please save! 字段名不能以数字开头! = Field cannot start with number! 字段属性修改为非空时,不允许设置为不可见! = The field property is set to non empty,it is not allow to be set invisiable! 字段显示格式校验失败:输入的显示格式不正确,正确格式为'yyyy-MM-dd'! = Field display format verification failed! 原字段为主键或固定项,请选择保存类型 = Original field is primary key or fixed items,please select Save type! 功能说明: 仅用于对编码下拉框的数据进行过滤,过滤的规则可以在同一个表单中其他字段的值。 = Function description:It is only used to filter the data in the coding drop-down box. The filtering rules can be the values of other fields in the same form 使用说明: 一个sql条件对当前字段使用的编码表进行过滤,其中可以使用同一个表单中其他字段的值。使用规则为使用 <%25 表名.字段名 %25> 来代替当前表单中某个字段的值。= Usage Note: a SQL condition is used to filter the encoding table used by the current field. The values of other fields in the same form can be used. The use rule is to use <%25table name. Field name%25>to replace the value of a field in the current form 例如: 根据所选部门来显示当前岗位下拉框可以这样设置条件: DEPT_ID =<%25 VIEW_A01.J01_DEPT_ID %25S> AND E01DELETED = 0 = For example, to display the current position drop-down box according to the selected department, you can set conditions in this way:DEPT_ID =<%25VIEW_A01.J01_DEPT_ID%25> AND E01DELETED=0 虚拟组织基础配置 = basic configuration 新增借用单 = New 确认删除该险种? = Comfirm deleting this insurance type? 请选择奖金表 = Please select bonus table! 未选中奖金表 = Unselected bonus table! 历史表已存在该字段 = The field exists in the history table! 历史表不存在该字段 = The field does not exists in the history table! 执行存储过程后返回空值 = A null value is retured after executing the stored procedure 提示: 所有人员均属于普通员工,无需设置。 = Tip:Ordinary employees, not need to set. 导入成功,请手动保存! = Import success,please save it manuall 父代码 = Parent code 级数 = Level 排序序号 = Sort No 继承上级岗位能力模板 = INHERIT SUPERIOR template 实际直接工时 = Real direct work 鼠标悬停时内容显示说明:以“{ a } & nbsp; & amp; lt; br & amp; gt; & nbsp; { b }: { c } ”为例 = Desription:take “{a}   &lt; br &gt;   {b}:{c}” for example: 当图表类型为折线或柱状图时:{ a }代表系列名称,{ b }代表类目值,{ c }代表数值。 = When the chart type is line or bar chart:{a} represent series name,{b} represent category value,{c} represent numerical value. 为饼图或圆环图时:{a}代表系列名称,{b}代表数据项名称,{c}代表数值,{d}代表百分比。 = When the chart type is pie or ring chart:a} represent series name,{b} represent data item name,{c} represent numerical value,{d} represent percentage. 为换行标签,即可以填写html元素, = are wrap label, you can fill in html element, 但是其中的“<”用“& amp; lt; ”来代替,“>”用“& amp; gt; ”来代替。= replace “&gt;” with “<”, replace “&gt;” with “>”. 但是其中的“<”用“<”来代替,“>”用“>”来代替。= replace “&gt;” with “<”, replace “&gt;” with “>”. 如果多系列的穿透,则数据源sql中要包含 value, name, xvalue, nametag, xtag字段 = Multi series penetration, sql must contains value, name,xvalue,nametag,xtag 如果要配置三級穿透人員,必須配置穿透人员信息,格式为A0188 | A0190, 字段为穿透列表数据源SQL中的字段名。= If configure Level 3 penetratior,must configure penetratior info, format is A0188 | A0190 本销假单无效,请核对请假是否有本条信息! = The cancellation form is invalid,please check it! 手动生成索引 = Index 新增模板数据源 = New 数据源 = Data source 是否可用 = Enable 数据源脚本(有主从表默认关联主键请重命名为ID,从表关联字段重命名为PID,如有需人员控制请额外命名成A0188) = Data source script(the primary and secondary tables are named as ID by default,rename from table associated field to PID,personnel control is named A0188); 检查语法 = Check grammer 请选择非根节点进行授权 = Please select non root node authorization 请选择要回收的模块 = Please select the module to recycle 英文名称 = English name 中文繁体 = zh-TW 其他语言 = Otherlanguage 请在左边+ = Please on the left + 请在左边 + = Please on the left + 身份证读卡 = ID read 超链接查看 = Link view 轮班套设置 = Shift cover 轮班套 = Shift cover 班次[{0}]删除成功 = Shift [{0}] delete successfully! 请输入姓名/组织等关键词... = Name/Org... 所属品牌 = Brand 大区名称 = Region 部门附件 = Dept attachemnet 部门字母简称 = Dept Abbreviation 所在公司简称 = Company Abbreviation 自定义审批人: = Custom approver 解锁成功! = Unlock successfully! 请选择要打印的报表模板! = Please select report template! 确认将所有消息标记已读? = Comfirm marking all messages as read ? 确认标记指定的数据未读? = Comfirm marking messages as unread ? 确认标记指定的数据已读? = Comfirm marking messages as read ? 请选择未读的消息进行操作! = Please select unread messages! 请选择已读的消息进行操作! = Please select read messages! 请选择人员标签! = Please select staff label! 可见可改 = Visible can be changed 自定义项 = customizations 可变长度字符=Variable-length character VARCHAR 请选择汇总方案 = Please select summary scheme 汇总方案 = Summary scheme 请选择具体的数据集 = Please select dataset! 扩展字段字段属性请选择自定义项,其它字段属性选择固定项 = Please select custom attribute for extended field property and fixed item for other fields 外出培训申请 = Out Apply 培训需求=Train Need 培训需求审批 =Train Need Approval 培训费用申请=Train Fare Apply 课程签到信息=Course Sign Info 签到时间=SignTime 温馨提示:公差单中的信息请认真填写,填写后点击保存!= Warm tip:please fill in the out form carefully, and click to save! *注意*哺乳假信息请认真填写!=please fill in the form carefully! 合同期限(月): = Term(Month): {0}不能为空! = {0} cannot be empty! 是否需要保存按钮 = Is Save 数据集 = Data set 新建数据集 = New data set 创建一个新的数据集 = Create data set 流程流转需要[同意、不同意、回退]中的至少一个命令来执行,请确认当前登录人员是否有相应的权限。= The process flow needs at least one command in [agree,disagree or rollback],please confirm whether the current login user has permission! 加载考核表信息失败! = Failed to load info! --已提交审批 = --Submitted --审批意见: = --Opinions: 请输入不少于{0}个字符的审批意见! = Please input approval opinions with on less than {0} characters! 待发起 = Launch 他人评估 = Evaluation by Other 培训学习 / 培训班 = Training / Training class 系统业务操作指南 = System business operation guide #appsetting.json 基础配置 = Basic configuration 企业资料配置 = Company data configuration 第三方Api配置 = Third party API configuration 是否输出日志(0:否,1:是) = Output log(0:NO,1:YES) 友好错误信息(0:否,1:是) = Error Msg(0:NO,1:YES) 接口日志信息(0:否,1:是) = Interface log info(0:NO,1:YES) 登陆访问地址(可以访问的完整的HTTP地址) = Login access address(The full adress that can be accessed) H5API地址(手机可以访问的完整的HTTP地址) = H5API address(The full adress that Mobile can be accessed) 对应物理路经 = Corresponding physical path 单点登陆API地址(可以访问的完整的HTTP地址) = Single Sign on API address(The full adress that can be accessed) API访问地址(相对地址) = API access address(Relative address) 客户端访问地址(相对地址) = CS access address(Relative address) 注册码验证类型(0:通用注册码,1:加密狗) = Authentication type of registration code(0:Commom 1:Enpryption dog) 注册码 = registration code 注册码不能为空!= Registration code cannot be empty! 客户端是否需要验证码(0:否,1:是) = Do Clients need captcha(0:NO,1:YES) 文档解析服务器完整URL = Doc resolution server full URL 文档在线预览API地址(可以访问的完整的HTTP地址) = Doc online preview API address 存放域名信息。预览,邮件等第三方调用。Value为域名(或IP)+端口号(80端口可省略) = Store domain name info 存放二维码路径有第三方调用。value为域名(或IP)+端口号(80端口可省略)= The path to store the QR Code is called by a third party 客户标识(用于客户个性化) = Customer ID(For customer personalization) 多久没有操作就自动登出(分钟) = How long deos it take to log out automatically(mins) 报表日志,如果为1则输出日志,如果为其他值,则不输出= Report log QrCode过期时间,以秒计算 = QrCode expiration time in seconds 招聘简历导入简历解析方式。1:最新简历解析提供商;其他值:旧方式 = Import resume analysis method 人员部门授权显示的最大级数,例如2 代表部门级数GRADE小于等于2 = Show max levels 接收数据接口字段映射 = Receive data interface field mapping 服务外部访问Url(仅供webapi调用) = Service external access url 是否启用文件服务系统(启用:1,禁用:其他任意值) = WHethe enable FFS 通过第三方来上传下载图片等附件 = Download attachements through a third party 领导桌面的帆软报表地址。帆软的地址可能需要先通过encodeURL进行编码,否则放入系统中可能不能正常使用。= Fan soft report address 文件预览接口IP地址白名单,配置多个IP地址以逗号分隔 = Ip white of interface link of file Preview 文件预览接口的链接有效时间(秒) = Effective time of interface link of file Preview 上传文件存储方式(数据库:1,磁盘:其他任意值),说明:附件字段上传时控制是存储在磁盘还是存储在数据库中= Storage method of uploaded files 报表获取资源相对路径 = Report get resource relative path 报表字体路径= Report font path 系统请求用的Token过期时间,不配置或不足20分钟默认20分钟 = Token expiration time for system requst ,20 mins as defalt APP名称 = APP name APP标题名称 = APP title 签到说明是否依据上班时间判断是否必填 1:是 0:否 =Whether the sign in instruction is required according to the working time(0:NO,1:YES) 值为 zh-CN/en-US/ja-JP/ko-KR/zh-TW 这些的一个或者多个。当有多个时,用 / 分隔。放空或者指定值不在此范围内时默认 zh-CN。 = Multi-language configuration 配置首页是否显示去签到 1为显示 0为不显示 = Configure whether sign in is displayed on home page (0:NO,1:YES) 首页加班信息是否显示 1为显示 0为不显示 =Is the home page overtime info displayed(0:NO,1:YES) 首页月结果信息是否显示 1为显示 0为不显示 = Is the home page monthly result info displayed(0:NO,1:YES) 首页假期信息是否显示 1:是 0:否 = Is the home page holiday info displayed(0:NO,1:YES) 是否在LsActionFilter中记录每个Action的性能日志 1:是, 0:否 = Record performance log(0:NO,1:YES) 是否输出性能日志(0:否,1:是) = Output performance log(0:NO,1:YES) 输出性能日志时间最低值(单位毫秒,默认100毫秒) = Min output performance log time(msec,100msec default) 微信企业号配置 = Webchat enterprise No.configuration 微信企业号CorpID = Webchat enterprise No.CorpID 微信企业号Token = Webchat enterprise No.Token 微信企业号EncodingAESKey = Webchat enterprise No.EncodingAESKey 微信企业号Secret = Webchat enterprise No.Secret 微信企业号AppID =Webchat enterprise No.AppID 微信账号使用的字段 该账号在企业内部必须具有唯一性,类似于我们系统里面的A0190 新版本的微信企业请配置,老版本的微信企业号设置为空 = Field used by Webchat account 微信企业号处于登录验证状态时测试(1:测试 0:否) = Test when the Webchat enterprise in the verification state(1:test 0:NO) 钉钉配置 = DingDing configuration 钉钉处于登录验证状态时测试(1:测试 0:否) = Test when the DingDing in the verification state(1:test 0:NO) 钉钉微应用ID = DingDing application ID 钉钉微应用CorpID = DingDing application CorpID 钉钉微应用CorpSecret= DingDing application CorpSecret 微应用调用的URL = URL of application call 个推配置= Personalized push configuration 个推key = Personalized push key 个推Appid = Personalized push Appid 个推Secret =Personalized push Secret 是否启用app推送功能,0不启用,1启用 = Whether enable app push ,0 disable,1 enable 个推服务器地址,不配置则自动选择最优 = Personalized push server address,if it not configured,the best is selected automatically 云通信平台短信配置 = Cloud communication platform SMS configuration 云通信平台Appid = Cloud communication platform Appid 是否启用短信推送功能,0不启用,1启用 = Whether enable SMS push,0 disable,1 enable 云通信平台Token = Cloud communication platform Token 云通信平台Account Sid= Cloud communication platform Account Sid 云通信平台短信验证模板ID = Cloud communication platform SMS verification template ID 华为云文字识别OCR配置 = Hua Weiyun character recognization OCR configuration 是否启用网络图片识别功能,0不启用,1启用 = Whether enable website images recognization,0 disable,1 enable 华为云平台网络图片识别请求URL = Hua Weiyun platform website images recognization request url 华为云平台Key = Hua Weiyun platform Key 华为云平台Secret = Hua Weiyun platform Secret OEM公司网址 = OEM Website OEM公司名称 = OEM Company name 版权信息 = Copyright OEM公司地址 = OEM Address OEM公司邮编 = OEM Postcode OEM公司电话 = OEM Tel OEM公司传真 = OEM Fax 咨询人 = Consultants 咨询电话 = Tel 人员部门岗位变动 = Position change of staff dept 需要 = Need 确认下拉框输入吗 = Comfirm entering the drop_down box 开启聊天功能 = Turn on chat 移动端矩阵测评是否表格形式显示 = Is the matrix evaluation of mobile terminal displayed in tabular form 移动端测评是否需要登录 = Does mobile terminal evaluation need to log in 移动端矩阵测评时表格的选项分数是否显示 = Is the option score of the table displayed when evaluating the mobile terminal matrix 数据库 = DB 是否显示 = Display 使用 = Use 支持 =Support 重新加载 = Reload 保持一致 = Stay the same 替换显示 = Replace display 选择部门(人员类别不选代表全部) = Select dept(if the employee category is not selected,it means all) 缺卡 = Lack 培训学习 / 培训课程 = Training/Course 民族 = Nation 政治面貌 = Political landscape 户籍所在地 = Domicile 执(职)业资格 = Professional qualification 技能等级 = Skill level 保险缴纳地 = Place of insurance payment 客户端缓存$.WebCache中的表数据的过期时间,单位为分钟。如果没有配置,那么默认为每次取表缓存都要到服务端检查版本号 = Cache table data expiration time(mins) 导入文档需包含人员主表! = The imported doc should contain the staff main table! 获取表【{0}({1})】的数据导入设置失败!请确认该表的导入设置是否有初始化。 = Failed to get data import settings for table【{0}({1})】! 表【{0}({1})】在导入设置表中设置的主键【{3}】不存在! = The primary key【{3}】 of table【{0}({1})】in the import settings table does not exists! 表【{0}({1})】在导入设置表中设置的更新键【{3}】不存在! = The updated key【{3}】 of table【{0}({1})】in the import settings table does not exists! 请至少选择一个更新键! = please select at least one update key! 流程审批后写入 = Write after process approval 直接写入 = Direct write 区间分数 = Interval score 强制分布 = Forced distribution 时间管控 = Time control 自动执行 = Auto execution 按能力项分值计算 = By score of ability item 按能力项数量计算 = By number of ability item 允许重复登录 = Allow duplicatate login 直接踢除已登录 = Delete logged in directly 提示用户重复登录 = Prompt for duplicatate login sheet页签信息 = Sheet Tab Info 直接下级 = Direct Subordinates 不显示 = No show 下属所有级别 = All levels of subordinates 存在未归档的考核表,无法切换【{0}】= You cannot switch {0} because there are unfilled appraisal forms 未找到审批人,请联系管理员检查 = The approval person is not found, please contact the administrator! HRIS系统邮件 = HRIS system email 合同到期通知书,生日查询,入职人员分析,异动情况分析,月度环比同比人数差异 = Notice of contract expiration,Birthday inqury 移动HR = Mobile 内部招聘,是否猎头,扫码投递,官网社招 = Internal recruitment,Is headhunter,Scan code delivery,Official web recruitment 正式员工 = Permanent staff *注意*销公出通过后不允许删除,请认真填写! = please fill in the form carefully! 天数 = Days 公出单中的信息请认真填写,填写后点击保存! = please fill in the form carefully! 加班单中的信息请认真填写,填写后点击保存! = please fill in the form carefully! 年假,倒休,事假 = Annual leave,Rest ,Leave *注意*销假通过后不允许删除,请认真填写! = please fill in the form carefully! 家庭成员及社会关系子集,奖惩子集,工作经历子集 = Family&Social relationship {0}表单未填写 = Form {0} is not filled in! 显示人员扩展表没有数据的记录 = Show records without data 查询条件设置 = Query condition settings 添加分组 = Add group 以下为示例数据:点击项目标题区域表示选中 = Sample data: Click the item title area to select 查询结果显示列设置 = Query result display column settings 已选中项目: = Selected : 选中 = Selected 不设置.. = Default 类型:= Type : 折线 = Broken line 直线 = Polyline {0} 必须指定至少一个固定审批人! = {0} specify at least one fixed approver! {0} 必须指定至少一个参与者! = {0} specify at least one fixed participant! 列名 = Column 字段类型 = Field Type 请选择打开表单模板 = Form template 请重新点击菜单加载选择模板 = Please reload! 周期未配置或者周期被禁用,请维护周期数据 = Cycle not set or disenable,please maintain! 列表保存 = List save 生成汇总行 = Total row 请选择一行记录! = Please select data! 应用程序产生不可预测的错误,请联系管理员(或者稍后重试)。= Please try again! 您没有权限操作此数据 = No permission! 表单未初始化,不允许导出 = The form is not initialized and cannot be exported! 表单未初始化,不允许打印 = The form is not initialized,Printing is not allowed! 新增数据未保存,不允许打印 = Data not saved, not allowed to print! 当前数据已上报,不可导入更改! = Data has been reported and connot be modified! 导入完成! = Import successfully! 正在打印,请稍候... = Please wait... 表单未初始化,不允许提取 = The form is not initialized and cannot be extracted! 表单未初始化,不允许操作 = The form is not initialized and cannot be operated! 职工ID = Staff ID 请输入指标名称 = norm name 请输入干部姓名 = Cadre 干部姓名 = Cadre 删除分组 = Delete 请检查表权限 = Please check the table rights! 找不到该查询方案 = The scheme was not found! 数据可能已被删除,请重试 = Data may be deleted,please try again 查询列为空 = The Query column is empty! 请至少设置一个条件 = Please set condition 保存失败,该数据可能已被删除 = Save failed 您没有高级查询表的编辑权限 = You don't have right 是否确认关闭页面 = Confirm whether to close the page 请选择自定义审批人!= Please select custom approver! 请选择自定义审批人 = Please select custom approver 禁止同时处理 = Forbin 请通过复选框选择有效和有操作权限的操作节点! = Please select a valid or anthorized node through the check box! 开始任务已流转到新建活动,需要您处理! = The start task has been transferred to the new activity and needs to be handled by you! 开始任务已流转到自由审批人,需要您处理!= The start task has been transferred to the new activity and needs to be handled by you! 确认删除该记录吗 = Comfirm deleting the record? 人员岗位部门变动 = Staff dept change {0}从未知值变更为{1} = {0} changed from unknown to {1} {0}从{1}变更为{2} = {0} changed from {1} to {2} 职务层级名称 = Job level 操作成功,请到系统配置进行表授权! = Successfully! Please go to system configuration for table authorization! 操作成功,请到角色管理授权相应菜单,表和虚拟组织权限! = Successfully! Please go to role management authorize the corresponding menu,table and virtual organization rights! 未找到业务数据! = No data! 请在左边 + 添加 = Please click (+) on the left to add 自动排班开始 = Auto shift starts 计算加班开始 = Calc overtime starts 计算正常班开始 = Calc shift starts 请至少选择一个项目! = Please select at least one item! 在线申报 = Online Declaration 设置代理 = Set Proxy 带薪假期 = Paid Leave 安排申报人 = Arranger 评审结果 = Review result 分派主评专家 = Arrange Experts 材料审核 = Material Audit 评审跟踪 = Review tracking 我的绩效 = Performance 新闻通知 = News 团队绩效 = Team Performance 团队业绩汇总 =Team Performance Summary 我的业绩汇总 = Performance summary 我的培训 = Training 我评估的 = I assessed 人才推荐 = Talent Referral 自荐 = Self-referral 辅导培养 = coaching & training 任职培养 = Job training 任务培养 = Task training 我的招聘 = My recruitment 我的排班 = My Schedule 保存失败,{0} = Failed, {0} 转为表格 = Table 清除筛选 = Clear BI业务模型同步 = BI sysc 同步失败!请配置MySql数据库连接! = Sysc failed! please configure MySql database connection! 同步失败!获取人员ID出错! = Sysc failed! Error in get staff ID! 栏目类别 = Column Category 结果 = Result 个人卡片信息 = Personnel card info 新闻通知(规章制度) =News & Rules 考勤签到 = Attendence *最多选项 = *Most options ,最多选项 = ,*Most options *最少选项 = *Minimum options 调查项:{0}为必填项,请进行答题后再保存! = The survey item {0} is requried.please answer the question first and then save it! 调查项:{0},选项数不在设置范围内! = The survey item {0},not in range of setting! 调查项:{0},选项数小于最少选项数! = The survey item {0},the number of options is less than the miniunum number of options! 调查项:{0},选项数大于最多选项数! = The survey item {0},the number of options is greater than the miniunum number of options! 调查项:{0}当前字段长度{1},字数不在设置范围内! = The survey item {0},the current field length {1} words is not in the set range! 调查项:{0}当前字段长度{1},字数小于最少字数! = The survey item {0},the current field length {1} words is less than the miniunum number of words! 调查项:{0}当前字段长度{1},字数大于最多字数! = The survey item {0},the current field length {1} words is greater than the miniunum number of words! 未设置穿透 = No setting 我的工作 / 我的申请 = Work / Application 职称申报 / 打分 = Title / Grade 职称申报 / 划档 = Title / File 职称申报 / 分派主评专家 = Title / Assign 职称申报 / 材料审核 = Title / Review 导入校验规则 = Import validation rules 问卷模板未绑定 = Template not bound 问卷模板未绑定短信模板 = Template is not bound to SMS template 销假天数数不能为0 = Days off cannot be 0 您确定要撤回所选择的流程吗? = Withdraw the seleted process? 您确定要删除所选择的数据吗? = Delete the data? 您确定要提交该流程? = Submit the process? 请输入催办原因: = Please input the reason for urging 只能添加一条数据!= You can only add one piece of data! 请假范围内未排班 = There are no shifts scheduled within the scope of the leave 请假区间无效! = The leave interval is invalid! 该员工没有此假别权限 = The staff is not authorized to take this leave 日结果已确认,不能再请假 = The result of day has been confirmed and cannot ask for leave again 请选择请假类别 = Please select leave category 请假天数需要大于0! = The number of leave days must be greater than 0! 本年分配假期天数: = Number of holiday days allocated(this year): 本年调整假期天数: = Number of holiday days adjusted(this year): 本年剩余假期天数: = Number of holiday days remaining(this year): 去年剩余假期天数: = Number of holiday days remaining(last year): 本年已休假期天数: = Number of holiday days token(this year): 组合假和特殊假请设置归属地信息! = please set the home address information! 包含非法字符! = Contains illegal characters! #ZP_BackgroundCheckSet.html 背景调查选项: = Background Check item: 已是最后一项! = This is the last one! 已配置项目不能为空! = The configured item cannot be empty! 请选中已配置项目! = Please select the configured item! 已是第一项 = This is the first one 请选择字段! = Please select a field! 选中同行排列选项须选中已配置项目!= Select the row arrangement option to select the configured item! #ZPXZPD_Setting.html 薪资评定选项 = Salary evaluation item 请选择已配置字段数据 = Please select the the configured filed! 请选择已配置字段数据!= Please select the the configured filed! 网上招聘简历 = Resume of online recruitment 招聘职位表 = Job list 员工完成自评,请进行考核评分!= Employees complete the self-assessment and conduct assessment and scoring! 指标审批通过,可以开始自评 = The index has been approved, and self-evaluation can be started 绩效指标填写催办提醒 = Index filling reminder 绩效指标填写提醒 = Index filling reminder 绩效评价提醒 = Evaluation reminder 绩效自评提醒(部门) = Performance self assessment reminder(Dept) 考核表归档通知 = Assessment form filing notice 绩效自评提醒(员工) = Performance self assessment reminder(Staff) 查看课时安排 = View Arrangement 存在已选板块未被加入到板块布局中,确定要保存吗? = The selected plates have not been added to the plate layout. Comfirm saving it? 说明:在逻辑表达式中,[+]表示并且,[,]表示或者,[|]表示相反条件,同时支持()运算 = Note:[+] represents and, [,] represents or, [|] represents opposite, and () represents supported. 采用该方案 = Adopt the scheme 注:薪资审批报表参数名要以薪资发放表的字段名一致,才能免输入打开报表数据 = Note:To avoid entering open report data, the salary approval report parameter name must be the same as the field name of the salary release form 确认要删除[{0}]方案吗? = Comfirm deleting the scheme [{0}]? 请输入复制后方案名称 = Please enter the Schema name after the copy 确认要重命名[{0}]方案吗? = Comfirm renaming the scheme [{0}]? 字体大小必须在9-36之间 = The font size must be between 9 and 36 请输入活动名称进行快速查询 = Activity name 活动名称 = Activity name 活动 = Activity 未配置业务表单 = Business form not configured 当前类别已删除! = The current category has been deleted 找不到对应的信息 = No corresponding information was found 是否要进行操作? = Do you want to operate? 请先选择阶段 ! = Please select the stage first! 包含审批中或者审批完成的数据,请勿重新提交!= Please do not submit the data that are being approved or completed! 请选择一行记录!= Please select data! 您确定要提交该流程? = Submit the data? 提交审核成功!= Submit successfully! 请选择一条阶段数据! = Please select data! 只允许进行中的活动进行操作!= Only activities in progress are allowed to operate! 该模板状态禁用,不允许操作数据!= Disabled state, operation not allowed! 新增干部选拔信息 = Add 查看干部选拔信息详情 = View 编辑干部选拔信息 = Edit 所有活动 = All Activity 只允许状态为草稿的设置启用!= Only settings with draft status are allowed to be enabled! 发布时间起 = Date from 止 = To 公布猎头 = 撤销公布猎头 = 导入职位 = Import job info #StageClass.html 分类体系 = Classfication system 选拔阶段 = Selection stage 找不到对应发布的菜单! = Unable to find the corresponding published menu! 存在对应活动数据,不允许取消! = There is corresponding activity data, cannot cancel! 已发布状态才允许取消! = It can only be cancelled if it has been published! 找不到干部选拔菜单节点!= Unable to find the cadre selection menu node! 发布后不允许删除修改,是否继续? = Modification is not allowed after publishing.continue? 不允许重复发布!= Duplicate publishing is not allowed! 已发布状态不允许修改 = Modification not allowed in published stage 初始化选拔阶段树异常 = Initialization phase tree exception 已发布数据不允许删除修改!= Published data cannot be deleted or modified! 选拔类别 = Selection category 选拔类型 = Selection type 1级节点无法修改成2级节点!= Level 1 node cannot modify Level 2 node! 没有选择数据,无法添加类型!= No data selected, unable to add type! 不允许名称重复!= Duplicate name is not allowed! 免职阶段 = Removal stage 不允许删除包含下级节点的数据!= It is not allowed to delete the data containing lower level nodes! 获取备案设置信息失败!= Failed to get the record setting information! 对不起,您不属于干部备案职务组角色人员 = Sorry! You don't belong to the role personnel of cadre record duty group! 对不起,获取角色人员信息失败 = Sorry, failed to get role information! 对不起,获取角色信息失败 = Sorry, failed to get role information! 您无权查看此部门层级的备案信息!= You have no right to view the filing information of this department level! 请选中关联业务表节点 = Please select the associated business table node 请初始化表单 = Please initialize the form 请选择要上报的数据!= Please select the data to report! 搜索日期不能为空!= Search date cannot be empty! 开始日期不能大于结束日期!= Start date cannot be greater than end date! 插入1行 = Insert 1 row 插入5行 = Insert 5 rows 删除行 = Delete row 您确定要删除该行数据? = Confirm deleting this row? 请先设置或启用[{0}]模板 = Please set or enable [{0}] template first! 考核类别 = Assessment category 考核方案名称 = Appraisal scheme 新增考核类别 = Add 请输入考核类别名称!= Please enter the assessment category 请选择考核类别 = Please select assessment category 禁止编辑已发布的考核类别!= It is forbidden to edit the published assessment category! 编辑考核类别 = Edit 禁止删除已发布的考核类别!= It is forbidden to delete the published assessment category! 禁止删除,请先删除此考核类别下的考核方案 = Please delete the appraisal scheme under the appraisal category first! 确认删除所选的考核类别?= Confirm to delete the selected assessment category! 考核类别已发布!= Assessment category has been published! 确认发布所选的考核类别?= Confirm to publish the selected assessment category! 该考核方案正在考核中,无法取消发布!= The appraisal scheme is being appraised and cannot be unpublished! 该考核方案未发布,无需取消!= The appraisal scheme has not been published, so it cannot be unpublished! 是否取消发布此考核方案?= Confirm to cancel publishing this assessment scheme! 结束日期不能早于开始日期 = Start date cannot be greater than end date! 考核方案已启动,禁止编辑!= The appraisal scheme has been started. Editing is forbidden 考核方案已结束,禁止编辑!= The appraisal scheme has ended. Editing is forbidden 考核方案已启动,禁止删除!= The appraisal scheme has been started. Deleting is forbidden 考核方案已结束,禁止删除!= The appraisal scheme has ended. Deleting is forbidden 考核方案已启动!= Assessment scheme started! 考核方案已结束!= Assessment scheme is over! 启动成功 = Start successfully 已存在状态为进行中的考核方案!= An appraisal scheme in progress already exists 考核方案未启动,无需结束!= Assessment scheme not started, no need to end! 结束考核方案前,请确认此考核报表是否已汇报完毕?= Before ending the appraisal scheme, please confirm whether the appraisal report has been reported? 结束成功 = End successfully 请先选择考核类别 = Please select assessment category 抽查人员姓名 = Name of inspector 未比对 = No comparison 已报未返回 = Reported but not returned 已报未比对 = Reported but not compared 已比对 = Compared 如实报告或基本一致 = Truthful report or basically consistent 漏报或填报不规范 = Missing report or irregular filling 不如实报告或隐瞒不报 = Report falsely or conceal 调整完成 = Adjustment completed 请选择要提交审批的数据!= Please select data! 确认提交所选数据? = Confirm submission of selected data? 生成汇总数据 = Generate summary data 生成待上报信息 = Generate information to be reported 填报人员姓名 = Filling personnel 上报人员姓名 = Reporting personnel 选择上报年份 = Reporting year 登记者姓名 = Registrant 登记 = Register 登记备案者姓名 = Reporter for the record 已存在该年度的备案信息 = The filing information of the year already exists 批量登记 = Batch registration 新增备案 = Add 登记人列表 = List of registrants 干部过滤 = Cadre filtering 选择干部[多选] = Selecting cadres 请选择登记人信息 = Select registrant information 数据还未保存,是否继续关闭? = The data has not been saved. Do you want to continue? 出国境者姓名 = Name of the person leaving the country 因私出国境申请 = Application for going abroad in private 联系管理员,设置申请表单模板 = Contact the administrator to set up the form 绑定业务模板 = Binding business template 打印设置 = Print settings 并以";"或者","或者换行分隔。如果搜索的项超过20个,那么将进行精确查询。= and separate by or ';' or ',' or line break。If more than 20 items are searched, an exact query will be made. 最近访问的职位 = Recently visited positions 全部职位 = All positions 所有人请假统计饼图 = All asking for leave statistical pie chart 性别结构分析 = Analysis of gender structure 日志占用空间 = Log space 信息日志 = Info 错误日志 = Error 跟踪日志 = Trace SQL日志 = SQL SQL错误日志 = SQLError 性能日志 = Performance 报表日志 = Report 其他日志 = Other 全量接口查询条件 = Full interface query criteria 部门信息字段配置 = Department info field configuration 岗位信息字段配置 = Post info field configuration 人员信息字段配置 = Staff info field configuration 选择时间区间 = Select time interval 是否开启新版接口报文:= Whether to open the new version message interface: 配置标准为查询条件的sql语句,条件需以“AND”开头,如:AND DEPT_ID = 1 AND B01DELETED = 0 = Configure the SQL with the standard as the query condition, and the condition should start with "and", such as :AND DEPT_ID = 1 AND B01DELETED = 0 修改后将会影响到返回报文的格式,确认修改?= The format of returned message will be affected after modification. Are you sure to modify? 调试 = Debugger 令牌申请 = Token request 配置说明 = Configuration description 调试示例 = Debugging examples 参数有误!= Wrong parameter! 请选择需要调试的数据!= Please select the data to debug! 请求地址: = Request address: 请求报文(Json格式): = Request message: 返回报文(Json格式): = Return message: APPID(自定义字符串): = APPID(Custom string) 插入数据库 = insert database 备注(该条数据的作用): = Remarks (function of this data): 有效时间:= Effective time: 插入成功 = Insert successfully 导出任免表 = Export 推荐审批 = Recommendation & approval 后备人员姓名 = Backup personnel 请选择要导出的记录!= Please select the data to export! 未推荐 = Not recommended 推荐审批中 = Recommended 推荐通过 = Recommendation successful 推荐失败 = Recommendation failed 干部基本信息预览 = Info Preview 干部基本信息 = Basic info 干部编制 = Cadre establishment 基础信息 = Basic info 个人履历 = Personal resume 家庭情况 = family info 正在加载干部基本信息,请稍候!= please wait... 请选择后备干部表字段 = Please select the reserve cadre table field 保存失败,请检查是否选中后备干部表或者人员表 = Save failed 存在通告范围为空的数据! = There is data with empty notification range! 阶段编码 = Stage code 关联业务表名 = TableName 关联业务模板 = Template 创建时间 = Create time 是否要进行删除? = Comfirm deleting? 退出人员姓名 = Name of exit person 休息日按天计算 = Rest days are calculated on daily basis #LookupGrid.js 个 = indivual 撤回审批到已确认状态,点击取消撤回到未确认 = Withdraw the approval to the confimed state,click Cancel to withdraw to the unconfirmed #GZ/XZSJ/ProjModel.js 确认要重命名[{0}]吗? = Are you sure you want to rename [{0}]? 确认要复制[{0}]吗? = Are you sure you want to copy [{0}]? 确认要删除[{0}]吗? = Are you sure you want to delete [{0}]? 年月公式内容不能为空! = The year and month formula content cannot be empty! 操作成功,请授权此班次类别! = The operation is successful,please authorize this shift category! 确认要删除数据吗? = Are you sure you want to delete data? 已经到顶啦 = Already at the top 已经到底啦 = It's the end 允许空值 = Allow null values #GZ/JXJJ/SECONDALLOCATION.html 成本部门 = Cost department 人力部门 = Human Resources 上报跟踪 = Report tracking 人员明细 =Personnel details 人员汇总 = Staff summary 奖金汇总 = Bonus summary 该部门奖金额度未下发,不能新增 = 已超过该部门本月奖金额度,不能新增 = 当前年月人员数据已存在,请核查 = 未上报 = Not reported 上报中 = Reporting 已上报 = Reported 本月奖金金额为:{0}元,已报{1}元,未报{2}元; 状态: = This month's bonus amount is {0}yuan,{1}yuan has been reported,{2}yuan has not been reported;status: 本月奖金金额已下发,已报{0}元; 状态: = The bonus amonut of this month has been issued,and {0}yuan has been reported;status: 当前上报数据年月[{0}]部门[{1}],是否确认上报? = The current reporting data[{0}]Department[{1}],are you sure to report? 当前上报数据年月[{0}]部门[{1}],是否确认取消上报? = The current reporting data[{0}]Department[{1}],are you sure to cancel the report? 取消上报成功 = Cancel escalation successfully 上报成功! = Successfully reported! 数据上报成功 = Data Successfully reported #GZ/JXJJ/SECONDALLOCATION.html 当前部门奖金额度未下发,不能新增! = The current department bonus amount has not been delegated and cannot be added! 当前部门奖金额度未下发,不能导入! = The current department bonus amount has not been delegated and cannot be imported! 当前部门奖金额度未下发,不能上报! = The current department bonus amount has not been delegated and cannot be reported! 当前部门奖金额度未下发,不能取消上报! = The current department bonus amount has not been delegated,and the report cannot be cancelled! 当前部门奖金额度未下发,不能确认! = The current department bonus amount has not been delegated and cannot be confirmed! 当前部门奖金额度未下发,不能取消确认! = The current department bonus amount has not been delegated,and the confirmation cannot be cancelled! 不能删除固定项目!变动情况删除失败!或者该项目在公式中被引用 = Cannot delete fixed items! Failed to delete cahnges! Or the item is referenced in the formula #GZ/JXJJ/GzJX_BatchLeadin.html 请选择引入月份次数 : = Plese select the number of months of introduction: 类型 : = type: #GZ/JXJJ/FIRSTALLOCATIONTwo.html 当前下发数据年月[{0}]部门[{1}],是否确认下发? = The current year and month [{0}] department[{1}] of the current data issued,are you sure to issue it? 当前取消下发数据年月[{0}]部门[{1}],是否确认取消下发? = The current year and month[{0}]department[{1}] of the current data is canceled,are you sure to cancel the data? 当前部门奖金额度未下发,不能提交审批! = The current department bonus amount has not been delegated and cannot be submitted for approval! 已发金额不能大于本月奖金额度! = The paid amount cannot be greater than the bonus amount of this month! 请过滤已下发人员! = Plese filter the issued personnel! 当前数据包含未审批通过的数据,不能下发! = The current data contains data that has not been approved and canot be distributed! 相同部门的数据,不能同事下发! = The data of the same department cannot be distributed by colleagues! 下发取消成功 = Successfully canceled 人员范围 = Personnel scope 对比项关系: = Comparison item relationship 是否发送邮件 = Whether to send mail 数据发生变更,请先保存! = The data has changed,please save it first! 不能删除固定项目!是否参与计算删除失败!或者该项目在公式中被引用 = Cannot delete fixed items! Whether to participate in the calculation and delete failed! Or the item is referenced in the formula 不能删除固定项目!人员类别删除失败!或者该项目在公式中被引用 = Cannot delete fixed items! Failed to delete personnel category! Or the item is referenced in the formula #ZP/CSSZ/AddResumeByCode.html 投递简历 = Deliver resume 投递简历(校招) = Deliver resume(school recruitment) 投递人才库 = Deliver talent pool 投递后允许修改简历 = Resume can be modified after posting 点击修改图片 = Click to modify the picture 最后一步 = Last step 第一步 = First Step 职位显示内容 = Position display content 职位查询条件 = Position query criteria 同时投递的职位数量 = Number of Posts delivered at the same time 职位详细显示字段配置 = Position detailed display field configuration 简历投递是否选择行程 = Whether to select the itinerary for resume delivery 请输入可同时投递的职位数量(个) = Please enter the number of positions that can be delivered at the same time(Number) #BX/BXYW/BX_InsuranceLedger.html 五险一金 = Five insurances and one fund 集团缴费 = Group payment 查询条件变更后请先保存再查询 = After the query conditions are changed, save them and query them again 是否提交 = Whether to commit 移动端主表关联字段 = Fields associated with the main table on the mobile terminal 集团缴费 = Group payment #RY/IncreaseBusiness/NewStaffEntry.html 请填写完整的信息! = Please fill in the complete information ! 请填写部门信息! = Please fill in the Department Information ! #PX/PlanManager/TrainPlan.html 计划所处阶段 = Stage of the plan 承办部门 = Undertaking department #ZP/ZPYW/ZP_Candidate.html 所有应聘者人 = All Candidates 人才标签 = Talent Label 查询方案 = Query Scheme 简历评分 = Resume Score 发起入职 = Initiate Induction 发起转待入职 = Initiate Induction 批量安排面试 = Batch Interview 在线考试 = Online Examination # ZP_Candidate.js 最近1天 = Last 1 Day 最近7天 = Last 7 Day 最近一个月 = Last Month 最近三个月 = Last Three Months 最近半年 = Last Half Year 招聘中 = In Recruitment 已暂停 = Paused 非实际职位无效,请重新选择 = Invalid Non Actual Position,Please re select 非实际职位无效,返回前选中设置值 = Invalid Non Actual Position,Select the setting value before returning #GB/GRSX/SuiJiChouCha.html 抽查结果 = Spot Check Results #GanBuKaoHe.js 对不起,您不属于干部考核汇报组角色人员 = Sorry,you are not a member of the cadre assessment report team 对不起,获取角色人员信息失败 = Sorry,failed to get role personnel information 对不起,获取角色信息失败 = Sorry,failed to get role information 正在打印,请稍候... = Printing,Please wait... 上级审核时未填写审核意见 = The superior did not fill in the review opinions during the review 对不起,系统暂未设置干部考核角色信息 = Sorry,the sysytem has not set the cadreassessment role information yet 还未设置考核方案,请联系管理员 = The appraisal scheme has nor been set,please contact the administrator 该部门尚未填写汇报表 = The department has not yet filled in the report form 您无权查看此部门层级的考核汇报 = You do not have permission to view the appraisal report of this department level 上报失败! = Failed to report! 请先确认数据是否准确,是否继续上报? = Please confirm whether the data is accurate and continue to report and continue to report? 请先填写并保存数据! = Please fill in and save the data first! 请先选择相关数据再上报! = Please select relevant data before reporting! 未初始化表单 = Form not initialized 保存报错,请查看日志 = Save error,please check log 您确定要删除该行数据? = Are you surre want to delete this row of data? 对不起,菜单路径设置有误,不包含考核类别ID信息! = Sorry,the menu path is set incorrectly and doses not contain the appraisal category ID information! #GB/GBKH/GanBuKaoHe.html 审批层级: = Approval Level: 汇报层级: = Rporting Level: 黑色:未填写 = Black:Not filled in 蓝色:未提交 = Blue:Not submitted 紫色:审批中 = Purple:Under approval 绿色:通过 = Green:Adopt 红色:退回 = Red:Return 填报状态: = Filling Status: 填报人: = Filling Personnel: 填报日期: = Filling Date: 上报日期: = Reporting Date 默认方案 = The default scenario 以入职状态为条件的查询方案 = Query scheme with induction status as condition #ZP/ZPYW/AddPosition.html 从 = From 至 = To # AddPosition.js 从 = From 至 = To #ZP/ZPYW/QueryProgramEdit.html 可选字段 = Optional fields 已选字段 = Selected fields 值 = Value 等值关联 = Equal 左 关 联 = Left Join # QueryProgramEdit.js 可选字段 = Optional fields 已选字段 = Selected fields #ZHCX/STAT/StatAnalysis.html 原始数据 = Raw Data 统计数据 = Statistics Data 图形分析 = Graphic Analysis 数据集 = Data Set 创建一个图例分析模型 = Create a legend analysis model 创建图例模型 = Create Legend Model 已选中项目: = Selected Items: 查询条件设置 = Query criteria settings 分页打印 = Printing Page By Page 落款设置 = Signature Setting Excel导出 = Excel Export 选择表 = Select Table 暂无统计数据 = There are no statistics for the time being 请选择图例 = Please select a legend #StatAnalysis.js 请选择方案.. = Please Select A Scheme.. 显示关联表没有数据的记录 = show records with no data in the associated table 查询 = Query 重置 = Reset 表关联 = Table Association 关闭 = Close 请选择.. = Please Select 分组 = Grouping 获取不到表信息,可能您没有表权限 = Unable to get table information,you may not have table permissions 您没有任何模块权限 = You do not have any module permissions 查询列为空 = Quer column is empty 请至少设置一个条件 = Please set at least one condition 保存成功 = Saved Successfully 保存失败 = Save Failed 保存失败,该数据可能已被删除 = Save Failed.The data may have been deleted 您没有高级查询表的编辑权限 = You do not have edit permission for the advanced query table 请选择一条数据! = Please select a piece of data 新建数据集 = New DataSet 创建一个新的数据集 = Create a new dataset 并且 = And 或者 = Or 添加数据集 = Add DataSet 请先设置查询字段 = Please set the query field first 新建统计图例 = The new statistical illustrations 编辑统计图例 = Edit statistical illustrations 新增图例成功 = Description Added legend succeeded 请选择要编辑的图例 = Please select the legend to edit 参数错误,统计方案ID不能为空 = Parameter error, statistical scheme ID cannot be empty 确定删除当前选中数据集? = Are you sure to delete the currently selected dataset? 删除数据集成功! = Dataset deleted successfully! 删除数据集失败! = Failed to delete dataset! 确认要删除该图例吗? = Are you sure you want to delete this legend? 请先加载原始数据 = Please load raw data first 请先保存数据集 = Please save the data set first 请选择要编辑的方案 = Please select the scheme to edit 请先加载统计数据 = Please load statistics first 请选择统计方案 = Select a statistical scheme 请选择要导出的统计方案 = Select a statistical scheme to export 请选择要查看的图例 = Select a statistical scheme to export 请选择要删除的图例 = Please select the legend to delete #weekreport.js 上周完成率 = Completion #RY/BasicSet/InfoSummary.html 兼职信息 = Part Time Info 公司盖章 = Company seal 项目盖章 = Project seal 基本摘要 = Basic Summary 兼任信息表 = Concurrent Information Sheet (为了更好的显示效果,展示项目不超过6个) = (For the better display effect,no more than 6 items) #Attachment.js 拍照 = Photograph 最多允许上传 = Upload allowed at most 个文件。 = file(s). 是否记分 = Whether the scores 】不能为空 = ] cannot be empty 允许上传的附件个数最多不能超过 1 个! = Can upload not more than 1 file! #RY\IncreaseBusiness\LiangTianGaoPaiYi4.html 原始尺寸 = original size 卡片 = card 初始化 = Initialization 反初始化 = Deinitialization 设备1 = Equipment 1 设备2 = Equipment 2 设置尺寸: = Set Size: 打开主视频 = Open Main Video 关闭主视频 = Close Main Video 主头拍照 = Main head photograph 获取二代证图像 = Get the avatar of the second generation ID card 打开副视频 = Open secondary video 关闭副食品 = Close secondary video 副头拍照 = Vice head photograph 纠偏裁边 = Deviation correction 左转 = Turn Left 右转 = Turn Right 属性设置 = Property Setting 保存选中图片 = Save the selected picture #LiangTianGaoPaiYi2.js 没有检测到保存数据,请先点击保存选中图片按钮! = No saved data is detected,please click the save selected picture button first! #RYAutoCalculate.js 确认直接直接计算吗? = Confirm direct calculation? #NewCardMain.js 不在搜索范围内 = Out of search #NewCardInput.js 温馨提示:补卡单中的信息请认真填写,填写后点击保存! = Wram tip:Please fill in the information in the card supplement form carefully and click save after filling in! #NewOverMulInput.js 温馨提示:加班单中的信息请认真填写,填写后点击保存! = Wram tip:Please fill in the information in the overtime form carefully and click save after filling in! #NewOutMulInput.js 温馨提示:公出单中的信息请认真填写,填写后点击保存! = Wram tip:Please fill in the information in the public delivery form carefully and click save after filling in! #HTView.js 合同结束日期: = Contract end date: 劳动合同 = Labor Contract #StatProjectEdit.js 可选统计字段 = Optional statistical fields 列统计维度 = Column statistics dimension 行统计维度 = Line statistical dimension 行维度存在相同的字段 = Line dimension is the same field 分组方式 = Grouping 显示层级 = According to the hierarchy 分段设置 = Block set 显示设置 = Display Settings 方案名不能为空 = The scheme name cannot be empty 方案名过长,最多不能超过80个字符 = The scheme name is too long and contains a maximum of 80 characters 请点击下一步 = Please click next 请配置统计项目 = Configure statistics items 行维度和列维度项目至少要配置一个 = At least one row dimension and column dimension project must be configured 请配置行维度项目 = Configure the row dimension item #StatProjectEdit.html 新建统计方案 = Creating a statistical scheme 编辑统计方案 = Edit statistical scheme 设置统计条件 = Setting statistical Conditions 显示标题 = Show the title 标题模板 = The title template 可配置标题模板字段: = Configurable title template field: 显示合计 = According to total 行合计 = Line together 列合计 = The combined column 列表标题 = A list of headlines 背景色 = The background color 列表内容 = List the content 列表行高 = List line height 有效证件类型 = Type of valid certificate 请选择要删除的方案 = Please select the scheme to delete 确认要删除该方案吗? = Are you sure you want to delete the scheme? 新增方案成功! = Added solution succeeded! #BX_InsurTypeManger.html 项目不是引入项目! = Projects are not introduction projects! #SpecialHolidaySetting.js 请选择已经禁用的数据! = Please select disable data! #KQ/RULE/ShiftType.html 顺序: = Order: #KQ/RULE/RestSetDetailInput.html 是否节假日: = Holiday or not: 星期: = Week: 类别: = Category: 开始时间: = Start Time: 结束时间: = End Time: #NewTypeMain.js 请选择一级节点 = Please select a primary node 一级节点不能删除 = Primary node cannot be deleted #GzJX_BatchLeadin.js 无已下发月份 = No month has been issued #KQ/RULE/MonthResultDetail.html 按范围 = By range #KQ/RULE/KQTypeColorSetting.html 公出颜色设置: = Public color settings: 请假颜色设置: = Leave color settings: 正常: = Normal: 异常: = Exception: #KQTypeColorSetting.js 病假 = Sick 探亲假 = Family leave 婚假 = Marriage leave 产假 = Maternity leave 丧假(直系亲属) = Bereavement leave (immediate family members) 丧假(旁系亲属) = Bereavement leave (next-family) 陪产假 = Paternity leave 倒休 = Turn off 事假 = Leave 护理假 = Nursing leave 短途公出 = Short-haul out 外勤 = field personal #KQ/RULE/KQInfoSearch.html 月结果 = Monthly results #Bx_BxInfoSet.js 创建成功,请填写险种对应的统计列,然后点击保存! = Click to create the corresponding insurance category,and then click to save it! #BX_InsuranceProj.js 新增成功,请先分配好保险方案权限! = Successfully added,please assign insurance scheme permission first! #BX_IOInsurance,js 确定参加险种: = Determine the type of insurance to participate in: 五险一金 = Five Insurances And One Fund #TrainPlan.js 未通过的数据不能新建培训班! = Failed data cannot be used to create a new training coutse! 温馨提示:*注意*哺乳假信息请认真填写!= Tips:please fill in the form carefully! #ESS_UserProfile/MyTodo.html 协办 = Assist in hangdling #AddQuestionnaire.html 是否记名 = Whether or not registered #QATemplate_Index.js 请选择调查项分类名称 = Please select a survey item category name 放入成功! = In the success! #ESS_UserProfile/WorkReport/Daily.html ,请赶快填写今天日报吧! = ,Please fill in today's daily report quickly! 总工时: = Total Hours Worked: #template.js 确认要删除[{0}]吗? = Are you surre you want to delete [{0}]? #kendo.all.js 哺乳假单 = Breast Feeding False Bill 请输入类别名称 = Please enter the category name 请输入客户名称 = Please enter customer name 新增月报模版 = Add monthly report template 修改月报模版 = Modify monthly report template 招聘职位表字段设置 = Recruitment Job List Field Settings 添加协办人 = Add Co Sponor #StatShowEdit.js 依赖上级 = Relying on the superior 需要小计 = Need to subtotal 需要显示列标题 = Need to display the column headings 隐藏数据为0的列 = The columns of the hidden data is 0 重复值仅计数一次 = Duplicate values count only once 隐藏值(不勾选配置显示值) = Hidden value (do not check the configuration display value) *多个值之间用换行隔开 = *With a line between multiple values 计数 = Count #JxDeptTempPrj.js 您没有该方案权限,不能操作! = You don't have permissions, the scheme can't operation! 请先保存基本信息! = Please save the basic information first! 评分流程模板 = WF_TMP 超出得分上限 = SCORE LIMIT EXCEEDED #StatChartEdit.html 图例名称 = The name of the legend 图例项(系列) = Legend (series) 列统计项目 = Column statistics project 行统计项目 = Line statistics project 不设置 = Don't set 水平(分类)标签 = Level (classification) tag 显示配置 = According to the configuration 不设置(统计全部) = Don't set up statistics (all) 图例描述 = Legend describes 仅显示末级 = Show only the last stage #ZP\ZPYW\ImportResume.html 人才库 = Talent pool #fileUpload.js 可以直接将简历拖入此框 = You can drag your resume directly into this box 最多可上传{0}个文件,每个大小不超过{1} = Upload up to {0} file(s),each no larger than {1} #JX/PersonKh/JxPersonKhResult.html 重新评分 = RE SCORE 考核人等级评定 = Assessor Rating #JX/PersonKh/JxPersonPrj.html 实际值维护 = Maitain Actual Value #MyTodo.js 协办人: = Co sponor: #ORGZWTX.js 职务体系<<新增职务序列 = Job System << New Job Sequence TEST软件技术服务<<新增专业分类 = TEST SoftWare Technology Service << New Professional Classification 资深工程师<<新增职务名称 = Veteran Engineer << New Job Title 高级工程师(一级)<<新增职务名称 = Senior Engineer(Level 1) << New Job Title 高级工程师(二级)<<新增职务名称 = Senior Engineer(Level 2) << New Job Title 中级工程师(一级)<<新增职务名称 = Intermediate Engineer(Level 1) << New Job Title 中级工程师(二级)<<新增职务名称 = Intermediate Engineer(Level 2) << New Job Title 初级工程师<<新增职务名称 = Junior Engineer << New Job Title 10<<新增专业分类 = 10 << New Professional Classification 99<<新增专业分类 = 99 << New Professional Classification TEST软件技术<<新增职务名称 = TEST SoftWare Technology << New Job Title TEST软件技术服务--修改职务序列 = TEST SoftWare Technology Service -- Edit Job Sequence 资深工程师--修改专业分类 = Veteran Engineer -- Edit Professional Classification 高级工程师(一级)--修改专业分类 = Senior Engineer(Level 1) -- Edit Professional Classification 高级工程师(二级)--修改专业分类 = Senior Engineer(Level 2) -- Edit Professional Classification 中级工程师(一级)--修改专业分类 = Intermediate Engineer(Level 1) -- Edit Professional Classification 中级工程师(二级)--修改专业分类 = Intermediate Engineer(Level 2) -- Edit Professional Classification 初级工程师--修改专业分类 = Junior Engineer -- Edit Professional Classification 10--修改职务序列 = 10 -- Edit Job Sequence 99--修改职务序列 = 99 -- Edit Job Sequence TEST软件技术--修改专业分类 = TEST SoftWare Technology -- Edit Professional Classification #StatSectionEdit.html 部门层级 = Department level 不显示层级 = Not showing hierarchy 最小值 = The minimum value 最大值 = The maximum 分段数 = Number of segments 按年份 = According to the year 按季度 = A quarterly 按月份 = According to the month #StatSignSetting.html 显示名称 = Display name 固定值 = Fixed value 统计表结构 = Statistical table structure 行间距 = Line spacing 同栏项目间距 = Spacing of items in the same column 空格 = space 实时值 = Real value 查询字段值 = Query field value 统计字段值 = Statistical field value 按统计值分页显示 = Page display by statistical value 时间格式 = Time format 标题内容间隔 = Header content interval 表头 = Header 附注 = Note 表尾 = Footer #StatChartEdit.js 请先选择统计方案 = Select a statistical scheme first 图例名称不能为空 = The legend name cannot be empty #TrainNeed.js 编辑培训需求 = Editing training needs #AddClass.js 是否报名 = Whether to sign up 培训日期 = The training date 培训时间 = Training time 培训课程 = A training course 培训讲师 = Training lecturer 培训地点 = Training site 时间段重复,无法新增! = Time segment is repeated, cannot be added! 开始时间不能大于结束时间! = The start time cannot be later than the end time! 培训日期设置有误! = Training date set wrong! 培训时间不能为空! = Training time can not be empty! 培训时间设置有误! = Training time set wrong! 培训课程不能为空! = Training courses cannot be empty! 培训讲师不能为空! = Training instructor cannot be empty! 名称已存在,不能重复! = name already exists, cannot be repeated! #PostCourse.html 是否必修 = If required #JxPersonTempPrj.js 请选择方案! = Please select a plan! 您没有该方案【{0}】权限,不能操作! = You do not have the scheme [{0}] permission, can not operate! 该方案【{0}】已经作废,不能生成考核表! = This scheme [{0}] has been cancelled, can not generate test table! 请选择周期类型一样的方案! = Please select a solution with the same period type! 请选择单个方案进行操作! = Please select a single plan to operate! #JxPersonPrjAdjust.html 考核人指标列表 = List of assessor indicators 考核对象指标列表 = List of assessment object indicators #JxPersonPrjAdjust.js 考核对象{0}的考核人权重之和必须为100现权重之和为{1},请调整后再保存! = The sum of the assessment human rights of the assessment object {0} must be 100 now the sum of the weights is {1}, please adjust and save again! 考核对象【{0}】的考核人权重取值范围为0-100,请调整后再保存! = The value range of assessment human rights of the assessment object 【{0}】 is 0-100, please adjust it and save it! 考核对象【{0}】,考核关系【{1}】下的考核人权重之和必须为100,现权重之和为{2},请调整后再保存! = Assessment object 【{0}】, the sum of assessment human rights weights under assessment relationship 【{1}】 must be 100, the sum of current weights is {2}, please adjust before saving! 考核对象排序 = Ranking of assessment objects #SYS\FF\FFComm.js 培训部门 = Training Department #Home\AuditNews.js 合同到期提醒 = Contract expiration reminder 试用期到期提醒 = Probation expiration reminder #ORG/RLZZ/ORGMainPage.js 部门英文名称 = Department English name 分管领导 = Leader In Charge 成本中心 = CostCenter 技能矩阵线体 = LINE #ORG/ZWTX/ORGZWTX.js 岗位属性 = Position attribute 是否继承上级任职模板 = Inherit Superior Employment Template 职级高低 = Rank #ORG/VRORG/VirtualORGZWTX.js 一级父部门代码 = Primary Parent Department Code 繁体中文名称 = Traditional Chinese Name 其他语言名称 = Other Language Name #ORG/VRORG/VirtualORGCenter.js 虚拟组织名称 = Virtual Organization Name 虚拟组织编号 = Virtual Organization Number 编制人数 = Complement 开始 = START 新建活动 = New Activity 双击上传附件 = Double Click 双击查看 = Double Click 只有薪资/保险模块数据和批量提交审批才能查看明细!= Only Salary/Insurance Module and Batch Approval can view details! 所在部门 = Dept 制单人部门 = Dept 业务部门 = Dept 字段定位=Field Position 险种名称=Name Of Insurance 险种名称(英)=Name Of Insurance(EN) 险种名称不能为空!=Insurance Name Can Not Be Null! 发邀请=Send Invition 人才库状态=Talent Pool State 邀约=Invitation 调入专用人才库=Turn in Special Pool 简历信息表= Resume List For Recruitment-online 入职信息表=Recruitment Entry Template Info 人员信息表=Staff Basic Information View 人员表{0}已经设置了对应关系=Staff Basic {0} has set relations 简历表{0}已经设置了对应关系=Resume List {0} has set relations 其他模板=Other Template 需求模板=Demand Template 考试结果=Exam Results 查询条件区:=Query Area: 本月与上月=This month and Last month 历史月份=History Month 执行方案=Execution Plan 执行对比=Executioni Contrast 新增方案配置=Add Plan 修改方案配置=Edit Plan 删除方案配置=Delete Plan 减少人员=Reduce Staff 差异人员=Difference Staff 无差异人员=No Difference Staff 多人标签维护=Personal Mark Setting 节点名称=Node Name 标签名称=Mark Name 已选择的标签=Selected Marks 共有标签(白色为私人标签,绿色为公共标签)=Shared Marks(White is Private Mark,Green is Public Marks) 其他标签=Other Marks 请选择标签=Please Select Mark 类型为标签的节点无法创建子节点!=The node of type is "Mark" cannot create child! 请输入标签名称...=Please Enter Mark Name... 账户=Account 小计=Subtotal 推荐并转出= Recommend And Transfer out 招聘流程 = Recruitment Process 招聘阶段 = Recruitment Phase 请选择招聘类别=Please select Recruitment Category 模板名称:=ModelName: 模板英文名称:=ModelENName: 应聘者:= Candidate: 设置评价表=Evaluation Table Setting 阶段: = Stage: 设置结果=Setting Result 保存设置=Save Setting 契约锁电子签章=Deed lock electronic signature 电子签章发起=Electronic signature initiation 合同作废=Void of contract 电子签章撤回=Electronic signature signatures 下载合同=Download the contract 电子签章审批=Electronic signature approval 标签排序=Sort Mark 设置标签=Mark Setting